Examining Show/Reigns feud and whether Reigns is ready to be WWE WHC

Is Reigns ready to be WWE WHC

  • Yes, he's finally gotten me saying he is ready

  • No, and he never will be

  • Not yet, but close enough, and he will be soon

  • Yes,but me personally don't EVER want him as champ

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That N Word

Actively evolving
Roman Reigns and Big Show will do battle in a Last Man Standing match at Extreme Rules, and when the dust settles, it needs to be Reigns who has his hand raised.

The former Shield enforcer was on the cusp of becoming the new WWE world heavyweight champion before Seth Rollins ruined his plans by cashing in his Money in the Bank contract.

Reigns was built up as the next top star for months, but fans did not seem to respond the way WWE had hoped. It almost appears as if the company caved to the pressure from the crowd by not having Reigns get what would have been the biggest win of his career.

Reigns is now going to have to work his way back to the top. There's no Royal Rumble match to get him another title shot until next year, so he has to earn it the traditional way.

While Rollins cashing in at WrestleMania was something many expected to happen, most assumed Reigns would win the title and hold it for at least a few minutes.

The loss brought Reigns right out of the main-event scene and into a feud with Big Show. While fighting a giant is not supposed to be easy, it's not like he's facing a top star.

Big Show hasn't been booked as a legitimate threat to anyone in a long time, which would make a loss to him very detrimental to Reigns' rise back to the top.

Big Show has had a great run and has contributed a lot to the business, but he is a glorified midcard star at best at this stage in his career.

It's now up to the son of Sika to prove to everyone that he deserves to be looked at as a viable candidate to hold the company's top title, and the first step is defeating Big Show.

The Last Man Standing stipulation is going to help Reigns look dominant. He is at a significant disadvantage when it comes to size, power and experience, which means winning will help him appear to be ahead of the curve.

In the past, this kind of match has been used to show how tough a person can be. John Cena and Triple H have both benefited from keeping people down for a 10-count, and so have countless others.

Reigns even holds a victory in this kind of bout over another member of The Authority. When he faced Kane in August of last year on Raw, he put down the Big Red Monster long enough to get the win.

When it comes down to it, Reigns has to win. Big Show wouldn't be affected by the loss, but Reigns would. Even if the fans don't want to see him as champion yet, he still needs to be viewed as someone who could potentially hold the title.

WWE put a lot of hard work into building him up over the past several months, and having him lose to Big Show would undo all that hard work.

I personally think Reigns is ready. He still isn't the best mic worker, but he still has gotten pretty good on the mic. He has also got pretty good in the ring. I don't think anyone can argue that at this point. He also has become a mainstream superstar. Literally when you begin to type when you type "WWE" into google the first thing that wrestlers name that pops up is "WWE Roman Reigns." He has also evolved into his character.

And even though we don't want to admit it, his feud with Show in recent weeks has been pretty decent. Hell, it is better than most feuds going on right now.
Big Show hasn't been booked as a legitimate threat to anyone in a long time, which would make a loss to him very detrimental to Reigns' rise back to the top.

This is actually wrong. Big Show wins the majority of his matches. The problem is that he loses the majority of his feuds...of course, he doesn't seem to get many any more. 2014 had him challenging Lesnar and losing, although softened by the fact that Lesnar cheated. He also fought Rusev and ultimately lost. Then he defeated Henry, sort of.

The problem with Reigns is that WWE isn't considering what made him so popular in the first place. He was a cool, dark anti-hero who worked perfect within the confines of the Shield. He was the climax and while he didn't say much, what he did say mattered. When the Team fell apart, Reigns was pushed into the Title scene even though he hadn't had many solo matches- and the few he did have were boring. He promptly lost and it felt like wasted time, as the story surrounding the WHC was primarily Reigns rebelling against the Authority.

Then he got injured. Not his fault, but I don't think fans were thrilled when he's be advertised to appear on RAW only for it to be through satellite. The Slammy's probably did more harm than anything, as while fans liked Reigns, they liked Bryan and Ziggler more...Reigns winning caused them to see his presence as a detriment to their favorite stars. When he returned, he fought Big Show in a handful of boring matches.

