Face Booking.


Do I have everybody's attention now
Face Booking, pardon the pun is the booking of all the faces of the WWE. Firstly, I'd like to share how this idea popped into my head.

First: "CENA ALWAYS GETTING BOOKED AS UNSTOPPABLEZ!!!!" This smarky sentence explains it self; Cena is booked as an unstoppable superhero. That is the first person that inspired me to do this thread

Second: The Apex Predator booked as the relentless, merciless and unstoppable Viper.

Third:Rey Mysterio: The Ultimate Underdog, booked as the Mexican Superhero for kids and can come out of great odds.

See the trend I notice? Lets go back to the past

Hulk Hogan: The man that never jobbed, except for ultimate warrior was also unstoppable, undebatable and was the face of the company

Stone Cold Steve Austin: He went up against the best and won, then shook hands, gave them the finger, stunnered them, and drank beer in the ring. He was also booked as an unstoppable force.

Now, this is not a Cena thread, but this should prove to most Cena-haters that there HAVE been people that have been unstoppable like Cena in the past.

What we see here is the booking of faces, or Face Booking that is quite similar to the booking they used in the past and making the face of the company strong. So, my question is, do you agree with this sort of booking, if so why? If not, how would you book them?
You kind of have to have some booking like that. It is essentially to put the Face over as much as possible. To make a Face overcome adversity is to make the crowd or fans in general get behind him. That is from Hogan and guys before him, to Austin, Undertaker, Rock, and Cena.

It seems ALL Faces basically have that Hulk Up or Super Cena Mode in them in a match. They are losing in a match and all of a sudden they give their all in one final attempt to win the match. All the while, fans are behind him and cheering him to victory and "Giving Said Face The Strength To Win The Match"!

Most people don't like that about Cena, because it is predictable and also seems unbelievable in a lot of cases.
Face Booking, pardon the pun is the booking of all the faces of the WWE. Firstly, I'd like to share how this idea popped into my head.

First: "CENA ALWAYS GETTING BOOKED AS UNSTOPPABLEZ!!!!" This smarky sentence explains it self; Cena is booked as an unstoppable superhero. That is the first person that inspired me to do this thread

Second: The Apex Predator booked as the relentless, merciless and unstoppable Viper.

Third:Rey Mysterio: The Ultimate Underdog, booked as the Mexican Superhero for kids and can come out of great odds.

See the trend I notice? Lets go back to the past

Hulk Hogan: The man that never jobbed, except for ultimate warrior was also unstoppable, undebatable and was the face of the company

Stone Cold Steve Austin: He went up against the best and won, then shook hands, gave them the finger, stunnered them, and drank beer in the ring. He was also booked as an unstoppable force.

Now, this is not a Cena thread, but this should prove to most Cena-haters that there HAVE been people that have been unstoppable like Cena in the past.

What we see here is the booking of faces, or Face Booking that is quite similar to the booking they used in the past and making the face of the company strong. So, my question is, do you agree with this sort of booking, if so why? If not, how would you book them?

