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Extreme Rules: ECW Championship: Triple Threat Hardcore Match


WrestleMania Main Event

On ECW, Tiffany announced that Christian will defend his ECW title against Jack Swagger & Tommy Dreamer in a Triple Threat Hardcore Match. Swagger interfere in both Dreamer title matches he had against Christian the past couuple of weeks so I think Dreamer will win to become ECW champion & retire as ECW champ.
I can definitely see Dreamer winning and retiring with the belt, therefore creating an ECW championship tournament for the vacant title. I think Dreamer will get the pin on Christian after he is beaten up by Swagger. This allows Swagger to still look strong and maintain that he has never fairly lost the title, since Christian cheated twice and now he loses without being pinned. An ECW tournament could provide some good matches as they would involve Bourne, Kidd, Swagger, Christian, etc.
This could be good. We know how awesome Dreamer can be in a hardcore match. Christian is quite capable as well. Swagger is a wildcard tho. All in all I think the match will be good. The Dreamer win scenario would be the best way to go, but its kinda wishful. I think it would be the most entertaining. But I'll say Swagger, by pinning Dreamer. Settin up Dreamer as a gm, and keeping Christian in the title picture.
Um, yeah. I'm sorry, but what a dumb stip. As Edge would tell you, there is no rule against bringing weapons into a regular Triple Threat match, as there are no DQs. So every Triple Threat is by definition hardcore. I guess this time we'll get lots of weapon use, instead of just the regular one big spot at the end.

One thing's for sure: Dreamer's not winning. And maybe, just maybe, I see him giving the rub to Swagger rather than Christian.
Tommy is going to win this. He's been a loyal guy ever since he joined WWE, even going as far as to let himself become a bonafide jobber. Like CM said, Dreamer is probably coming toward the end, so I'm sure they will let him win and have his moment in the spotlight, then he'll retire and give it up the following Tuesday. It is an ultimate win-win, in that Tommy gets the title one more time, and everyone on ECW gets some exposure in a tournament to determine a new champ.
I think that Dreamer will win the title but I had an interesting idea

As soon as Dreamer won the match, have the announcer say that Dreamer had reliquinshed the title. Dreamer could then get on the mic and say that he held the ECW Championship once, for thirty minutes, and it isn't even the shortest time (Sandman held it for 14 minutes). He can say that he now has the shortest reign. He says that he decided to relinquish the title as he's had his moment in the spotlight and he's passing the torch to the new superstars but he is not retiring (He recently blogged saying if he retired he would never wrestle again), its just an hiatus.

The Hart Dynasty could start a feud with Tiffany. She could then eventually cost one of the members their match in the vacant ECW Championship tournament against Finlay saying a permanent ECW general manager has been found(She was only interim). As her last act as general manager, she brought back her mentors ECW Superstar Initiative, introducing Sheamus O'Shaunessy. Tommy Dreamer could be announced as the new ECW General Manager.

Tommy would make a good general manager and The Hart Dynasty would have the advantage on Natalya against Finlay and Sheamus O'Shaunessy so Tiffany would even it out. Finlay has been acknowleged as a trainer so he could be training Tiffany.

Tommy could eventually return at any time. He could feud with the Champion saying he's had the shortest reign, now he wants the longest.

It was just an idea...
This is actually one of the more unique matches on the ppv. I was almost scared that the ECW Championship would be left off the ppv, but I'm glad it make it on. I can see this match going in any one of their direction. Christian could win and retain his status as the ECW Champion. By Extreme Rules, he will have only been the champ for about 2.5 months and that's not really a long title reign for someone the caliber of Christian. Although, he was never known to be a champion to hold on to his titles for too long, but anyway, moving on...

I can see Jack Swagger regaining the title. For all of 2009, Jack Swagger has either been a contender for the ECW Championship, or he's actually been the champion. Since 2009 came upon us, Jack Swagger has never taken his eyes of the title. With his determination to win the title, you could very well see Swagger breaking the dreams of Christian and Tommy.

