Family guy cutaway gags?


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So I was watching the season 9 premiere of Family guy ( Which is a great way to kick off the season. IMO) I noticed that there were very few cutaways for a hour long episode. Do you think Seth is going to Start using few cutaways or is this just my imagination?and what is your opinion of family guy cutaway gags in general?
I think the reason few cuttaways were used because Seth rarely does them when he's doing these kind of episodes. Remember when Family Guy did the Stephen King episode? Not much cuttaways. I personally love the Family Guy cuttaways. Without them, we wouldn't have the Giant Chicken Peter's fought numerous times. We also wouldn't get the whole picture of things. It adds a lot of comedy to the show and I think they should stay.
I really doubt they're going to use fewer cutaways. It's honestly what makes this show so much different from other shows out there. I absolutely love Family Guy, but if you wanna get technical about it, the stories a lot of times aren't very good. But the cutaway gags make that show. They're hilarious because there's nothing out there that's done that humor before. Yeah, other shows have had cutaways and flashbacks, but usually those have to do with SOMETHING. Family Guy's are completely random and almost always hilarious. Cutting those down would change the show entirely.
I'm a huge Family Guy fan I have every Season on DVD, But i would be pretty pissed off if they started using few cutaways It's what makes Family Guy funnier, but also different and unique, and yes it was a great way to kick off the season.
i am sharing my experience about this show. Actually i am touched with it. whenever i feel like alone or sad kind then i go for this show for entertaining and that's really a comic storyline show..
I find it god for the larger interest of the show. The show is already stretched to it's far limits. Any slow movement of comedy scenes etc. will go as poison for it. The story looks good if moving at fast pace.
I can only hope they get rid of the cutaways. The cutaways, I find, are rarely funny or clever. They've got to be the easiest thing to write. "This is almost as bad as the time I ate cereal with Muhammad Ali." "This is worse than that time I baby sat for Joan Crawford." "This reminds me of the time I did laundry at the Vatican." Easy ideas to illustrate. Messy cereal eating, young girl afraid of wire hangers and an alter boy's robe with a stain on it.

The best episode they've done since they returned from cancellation was when Brian and Stewie were trapped in the bank vault. Solid story, good gross out jokes and no cutaways. They illustrated, with that episode, that writing a good story without the crutch of cutaways is possible in the world of Family Guy. Challenge yourself, writers!
I can only hope they get rid of the cutaways. The cutaways, I find, are rarely funny or clever. They've got to be the easiest thing to write. "This is almost as bad as the time I ate cereal with Muhammad Ali." "This is worse than that time I baby sat for Joan Crawford." "This reminds me of the time I did laundry at the Vatican." Easy ideas to illustrate. Messy cereal eating, young girl afraid of wire hangers and an alter boy's robe with a stain on it.

The best episode they've done since they returned from cancellation was when Brian and Stewie were trapped in the bank vault. Solid story, good gross out jokes and no cutaways. They illustrated, with that episode, that writing a good story without the crutch of cutaways is possible in the world of Family Guy. Challenge yourself, writers!

Although agree Brian and stewie was great ep I disagree about the cutaways not being funny I mean there havnt been any down right terrible ones the have all been awesome.
Usually, I've read that the writers are informed to write in 10 to 12 cutaway moments. Some are used, some aren't. Nonetheless, I think that the amount is determined based upo the type of episode it is. The more elaborate the episode, the less cutaways there are. Vice versa.
The cutaway gags are what I liked the most about Family Guy to begin with. They are so random and hilarious. I haven't had a chance to see the ones from this semester yet, I'll look them up online sometime. I really hope that they do not go in the direction of less cutaway gags. It really depends on your sense of humor. Some people will think they are the funniest thing in the world, while others think it's the dumbest thing they have ever seen. Family Guy needs the cutaways though because it isn't as funny without them. The episode about Brian and Stewie in the bank vault is proof of that. I personally HATED that episode.... but once again, it comes back to your sense of humor. We all have different opinions over what's funny or not.

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