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Ezekial Jackson..A Paul Heyman Guy?


So i just read the article on the WZ main page that features comments from Ezekiel's twitter and it got me thinking, what are they gonna do with him once he returns? I have to admit I kind of forgot about Jackson until I saw that, but then I remembered something...he was the last "ECW" champion. I use quotations because technically he was the last ECW champion, but it was WWECW not the original.

Anyway, we all know Jacksons never really been that good at talking but he is impressive, with the book of Ezekiel, the torture rack, and other powerful moves in his arsenal he puts on a halfway decent show. One hang up with him though is he has always needed a manager, first brian kendrick for a short time, then william regal, then when he was in the corre wade did most of the talking, by the way I liked that jackson/wade feud.

Back on track, who would be the ultimate manager for the last ECW champion...the founder of ECW himself! Paul Heyman, we all know how great of a mouthpiece/character he is so yea. Imagine Heyman building his "army" Axel, Ryback, Jackson, Lesnar, it'd be great and would be a very easy transition into that dangerous alliance story we've been hearing rumors about for months.

So what do you guys think? Heyman as Jacksons manager? yay/nay? feedback and comments appreciated
If he ever does come back then this would certainly be the way to go. Big Zeke is best served to just stand in the background, let someone else do the talking, and look like a bad ass. If he gets kept in that role then he can do some damage. At this point his ceiling as a superstar is as an enforcer and possible tag champ or mid card champ so putting him with Heyman in that potential stable makes sense.
I totally forgot Zeke was even still with the company. When he does make his return,I second this idea of making him a Heyman Guy. Why not Zeke is a huge monster,the kinda of guy Heyman surrounds himself with. Zeke is huge,very powerful and a good agile big man. He could be someone of a silent destroyer while Heyman talks for him.

Zeke is a former IC champ lets not forget that one. He has hit rock bottom as far as his career is concerned IMO only one way to go and thats up. His ceiling IMO has yet to be reached
I would love to see big Zeke as a Paul Heyman guy but based on what? Because Ezekiel Jackson was "the last ECW champion"? I don't think so. And doesn't Paul Heyman have enough muscle in his camp with Brock Lesner and Ryback? Now you bring in Ezekiel Jackson and what? Personally I would want big Zeke to return in a tag team with Mason Ryan when Ryan is called back up from NXT. But I like big Zeke, I really do. I'll just be happy to see him back on WWE TV.
I'd rather see Zeek team up with Mason Ryan and form a power tagteam the likes of Demolition, Kronik, APA. etc. Seeing these guys hit power moves would be entertaining and is a missing element in the current tag-division. You got Rollins/Reigns, Harper & Rowan, Usos, PTP, Real Americans, Los Matadores, and Tons of Funk. They need a couple of more teams to get the division back and running. Overall, I'm impressed with the focus on the division since the Team Hell No/Shield feud.
I really wouldn't want this, having Ryback as a Heyman guy is one thing but Jackson is pretty damn terrible, like Ahmed Johnson 2.0. Other than being another dominant powerhouse type, I can't see him adding anything and I'm not sure even Heyman could do anything decent with him.

A far better option would be Big E, simply because he's a better wrestler, more charismatic and is half-way decent on the mic. However, I think his best option right now is to turn face.
There's no telling when or if Big Zeke will be back. He hasn't been in action for about 1.5 years and I'm wondering exactly why WWE hasn't released him. All in all, there are several powerhouses on the WWE roster who, generally speaking, have made a bigger impact than Big Zeke has and are just flat out more interesting.

As for Big Zeke being a Paul Heyman Guy, I've zero interest in seeing this happen. Heyman's got Ryback now and, as I alluded to, Ryback's already made a much bigger impact and has a lot more going for him in my opinion. He's every bit as muscular as Big Zeke and he's much more athletic overall. If WWE is going to ultimately have Heyman have his own stable of guys, I think it best to have a line up in which each wrestler has something unique. Ryback's a big, intimidating powerhouse while Curtis Axel is an athletic, third generation star. Ryback already has Big Zeke's role in this stable and, frankly, he's a better choice for it. If they bring in a third guy for Heyman, maybe it should be a high flyer or someone brand spankin' new up from NXT.
I think Heyman needs to concentrate on Curtis Axel and Ryback. Ryback and Zeke Jackson are pretty much the same although Ryback can talk to some degree and has gotten over on his own once upon a time. He has much more depth. When Lesnar returns Heyman would well and truly have his hands full.

