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:banghead: ok so this is where im gonna start... was reading a persons personal ideas for 2011 storylines... and in this he talked about rey mysterio losing his mask to del rio... then went on to say this would be ok since he already lost it to Juventud Guerrero... now is it just me or is this guy full of shit??? Now im 26 and have been watching wrestling since Wrestlemania 4 when i was 4... and sorry but Rey did not lose his mask to Juventud.. he did in fact however lose his mask in a tag match with konan against The Outsiders....

Now this isnt the only mistake ive seen, but its the most recent and it has come to a point where it pisses me off.... if your going to state facts... state real facts not some dumb ass thing u think is really the truth... ive seen countless people start arguing with people with facts that simply are not true... if this people who have been watching wrestling since right around the time vince bought wcw wanna state facts and try to give relative information....then lets make sure that its the right information dammit...

my last rant here... :wtf: wtf is going on with people... we criticize wwe, we criticize tna, but yet we still tune in to both... you know what, i dont agree with everything tna is doing, nor wwe, but i still watch them both religiously...and you know why i do it... because i fucking love wrestling!!!! i dont care if its ROH in a gym in bum fuck egypt... wrestling is wrestling... famous or not... i dont care if the stars are huge as long as its a decent match... both products have shit on tv sometimes, they have shit live sometimes, but who cares... they still give us wrestling... and thats what matters... you know wrestling fucking rocked back in the day... because we didnt have this internet thing to get on and whine and bitch all the time about what we dont like... instead we did it person to person.... we bitched to our friends and then said i hope it changes next week... thats why the nwo and the wcw in its prime worked... because we had no way to bitch and moan about it besides in person, which gave the people sitting around us and who listened to us the idea to watch, and it made wrestling grow... now we just criticize them and say there shit but watch them anyways despising the fucking show we are watching... if your watching the show you like the damn product, other wise you wouldnt be watching.... and dont give me this i watch it to point out what they do wrong... cause if u would sit through something you thought was shit to point out a flaw... ur a moron.... and you know i really dont give a damn if people want to argue with me on this, because that will just prove my point(s).... wrestling isnt a movie... its damn sports entertainment... and if your not entertained...change the channel!!!!:suckit: now plz go and :die: :lmao:
#1: You gotta work on your typing abilities dude.

Onwards: Fans today seem to be afraid of change. There are still a lot of fans that are stuck in the Attitude Era and want Stone Cold and The Rock to come back and fight Hulk Hogan and Shawn Michaels in a Extreme Rules Boiler Room match. They constantly badmouth the product, badmouth the wrestlers, then turn around and contradict themselves and say "Oh man! [wrestler] had the greatest match of the PPV! He's so awesome!" I agree with you for the most part, wrestling seems to have lost the element of suprise, because of spoilers, and the IWC, it's not that fun half the time because people just want to bitch about everything that's bad. I like watching wrestling also, no matter what it is. I completely understand your point though, and think that some people need to calm it down and not be as critical as they are. It is after all, entertainment.
Honestly, most of the IWC is just filled with people who complain. Which is fine, you're a fan, you have the right.

However, they should at least acknowledge that they couldn't likely do no better. They just couldn't. Wrestling fans have this idea that things should go this way, and only this way.

They know it's fake, but still assume that it's based upon skills in any particular area. Be it in-ring skill, mic work or what have you.

It's not just that. It has to be something that the company can market, something that fans are ready for, someone who CAN work and is ALSO good on the mic. Fans don't understand how much goes into making those types of decisions. I'm not saying I know any more than they do, but I do know that it's based on more than just what you see on Raw or Smackdown or Impact for that matter.

90% of the time, fans will watch and automatically assume that they should shit on the product. If they'd stop comparing it to their favorite era in wrestling, they would have a much better time watching it. Realize you're not a kid, it's not magic to you anymore. You're just looking at how well they can perform the tricks. You can judge all you want, but understand that some of it will never be as good, because you're an older person. It's just different.

