EWA - Extreme Wrestling Action!!

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Dark Match Winner

Sunday 25th Febuary

Richard Claxon, a multi-Billionaire decided enough was enough, he was tired of Vince McMahon and the World Wrestling Entertainment and the fact it was dominating the world of wrestling. Even Total Nonstop Action(TNA) could not compete with Vince. The problem is that he had no roster. He also had no commentators or anything else. This would have to change. First up he had to decide the name of his show which he would try and compete with Monday Night Raw and Smackdown, he decided however to make his shows slot be on a Wednesday and signed a excluisve deal with British company Sky Sports, he also agreed a major money deal with American Channel Spike TV, and would be shown after TNA. The show would be a 1 hour segment to start with.

9PM - That Night

Today the newest company on the block Extreme Wrestling Action announced the signing of 14 Wrestlers for it debut show.

Shelton Benjamin
Lance Storm
Scotty 2 Hotty
Mr Ken Kennedy
Chuck Palumbo
William Regal
Kurt Angle
Kevin Nash
Eric Young
Sean Waltman( Who will be known as X-Pac)
Super Crazy
Gregory Helms

Monday 26th Febuary

This Wednesday EWA Absinth will take place for the first time ever at 9pm on Spike TV. With the show repeated for British viewers at 9pm british time on the thursday.

Commentary team also declared as..... JR- Jim Ross who defected from WWE and Don West who defected from TNA.

The Pay Per View list was also Annouced.

March - The main PPV - Mass Destruction
April - Survival Sunday
May - Day of Reckoning
June - King of the ring
July- British Summer Beach Bash - In England
August - Paniful Punishment
September - Forgotten Friday
October - Hallowen Havoc
November - Destination 0
December - New year Wars
January -Royal Rumble
Febuary - St Valentines day Massacare.
Extreme Wrestling Action Presents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Pyro goes off, and after the loud bangs are done, a hugh roar from the crowd is heard.
Edge's music hits and the R-Rated Superstar hits the ring.

"Hmm, so this is the EWA then."
The crowd roars and Edge pauses.
"Not bad, not exactly brilliant but hey it will do. I mean on this show I will get used properly and tonight I get the title shot I deserve and I will be the EWA Heavyweight Champion."
Boo's echo around the arena.
"Shut UP!!!"
The boo's get louder and louder.
"At least at the end of tonight I know I will be champ after I defeat that waste of space Shelton Benjamin, I mean honestly what hope in hell has he got against a superstar the calibure of myself. He shooda stayed in the WWE where he belongs with thoose jokers."
"Aint No Stoppin Me" plays and Shelton Benjamin arrives on the titantron.
A cheer comes from the crowd, Shelton just smiles and milks up the applause.
" Edge, you think you can come out and disregarde me, man you make me laugh, I garentee tonight when I hit you in the T-Bone, I will get the 1,2.3 and the EWA Heavyweight Title."
"We'll see Benjamin, I might warn you though I have a little surprise waiting for you Tonight!!!"

Match One
Four Corner Match for EWA Cruser X Divison Title

Super Crazy v Gregory Helms v Scotty 2 Hotty v Lance Storm

Ending: With all four guys stumbling to get to thier feet, Lance Storm gets up to his feet first, followed by Super Crazy, Super Crazy attempts a clothesline but Storm ducks it and lands Crazy with a Superkick right to the jaw. While Storm stands there smirking, Scotty 2 Hotty bounces of the ropes and lands him with a modifed Bulldog. Scotty gets that look in his eye. He starts moving like a mad man before hoping round.
The Crowd chant.
Scotty procedes to do the Worm on Lance Storm before he clobbers him with the right forearm, then as Scotty turns round Helms nails him with a kick to the mid section and sets him up for the Nightmare on Helms Street. He nails him and goes for the cover.




Your Winner and New EWA Crusier X Divison Champion Gregory Helms (Pinfall 12.05)

We cut to the back to join William Regal and Kurt Angle talking!!!!

"Kurt, What are we going to do about tonight, can we really rely on that little torag Eric Young, I dont think he's up to the job tonight, I mean that Nash is a big fellow."
"Your proberly right, Palumbo should be easy to deal with but dont worry I'm the Wrestling Machine I dont fear anyone."
"Thats good to hear Kurt, Dont worry about tonight, I know what to do after all god graced me with such a lethal left hand"

Kurt looks on with a strange facial expression, Regal just smirks.

Match 2
Falls count Anywhere!!!

