Fair Weather Fans

The Brain

King Of The Ring
Living in Chicago I have seen a lot of my friends post various things on Facebook showing their support for the Blackhawks as they go for the Stanley Cup. A lot of these people I suspect would never even think about watching a hockey game if it wasn’t the in thing to do right now. They have their seat on the bandwagon and are the definition of fair weather fan. Every once in a while a real hockey fan will post some kind of snide remark criticizing the fair weather fans. They seem to be genuinely offended that there are other people that all of a sudden share their interest. A lot of sports fans criticize the fair weather fan and I don’t really know why. I admit I kind of roll my eyes a little when I read comments from certain people but what’s the harm in letting them have their fun? Would it be better if no one was talking about it and there was no buzz in the city during this run?

I have been a Cubs fan my whole life so I’ve seen my share of losing seasons. Five years ago the Cubs were the best team in the National League. No really, I’m serious. Why don’t you believe me? You can look it up. Anyway, that year everyone was talking about the Cubs. People that probably haven’t watched a complete game this year were wearing the white W (for win) t shirt and setting their ring tones to play Go Cubs Go. People were calling me all the time to go watch the game at the bar. No one has called me to do that this year. That’s ok. Even though I still watch the games and suffer through another terrible year I don’t resent those that have jumped off the bandwagon. 2008 was fun (until that first round playoff sweep) and I was happy to have so many people enjoying the same thing that I always enjoyed. It made it even more fun for me. I’ll continue to watch the losing seasons by myself and hopefully the Cubs will have another great season in the next few years. When that happens I will welcome the bandwagoners back with open arms.
Well Brain I am from Pittsburgh so I know my losing baseball. I will get back to them in a second. Steelers fans are Steelers fans win lose or draw. The Penguins is where it shows the most. The years before Mario bought the team and they were near the bottom you didn't hear a word about them. Not a word. Then they got Sidney Crosby and all of a sudden everyone had a jersey and was wanting to go watch the game here or there. Now back to those Pirates. A majority of the fans have given up on them due to the way the owners run the team. Last year there was some buzz then they collapsed. Now this year everyone says it might be the year to snag a wild card, and it is all I hear about again. I have been a Pirates fan since I was 8 years old, and while I am frustrated with them I always keep an eye on the games. My wife will not allow me to watch a full game in my home lol, but I keep track. I don't mind the fair weather fan to be honest. They are just having harmless fun, and I don't expect everyone to be crazed when it comes to sports. Steelers fans behave in a way that has actually turned me off of the team. I have heard people say they didn't sleep the night before a game. I will take a fair weather fan over someone that fanatical any day of the week.
Fair weather fans are the ones with the money. They follow whoever wins. They pay over the odds to soak in the winning environment. They are wrestling's casual fans valued by the money people. Necessary evil if you want your team to continually challenge for honours in any pro-sport.

I didn't think this is as much of an issue in American pro sports since you guys have franchises that move around chasing the dollar and built around superstar players. In European or South American leagues, the support is traditionally built from the community up so the level of disgust is higher. They almost never move teams away from their roots, and if ever attempted face backlash from almost everyone.
I really haven't had to experience the bandwagon effect with my favorite teams. All of Baltimore and most of Maryland absolutely adores the Ravens, win or lose, and I moved away from Maryland before the Orioles got good again. I doubt it'd bother me to any noticeable degree, although I do doubt I'd be completely immune from being annoyed by bandwagon jumpers after I spent over a decade supporting my ball club when they were trotting out aging sluggers like Albert Belle and Sammy Sosa and eking out 70 wins if we were lucky. It's nice to watch games and see the seats at Camden Yards actually being occupied, though. Love it or hate it, fair weather sailors help keep the boat afloat.
I am a fan of Detroit teams...not much of an opportunity to see many Lions bandwagoners, but the Tigers? I never knew they had so many fans! Where were you guys when they posted the second worst record of all time? Now all of sudden, you have been "lifelong" fans? Maybe if you define lifelong as "since whenever the Tigers got Miguel Cabrera".

It's hard to tell if there are Red Wings bandwagoners or not. At what point does bandwagon cheering for 21 straight playoff years progress into simply being a fan? There has to be a time limit for bandwagoning,right?
I'm gonna defend the bandwagon haters for a second. I watched the NBA Finals last night. I couldn't help but look at the fans. Between the trophy wives, the investment bankers, and rich kids I couldn't help but think about the poor schlub in Section 355 Row D with the Rony Seikaly jersey that could rattle off stats from their 1997 team. It's like he dated and stayed loyal to the same ugly girl for 10 years when all of the sudden she got a boob job (Dwayne Wade) and lost 50 pounds (Lebron James). Now he has to compete with every fuckin hot shot in the area and she tells the schlub that she thinks it's best they see other people but stay friends. What I'm trying to say is that I understand the anger.