Now, we go to Tommy Dreamer. His contract will expire on the day of the ppv. If Dreamer does not win the championship, he's done. It's obvious that Dreamer will put his heart and soul into this match. We could see Dreamer win the title and extend his contract or we could see Dreamer win the title and retire immediately afterwards or we could see Dreamer win the title and vacate it, without actually retiring, because I did say that if he failed to win the title by June 6th, now 7th he would leave.

So, this is a match that I will look at all the possibilities for. This match will make you have to ''Expect Everything'', and I'm prepared for whatever. I can't pick a clear winner, but after watching the final ECW before the event, I'll add my prediction.
I don't see Dreamer winning this one. If it was him instead of Christian facing Swagger at Backlash he would probably won it and dropped it here. Christian will win most likely and start feuds with either Henry or Kozlov, preferrably Kozlov.
I hope WWE goes balls out for this match....some really big spot for Dreamer to go out on (win or lose). But most of the triple threat matches for the last year have been tame....so expect maybe 1 big spot at the end. Dreamer FTW either way
While it is true that Triple Threats are No DQ, by default, adding the hardcore stipulation makes it clear that this match will feature a lot of hardcore spots. And, really, this is the best way for Dreamer to look good. Dreamer does two things well - get his ass kicked, and hurt people with weapons. This match lets him do both. He'll get his ass kicked by Swagger for a while, and later in the match he'll beat the shit out of both of them with chairs and canes and what have you. He'll also do his silly ECW baseball slide, but now, into a trashcan. What fun!

Dreamer's going to win. Of course he's going to win. He puts out his mandate, he says he's signed a one day contract extension, he's an ECW legend (kind of), and it's the ECW PPV. What more could scream "Dreamer wins, Dreamer wins"? Christian will probably take the pin, because he can afford to - Dreamer will look like a somewhat respectable champion by pinning the champ, and Swagger won't have to lose to an old guy. Christian is already so well established he can take the pin, and no one will care.

Dreamer will go on from here to defend a few times - I think he'll make it two months, until Night of Champions (which is in Philadelphia), retain there, and lose on ECW or Superstars at some point after. Maybe if he's really lucky, he'll get to SummerSlam to drop to Bourne or Koslov.

It should be a solid match - Christian can do hardcore well, Dreamer obviously can, and Swagger can probably pull out a few nice tricks as well. I fully expect a Dreamer title win.
I'm thinking that Dreamer doesn't win here. I've read before that he has no intention of regaining the championship and would rather but young guys over. I think that Swagger will win here by pinning Dreamer.

Dreamer can then take over as GM and take Christian's side in his feud with Swagger. I think that the two will have some sort of one on one gimmick match at the next PPV, with Swagger winning. This will allow Christian to move on to bigger, better things.
I'm only okay with Dreamer winning if he retires soon after and vacates as a loyalty kinda thing. Otherwise he's done nothing to deserve the belt. For the last few years all he's done is job, bring mentor Colin Delaney and occasionally make one eighth of the crowd chant "E! C! W!". He hasn't had any good feuds or matches in years. He should only get the belt if he's going to retire soon.

As for the hardcore stipulation, I like it. Dreamer will have some great spot ideas, even if he might not have the athleticism needed to pull some of them off. But that's why Christian is there, he'll do the really athletic spots and Swagger will do the power spots. It should be a really good match, especially with Dreamer trying to do anything he can to win the title. A broken table or two, some smashed up chairs, a couple of trash cans and trash can lids and a kendo stick with Dreamer or Christian winning it.... Still not sure which though.
Shame there'll be no blood though :(
I would love to see Dreamer win, but I don't think it's going to happen. With his contract coming up, and no public word on it being extended, I could see him not being involved with the pinfall. Possibly, laid out outside, or tied up in the ropes, watching Swagger pin Christian, smiling at him the whole time, bringing him to tears.