X-Pac v Raven

Ending: Its all carnage Tables everywhere, two bodies lying mostionless in the middle of the ring, both men stagger to there feet, X-Pac grabs a chair and rattles Raven with it right across the skull. Raven staggers but doesnt fall down, so X-Pac lays the chair down and hits Raven with a few punches to the face, he then hits the X-Factor right on top of the steel chair. He is too tired to maintain his advantage, he rolls over slowly and hooks the leg for a cover.




X-Pac just falls over he cant believe his luck, he then sets up a chair as if he wants to slam Ravens face of it.He whips himof the ropes but Raven reserves it and lands the drop toe hole and X-Pac's face smacks right off the chair. Raven then picks up X-Pac and delivers the Raven Effect.




Your Winner Raven (Pinfall 7.32)

We cut to Edge's locker room for a short look. He's on the phone

"So you'll be here tonight for my match"
"Excellent, always knew i could count on you!"

Edge ends the call and just stands there with smile.

Match 3
6 Man Tag Match

Eric Young, Kurt Angle and William Regal v Kevin Nash, Mr Kennedy and Chuck Palumbo

Ending: Kurt Angle and Mr Kennedy and doing battle, Kennedy goes for a clothesline but misses and Angle hits the Olympic Slam. He goes for the cover



Nash Breaks up the fall, all hell breaks loose with all 6 men in the ring, Angle fights Kennedy and Palumbo and Regal are going at it, the four of them go out to do battle outside the ring, leaving Young and Nash in the ring to battle it out. Nash Dominates young and does the Jacknife Powerbomb, and hooks the leg




Outside the ring Kurt Angle shakes his head, as he was the legal man, but the offical lost control so the fall counts over Eric Young

Winners Kevin Nash,Chuck Palumbo and Mr Kennedy by Pinfall 11.46

Match 4

EWA Heavyweight Championship

Edge v Shelton Benjamin

Ending: Shelton suplexs Edge, buts winds his in the process, Shelton then goes for a right hand, but Edges ducks and runs off the ropes and lands the Spear, he rolls Shelton over for the cover.




Edge cant belive it, he goes for a second spear but misses and Shelton lands with a hellacious Superkick right across his jaw, Both men fall to the canvas, Shelton is nearly out of it, but struggles to his feet, he picks Edge up and lands the T-Bone Suplex, he goes for the cover



And wait a minuite the referee has been pulled out the ring, by OMG, Its Christain Cage, the referee takes a tumble and misses the action, Christain goes in the ring and hits Shelton with the unprettier.

Christain goes out and rolls the ref back in the ring and Edge goes for the cover.




Here is your winner and New Ewa Heavyweight champion Edge (Pinfall 14.23)

Edges turns round to hug his brother, and Christain kicks him and plants the Unprettier on him.

He grabs a microphone,

"Its always about you Edge, I've had enough I will show you who is the better brother and I will do it at Mass Destruction in a match for your EWA Heavyweight Title.

Christain throws his mic at the ground and walks out..

End of Show!!!
Eeehh it could've been pretty good.. but your matches are wwaayy too short, starting with the end is not the way to go, Id love to see atleast a few notes about the match itself... it feels pretty empty. But I'm liking the Edge/Christian feud... if that were booked in real life it would have money written all over it
Yea the length has been greatly lenghted, posted this show on another site, but this will be its new home, will wait till tomorrow before inserting show 2.
Hey man, you have a nice show here. I just wish you would post full matches. I will give your show a review. The first match was funny man. Even in Book This! Scotty can't get a win. I like that Helms won. The second match was nice too. I am pretty sure it would have been great if it was in full but it had a nice ending. Raven deserved to win and I am glad he is getting wins. The third match was the 6 man tag and it was okay. Didn't like it too much but that is because I am not a fan of most the stars in the match. The main event was nice too but I figured Edge would win. Shocked by Christian's turn though, never saw that coming. Start posting full matches man, I would enjoy reviewing them.
EWA ABSINTH!!!!!!! 6th March Edition

Pyro hits and the crowds roar is unbelievable after last weeks exicting finish to the title match, whats going to be deal between Christian Cage and Edge?

"Christian Cage's Theme Music hits and he swaggers down to the ring. He gets a microphone handed to him and prepares to talk.

Boo's echo all around the arena.

"Well looks my actions last week got me popular"

The crowd boo and he begins to chuckle in the middle of the ring.

"Well I suppose you all wanna know why I did, why I turned on my Brother after helping him win the title."

A small cheer is heard which must be for Edge.
"I think the reason is obvious, for years when I the WWE, I was constantly overlooked, he got a run at the title i got nothing, I went to TNA, I got my shot, won the title. But there was one thing that bothered me. I was still number two in my family. My family still treated Edge better than me, so we I heard he moved to EWA, I knew i had to join and not only prove myself I'm better than Edge but prove to my family that I am the supiror one. And Edge once I beat your ass down to a bloody mess and take your EWA Heavyweight title at Mass Destruction, we will see who is the....

