Every lower card talent should be working there ass off to impress

Of course they should, this is a no brainer. If by the off chance these guys were content to just relax and wrestle their one Superstars match every week and get a paycheck, the gravy train is about to come to its last stop. These guys better remind the WWE why they were given a chance in the first place and pull out all the stops over the next few weeks.

I see this as an opportunity for the WWE to expand the tag division. They can take a lot of these guys and pair them up into tag teams. However, not all of these guys are going to have their jobs saved, so they better prove themselves worthy of being given the spot.
I couldn't agree more!!

Especially with more and more of the big name stars reaching retirement,depending upon how well the younger guys perform at Mania..the cutting axe could be flying pretty wildly!!
You see, it's hard for the lower card guys to excel. Their all generic, cookie cutter CAW-type wrestlers. The generic 'good guy' babyface {half the NXT rookies}, or the generic musclebound bad guys {The Corre, New Nexus}. Ad to that the fact they barely get any TV time to impress crowds {isn't NXT shown on WWE.com only in America? And from what I understand, Superstars gets low ratings}.

In fact, the only person that I found intersting and should be kept is Brodus Clay. You got Kane, Big Show, Kahli all retiring soon, and the Undertaker is part time - WWE needs to build up a new monster. So his pairing with Del Rio is perfect. Chris Masters should be in midcard also.

Fire Heath Slater, Tyler Reks, Tyson Kidd, DH Smith, Kaitlin, and all the other NXT wrestlers. Look at Kaval, great talent, but the writers had nothing for him. What is the point of hiring all these young up and comers if they're just going to become "flavour of the month"?
I see this as an opportunity for the WWE to expand the tag division. They can take a lot of these guys and pair them up into tag teams. However, not all of these guys are going to have their jobs saved, so they better prove themselves worthy of being given the spot.

I like this idea. The WWE tag team division has been in shambles for years, never having more than 2 or 3 teams in competition. Pairing up all these guys from Superstars could eventually lead to some real competition and credible teams.
This is a great idea. It's about time that Chris Masters gets the push he so deserves. Also, give Kofi, McIntyre, Big Show, Morrison & R-Truth main event pushes.
Yeah they do need to get rid of the wrestlers who are not needed. I do feel sorry for all of the guys who are not needed. I really do hope that they do not get rid of Chris Masters.
They should keep Chris Masters since he's already been released once. Also, upon his return with a second opportunity, he has been in great condition and has vastly improved.

The rest should be released. I'm talking about guys like Primo, Yoshi Tatsu, DH Smith, Tyson Kidd, Tyler Reks, Skip Sheffield, Michael Tarver, the USO's etc. Basically, any guy the WWE isn't really using or has anything for should be future endeavoured.

Brodus Clay should be kept 'cause that guy has a unique look and is the only guy currently on the roster using an exploder suplex.
in the words of diddy, "theres always someone in life thats trying to take your spot".

the mid carders need to work as hard as they can. look at miz. he came up so quick. he worked hard. nothing handed to him and became the #1 heel. also as hard as it is for me to say it. but even cena worked his ass off as well. and now hes the #1 guy. look what happened to sheamus and swagger. got the title but seemed to not get heat on them enough so the wwe brought them down to mid card status.

but also wwe needs to recognize ALL the hard workers. e.g. shelton benjamin. he was such a hard worker and the wwe never gave him a chance except tag titles and mid card belts. i dont like saying this but to me it seems like the wwe doesnt want a black guy getting the prestiegious title around his waist. benjamin should have been holding the belt so long ago or at least been in contention.
but also wwe needs to recognize ALL the hard workers. e.g. shelton benjamin. he was such a hard worker and the wwe never gave him a chance except tag titles and mid card belts.

Wasn't the whole reason he wasn't pushed into the main event because of his lazy work ethic? I'm pretty sure that's all I read in relation to him.

Oh, and he couldn't work the mic....
Theoretically, they always should be. However, firings are never such a great thing.

However, I hope Chris Masters gets into a good spot. He's been working his ass off and has really improved. He's got a great look and his in-ring stuff has really started to improve. His work with HBK a while back was also solid, so he's capable.

Hopefully, they give him a shot on one of the main rosters.
They should keep Chris Masters since he's already been released once. Also, upon his return with a second opportunity, he has been in great condition and has vastly improved.