Accept it.
Honestly, most of the IWC is just filled with people who complain. Which is fine, you're a fan, you have the right.

However, they should at least acknowledge that they couldn't likely do no better. They just couldn't. Wrestling fans have this idea that things should go this way, and only this way.

They know it's fake, but still assume that it's based upon skills in any particular area. Be it in-ring skill, mic work or what have you.

It's not just that. It has to be something that the company can market, something that fans are ready for, someone who CAN work and is ALSO good on the mic. Fans don't understand how much goes into making those types of decisions. I'm not saying I know any more than they do, but I do know that it's based on more than just what you see on Raw or Smackdown or Impact for that matter.

90% of the time, fans will watch and automatically assume that they should shit on the product. If they'd stop comparing it to their favorite era in wrestling, they would have a much better time watching it. Realize you're not a kid, it's not magic to you anymore. You're just looking at how well they can perform the tricks. You can judge all you want, but understand that some of it will never be as good, because you're an older person. It's just different.

Accept it.
He has a point. I totally agree about the part where we don't see wrestling the same way we used to when we were younger.. Not that I'm old or anything, I'm still fourteen XD But this is what my parents say.. They think the era that was there when they were young was the best.

:shrug: It's sad when people can get so narrow minded. ( No offense mum and dad )

Another thing is I've come across many people who actually watch wrestling and criticize it too! It really gets on my nerves..

For all those people who watch it AND insult it by saying that it's FAKE or CHEAP, take it easy, it's just like those action films and teledramas.
They're scripted but in the end of the day you don't complain that the episodes are fake or anything!

What they forget is the reason it's called World Wrestling ENTERTAINMENT :)
I think the problem today is with the ability of technology, everyone is going to be a critic. Everyone thinks they know what is best for that company, or because the stars have access to media outlets they can be more accessible to the fans. Even I have my own personal views on what I think would be better, but then again, I don't work behind the scenes and don't see the other side of things, I don't see the actual 'business' side of the WWE, we only see the 'entertainment' part. We only hear the 'hearsay' side of the business from the dirtsheet sites. Again, this is entertainment, everyone realizes its not a glamourous job, just like an actor for a movie role, there is hard work involved, it won't always be fun. To me, even though there are things I don't like about it, I won't shit on the product, sometimes I poke fun, but I realize everyone has a job,and I still am in this for the main thing, the wrestling. That's what I love. Who cares about the characters, the plots, and stips on the matches, its all about the wrestling. For as many people who bitch about the product, there are much more who love it so much, and those who say "If they don't go back 'XYZ era...I'll stop watching!' Well you know what? That's probably fine with the companies, they have much more people who will still watch without you and they will continue to make money without you as a viewer if you are that dis-satisfied with their product. The only thing that would make me wonder why a critic who bashes the WWE/TNA/whatever company product on a daily basis, is if you hate the product SO much, then why keep tuning in every time its on, or spending your hard earned money on going to an event in the area? Of course there's the excuse of "Its on a cable channel, or the DVD was in the cheap rentals..etc." But that can only last for so long. I mean, turning the channel once or twice to watch it and laugh if you're bored is one thing, but a nightly bash after bash is something else. Besides, I don't always care for the plots on WWE or TNA, but y'know, to me, its something to pass time, I enjoy it because its when I can get together with a group of people and we have fun to sit and talk and laugh, and remember watching it as a little girl with my dad.
As to in-ring and mic skills and back stage politics, there is nothing we can do as fans or should comment on in any serious fashion. But the we can however always complain about the stories we see every week. A TV show has to have good writing or its canceled (or at least set on its way to be). I'm not sure what I am in terms of fandom so I'll let you be the judge: I watch Raw every week for the past 3 1/2 years, watch impact for the last year, bought PPVs, a couple games, a couples shows, and own one shirt. I believe fans today are optimists because they always have hope that things will get better or think they are better already.

And as a sidenote I only watch reruns of a few TV shows as I can't stand a single thing shown now-a-days.

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