Edge's Music hits and he walks out to the titantron.
Edge looked happy, and proudly showed off his newly won EWA Heavyweight title.

"Christian, Christian, Christian, My kid brother. How you doing down there?, nice little stunt you pulled last week. I mean you must think your the man now, but hey look bro who's the champ, who's got the title, o yea brother it aint you."

"If your so confident your better than me Edge, bring your ass down to this ring and I will give you the ass kicking of a lifetime"

Edge looks at the crowd and smiles, and then bursts into the ring, Christian backs off and just as Edge goes to punch Christian.......

I'm Back hits.... and out steps Eric Bischoff.

"Edge, Christian stop it right now!!!!, I am not having my Main event at Mass Destruction jepourdised. Yea you may have guessed it the new General Manager of the EWA is me. ERIC BISCHOFF!!!!!

Bischoff walks down to the ring with a swagger.

"Now you two, im going to get this sorted quickly so I can get on with my other announcements, so tonight it will be You ( He looks at Edge) and Kurt Angle teaming up against Christian Cage and Kevin Nash!!!!

A huge roar is heard from the crowd.

"And if you two lay a finger on each other when not in an offical match, you will be fired on the spot. I am not having my Main event at Mass Destruction ruined."

"But Eric" Said Christian.

"No buts!!!!, Now both of you get your asses back to the locker room and let me get on with my speech"

Christian leaves first.... Edge waits a while then follows suit leaving Bischoff in the ring alone.

"Now, that I have your attention all I can say is"

WHAT!!!! Roars the crowd.

"Its good to be back in pro wrestling, and well after the contraversy of the WWE, I feel I have found the New company which is able to take Wrestling to new limits. I have a vision with this company, so without futher or do my first announcement. The EWA World Tag Team Titles will be on the line at Mass Destruction. Also the All Star Title will go on the line in the first ever King of the mountain Match on EWA.. I will reveal more about that next week."

What!!!! roars the crowd again.

"O yea and the main event at Mass Destrcuction will be decided next week when both the contract signing and a specail match will determine what goes on"

I'm Back plays and Bischoff heads to the back.

The TV Camera cuts to backstage and to Eric Young's Lockerroom where we see Eric talking with William Regal.

"Eric, last week what were you playing at sunshine, you lost us that match"

"I couldn't help it I was left in the ring with Kevin Nash what chance did I have"

"Listen you little torag if thats your attitude towards me then we'll settle this tonight, me versus you in that ring"

"But William"

"Toorah young chap"

We cut back to the ring. Gregory Helms music plays and he walks down to the ring with his newly won Cruser X Title.

"StormBreaker" plays and Lance Storm walks down with his eye firmly fixed on Helms.

Match One
Non Title
Gregory Helms v Lance Storm

Ending: Helms whips Storm off the ropes and plants him with a backbracker, he whips him into the corner but Storm hits him with an elbow, Helms is staggering about and Storm regroups before planting the Superkick, he lands it and slowly goes for the cover.....




Storm cant believe it and argues with the offical but gives Helms time to get up Helms goes for a right hand but Storm blocks it and leathers him with an elite clothesline. He taunts the crowd and just smiles, then he goes for the cover....





Again in a fit of rage Storm argues with the offical, he turns round and Helms grabs him into a craddle and the ref counts



Helms has the tights.....


Here's is your Winner Via Pinfall - Gregory Helms (13.45)

The TV Camera's cut back to Kevin Kelly the EWA senior interviewer and he's standing by with Super Crazy.

KK - "Tonight Super Crazy you have the chance to become the number one contender for the Cruser X tite at Mass Destruction and you would to fight the winner of that match there, Gregory Helms"

SC- "Wella youa knowa in Mexico we alla routin for mea to win zis match tonighta"

KK- "Do you have anything you wish to stay to the rest of tonights combations"

SC- "Ya, I'm Super, I'm Crazy, I'm Super Crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the background a voice is heard....

"Yo Shelton dont worry anyone interferes I've got your back."

"Thanks man means alot to me"

"Aint No stoppin me" plays a Shelton comes down to the ring.

Shelton waits for a minuite to see who his unnamed opponent is.

Then "Hardy Boyz" plays and Jeff Hardy makes his EWA debut.

Match Two

Shelton Benjamin v Jeff Hardy

Ending: Shelton goes for the Superkick but misses, and Jeff kicks him in the stomach and plants him with the Twist of Fate, he has the chance to go for the cover buts decides against it, he milks the cheers from the crowd and decides to go up for the Swanton Bomb. He does it but Shelton rolls out the way, leaving Jeff hitting the canvas, both men are down and the referee begins the count.