The rest should be released. I'm talking about guys like Primo, Yoshi Tatsu, DH Smith, Tyson Kidd, Tyler Reks, Skip Sheffield, Michael Tarver, the USO's etc. Basically, any guy the WWE isn't really using or has anything for should be future endeavoured.

Brodus Clay should be kept 'cause that guy has a unique look and is the only guy currently on the roster using an exploder suplex.

I agree that a lot of the low-level talent should be FE'd or sent to the "minors" to hone their craft. Guys I would like see get a chance are guys like Mike McGillicutty (whose shown huge promise in my mind) Tyler Reks (once his mic skills improve), Chris Masters (once Creative can figure a way to push him) and Skip Sheffield (I can see him as a Mike Knox/Snitsky type wrestler... all action/no talk)... The rest can go home... like now!!!!
Hey, this is my first post on here. I'd just like to share my opinion on the matter.

I would most likely guess that 8 talents will be released to make space and here's who I personally wish to see released:

R-Truth - He was a brilliant attempt of a superstar. Quite unique but he could never take it a step further and is reduced to small rivalries.

The Great Khali - I know WWE are using the fact that he is from an area in which they can sell to the fans and get more interest. But I just think if the company is going to develop they have to let him go.

Mark Henry - Should in my eyes have been released after ECW title reign. NEVER will be able to become a household name. He should step aside and let the new generation take control.

Primo - He is nothing without his brother to tag with. And the fact he is working tag team matches with Ryder is in my opinion only holding back Ryder from breaking through.

Chavo Guerrero - I DO NOT want to see him be released. I want him to be involved in the training process.

JTG - He can either go back to FCW for awhile or leave without being remembered.

Alicia Fox - Where is she?

and finally.... Rey Mysterio - Never changed his character... now to me is just a little masked superstar who panders to the fans.

Now saying this I have my predictions on who I think will be released but once that happens i hope WWE starts to push talent.

Chris Masters he has been a long servant in the WWE and deserves a I.C title run at least. Evan Bourne push him against the likes of Daniel Bryan and John Morrison in number 1 contender matches for the WWE Title. Zack Ryder he has shown he has the skills and charisma just needs a big push... maybe just the US Title. Wade Barrett NEEDS to become World Champion sooner rather than later, if Del Rio does win at Mania then Barrett should feel hard done by because he looked first in line for a World Title. I could have imagined Barrett/Christian/Edge/Del Rio happening. Would have drawn in more interest. And lastly the superstar who deserves the biggest push....


I have a perfect way of getting him huge publicity and gaining fans. The Edge/Del Rio feud continues onwards after Mania in which Edge vs Del Rio ends in an Edge victory. How about Del Rio wins the title at Extreme Rules but then at (If its still called it - Fatal 4 Way have Edge vs Christian vs Del Rio vs Mysterio) How about Cara costs Del Rio the title. Starting a huge feud between the two. You could base it on what ROH did with El Generico and Steen a little.

All in all the fact talent is getting released is good.... Just hope they make good decisions. And please Vince.... start watching CSR.
The young up and comers aren't the ones who should be worried. They probably don't make enough to really matter. Guys who've had their run, and probably earn solid money are the ones who should worry. If you're guys like Primo, JTG, Masters, and R-Truth, you should be sweating a bit.
They better not get rid of Zack Ryder. He has a great character and right now I don't understand why he's not getting any push. He's getting a good following on twitter and with his new youtube videos (account name: LongIslandIcedZ, if you haven't seen them yet). If Vince pays some attention to that then Ryder could be in line for a midcard push.

Anyway, on to a former partner of Zack Ryder... who was that again, Curt Hawkins? He does absolutely nothing and a lot of generic fans forget who he is (according to a recent house show report I read). Usually I just forget he's even there.
WWE needs to shed Great Khali first and foremost. They have a great talent in FCW right now in Jinder Mahal to replace as a viable BETTER Indian talent to retain the fanbase there with the loss of Khali. Curt Hawkins and Alicia Fox need to go as well. I still think there is some use for Primo if Tito Colon comes up to the roster and they can reform the Colons tag team. Trent Baretta has grown on me in recent weeks as well. Chavo will stick around because of his last name. I think a very large majority of the cuts will be in developmental.
They need to cut the people on Superstars that aren't drawing ratings.