Show and Reigns can deliver quality work, but they need the right opponents- which they weren't. Yet WWE crammed it down our throats and fans got sick of it. Furthermore, his promos were botchy and reminiscent of Cena, a total contrast to the silent anti-hero they had grown to love. They didn't want to see Reigns as Cena 2.0, the fake underdog. Finally, the Rumble sucked and fans don't forget the boos. I don't think everyone turned on Batista because he won the Rumble, I think it's because the crowd had turned on Batista because he won the rumble.

Nevertheless, fans seemed to have forgiven him. Reigns matches with Bryan and Lesnar with awesome, and he works well with Rollins. His matchups with Big Show aren't especially good, but they have become tolerable. I just wish it was more relevant. I don't feel like Reigns is battling the authority, even though Show is a big part of it. Quite the step down from Reigns being a one man rebellion.

Right now, Orton is playing that part.
I'm just not seeing it. In terms of his personality and mic ability, Reigns strikes me every bit as and now as he was 4 months ago. He isn't being booed out of the building and his match with Lesnar did show that, if nothing else, he's genuinely a pretty tough guy, so he has made strides in the right direction.

However, at the same time, he's just not all that charismatic and he's yet to really develop a rapport with fans. I just don't see a whole lot of reasons for people to invest in Roman Reigns as, frankly, the guy just really isn't all that special. The roster is packed with wrestlers who can run circles around him inside the ring or have a level of ease & confidence on the mic that he just can't seem to duplicate.

In my eyes, one reason why Reigns did so well as a member of The Shield was because he had two much better overall wrestlers to work with and his role in the group was much more limited. He did quite well, given the limits that someone always has whenever they're booked as the mostly silent, muscle/bruiser of a faction. However, and I was wondering this from very early on, I was curious to see how well he'd do without Rollins and Ambrose there to help cover up whatever possible shortcomings he may have had; I knew The Shield would eventually break up and I mentioned in a number of past posts that we ultimately would have to see them on their own in order to get some idea as to what they brought to the table and how far they'd be able to go. I also had a sense that Rollins and Ambrose were simply much better and had more to offer than Reigns did and nothing I've seen out of Reigns over the course of the last 10 months or so has altered that opinion. The only advantage Reigns had going for him really was he had all the cosmetic tools that Vince himself deems important, but Rollins and Ambrose are just flat out all over him when it comes to everything else.

I think Reigns needs a lot more time and he needs more credibility built before he's someone fans could buy into and get behind as champion. If Reigns hasn't been able to pull himself up to where he should be by Royal Rumble time next year, I think enough time will have passed to just say that he just doesn't have what it takes no matter how good looking he is.
I think JH has hit the nail on the head here.

Roman Reigns is a conundrum. Here you have this fantastic looking, well built muscular guy, complete with tack gear and everyone anyone would want. But then he opens his mouth and well, Sylvester the Cat comes out. What a let down that was.

He literally has what most wrestler's would give their right arm's for and that's the look of a champion. But when you scratch the surface, there is not much behind the mirror. His mic skills aren't great, and in the ring he's gotten a lot better, but still not where he should be at this point in the game.

I agree with JH that being a member of the Shield actually shielded him (no pun intended), and hide his shortcomings. Since they broke up, Rollins and Ambrose haven't looked behind them, meanwhile Reigns still wears the Shield gear, has the same entrance and music. He has to break away from that and start fresh. He has to become his own person. The Shield is no more, and as much as fans like myself would love to see them back together, I don't see it happening for a long time. Roman Reigns can't just keep walking thorough the crowd in the hopes that Ambrose and Rollins will join him one night.

This feud with Big Show has done nothing for him at all I'm afraid. Yes Big Show is a giant, but he has won a lot of the matches, and made Roman look weak in some of them. Reigns has to go out there and just nail this guy to the wall, show him some of what he did to Lesnar at Mania. In other words smarten Big Show up at little.

It is rumoured that his next feud will be Kane. Again another feud which will do nothing for him, as Kane has been booked to be a loser for the last while. If Reigns is to get into the main event scene again, he has to be given something with force behind it. What looks like is happening right now is his push has been put back a little. Maybe this is a good thing.

I do hope to see him in the main event scene sooner rather than later, but the timing has to be right this time. The fans will come around, and if they don't, then they don't. You can't force people to like a certain person, it's all down to personal opinion. So let's hope enough fans buy into what he's selling this time around. Because I have a feeling he'll only get one more chance, and if another push fails, then I don't see his career going anywhere.
he is definitely the man to hold the wwe whc title with pride. wwe do it you way to make reigns the top guy. I support reigns bcoz I don't have any reason to hate him.
Reigns is now going to have to work his way back to the top.