Triple H should employ Jackson as his personal bodyguard. That would make him relevant, put him in a strong heel role and think would work well with the current Regime thing going on. A big black meathead always looks good as a body guard and would move Triple H even further away from 'The Game' to 'Corporate Paul'.
Great idea! big zeke would be great, this is a win win situation!
but however how can heyman manage 4 guys?
could u imagine at a ppv.
1st heyman is with curtis
2nd heyman is with ryback
3rd heyman is with big zeke
4th brock lesnar and heyman at ringside
thats way to many! unless they make a alliance and become tag team champions. but i dont see it happening.
heyman should have lesnar but he needs another guy just 1! to be with him while lesnar aint at work,
that guy should be ryback,
big zeke would just destory ryback's push.
and make em a stale tag team.
and curtis should turn face and leave heyman.
I like this idea for big zeke coming back a heyman guy. You could even bring him in to the current feud with punk and heyman. Have punk run out due in a heyman promo take out ryback and curt with a chair or something. Have heyman in one of the corner as back goes to hit him with a chair only to be blindsided by big zeke. Lead it in to survivor series have team heyman. Ryback , curt , big zeke and heyman. Against team punk.
I don't see a problem with Paul Heyman managing multiple people at once. Managers taking multiple clients is not a new concept. In fact, it's sort of refreshing and practically a throw-back to the Heenan and Cornette days.

But this guy has been out for a year and a half...a year and a half. Time off is a wrestler's worst nightmare; who even knows if he will even be billed as Ezekiel Jackson if he hits the air again? Husky Harris had that amount of time gone too (admittedly he got a decent gimmick to use), but the chances of Jackson getting that same treatment are pretty slim. He's a big man that can fill big clown shows, so to speak. Look how Brodus Clay, Khali, Tensai, etc are now. Now I enjoy seeing them and they are entertaining to a degree, but they were all known as serious powerhouses when they started off. The road doesn't look to good for Jackson as far as keeping his name.

But eh, before seeing this thread I thought he was gone.
Ezekial Jackson should NOT be a Paul Heyman guy. Making him a Paul Heyman guy would just be dilatory considering that there's already two big men in the WWE as Paul Heyman guys. Secondly, what's the payoff making him a Paul Heyman guy? Quite literally there's nothing that Ezekiel Jackson needs to accomplish because quite frankly he's not that talented. Several people have mentioned he can't talk, he's not great in the ring so why should he join someone like Paul Heyman who wants to work with the best of the best, who will ultimately catapult people's careers?

If WWE want him back put him in a tag team and make him a midcard tag team specific guy. A big program for Big Zeke just doesn't make sense to me.
I've got no interest in seeing Ezekiel Jackson as a Paul Heyman guy. For one thing it would be redundant. With sporadic appearances by Brock Lesnar and now apparently the addition of Ryback, I think Heyman has his quota of oversized behemoths. There is nothing for a Heyman stable to gain really by adding Jackson into the fold.

Personally, I don't really care if he returns at all. I hadn't really even noticed he wasn't there these days and once it was pointed out to me, I was shocked to see how long it has been since he's been on WWE TV. If someone has told me he had already been released, I would have believed them and I would have been totally apathetic about it.

If Ezekiel Jackson is going to return to WWE programming, I'd simply bring him back as an oversized jobber for the sole purpose of putting other more relevant guys over. If you want to make Daniel Bryan, or Dean Ambrose, or Dolph Ziggler, or someone like this good, feed Ezekiel Jackson to them to make them look good. How better to make someone look great than by having them defeat a man far bigger in stature than them? Let's face it, this has been a method used with Kane, Great Khali, and guys like that.

Otherwise, I'd simply wish him all the best in his future endeavors.
There is a lot of strong competition for Zeke. I'm not saying that several "big" guys can't be successful but there is a limited way of booking them with it being rehashed. Is Jackson going to tear through the roster like Ryback. Act as a bodyguard like Big E? Dance like Brodus and Tensai?

We don't know when he is to return but I don't think Heyman is the right route unless he was in a tag-team with Axel. With Ryback and Axel, Heyman has two clients that he needs to develop into top stars. Jackson wouldn't get much in terms of exposure although Heyman would really help him.

He is a big, strong guy meaning their is an obvious way to book him that will be successful. I really hope it isn't the generic month of squash matches before he is buried by an average face.

Jackon is a solid mid-carder in the WWE. He could be in a tag-team also. My preference would have him in the corporation. I think that would be great for his career to be involved with the top stars in the company.

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