If I were booking, and judging from recent events, I should be, I'd have the match end, just like that. Then, Tuesday, Swagger comes out, celebrating being the "All-American American two-time two-time ECW Champion" (How SWEET does that sound?), and then Vince interrupts, and brings out the new ECW GM...TOMMY DREAMER! Swagger's jaw drops, and Dreamer brings back Extreme Championship Wrestling, and makes his life a living hell.
Truthfully, I would buy this PPV solely for this match. I am so excited to see what this brings. While I don't think Tommy Dreamer will walk away with the win, I think the hardcore stipulation was added to make him look good. Hardcore is what Tommy Dreamer is all about and it is the best way to let him shine.

We all know that Christian made his name, back in the day, by making a hobby out of the TLC match. He has also been involved in a fair number of street fights during his tenure in TNA. He is well versed in the area of hardcore and I can say with certainty that he can hold his own against Dreamer in a hardcore match.

Jack Swagger will be the most interesting piece of the puzzle. I'm a huge Swagger fan and he has impressed me each and every match I have seen him participate in. But how will he fair in a hardcore environment? I think he will still get alot of mat wrestling into the match, but at some point, if this match is done correctly, he will have to have some hardcore spots. Swagger's a young guy, so I can see him going balls out for this one. He is by far the biggest and strongest man in the match so he could do some damage with a weapon. I'm hoping he'll be able to take some shot like a champ.

On paper, this match looks to be great. I'm a fan of all 3 participants so the winner is secondary for me. I can't wait to see Tommy finally get some recognition on the PPV level.
Ehh....Dreamer can win this and retire, starting a ECW Championship tourney as has been suggested. That would work. As would having Dreamer drop it at Night of Champions or maybe even Summerslam. Summerslam will be carried by the semi-super card it's supposed to be, so having a Dreamer ECW main event won't hurt buy rates at all.

However, i wouldn't be surprised if Christian won this for some reason that doesn't take into account any feuds at all.

It'll be a good match, full of spots that will get the old ECW fanboys creaming in their pants. But one thing is certain. Swagger won't be winning this thing.

I'm hoping for dreamer to win the title..... then celibrate for 20 minutes....
then out comes CM Punk....
10 minutes Hardcore match!
Cm Punk is the new ECW Champion!

I've talked about this on another thread!
No one agreed that could happen...
1: ECW title isn't worth MitB
2:Cm Punk has to stay to smackdown....

Heres what I have to say to that....
Add some value to the ECW title....
and 2....
He can't beat Umaga over and over and over.... How about take the lesser belt and hold it....
CM Punk Heel turn!
Dreamer is cool and all, but I just do not see him winning the belt. He is always putting over others. Christian is already a big name and has had a good run with the belt. Swagger could use another run with the belt unless he is going to raw or smackdown in the near future. It's a tough call between Christian retaining or Swagger winning. I like Christian more so I guess I'll give my prediction to him retaining. Dreamer will put him over then become GM or a commentator.

Dagger Dias prediction: CHRISTIAN

Like everyone has said above me, for the last few years now, and also at Extreme Rules I think Tommy Dreamer will do what he does best: Put other guys over. Especially recently, Dreamer has continued perfecting his skill of jobbing and will continue that until he retires.

With that in mind, I think Christian will retain his title at Extreme Rules, with the help of Dreamer, allowing Christian to continue looking good and at the same time allow Dreamer to look good and have his share of "hardcore" moments. In the end everyone will look good, except for Swagger, who likes like he is on his way back down to nothing.
errrr. We may have a serious sleeper on our hands here. Tommy Dreamer has been pretty adamant about being totally OUT of the buisness if he doesnt win. No GM, no nothing. He himself has said that. His contract is already expired, he has extended for one day, just for this match.