Both men stagger to thier feet and swing punches at each other, Shelton gets the upper hand and then swings off the ropes and goes for the superkick but Jeff ducks it and falls to the floor and Shelotn takes out the referee, so now both men are down and out lying in the ring with no referee.
Then running from the crowd Matt Hardy appears and slides into the ring.
He attends to help his brother Jeff.
Shelton looks at him wonder what the hell and they start fighting each other exchaning rights before Matt lands Shelton with a low one and then hits the Twist of Fate.
Then from the Back Charlie Haas runs out and Matt Hardy swings for him but misses and Haas turns him round for the german suplex.
From the crowd to big monsters appear and climb into the ring, one in front of Haas one behind him, Haas runs at one of them but they clothesline him, the monster then picks him up then whips him into the turnbuckle before the other monster whips his partner right into the chest of Haas,before he runs up and does it similarly but more effectively.

Bischoff Appears up on the titantron with a smile on his face and begins to clap, then says "Now thats how you wipe the tag divison in 3 Minutes"

Result - Declared No Contest after (8.36)

We cut back to Kevin Kelly whos with Kurt Angle.

KK. "Kurt Angle, tonight you team up with Edge to take on Christian and one of your opponents from last week, Kevin Nash."

KA - "Edge, I mite not like you and you might not like me but tonight we have a job to do. Tonight I will take care of the supposide big man Kevin Nash, now i dont care if you and Christian Cage have some problems thats fine take it out in the ring against Christian and dont get in my way, because if you do, I'm taking no prisoners. O ITS TRUE!!!! ITS DAMM TRUE!!!!"

"Big Daddy" Hits and Kevin Nash comes to the ring.
"Just close your eyes" Hits and Christian Cage enters the ring.
The two guys shake hands and start discussing tactics.

"Medal" Hits and Kurt Angle walks out but waits on the ramp.
"Metalanguis" hits and the new EWA Heavyweight Champion Edge appears next to them, both run into the ring.

Match 3
Tag Team Contest

Edge/Kurt Angle v Christian Cage/ Kevin Nash

Ending: Both Christian and Angle are down after both clothesline each other, they are both strechting to make the tag, Angle makes it to Edge, but Christian fails to make it Nash, Edge is all over his brother will punch after punch before he picks him up and slams him into the turnbuckle, he applys several chops before tagging Kurt Angle,Angle applies a harmlock before turning in a german suplex and repeating this another twice, Cage is down and Angle applies the anglelock, Cage rolls over and slips out it and makes the tag to "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash, Nash Clotheslines Angle and then Edge after he runs in, He slams Edge, before Angle targets his ankle and the big man falls down, Angle and Proceeds to fight Nash, whilst Edge and Christian take thier fight to the outside. The referee goes out to check on Edge and Christian, while Angle hits down Nash. Then Ken Kennedy appears on the apron and Angle goes to punch him,Kennedy lands him with a steel chair, Angle doesnt fall but lands right in the path of Nash, who hammers him with the Jacknife Powerbomb before going for the cover, the ref never saw the chair shot so he goes for the count.




Winners Via Pinfall - Kevin Nash and Christian Cage (17.32)

Edge and Christian continue to fight before being pulled away by security,

We cut back to Kevin Kelly who is with William Regal.

KK - "William Regal, tonight you have challenged Eric Young to match tonight after you blame him for last weeks defeat, my question is why?"

WR- "The reason is simple the little boy let the team down"

KK- " So that gives you a reason to pick on him?"

WR- "Put it this way sunshine Eric Young wont make it to the ring tonight"

KK- "And how can you clarify this?"

WR- "I dont have to answer such questions to you get out of my way"

EMT's are noticed to run by and they run round the corner and the camera follows them. Lying there is no other than Eric Young, he's lying a bloody mess. Who could have done such an attack if Regal was gettting interviewed.

We cut back to the ring for our featured Match.

"X-FACTOR" hits and X-Pac goes into the ring.

"Turn it up" hits and Scotty 2 Hotty dances into the ring.

"Mexicools" hits and Super Crazy springs into the ring.

Main Event
4 Way Ladder Match for the Number one Contender for the Cruser X title.

Scotty 2 Hotty v Super Crazy v X-Pac v ??????