William Regal- needs to go backstage, I wouldn't cut him, hes worth a ton, even if he doesn't wrestle. Manager, GM, Trainer, He could be a heel or a comical face anyday they wanted him to
Taka Mic.... I mean Yoshi Tatsu - The only thing interesting about him is his entrance theme, Besides that, hes just a racist Kung-fu Naki rewrite, no value in him.
Zach Ryder - As much as I hate Robby E, I think Zach can draw from a demographic, he could make money for WWE, he does a lot of self promoting through social media, and I think he could be upto a US Title contender spot without Superstars existing.
Curt Hawkins - Does he still have a job?
Scott Standord - He needs to start showing up on Raw or Smackdown, I like him on commentary, if they don't keep him for backup or something, it'll be a shame.
Tyler Reks - He can hang on Smackdown, hes got enough potential.
Chris Masters - Shouldn't be in the WWE after the Steroid Chants ruined him.
Tyson Kidd - He has no Charisma, he can wrestle, but he doesn't make it entertaining. He doesn't live upto his background.
Primo - Repackage him, especially if tito shows up, His only gimmick before was being Carlitios brother, now its just being a Puerto Rican face.... He needs something more, and its not him, but creative thats failing, solid worker.
Great Khali - He draws more than most of the IWC's favorites, even if we shit on him every chance we get. he has a fan base as large as the IWC combined.
Goldust - His runs over, entertaining character, but Raw has less Comedic parts lately, so he doesn't have a spot to fill, I wouldn't mind seeing him doing behind the scene fun, but not worth paying him.
David H Smith - If it wasn't for his father, he wouldn't be employed, Boring to watching.
Trent Barretta - With Croft gone, he has no spot, and no gimmick. He doesn't have the talent worth repackaging him. I see this being one of the first demotions to FCW, or Straight up cut.

Theres always the chance that WWE finds a network that can host a Superstars clone, and they might not be that affected. With the way WWE Filmed it, having dark matches for Raw/Smackdown being cashed in on it was definitely intangible how much it set the crowd up for the main shows, having a televised half hour before the real event really got me into the RAW I saw live recently, and it'd be a shame to see that removed.
William Regal has already started announcing on NXT, plus I'm pretty sure he's quite respected. I could see him being a trainer in FCW or an agent. I don't see them firing him.

Chavo should be a trainer or agent as well, plus with the whole Eddie thing, I don't think he's going anywhere.

Goldust should not be fired either. They can surely do something with him. He's a good wrestler and is over. He can at least help backstage with the younger guys if nothing else.

The NXT guys are probably mostly exempt. The Corre probably isn't going anywhere, and the Nexus is back in FCW for the most part. I know Tarver has wrestled there since coming back from injury and Sheffield is still injured I believe. Husky Harris has been repackaged, not sure on McGillicuty's status. Mason Ryan isn't going anywhere soon I wouldn't think. Otunga.....ugh. They can fire him, he blows.

I'd fire JTG, Masters, Khali, Curt Hawkins, and the Usos at least. I like Yoshi Tatsu and Barreta but they don't use them, so unless they have future plans, cut them. Reks wouldn't be bad if they gave him a mouthpiece. I miss actual managers, like Bobby Heenan that would do the talking FOR the guys that couldn't.
There's a fair bit of under utilised talent on Superstars. I'd definitely keep Hawkins & Barreta - maybe even making them team up and slowly rebuild the sad state of the tag team division. Tyler Reks should be okay - so too Zack Ryder and Chris Masters - all of them have something to offer at a mid card level. I think there's enough talent to push on both shows, especially when we stop having 30 minute pointless promos from The Rock in a few weeks time. They'll also be bringing up Jackson Andrews eventually, and Mason Ryan, Derrick Bateman and Brodus Clay have all proven they deserve a big push. Seth Rollins and Percy Watson are on the way up too, and Skip Sheffield can't be far away form a return.

They have a lot of older guys looking to go part time or retire in the next few years - Undertaker, Triple H, Rey, Kane, possible Edge and Big Show, Regal and Goldust already. They're going to need guys that can fill these gaps and they're going to come from guys like Sheamus, Morrison, Barret, Alberto...which means we need a new upper mid card and the guys I mentioned above can do the job.

So who would I cut?

I hit the fast forward whenever Primo or JTG come on. Just boring.
I don't get the fascination with Christian. If he walks out with the title instead of Alberto I'm gonna be pretty pissed off. He shouldn't be anywhere near the title picture. I'm over Christian.
R-Truth is pretty entertaining, but his gimmick has gone as far as it can. I liked the tease heel turn during the Cena firing angle, but it seems they have nothing for him.
I'm afraid Kozlov may be in trouble - he's gone from beating Taker clean to Santino's straight guy. Make him a monster again or let him go.
David Otunga - obviously.
I know he's had a lot of injuries, but what are they doing with Evan Bourne? Perfect reason to bring back the European Title and have Tyson and DHS go after it too. Well, that's another thread...but you already knew that...
This thread should be titled "stating the obvious".

