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Ezekiel Jackson remains Heel - would a Face turn have been better?


Pre-Show Stalwart
On the latest edition of ECW the GM announced an ECW Homecoming tournament to determine the number 1 contender for the ECW Championship at the next ppv.

Ezekiel Jackson and Vladimir Koslov were announced to be facing one another in this tournament which creative must have instilled to intensify the heat between the two in Regal's stable. Just as they were teasing that Jackson was turning face over the last few weeks as he took down both Regal and Koslov, Regal turned on Koslov in the qualifier and both him and Jackson decimated Koslov.

This effectively turned Koslov face and Jackson heel as him and Regal remain fused.

What do you think about this? I think it's bad because Koslov had some poor outings last year when he was pushed into the WWE Title picture with Triple H and very few fans even like Koslov.

I haven't seen much of Jackson but he looks like a powerhouse type wrestler with some technique and if they turned him face we could have got to have seen more of him in singles action.

So did creative screw up by preventing his face turn?
No... have you seen that guy. He looks like a badass. He looks like he could kick most of the other superstars asses. There's no way I would of turned him face if I was in charge. We need to see more of his wrestling skills before we start saying he deserves a world championship title run.
So did creative screw up by preventing his face turn?

Not really because WWE tricked us once again. Many people thought Ezekiel would have turned face and Kozlov would have remained a heel, yet now it seems the opposite might happen. Sometimes we as fans think we "know" what is going to happen, then the opposite ends up happening instead. I prefer Jackson as a heel anyhow and would rather see him as a monster heel rather than a face which might not go as well as some people might think. Kozlov on the other hand can go out either as a face or heel and still use his "I vant better competition" lines effectively whether he's a face or heel. Ezekiel should remain a monster heel and get a bigger push that way because he plays the part of a monster heel so well. Creative did not screw up by preventing his face turn because he's better off remaining a heel.
I think he's better off as a heel for now. It gives him an actual chance to win the tournament. The guy obviously has a real personality that he has shown when he gets to talk so that leaves the door open for a face turn down the line.
No way. I think it's good he remains a heel. They kind of tested the waters with a face turn before he joined up with Regal and Vladmir, when he was Christian's mystery partner. He really didn't get that much of a reaction, and even though he was supposed to be face, he still looked like a heel. Big Zeek needs to stay a heel. He plays pissed off big man role a lot better than he would the gentle giant role.
I agree with everyone else. The guy is a BEAST & I think Vince did well by keeping him heel with Regal. I would think he'll get over MUCH more as a bad-ass monster heel then the babyface- it only make sense.

I also think this was Vinces way of telling Mr. Kozlov: We wish you the best, for whatever the future holds for you. Good luck.
Ok, now let's call a spade a spade here. Ezekiel has accomplished nothing since coming into the WWE a year ago except for having an awesome look. With that said who gives a shit if he is heel or face right now. First thing he needs is a character and some depth because right now he has none.

He is only in the ring for 3 or 4 minutes at a time so that should tell you something right there. Let's see him actually work in a program before we can even say if he would make a better heel or face. But as of right now he can be whatever he wants...as long as he learns how to entertain.
I personally think Zeke should remain heel... And personally, I love the idea of Kozlov going face. And if you look at this from a political point of view, it is actually a great move.

WWE has just turned a RUSSIAN into a face on AMERICAN soil. That now means that a RUSSIAN and an AMERICAN will end up uniting. That's the two most powerful nations having an alliance here. And even if this isn't what WWE was looking for, it's an interesting concept. We're now going to have a wait to see if the American or the Russian will go heel.

As for Zeke being heel, I think it fits him more. Especially when you give him a mic phenomenon like Regal as a manager. Here's a guy who could wipe the ECW lands clean and end up bringing ECW into their new name. He has the look of a monster and the perfect heel manager. This is something WWE could use right now.
Jackson will be a face in time. For the time being, Kozlov was holding him back. Nobody likes Kozlov, everyone loves to hate Regal, keeping Jackson with Regal is a far better prospect for the middle term because it means that he benefits from Regal's heat, but has gained enough for himself too with his turn tease.