The Match starts off with just 3 men in the ring, the mystery wrestler hasnt appeared yet, Super Crazy and X-Pac double team Scotty, performing such moves as a double Suplex and a few double clotheslines. They whip him into the corner before X-Pac runs and Spinning Heel kicks Scotty in the face. Scotty goes flying down and put him in the perfect postion for the Bronco Buster. X-Pac runs up against and slaps his crown jewels off Scottys chest several times before Super Crazy does a moonsault onto Scotty. The fans start to wonder when will the 4th man appear. Then suddenly the lights darken, and BOOYAKA hits, yip its Rey Mysterio, he does his usual leap from the lower stage ramp and he runs to the ring, he slides under the rope and ducks an X-pac clothesline before bouncing of the ropes and hittin him with a hurricanrana.He the boumces off the ropes again plants Super Crazy with a bulldog. He climbs out the ring and retireves a ladder, Rey hits Scotty square in the face with a ladder. X-Pac is still motionless, so Rey stacks up his ladder and begins to climb, he gets to the top before Super Crazy starts getting up and they exchange blows to the face. Meanwhile X-Pac gets another Ladder and sets up it up right beside the other one. Rey hits Super Crazy so hard he falls off the ladder and lands right on Scotty 2 Hotty's ribs. Then X-pac hits Rey in the gut before planting the X-Factor on him and the both crash to the canvas. 2 ladders are up and 4 superstars are down. After 30 seconds of struggle Scotty gets to his feet first and notices than Super Crazy is dazed, so he runs off the ropes and plants a bulldog him on him. He gets all hyped up and goes for the WORM.
The crowd chant
He goes to do the wormish part of the move but is dropkicked by X-pac and this sends Scotty outside the ring. X-pac then runs at Rey Mysterio but Rey lands the drop toe hold, and X-Pacs face is lying on the bottom rope, He calls San Diego and peforms the 619, everyone is lying there motionless and slowly but surely Mysterio climbs the Ladder, he grasps the X and falls to the fall. The bell rings.

Here is your winner Rey Mysterio (19.34)

End Show!!!!!
Sweet man i liked ur 1st match and ur 2nd u got incredible ppl there so u should hire rvd and sabu considering they r treated like sh!t in the wwe but i like ur show....

excelent man!


please review my show now plz thanks pww (pro world wrestling)
nice job here man. I like what you are doing here. Your endings are great but I still wish you post full matches. Promo wise man you are great at this. The endings were great too. I am pretty sure this would be a great full show. 9/10 here too man because I want full but if you can't i can get use to this.
nice job here man. I like what you are doing here. Your endings are great but I still wish you post full matches. Promo wise man you are great at this. The endings were great too. I am pretty sure this would be a great full show. 9/10 here too man because I want full but if you can't i can get use to this.

Well im currently half way done Show 3, then there show 4 then the PPV.

So just for you since you request as from the March PPV - MASS DESTRUCTION. Matches will be written in full.
Looking very good man, read both of the shows and am defnately liking what I am seeing.

As said before though your show would be even better than it is if u were to make the posts on the matches a little longer.. to me they dont need to be essays but just a little bit more length at least.

Liking the roster our assembling to dude.. great job.. keep it up
This show is great man but what really makes it seem not so great to me is the fact you only post endings to matches... Please post full matches it will help make your show alot better than it could easily compete with the other shows in book this. By the way please review my show OWN LampShade.

Pyro goes off and the loud bangs echo around the National EWA arena.

"StormBreaker" plays and a disgruntled Lance Storm truds in the ring.
"Please Welcome Lance Storm" annouces the ring announcer.
He goes straight to the announcer and takes the microphone from him.
Boo's echo around the arena as well as chants of "Lance sucks"

"Last week, I wrestled the Cruser X divison Champion Gregory Helms."
Cheers are heard from the crowd.
"I believe I should have won that match and I still see myself as the top Cruser X wrestler in the company if not the industry. Yet I was not invited into the main event Last week in the 4 Way match for the number one contender for the title. I mean come on, honestly, why the hell would you give a guy making his debut the chance to win this match ahead of me. I mean i am Lance Storm, i am the future of the Buisness, I am the next CRUSER X...."

"Booyaka 619" plays and Rey Mysterio appears up on the titantron.

"Lance, Lance, Lance, why are you complaining, I won my title shot fair and square. I climbed that ladder and i got the X, so now I get to go the Mass Destruction and defeat Gregory Helms for the title."

"Wait just a minute Mysterio, just listen up"

"No you wait Storm, I have enough of this, you always complain amigo, I won that match and it gives me this shot and this dream to become the Champion. I am living proof the miracles do happen and that you never doubt the underdog."

"That may be true Mysterio, but I deserve that title shot and I want you to put your title shot on the line tonight!!!"

"Your O.........

"I'm Back" plays and Bischoff appears next to Rey Mysterio.