That being said it does no good to be angry. Just enjoy the success and wait out for things to turn to shit again. It's not the bandwagon fans fault that the team is suddenly attractive. Not everyone can devote themselves to something that sucks for a time. Plus sports are not people, our love for our teams is kind of meaningless and can get unhealthy. The Cubs, Bills, and Sabres are not going to take care of me when I am sick or have something to talk about. Fuckers won't even help me move a dresser.

Btw Brain. I'm getting ready to jump off the Starlin Castro bandwagon. The hitting is atrocious. What did they do to him?
I am a fan of Detroit teams...not much of an opportunity to see many Lions bandwagoners, but the Tigers? I never knew they had so many fans! Where were you guys when they posted the second worst record of all time? Now all of sudden, you have been "lifelong" fans? Maybe if you define lifelong as "since whenever the Tigers got Miguel Cabrera".

It's hard to tell if there are Red Wings bandwagoners or not. At what point does bandwagon cheering for 21 straight playoff years progress into simply being a fan? There has to be a time limit for bandwagoning,right?

I'm a Detroit sports fan as well and I agree that there are SO many bandwagon Tigers' fans. It's really almost hilarious. I'm not a huge baseball fan so it doesn't bother me, I just find it funny that all these people are now suddenly experts on all things Tigers when they were nowhere to be found when we were losing 120 games 10 years ago.

As for the Lions, I really think there are no bandwagon fans. EVERYONE seems to be a fan of the Lions in Michigan (except for people in the U.P.; upper penninsula for you non-Michiganders). We were packing Ford during the 0-16 season, that says something right there.
Sad to say, but I think South Florida is the capital of bandwagon jumpers.

It happened with the Marlins in 1997, and was more shamefully obvious in 2003, when they won the World Series again. It also doesn't help that Jeff Conine, a career journeyman/role player, who's been on so many different teams, is referred to as "Mr. Marlin" down here. It's just laughable, because the Marlins never really had "that guy," so they settle for Conine.

But Jeffery Loria, the current owner, is a real scumbag. I also think it's a shame how David Samson, the Marlins President, tries to be the face of the franchise on the business side of things. He seems like a real nice guy, who actually listens to the fans, going on all the radio shows and making public appearances, taking a beating from the fans, while that slime Loria hides in the shadows.

And speaking of baseball, the same thing happened with the Tampa Bay Devil Rays a few years back. I can always remember hearing reports about the pathetic attendance rate at the games, but when the Rays got hot more than once a few years ago, the "fans" started to show up. I also can't stand how they try make a big deal out of the Citrus Series, when the Marlins face off against the Rays.

The Heat is another obvious choice. I can remember going to the old Miami Arena as a kid before the American Airlines Arena was built. I remember the teams with Tim Hardaway, Voshon Lenard, Jamal Mashburn, Alonzo Mourning, PJ Brown, Dan Majerle, and the one year we had John Crotty. Back then, there was a steady fan following during the battles with the Knicks, and the one time we were dominated in the Eastern Conference Finals against Jordan and the Bulls. And for what it's worth, I enjoyed the old school commentary team of Jack Ramsay (the "THUNDER!" nickname he came up with for Dan Majerle was just priceless, mainly because of the way he would say it during commentary) and Eric Reid more than the current team of Eric Reid and Tony Fiorentino.

But it's NOTHING like it is now. I mean, the bandwagon jumpers rushed out of the woodowrks (same thing can be said about the short-lived Shaq era) after Bosh and James came down here. Tickets before and after the Shaq era weren't too bad pricing wise, but now? Forget it. Funny how I barely saw any support from the Heat fanbase during our embarrassing slumps ( a few select years with Wade), but now, everyone who's anyone down here has a Lebron, Wade, or Bosh jersey, or a Heat t-shirt, Heat flags, license plates, and well, just about anything with the Heat name on it.

Also, I laughed at the fiasco of the fans leaving before game six was actually over, and trying to get back in, when the word got out we were making a comeback. I'm not going to act like I have a crystal ball and saw it coming, but at the same time, the fans leaving before the game was over didn't shock me, like at all. Some of them were still inside the AAA, but the vast majority of Heat supporters are fair weather fans to the core.

I was way too young or not born to remember the 80's and Jimmy Johnson era for Canes football, but I know a lot of bandwagon jumpers jumped on board in 2001 (same thing happened with the surge in basketball recently). Although, when it comes to Canes and Dolphins football, there's more solid and consistent support from the fanbase. Hell, you can even throw out the word loyalty, because it actually means something with most Canes (football) and Dolphins fans. Although, I think it's kind of pathetic how some Dolphins' fans still cling to this "YEAH WE'RE STILL THE ONLY UNDEFEATED TEAM IN NFL HISTORY! GO '72 DOLPHINS!!!" line of thinking.

Having Marino as the one true legend down here is nice, I guess, but everything I've heard from friends, family, and co-workers tells me the guy is a real asshole, when you meet him in person. Wade and LeBron are too obvious future Hall Of Famer choices, but unless the Heat win The Finals again next year and more after that, I can't see too many people actually caring down here.

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