Yes, that's what he has to do.....and no, I don't think he's ready to challenge for the world title yet. The good part is that Wrestlemania is over and done with so there's no reason to rush things.

All during the Winter of 2014-15, they were in a big hurry to get Reigns ready to be world champion. His months off due to injury complicated matters, yet it seemed they were determined to have him defeat Brock Lesnar at WM31.

WM31. Always WM31......we gotta get him ready by WM31.

It probably put a lot of pressure on the young man.....and we know what happened in the end. Corporate plans were changed and Roman cleanly lost.....and, in my opinion, came off looking better than ever by virtue of how he took the beating.

Now, the company can build him up in the manner they should have in the first place. As I've been saying, they have to break him down a bit in order to start the rebuilding process.....after all, he's already been in the main event of Wrestlemania.....and I can't think of a better starting point for his first individual feud since WM31 than Big Show.

He's old & slow, but he's got rep, he still presents as dangerous....and it's not that "everyone" beats him.....in fact, few do and it seems only the main event performers and a few up-and-comers manage it. Beating Big Show in impressive fashion will be a terrific first step for Reigns.

After that, he moves higher and higher up the ladder until WM32, which is my guess for when Roman Reign will finally be ready to challenge for the world title.

A year late? Maybe.....but worth the time invested.
People need to stop saying that Reigns is hated. Roman is not hated, being anointed is what the fans hated. Even though there are better guys in WWE than Reigns Vince wants to and is going to put the belt on Reigns. The fans either root for you to win or root for you to lose and Reigns is kind of in the middle. To be the top guy in anything you need to have a bit of arrogance and confidence and in wrestling also charisma. Right now Reigns just doesn't project a reason why he should be the champion.
People need to stop saying that Reigns is hated. Roman is not hated, being anointed is what the fans hated.

I have to agree with this. Fans don't hate Roman Reigns the person, we don't know him. They don't even hate the character, cause he's kind of cool. Fans don't even hate him because of Daniel Bryan. What they rallied against was the fact that Reigns had no resume to speak of, and he was seen as being just given the WWE title, because Vince likes him.

Don't know about anyone else, but I personally feel a wrestler should work for and deserve to be given that title. There are other wrestlers on the roster who worked harder last year, Rollins, Ambrose, Ziggler, hell even Rusev deserved it more. I don't think Daniel Bryan deserved it this year, he was out most of last year, but he did deserve another shot at it.

If you look at what those wrestlers did and what Reigns did, it's apples and oranges. He will win it in time, but right now he is damaged a little because of the way he was booked. They haven't helped him any with the continued bad booking, but hopefully that will turn around. I mean it has too right, they can't go on booking him like shit can they?
I have to agree with this. Fans don't hate Roman Reigns the person, we don't know him. They don't even hate the character, cause he's kind of cool. Fans don't even hate him because of Daniel Bryan. What they rallied against was the fact that Reigns had no resume to speak of, and he was seen as being just given the WWE title, because Vince likes him.

Don't know about anyone else, but I personally feel a wrestler should work for and deserve to be given that title. There are other wrestlers on the roster who worked harder last year, Rollins, Ambrose, Ziggler, hell even Rusev deserved it more. I don't think Daniel Bryan deserved it this year, he was out most of last year, but he did deserve another shot at it.

If you look at what those wrestlers did and what Reigns did, it's apples and oranges. He will win it in time, but right now he is damaged a little because of the way he was booked. They haven't helped him any with the continued bad booking, but hopefully that will turn around. I mean it has too right, they can't go on booking him like shit can they?

I actually agree that Bryan probably didn't deserve it and especially considering his more recent health problems, WWE was 100% correct in not putting him in that scene (for more than a month). Admittedly part of the reason why the Rumble sucked is that no one went in with a lot of momentum- the closest was arguably Ziggler thanks to Survivor Series.

Booking Reigns right now is tricky because his potential opponents would be
- Guys who can't afford a loss without hurting their own potential star power: Bray, Barrett, Rollins, Harper Rusev.

- Guys who can afford the loss, but it would be too predictable: No one thinks Big Show, Kane, or the Miz would stand a chance.