"Lance, I mean it shut the hell up"
The crowds erupts with cheers.

"Lance I gave you a chance last week to perform against the champ and you ended up looking like a chump."

"Hey wait just a..."

"No you just shut up there Lance im tired of complaining, so tonight, If you win this following match up, you can be in the match at Mass Destruction. And your match tonight will be a Handicap Match!!!!

The crowd roars......

"And it will last 3 minutes."

Out of the crowd Rosey and Jamal appear and slide into the ring. The ring bell goes and the Match is underway.

Match One

Handicap Match

Lance Storm v 3 Minute Warning( Rosey/Jamal)

Rosey attacks Storm for behind, and Storm falls due to sheer impounding pressure and weight of Rosey. He picks him up and and whips him into the turnbuckle. Jamal runs at Rosey who whips him right into the chest of Lance Storm. Rosey then turns round and flattens Storm aswell. Rosey picks him up before slammin him to the ground. Jamal know picks him up for Rosey to attempt and run and clothesline Storm. He attempts this but Storm ducks and Jamal is laid flat out by Rosey. Storm turns round and lands his trademark superkick on Rosey and he preceeds with the cover.



Roseys over powering strenght causes Storm to go flying. Jamal goes to the apron as Rosey is the legal man. Storm punches Rosey repeatedly but to not much effect. He turns round and lays out Storm with a mamoth standing cross body. He tags in Jamal and walks over to Storm and picks him up, he whips him to Jamal who lays Storm out with a Samoan Drop. Jamal hooks the leg.




3 Minute Warning cant believe it so Rosey lies on the the canvas and holds Storms legs . Jamal bounces off the ropes and delivers a Massive Splash right on Storms chest.




Your Winners Via Pinfall Rosey and Jamal - 3 Minute Warning - (5.25)

We skip back to William Regal's Lockeroom where we see that Eric Young is busy confronting them.
EY - " What the hell do you think your doing Regal, Last week you attacked me from behind and get any with it. I want you tonight."
WR -" Do you seriously think I'd waste my time on you sunshine, your weak Eric, you cant compete with the likes of me the great William Regal, the true wrestling amasador from the United Kingdom."
EY- " Enough is enough Regal, you dont have the balls to face me tonight, Your running scared of me.....
He pauses
WR- " You know what sunshine, I've had enough of your lack of attitude towards me, I'll see you in that ring tonight and ill show u who will be running scared."

We cut back to ringside.

"Raven" Plays and Raven walks down to the ring with his usual attire on consisting of a kilt.

"Hardy Boyz" plays and Jeff Hardy comes down to the ring alone, with Matt nowhere to be seen.

Match Two
Raven v Jeff Hardy.

Ending: Raven has totally dominated the match, he has grounded Jeff and his strategy has worked brilliantly. He whips Jeff off the ropes and lands an amazing clotheline. He looks up at the crowd and taunts them and gets booed as a responce. He then picks Hardy up again and whips him of the ropes again before planting him with a drop toe hold. Again Raven taunts to get a return of booed targetted at him. He picks Hardy up, but Jeff hits him back with various shots to the midsection, before Raven Knee's him in the ribs. Raven again whips Hardy off the ropes and goes for the clothesline but Hardy ducks, bounces off the ropes and springs right into Raven and knocks him down. Both men are down and the offical begins the count.






Both men get to there feet, Jeff gains the advantage and momentum he whips Raven into the turn buckle and punches him before running up and delivery the final wish move. Raven stutters before Jeff delivers the twist of fate. The match is effectively over but with the crowd cheering Jeff decides to go up on the top rope and go for the Swantom Bomb. Jeff dives for it but Raven moves out the way and Jeff hits nothing but canvas. The ref begins the count.









Both men stagger to thier feet Jeff runs at Raven but he ducks and Jeff nails the Offical. The referee has been knocked clean out. Raven turns round a nails Jeff with the Raven Effect. But he cant get the fall due to no offical. Then running from into the crowd, X-Pac appears, Raven attacks but misses and X-Pac counters with the X-Factor, Jeff then goes up on top and nails the Swantom Bomb. He hooks the leg and the ref finally appears to be moving, he hasnt noticed the interference and begins to count.....




Your Winner Via Pinfall - Jeff Hardy (8.12)

We cut to the GM office...Bischoff has an announcemt!!!!!

EB - Well, well, well ladies and gentleman, it is now time for another one of my big announcements. As you all know Edge and his brother Christian Cage have had an on-goin rivalry so to speak over the EWA Heavyweight title. Well in only 2 weeks time these two will do battle for Edge's championship. Anyway tonight, in this very arena, both Edge,Christian and myself will be in the ring for the offical Mass Destruction Contract signing. And if either of them try any funny buisness with each other they will be suspended indefiently.