In other words, this could get fucking insane. Im not saying win or loss, im just saying seeing Dreamer give every last bit of all he has. Tommy Dreamer has always been a very proud guy, and has a ton of pride in his carreer and ECW itself. If this is truly the end for him, which it appears it will be, we could see some pretty out of control shit. Excited for this.
My Final Thoughts​

Why Christian Should Win?

So far the return of Christian to the WWE has been decent, holding two pinfall victories over Jack Swagger. It's time for him to face more competition on ECW, namely Vladmir Kozlov. I'm not a huge fan of Kozlov but I think he has what it takes to be ECW Champion and Christian can help him become a big threat to his title. Vince has trusted him with the belt and is waiting to see what can he do with it before he is possibly drafted to RAW or Smackdown in the near future.

Why Jack Swagger Should Win?

I didn't think much of Swagger when he first debuted, but his matches with Matt Hardy and John Cena quickly changed my opinion. He has shown that he has what it takes to compete with the best in the WWE and the sky is the limit for him. He claims that Christian has cheated to beat him the past two pay-per-views and this will be the perfect way to get him back. A feud with Evan Bourne looms and that will be a great matchup for Swagger as well as Bourne.

Why Tommy Dreamer Should Win?
Dreamer has stated that if he doesn't win the ECW Championship, he will retire. I agree that he doesn't deserve the sendoff like Ric Flair has, but he deserves to go out on top because of his dedication to the WWE. It will be a nice little moment and sure will hopefully bring a tear to your eye.

Who Should Win?

Tommy Dreamer has strived to win the ECW Title and I believe his hard work should pay off. His family would probably be in attendance and what better way for him to go out is ECW Champion celebrating with his family in the ring.

Who Will Win?
It will be a battle between these three superstars and a great match but I see Tommy Dreamer coming out on top. This may not be as emotional as Flair/Michaels but Dreamer winning the title will be a heartfelt moment for him and the ECW fans. Swagger hits the gutwrench powerbomb on Christian and then Dreamer hits the DDT on Swagger for the win.
Um, yeah. I'm sorry, but what a dumb stip. As Edge would tell you, there is no rule against bringing weapons into a regular Triple Threat match, as there are no DQs. So every Triple Threat is by definition hardcore. I guess this time we'll get lots of weapon use, instead of just the regular one big spot at the end.

One thing's for sure: Dreamer's not winning. And maybe, just maybe, I see him giving the rub to Swagger rather than Christian.

Well I do understand what you mean....HOWEVER...this is hardcore rules meaning yes there are no DQ's but you can also pin your opponent anywhere and of course weapons are encouraged.
This match is all about Dreamer, and he shouldn't win. Christian can pin Swagger, by cheating if he wants, and then Dreamer can go get his GM job and make Swagger's life a living hell for "costing him his career".

As for the match, it SHOULD be violent, fitting of Dreamer's last match. He should get to look good, for a change, and be extremely close to winning on numerous times. Swagger feuding with the GM could work, as long as it gets him away for Christian for a little while.
Dreamer is cool and all, but I just do not see him winning the belt. He is always putting over others. Christian is already a big name and has had a good run with the belt. Swagger could use another run with the belt unless he is going to raw or smackdown in the near future. It's a tough call between Christian retaining or Swagger winning. I like Christian more so I guess I'll give my prediction to him retaining. Dreamer will put him over then become GM or a commentator.

Dagger Dias prediction: CHRISTIAN

Whoa.... wow.... I was way off on this one. Can't get em all right, right? Very glad that Dreamer won, even though I had predicted that he had no chance of winning. I thought he would put over one of the other two guys and switch to commentary or GM, neither of which is gonna happen now. Can't wait to see what happens on ECW with him as champion. Should make for some insane new feuds once Swagger and Christian have gotten in their rematch. The match itself, one of the best of the night. I was very impressed and enjoyed it!

Final Thoughts: 8 out of 9

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