Face or Heel Title Reigns?


Championship Contender
So nowadays every champion in the WWE is a face. Some of the reigns are good like CM Punk (WWE Champion), Christian (Face), Sheamus (World Heavyweight Champion) while some are irrelevant like Santino Marella (US Champion) and R-Truth and Kofi Kingston (Tag-Team Champions).

CM Punk's reign has been good. I don't like the current storyline with AJ involved, but its just my opinion.

Christian reign has also been good. His rivalry with Cody Rhodes is one of the best things going on in WWE right now.

Sheamus reign started of as bland but its kind of getting better now.

So who do you prefer as a face or a heel in the current title picture or do you like it as it is ?

Also who do you prefer as better champions faces or heels ?
As long as the champion is deserving of being such and there's a good balance between face/heel title holders, I don't really have a preference. Especially since I care less about the titles now more than I ever have.
To answer both questions in one, I prefer a heel champion who is actually a good heel (Bobby Roode) but with that being said, I would hate for a "heel" to win a belt when in reality, they aren't heel so much as they are complete douche bags. ( Prime Time Players)
The title picture is stupid right now. All faces. Every one of them. Personally, I'd rather see heel champions holding the belts for a while, and putting over young faces. ATM, the WWE isn't really putting anyone over that should be put over (I.E. Ziggler).

Also, Sheamus is a face but he seems like half the time HE'S the one starting shit with people. What's up with that??

If the WWE is not going to put over young talent, then they should at least have some of the faces chasing belts. I'd like to see CM Punk vs. heel Orton(c) for the title rather than Daniel Bryan chasing the belt. I'd also like to see Bryan get one of the titles again and have Sheamus chasing it.

Just me though. Heel champs IMO are more entertaining.
In my opinion, I know technically all champions right now are viewed as faces but since I'm not a huge fan of CM Punk or Sheamus right now I don't see it that way. When they lose their titles I hope it goes to someone more interesting. I doubt it but I hope so.

I LOVE that Kofi & R-Truth are Tag Team Champions. R-Truth especially, that guy is awesome. Watch some of his backstage interviews on YouTube, he's awesome. It's a DAMN SHAME they don't care enough about the Tag Division to give them even 2 minutes of interivew/promo time.

I have lost any interest in the US title as I see it as irrelevant now that brand extension is dead. I would like so much to see a Hardcore title return or even if they want to 'get around it' since they gave the Hardcore title to Mick Foley they could introduce an "Extreme Rules Championship" where every match is defended under extreme rules.

I'd like to see an epic battle betwen the World Champ and the WWE Champ with the ultimate goal of merging the two back when they did that for the Undisputed WWE Title years ago.

I like Christian as champion. He's a good wrestler, good entertainer. I know because of his advanced age he won't be champ for long so I am enjoying it while it lasts.

But to the other topic question... I do think it's good to have some good heel wrestlers as champ. If you have huge babyfaces challenging for the title and a heel champ who people boo for being a good heel not boo for being a bad wrestler or boring, then you have a compelling program.
I really don't have a preference. I think if the wrestler is great at what he does he should be rewarded, but then again some characters can make it without holding a title. Plus, right WWE is still kinda into this PG thing and baby faces sells merchandise especially to kids; unfortunately, heels don't.

I think Punk is great as the WWE champion, but I don't like Sheamus as the World Champion. They softened his character too much. He used have an edge about him; now he doesn't have a quality that separates him from any other baby face.

I hope the WWE gets the titles off of Kofi & Truth soon, as far as their characters they have nothing in common. Theirs nothing outside of the titles that makes them a team. The worst thing they could've done was make Truth a face. He could of at least been a tweener.

Finally the mid card titles, I have no problem with Christian being IC champion; he's being used to help the younger stars mostly, but I do have a big problem with Santino. He doesn't the title; he makes the title look worthless. I hope the WWE wake up and put the title on someone actually needs it.
BOTH are ESSENTIAL to ANY wrestling/sports entertainment company!

Having a constant flow of both heel and face champions is good.

I think having ALL heels or faces as champions is stale and boring and that is exactly what WWE has right now and why people like you and me are bored with it and post and comment on these forums.

WWE needs title changes for the Divas, Tag & US titles. As well as a new World Heavyweight Champion so that a solid heel will have a better title reign than Daniel Bryan and Sheamus can have someone solid for him to hold the title while he chases it.
I think there needs to be a mix, either a IC Heel or even US (mr. Irrelevant) heel.

Current Sheamus is a good Spot with his title Run and there isn't a face/heel that I would rather see in that role.

IC: Rhodes all the way. Christian is bland same ol same ol christian...where my peeps at? They are @ TNA. Christina aka the edge wanna be is a guy who seems to be failing, I see him losing his IC title and getting the US title. All that World title picture to IC champ. That is what we call falling.

US Champ: Face. This title should almost always be face, why becuase it is pointless, this title isn't a step to the next level, it is a good place to put some comic relief, Santino, Ryder, Brodus, maybe even heath slater. ( even though he is heel, he is likeable to get beat up)

Tag title: Honestly who cares, really this set of title is by far the biggest joke in the WWE. To include the Divas title. Ghetto trash and Islanders do go and hang out. One smokes pot the other sell it to kids. The fact is until the WWE build the tag title they are pointless. What they need is a ruthless group, a nasty heel ( new age outlaws/Jack and Funk have a baby) Make them look the same, maybe bring back some face paint and for the love of everything wrestling DO NOT CALL THEM BY THEIR NAME.

Divas: This title only barely beats out the Tag title, but all and all pointless. However with that said I have always liked the Divas champ to be a heel ( I like bitchy chicks, and crazy) When a face has the title is is odd to me, even though they look nicer.

WWE title I like raw having a dirty heel as champ ( Shawn -pre religion, NWO, HHH, Rock, Hitman, CM Punk before lameness) As far as punk is concerned before AJ there were times I forgot he had the strap, Probably because he is faker than Gilberg's Undefeated streak. Where are the Ice Cream bars, and where is the orginality ( clobberin' time)

For 2 PPV's the champs have been faces and seeing faces win back to back title defense is boring. It is the reason I am not sure about buying MITB.
I like a mix of champions, but there has to be flow about it also. Heels I think are best when a top face is chasing the title and you so want to see the heel get beat. It's also important that the face is strong enough that the fans are really wanting him to beat that heel for the title. I prefer the heel champion that always finds a way to keep his title, with the strong face chasing. Face champions in my opinion get stale a little faster, but CM Punk has been the exception for me as I love his reign, and want to see him hang onto it longer.
I dont really care who gets the belt. They could be heel, face, or even a tweener. I just want them to be good and pull off being a champion. I also dont like stupid storylines that ruin the belt, like Zigglers title reign. That was pointless. I would also say the match at WM with Bryan and Sheamus.

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