There's a big flaw in your reasoning behind Orton, he's hardly unstoppable and has been defeated multiple times when fighting for the World Titles as a face despite weeks of dominating his opponents with RKO's. Similarly SCSA did not always win nor did he spend countless months at the top destroying any and all talent that came his way and defying unbelievable odds that would crush any normal man. He could make anyone look good in a feud even if they lost, look how well the Vince feud went even though he spent the majority of it kicking Vince's ass he always let Vince have a win every now and then. Steve lost from time to time and he didn't always need to be in the title picture to be relevant, his very presence made the entire audience go crazy regardless of if he was fighting a jobber or doing a tough fight with top level talent. John Cena however destroys everything in his path even when he gets destroyed for weeks at a time and always manages to win unless a group of 7 men come down to the ring and kick his ass during the match, think of it as the reverse Randy Orton. Cena has had around 10 world titles in 5 years and spent the majority of those 5 years as a champion that got fed top talent and made them look like shit time and time again. Guys like Kurt Angle, JBL, Triple H, Chris Jericho, etc. were all unable to get much more than a marginal match out of him at best and they are some of the best workers in the business. The only man that I can think of that was ever able to get Cena to up his game in the 5 years since he became a World Champion is Shawn Michaels and Cena even made to piss him off with his lack of selling at Wrestlemania and after that Cena put on an epic 1 hour match with Shawn the night after only to fall into the same Cena pattern shortly after the feud ended. The man has fought every single top talent in the WWE and still disappoints wrestling fans. The only man on the list that is worse than Cena is Hulk Hogan, the original unstoppable super hero that gave Cena a model of getting fed top talent and shitting them out.
There's a big flaw in your reasoning behind Orton, he's hardly unstoppable and has been defeated multiple times when fighting for the World Titles as a face despite weeks of dominating his opponents with RKO's. Similarly SCSA did not always win nor did he spend countless months at the top destroying any and all talent that came his way and defying unbelievable odds that would crush any normal man. He could make anyone look good in a feud even if they lost, look how well the Vince feud went even though he spent the majority of it kicking Vince's ass he always let Vince have a win every now and then. Steve lost from time to time and he didn't always need to be in the title picture to be relevant, his very presence made the entire audience go crazy regardless of if he was fighting a jobber or doing a tough fight with top level talent. John Cena however destroys everything in his path even when he gets destroyed for weeks at a time and always manages to win unless a group of 7 men come down to the ring and kick his ass during the match, think of it as the reverse Randy Orton. Cena has had around 10 world titles in 5 years and spent the majority of those 5 years as a champion that got fed top talent and made them look like shit time and time again. Guys like Kurt Angle, JBL, Triple H, Chris Jericho, etc. were all unable to get much more than a marginal match out of him at best and they are some of the best workers in the business. The only man that I can think of that was ever able to get Cena to up his game in the 5 years since he became a World Champion is Shawn Michaels and Cena even made to piss him off with his lack of selling at Wrestlemania and after that Cena put on an epic 1 hour match with Shawn the night after only to fall into the same Cena pattern shortly after the feud ended. The man has fought every single top talent in the WWE and still disappoints wrestling fans. The only man on the list that is worse than Cena is Hulk Hogan, the original unstoppable super hero that gave Cena a model of getting fed top talent and shitting them out.

Right so firstly, I'd advice you to look at my post that says :THIS IS NOT A CENA THREAD, secondly, shitting out top talent? Last time Cena rubbed shoulders with a mid-card was the Miz and look where he's at right now. HHH has ALSO beaten Cena. Cena has also lost feuds against likes of Edge, Sheamus, Orton, lost a match against Batista at SummerSlam, put on a great performance at Wrestlemanias I could go on. If Cena beats a wrestler does that mean he goes at the back of the line? Especially a top wrestler. May I remind you, most people Cena has beaten also have won championships MULTIPLE times from him. The only person that I know who did not win a championship from is Chris. Edge did, Orton did, Sheamus did, Trips did, Show took out Cena, Batista took his championship. See where I'm getting at? Finally, I respect your opinion on Cena but please do so in the thread about Cena. This is a booking thread not a Cena thread.

Now then, you have proved my point in saying a lot of top faces are booked as unstoppable. I humbly ask this question to you: If you were to change booking of the current top face or one of the top faces what would you do? And please keep in mind: PROFIT and quality. Also try not to turn Cena into a jobber. :)
Right so firstly, I'd advice you to look at my post that says :THIS IS NOT A CENA THREAD, secondly, shitting out top talent? Last time Cena rubbed shoulders with a mid-card was the Miz and look where he's at right now.
If I remember correctly the only wins I ever saw the Miz get off of Cena were when Cena was incapable of being in the ring for the match and when they finally got into a normal match Cena did his normal Cena tactics and destroyed the Miz.