Regal and Jackson will probably run roughshod over ECW for a while before Jackson inevitibly turns on Regal, probably after winning the ECW Title. That would be a decent feud, and a geat build for Jackson going forwards.
I thought that keep Jackson heel and Koslov face was a bad idea but now I believe it could work out better for him. The reason I think this is because me personally doesn't give a shit about Koslov and thinks he should fuck off. If Jackson was working a programme with Koslov then I personally think it would be shit, but now Jackson is working with Regal it gives him more time to switch into a face as Regal is a great heel and we would love for Jackson to kick his ass. That would be a much better face turn than one against Kozlov.
I thought when they first started the Roundtable break up, Zeke was gonna branch off and become the face. Obviously that wasn't the case and I wasn't a bit disappointed in that. BUT, with Zeke being heel, I think he stands a good chance at winning the ECW title in the near future. It would not surprise me one bit if he won the Homecoming battle royal. Plus that could give us some friction between him and Regal with Regal being jealous that Zeke is the champ and higher up on the card. That in return would allow Zeke to turn face.

I honestly don't think Zeke will win the Homecoming Rumble, as I see Kozlov screwing him over. Maybe they can end that feud before the February PPV and that is when we can see Big Zeke capture the title.
When I saw that Zeke was to remain heel, I was a little disappointed. To me, Zeke has the look and personality to be a huge, badass face. The man is a beast and is really cool to me. The few times he has been on the mic for more than a second, he has been very good. He could become something like Goldberg, going out there and kicking ass, and being loved for it.

However, there is still hope for this in the future should he win the ECW Championship. He could easily turn on Regal and became a face like that.

As for Kozlov...I think the "Face" turn was a way for WWE to tell him that it's time he take the ball and run or else he'll sink like a stone.
I thought for sure Zeke would be the face in the feud, but I much prefer him as the heel. I know neither man can really work the microphone, but if one man is going to do so, I'm glad it is Zeke, as I was never a fan of Kozlov's heel promos. I seriously am hoping he winning the ECW Homecoming battle royal and faces Christian. It would do wonders for him to gain even that kind of exposure. I've actually kind of gotten the idea he will win the championship, and create friction between him and Regal.

I'm hoping in the end that Regal puts over Kozlov and Jackson. Hopefully this push will potentially move them onto other shows into the midcard. I think Jackson would work quite well as a midcard heel on Smackdown, as for Kozlov, I think he would fit better on Raw.

It's a shame his booking was horrible on his main event run on Smackdown, as I think that will always somehow hinder him and hold him back.
neither needs to be face. neither really can be. jackson is a badass as mentioned before and kozlov has like no fans. so maybe they need to build up intensity to this rivalry like they were doing before they both joined regal. it could be a great ppv match with them, which could mean there'd b 2 ecw matches on ppv for the first time in ages!
In my opinion, Ezekiel Jackson should have been the one that turned face. During his last match against Kozlov, Kozlov got no reaction, and Jackson got no reaction either. I heard more "We want Regal" chants than Kozlov and Jackson combined. Him being a heel doesn't work very well.

I do see him capturing the title at some point in the next few months, and i do see a face turn sometime this year, but I'm assuming he won't stay on ECW until the end of the year, because he has the potential to be a, upper-mid card face on RAW or Smackdown!.
As we see it on ECW on tuesday nights. Ezekiel Jackson qoutes from the book of Ezekiel in the holy bible. So unless the WWE is try'in to create another "Rev. Devon Dudley" chractor. I see this is the only make as a babyface in the main event picture if the WWE can do it right? This is the "PG era" in the WWE, so anythings possible.

But from what I see on the heel side of things. It looks like Ezekiel Jackson or the WWE/ECW creative team is/are mak'in him seem like gangsta producer "Suge Knight". They both are big or couse, the type of beard, Ezekiel Jackson wears diamond-studded earrings while he's wrestling, and Ezekiel Jackson wears red wrestling attire inductiong that he's a piru blood gangbanger.

That would be consided a risk among getting sued. But i'm sure that the WWE can go around it, like they did with the "John Morrison" gimmick.

But what if Ezekiel Jackson was traded/drafted to another brand. And ran a stable like a mafia type faction? And ran the locker rooms & the backstage area like a recording studio in a essence. And can make business deals & gamble like the APA & the FBI use to do back in the day? Wow! Now that would be GANGSTA!!

But like I said, it's the "PG era" so I think that won't be happening.

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