Even if he challenges the Authority again, that means we'd get a lot of 'Big Show Vs Reigns' or 'Kane Vs Reigns' matches. Ugh, I hate to admit it, but the only way to give him compelling feuds would be to turn him heel...and I don't think that would be the right thing either.
I personally think he's ready to hold the title. He was ready at Mania, in fact. I think all of this "He's not ready" talk is utter nonsense. He has charisma, that's a fact. He connects with the crowd on a large scale, just not with smark *****. He's pretty awesome in the ring, much better than guys like Ziggler who those same smark ***** fawn over.

If it were me, I'd have him win the title in a triple threat with Orton and Rollins at Payback, successfully defend against Rollins at Battleground, then I'd have a big showdown between Reigns and Cena at Summerslam.
I personally think he's ready to hold the title. He was ready at Mania, in fact. I think all of this "He's not ready" talk is utter nonsense.

Except it isn't.

Being a title holder is more than having charisma.

Can he lead a 20 minute back and forth talk segment?

Can he have a good to great 20 minute match with anyone on the roster? Better yet, can he LEAD a good to great 20 minute match with anyone on the roster?

No and no. and that's just two of the reasons why. Though they are the primaries.

Not ready. Like the cheese in the cheese-it commercial.

To answer the question of the thread, the answer is no. He has at least a year to be legitimately ready, which will probably be in about 7 months to WWE. Which is fine, since Babyface Brock will probably be coming back for S-Slam
Except it isn't.

Being a title holder is more than having charisma.

Can he lead a 20 minute back and forth talk segment?

Can he have a good to great 20 minute match with anyone on the roster? Better yet, can he LEAD a good to great 20 minute match with anyone on the roster?

No and no. and that's just two of the reasons why. Though they are the primaries.

Not ready. Like the cheese in the cheese-it commercial.

To answer the question of the thread, the answer is no. He has at least a year to be legitimately ready, which will probably be in about 7 months to WWE. Which is fine, since Babyface Brock will probably be coming back for S-Slam

Yeah I just don't know if I'm buying that. Lesnar can't carry a 20 minute talking segment nor can he lead a 20 minute match. Yet if you had it your way, he'd still be the champion right now.

Now sure, Lesnar is a bit different than most. Is Seth Rollins any more proven than Reigns at this point? Sure he is a better talker and has more experience but I'd say that they have a very similar track record when it comes to match quality. Bryan is definitely a better worker but is he a much better talker? I don't think so. He's been involved in several long talking segments but I don't recall him ever leading any.

You know when I really think about it, I'd say that most former World Champions would fail to meet all of these requirements.

Yeah, I'm sticking with it being all nonsense. We wouldn't be any worse off now with Reigns as champion instead of Rollins.
Yeah I just don't know if I'm buying that. Lesnar can't carry a 20 minute talking segment nor can he lead a 20 minute match. Yet if you had it your way, he'd still be the champion right now.

Now sure, Lesnar is a bit different than most. Is Seth Rollins any more proven than Reigns at this point? Sure he is a better talker and has more experience but I'd say that they have a very similar track record when it comes to match quality. Bryan is definitely a better worker but is he a much better talker? I don't think so. He's been involved in several long talking segments but I don't recall him ever leading any.

You know when I really think about it, I'd say that most former World Champions would fail to meet all of these requirements.

Yeah, I'm sticking with it being all nonsense. We wouldn't be any worse off now with Reigns as champion instead of Rollins.

Lesnar has a manager who speaks for him who gives the best promos in the game, and HAS led great matches....20 minutes was an example.

Reigns isn't close to either Lesnars ability to entertain in the ring, now Heymans ability to talk. To even go there is totally foolish.
Lesnar has a manager who speaks for him who gives the best promos in the game, and HAS led great matches....20 minutes was an example.

Reigns isn't close to either Lesnars ability to entertain in the ring, now Heymans ability to talk. To even go there is totally foolish.

I don't recall Lesnar leading a great match at all.

I think I kind of acknowledged that Lesnar is a different animal, why not address the valid points?
I don't recall Lesnar leading a great match at all.

I think I kind of acknowledged that Lesnar is a different animal, why not address the valid points?

Has he had a poor match since he came back? Would he be entertaining against anyone who had a shot at hime?

No and yes. You would be talking crazy talk to say the same for Reigns.