Of course the lower card should be working their asses off to impress, but that would be true even if Superstars wasn't being cancelled by WGN, even if the WWE wasn't planning on their annual post-Wrestlemania spring cleaning. They should ALWAYS be giving their best efforts. That's how you get noticed.
Well to start off, lower card talent should always be working their ass off. If they don't they will never get anywhere and their release would be coming anyways. With the cancellation of Superstars i'm should releases will be coming, however don't expect it to be guys who only appear on that show. The WWE is obviously going to have to revamp their undercard to utilize more talent losing an hour a week of programming. What I would like to see is a renewed focus on the Tag Division, Primo could team up with Tito(FCW) and reform The Colon's, Ryder and Hawkins can reteam as unfortunately they are going nowhere on their own, and i'm sure somewhere down the line The Hart Dynasty will be reformed. You can also take guys like Yoshi, Evan Bourne, Chavo, a debuting Sin Cara, Baretta,Kidd and reintroduce a cruiser or lightweight division. Even go as far as making one division Raw exclusive and one Smackdown Exclusive.

Without refocusing these two division your left with an overly crowded midcard on both shows only one belt on each for these guys to be going after. Without these the WWE midcard will be in shambles with tons of randomly thrown together feuds with no purpose.

I think those that need to be worried about their jobs are not so much the young guys that have been featured on Superstars but more likely those that have been giving their chance but are going nowhere such as R-Truth, David Otunga, William Regal(contract is almost up and at least deserves to see it out to the end but no resigning), Mark Henry, The Great Khali(huge draw in India, but a sloppy performer and a waste of T.V time) and possibly JTG and Heath Slater. JTG has done nothing since the end of Cryme Tyme and I see no future For Slater once his tag run with Gabriel is over
What do you think they tried to do on Superstars? It's hard for those lower guys to get over because they're either:
a. Generic
b. Stuck in one's shadow(namely their father's)
c. Their gimmick isn't for them

I see this as a chance for WWE to step up their other divisions. Remember that storyline where Cena got "stabbed" by Carlito? The main event was a 20 man battle royal to determine the number one contender for the U.S. title!! You never see stuff like that anymore. There used to be tag team turmoil's and four team ladder matches. If WWE is smart, they will bring life back to their other divisions.
I'd worry more about getting rid of veteran dead weight than I would about cutting young talent working their tails off.

Cut bums like Khali and Mark Henry, who bring nothing to the table once the bell rings. Give me more variety on Monday Night's instead of the Cena/Orton show. It wouldn;t kill me to see a night where either or both got the night off.

It amazes me that people watch the same programs and see completely different things.

Some people bash in-ring talent for not being able to cut a good promo. Really? Is that what some people watch these programs for? The talking? I'd watch 100 John Morrison matches before having to endure one more son-in-law slugfest. (Please note how his latest snoozefest is now a No Hold Used, er... Barred Match).

What state is the company in when we get death by promo for HHH/Undertaker and their Wrestlemania 17 Rewind Match while Morrison and Ziggler, at this stage two infinitely better in-ring workers are stuck working with Divas and that pig from New Jersey?

So to sum up my feelings, cut more of the veteran dead weight who bring nothing to the table rather than slicing away actual young talent.
Well sure, it's only logical. The WWE's annual spring cleaning generally begins sometime after WrestleMania and I'd say there'll be at least 6 to 8 wrestlers from the main roster released. There are some talented wrestlers on the roster that really haven't been used very much apart from appearances on WWE Superstars and those are the guys that are at risk of being released.
Everyone in the WWE should already be working hard, they need to if they ever want to progress in the company.

With Superstars being cancelled and alot of the WWE veterans nearing retirement, their are big opportunities going for young wrestlers in the WWE right now. Just look at how many rookies have been given a push over the last couple of years? It is a fantastic opportunity for the young talents to make a name for themselves if they can avoid the cuts that are surely coming.

If I was them I would be going 100% in the ring every night to get noticed, working on my promo skills constantly when not wrestling and constantly thinking of ways to get myself over.

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