Boo's are heard...

And finally lets liven up this main event match, Tonight after the contract signing both Edge and Christian will pick someone to represent them next week on Absinth and whoever wins decides the Match stipulation for the EWA Heavyweight title match at Mass Destruction.

God i love my job.

Back to ringside now.

The following contest is the qualification match for the King of the mountain.

"British and Proud" plays as Willaim regal trots down to the ring and he wipes his feet before he enters the ring.
He picks up a microphone and starts to bitch about Eric Young.

"Hello ladies and gentleman, I am proud to wrestle on behalf of the United Kingdom and her majesty the Queen tonight as I go on to defeat this little nobody Eric Young. After i defeat Young i will advance onto the King of the Mountain Match. This will be easy though as.....

"PAIN GAME" plays and Eric Young sprints into the ring and begins his assalut on regal.

Match Three
King of the Mountain Qualification Match
William Regal V Eric Young

Ending: Regal suplexs Young, then picks him up and does it again, the again as he goes for the triple suplex. He gets up and waves at the crowd, before turning round and nailing Young with a variation of a t-bone suplex pin.




Young gets the shoulder up in the first near fall of the match. Regal whips young off the ropes and elbows him in the face and he picks him up again and the double knee to face by Regal, what a shot and a cover.




Young again gets up and Regal delivers a side russian legsweep, and wait a minute Regal has locked in the Regal Strech, will Young submit, hes getting to the ropes slowly but surely, you can hear the pain comming from his voice, will he get there he's closer and closer and Oh no Regal pulls him back surely this must be it, but wait young's reversed it into a roll up.



And regal kicks out, and know Regal runs off the ropes and collides with Young in the middle of the ring, both men looks her and are out of it as the referee begins the count.








Still no movement for either man.




Both men are out cold of EMT's run to the ring to aid them

The result of the match is a draw by double Knockout (10.16)

As both men are checked out we look up to the titantron as a video is played.

An Aussie accent is heard.

We see a big bald man bench press easily and see him sweat it out in the gym.

"I'm comming soon, so beware!!!"
The crowd cheers not knowing who this man is.

"Gregory Helms" plays as Gregory Helms walks down to the ring with his Cruser X title around his waist.
"O yea" Plays with Mattitude's video on the titantron, but no hardy.

Match Four

Gregory Helms v Matt Hardy

Mysterio comes out and just points at Helms.

Matt Hardy appears from the crowd and gets Helms with a roll up the ref counts



Hardy has the tights


Your winner Matt Hardy (0.07)

Mysterio just looks on and laughs on the titantron.

Back in Bischoff's office we go and the camera looks on at him.

"Welcome back folks, hope your enjoying the show, well obviously you are as we are the EWA the number one up and comming brand in sports entertainment. And one week on sunday at Mass Destruction I will prove this as i am adding to the card. It will be for the Newly Made ALLSTAR Championship. It will be Eric Young versus William Regal versus Kevin Nash versus Mr Kennedy versus Kurt Angle.

The crowd roars with anticaption.

And this match will be a "King of the Mountain Match"

Crowd Roars even lowered.

Then Raven Burts into Bischoffs Office.

R -"Bischoff I want X-PAC I want him now god dam it"

EB - "I cant just give you X-pac right now"

R - "Well give me him at Mass Destruction"

EB- "Ok i'm a fair man, you name the match type"

R -"Any Match?"

EB -" Of Course"

R - "Okay I want his ass in a Clockwork of Orange Match"

EB - "Raven, Your wish is my command"

R - -"Finally"

"Kennedahhhhhh" Plays and Mr.Kennedy strolls to the ring.
"Aint No Stoppin Me!" plays and Shelton Benjamin jumps into the ring.

Main Event
Shelton Benjamin v Mr Kennedy

Match starts off with both men feeling each other out, Kennedy as Shelton in a headlock before he bounces off the ropes and knocks Shelton to the canvas. He whips him into the corner and lifts him up before performing and suplex. Kennedy looks at the crowd and Milks up the applause. He wastes time before Sheltons hit Kennedy in the abdominal several times before whipping him off the ropes and peforming a neck breaker. Both men are down








Shelton gets up first and suplexs Kennedy then lifts him up and perform a variation of the t-bone. He gets up and gets ready for another T-bone but Kennedy flips over and ddt's him.
He goes for the cover



Shelton kicks out Kennedy hits him in the face with is knee's before going for a cross body he nails it but Shelton reverses it..