Rollins can work anyone in the WWE. So can Bryan, so can Cena, so can Orton, so could Punk.

All can lead or more than hold their own in talk and build segments. Another thing which can not be said for Reigns.
Has he had a poor match since he came back? Would he be entertaining against anyone who had a shot at hime?

No and yes. You would be talking crazy talk to say the same for Reigns.

Rollins can work anyone in the WWE. So can Bryan, so can Cena, so can Orton, so could Punk.

All can lead or more than hold their own in talk and build segments. Another thing which can not be said for Reigns.

Man I don't really feel like getting into some shitty thing on the internet but I'm losing the thread here. Your criteria seems to be arbitrary as it changes from post to post. I don't even know what to say at this point.

I'm just saying that I don't think the gap between Rollins and Reigns is all that big. I think Reigns would be fine as champion, probably even good as far as first time champions go.
Man I don't really feel like getting into some shitty thing on the internet but I'm losing the thread here. Your criteria seems to be arbitrary as it changes from post to post. I don't even know what to say at this point.

I'm just saying that I don't think the gap between Rollins and Reigns is all that big. I think Reigns would be fine as champion, probably even good as far as first time champions go.

How does my criteria change? I said he can't work a good to great match with anyone on the roster (the champ needs to) and he cant

I said he cant carry his own in promo and angle build, and he cant.

Worse yet, the fans KNEW this from the outset, and wouldn't even give him a chance if he DID have the abilities to overcome that (see; Batista)

Rollins and Reigns aren't even remotely close. One carries, the other needs to be carried. One is the focus of solid promo work, one has to be heavily protected in any live situation.
Roman Reigns and Big Show will do battle in a Last Man Standing match at Extreme Rules, and when the dust settles, it needs to be Reigns who has his hand raised.

The former Shield enforcer was on the cusp of becoming the new WWE world heavyweight champion before Seth Rollins ruined his plans by cashing in his Money in the Bank contract.

Reigns was built up as the next top star for months, but fans did not seem to respond the way WWE had hoped. It almost appears as if the company caved to the pressure from the crowd by not having Reigns get what would have been the biggest win of his career.

Reigns is now going to have to work his way back to the top. There's no Royal Rumble match to get him another title shot until next year, so he has to earn it the traditional way.

While Rollins cashing in at WrestleMania was something many expected to happen, most assumed Reigns would win the title and hold it for at least a few minutes.

The loss brought Reigns right out of the main-event scene and into a feud with Big Show. While fighting a giant is not supposed to be easy, it's not like he's facing a top star.

Big Show hasn't been booked as a legitimate threat to anyone in a long time, which would make a loss to him very detrimental to Reigns' rise back to the top.

Big Show has had a great run and has contributed a lot to the business, but he is a glorified midcard star at best at this stage in his career.

It's now up to the son of Sika to prove to everyone that he deserves to be looked at as a viable candidate to hold the company's top title, and the first step is defeating Big Show.

The Last Man Standing stipulation is going to help Reigns look dominant. He is at a significant disadvantage when it comes to size, power and experience, which means winning will help him appear to be ahead of the curve.

In the past, this kind of match has been used to show how tough a person can be. John Cena and Triple H have both benefited from keeping people down for a 10-count, and so have countless others.

Reigns even holds a victory in this kind of bout over another member of The Authority. When he faced Kane in August of last year on Raw, he put down the Big Red Monster long enough to get the win.

When it comes down to it, Reigns has to win. Big Show wouldn't be affected by the loss, but Reigns would. Even if the fans don't want to see him as champion yet, he still needs to be viewed as someone who could potentially hold the title.

WWE put a lot of hard work into building him up over the past several months, and having him lose to Big Show would undo all that hard work.

I personally think Reigns is ready. He still isn't the best mic worker, but he still has gotten pretty good on the mic. He has also got pretty good in the ring. I don't think anyone can argue that at this point. He also has become a mainstream superstar. Literally when you begin to type when you type "WWE" into google the first thing that wrestlers name that pops up is "WWE Roman Reigns." He has also evolved into his character.

And even though we don't want to admit it, his feud with Show in recent weeks has been pretty decent. Hell, it is better than most feuds going on right now.

It depends on how WWE books their match. Reigns recently had a LMS match against Kane and I can't say it was a classic.