HHH has ALSO beaten Cena. Cena has also lost feuds against likes of Edge, Sheamus, Orton, lost a match against Batista at SummerSlam, put on a great performance at Wrestlemanias I could go on. If Cena beats a wrestler does that mean he goes at the back of the line? Especially a top wrestler. May I remind you, most people Cena has beaten also have won championships MULTIPLE times from him.The only person that I know who did not win a championship from is Chris. Edge did, Orton did, Sheamus did, Trips did, Show took out Cena, Batista took his championship. See where I'm getting at? Finally, I respect your opinion on Cena but please do so in the thread about Cena. This is a booking thread not a Cena thread.

Lets look at the list of how people actually beat Cena for the title and how it turned out:
1) Edge cashed in MITB (normal match) after a broken Cena won an Elimination Chamber matched and then Edge dropped it back to him 3 weeks later. (WWE)
2) To RVD in an extreme rules match (WWE)
3) Vacated (WWE)
4) To Edge during an Elimination Chamber match (WHC)
5) To Edge in a Last Man Standing Match (WHC)
6) To Randy Orton in a Hell in a Cell match (WWE)
7) To Sheamus during a Tables match (WWE)
8) To Batista (normal match) after an Elimination Chamber that again left Cena an exhausted man.
9) To Sheamus during a fatal 4 way match after having the crap beaten out of him by Nexus (WWE)

So the only times John Cena lost the World Titles he had were either in a gimmick match, vacating the title, and the only normal matches were immediately after an Elimination Chamber match. Basically this says that out of all the top talent on Raw and Smackdown nobody can beat Cena for the title without having a gimmick to help them, following up after an elimination chamber beat down, or having 7 men beat him down.

Now then, you have proved my point in saying a lot of top faces are booked as unstoppable. I humbly ask this question to you: If you were to change booking of the current top face or one of the top faces what would you do? And please keep in mind: PROFIT and quality. Also try not to turn Cena into a jobber. :)

For one thing I'd put Cena in the midcard to put over talent. I mean sure he's fighting against Nexus but when they haven't been beating him down he has been destroying them and single handedly taking them down one by one with attacks or super manning the last 2 members of Nexus down at SSlam. If he were to legitimately put over the talent in the midcard by allowing them to have clean victories over him in a non gimmick match then I would be a hell of a lot less agitated by everything the man does.

I would also change the ways that Orton and Mysterio are booked:

A) Orton: For Orton I would allow the other person in the feud to get the upper hand over him on Raw for a week or 2 before the pay per views so that he doesn't make the opponents look weak and/or cowardly when it is not necessary such as the SummerSlam build up with Sheamus that made the Celtic Warrior look like a Celtic Bitch. It would make the matches feel more even and unpredictable and as such Raw would also be more interesting than "OMG Orton snuck into the ring and RKO'ed him" or "Sheamus is coming... RKO pose, he wants none of that guy!"

B) Mysterio: In Mysterio's case I would put him up against smaller guys more often and tone down the ultimate underdog gimmick that he has. He has been extremely unrealistic in feuds with giant monster heels over the past... well since the start of his career and when he pulls off a move like the 619 to beat them it looks horrible and frankly stupid. The move works better on smaller guys and since it is the only finisher that he has ever used, aside from his short Eddie Guerrero tribute using the frog splash. It would be a lot more interesting seeing the guy that is billed as one of the best cruiserweights of all time feuding with up and coming cruiserweights/shorter guys and could lead to a "passing of the torch" type gimmick. Mysterio's countless injuries have made him unreliable as a maineventer and putting over the new talent as I suggested would be a better use for a guy that could be injured in 2 weeks.
Yes, I agree with you. But cant you see the difference. What hogan did, and Cena does, is way more than Stone Cold or Rey Mysterio etc... They get battered, punished and still fight like nothing happend. For instance, Cena got DDTed on floor and after three minutes he beat two guys and stood up like it was a scratch. However in Austin's case, he wouldve beaten one by a stunner, get a 3 to 5 minute beatdown by the second guy, then get to super mode. That's what I am talking about!!

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