Kennedy rolls him over




Shelton kicks out and stands up before he gets nailed with a standing scoop slam by Kennedy, he goes up on the top rope and shouts YOUR NEXT ALLSTAR CHAMP, he peformers the Kenton Bomb and pins Shelton




Your winner via Pinfall MISTER KENNEDY - (6.35)

We then Have a Promo for Mass Destruction.

We join it back in the ring where Bischoff is standing with a desk and two chairs in the ring.

EB - "Tonight, I stand before you with a two contracts for 1 week on sunday which will ensure both our combatants will go one on one at Mass Destruction, but of course with it being a Pay-Per View being watch in over 30 countries, i feel that we have to add a stipualtion,so what i offer to the combantants is a match next week on absinth where each superstar will pick one superstar to represent them in a match with the winner earning the right to name the stipulation. for the EWA Heavyweigh title match at Mass Destruction."

Crowd cheers loudly..

EB- "So, ladies and gentelman put your hands together for the EWA Heavyweight champion Edge!!!!"

The crowd cheers and boo's.

"Mentaligus" plays and Edge comes out in casual gear with a R-Rated superstar t-shirt and jeans.

E- "So Eric, both myself and my wannabe brother can choose one man to represent us, next week. Sounds good.

EB- "Well before you pick your superstar let me introduce your opponent he is your brother and the number one contender for the EWA Heavyweight title. Chrstian Cage.

"Just Close your Eyes" Plays and Cage walks out and slowly into the ring.

Both men sit down with bischoff standing in the top of the table.

EB- "So Christian would you sign the contract please?"

CC- "Done and dusted Eric"

EB - "And now you Edge"

E- "DONE!!!"

EB- "So without futher a do Edge which superstar do you want to represent you next week on absinth."

E- " I Choose................................Kurt Angle"

The crowd roars

CC- " Well then Edge I will go one better.. I choose Kevin Nash!!!"

EB- "There you go folks Kevin Nash v Kurt Ang........"

"Medal" plays and Kurt walks out to the entrance.

KA-" Wait a freakin minute hear, i didnt agree to any match next week on Absinth, what makes you think you can choose me Edge."

E - " Well you see..."

KA- "Dont answer that Edge, your just Lucky Cage picked Nash and I want Nash before King of the mountain, but remember Edge im not doing this for you, I'm doing this for Kurt Angle.

Show Ends will everyone in ring and Angle on ramp.
This was a great show man. I do have criticism though so read carefully in the review. Also, When you post a new show, you should make a new thread for it. It makes it a lot easier to find. I only found it because it was bold and I thought you responded to some comments. Next show, give it a new thread. And now for that review......

Your promos as always were fantastic man. You set up some great feuds on your show and your promos do them justice.

Match One

Handicap Match

Lance Storm v 3 Minute Warning( Rosey/Jamal)

The match by itself wasn't that good. It got 3MW over as monsters but it really hurt Storm. I don't understand the point of Storm being squashed if he was a top contender for the belt but then I read on and found out about Mysterio. So after that, it was a bad match good squash promo though.

Match Two
Raven v Jeff Hardy.

You are great with rivalries man. This was a nice match between the two and you really did a nice job. I like the X-Pac interference because it helped a feud that I like. Nice Job.

Match Three
King of the Mountain Qualification Match
William Regal V Eric Young

This was the second best match of the night. It is an intense feud and is a very good one to have. I love Regal's character and I like Young. The ending you had was very good because it didn't take away from anyone and it made the feud that much more interesting. Another nice job.

Match Four

Gregory Helms v Matt Hardy

This match was pointless man I hate to say. A promo would have been a lot better. It didn't help anyone but it did create a feud. A promo would have did the same thing.

Main Event
Shelton Benjamin v Mr Kennedy.

MOTN. Had back and forth action and a very well thought out match. I wish it was Shelton who won but I can't argue with Mr. Kennedy getting the win.

Overall, I'll give this show a 7/10 because some of the matches weren't matches and some minor things. You might want to work on squashes because they really don't help stars. Use jobbers. And you might want to cut out short matches and make them promos. I learned that promos have a larger effect. Otherwise, this was an impressive show besides the things I mentioned. Keep it up man.
The reason the show is posted in the same thread, is because i want to try and have all my work together and its the only way possible, Storm getting squashed there is a reason for that ( Not mentioning Spoiler) and 3MW was just promoting them for another soon to be spolier. The Matt v Helms part if im honestly, was rushed due to my lack of time and i didnt want to rush my main event or last promo. In my head this show is planned to the next pay per view, the name is on the main page and will give hints, also I have the full card for Mass Destruction my first PPV made up so its just about confirming these matches.

Hope that clears alot up.
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