I think the idea of booking Reigns against a future HOF is a good idea, however, I don't think Show was the right opponent for him. Reigns need somebody younger, move better in the right like Sheamus. However, it doesn't look like there's a Reigns/Sheamus feud on the horizon but if WWE wants to plug Reigns in the IC title to replace Bryan as the top face of the division, go for it!
Reigns need somebody younger, move better in the right like Sheamus.

It's one of the ironies of storyline building in pro wrestling that a rising star needs opponents who are either former greats headed downward.....or competent talents who are treading water.....to further their careers.

In the case of both Roman Reigns and Sheamus, you've got two guys the company is looking to elevate. This is obvious with Roman, but I find it hard to believe the company has turned Sheamus bad and given him a new look in order to not push him......and if they're looking to elevate Sheamus, how can he outright lose a feud to Reigns? Yes, I'd love to see them fight it out; it could produce some incredible matches, but having contests with a bunch of wishy-washy endings and no clear winner would be ill-accepted by the fans.

Okay, this topic is about analyzing Big Show vs. Reigns.....and the comparison with Sheamus/Big Show amply explains why Show is a fine opponent for Reigns at this re-building stage of his career.

After all, someone's got to lose.......Show can, while Sheamus can't.

Fear not, we'll see Roman do battle with Sheamus down the line, but unless they're changing the way they build plot lines, it won't be for a while.
For those debating on Lesnar, Reigns and what it takes to be an effective champion, you don't need to be able to carry a great or even good match for 20 minutes.

You need to be able to be carried for a great one. Lesnar is an excellent performer, but I'd be surprised if it turned out that he was calling the spots in most of his matches. Then again, Lesnar's best attribute is just his presence. Cena can carry a good match, but his classics tend to be carried by someone else.

Now granted, you do need a certain level of charisma and promo abilities. Reigns does have charisma, even though it's more introverted than let's say...Cena or the Rock. As part of the Shield, he got over the most for being the mysterious dude who always drew our attention, even when Rollins or Ambrose was speaking. Part of his problem is that when he started speaking, he would say things that felt more Cena-ish than Reigns-ish. His promo abilities were pretty weak, but they've gotten better to the point of being acceptable imo.

Do I still think he's ready? No. But I think he will be no later than a year, presumably if he doesn't get injured or anything. I'd like to see him take the belt off of Rollins. Some speculate that will be Lesnar, but I'd rather not see a part timer wield the championship for awhile.
Reigns is in a better position now than he was since Royal Rumble to WrestleMania. The heat he had with the crowd seemed to be more about not feeling Reigns was the guy they wanted beating the seemingly unbeatable Brock Lesnar because Reigns had not really had a strong history of winning big, important matches on his own.

Dean Ambrose had more singles success (even though it wasn't much) than Reigns, as did Dolph Ziggler, Daniel Bryan and others.

But Reigns didn't win the WWE title but he DID put up a strong fight and now anyone who was going to riot if Reigns won the title can't now because he hasn't and now Reigns will get reactions based on his performance not on 'being improperly pushed'.

Reigns has gone away from silly cartoon promos and more serious, get-to-the-point promos which is good. Let's not forget Randy Orton was NOT a great speaker in his early days. HE benefited a lot from being in Evolution in his early days and won a singles title then so he had more credibility as a singles competitor before he split from Evolution and went on to the bigger things. Many say Orton still doesn't have great mic skills but he is obviously pretty solid.

Reigns, I feel, will be similar to Orton. He is right now being more serious in his promos, which is good, but also a little bit of a snarky edge to him which is also good so fans can buy into his character.

As for ring work? He's gotten better and better and will continue to get better.

The best thing is that Reigns now has a chance to do what should have been done before with him and that's get a series of solid singles match wins under his belt that show he is a strong, resilient character. Ideally, he would benefit from a winning a couple feuds like Big Show for starters, then maybe someone like Sheamus would big huge and then if he could get the IC or US title by SummerSlam and have a 2-3 month reign (no pun intended) with it, by next WrestleMania he should have the fan support he deserves because he will have EARNED it more in the eyes of the fans who seem to love guys who work their way up rather than just seem to get hot shotted to the top.

So I think Reigns is not ready now for the WWE title but he should be by about the last quarter of 2015 and into 2016.
I have to admit, their match at Extreme Rules was surprisingly awesome...Hopefully that is the end of this feud, so it could go out on a high note.

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