Ever had one of those night where you can't quit eating?


Excellence of Execution
And it's never good food, it's always cookies, candy, chips, etc. And you only eat a little at a time, so you don't feel bad about it, but you wind up eating more food than you would if you had ust eaten a meal.

Yeah, that's me tonight. I started eating around 3:30, and I just finished a cookie now six hours later. And I've been eating steadily the entire time.

One of these days, I'm going to get fat. Oh well, I'll worry about that later.
I've had a mad craving for Taco Bell all day. I keep going to the one on campus and eating from there.
On occasion, but only if I have a sweet tooth which is rare. It also depends on how much food I have in my kitchen, and generally there is not much in the way of munchables, mostly meal components.
Every once in a while it'll happen. There are days when I'll eat dinner and I'll be hungry 20 minutes later, very rarely though.
Mostly on the weekends, or the day after I recover from being sick (I assume this is because I don't eat shit when sick, because it's pointless to eat anything if it's not gonna stay down)
For some unknown reason, I always stuff my face when the Bruins are playing. Other than that, I always find my way to the pantry. And the best part (for me, not my mom's wallet) is that I have an extremely high metabolism, so I can eat whatever the fuck I want and barely gain any pounds. I gained 5 pounds in the last 15 months. Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna make every single monstrosity made by EpicMealTime on YouTube and wash them down with a 10 liter bottle of hot chocolate/Coca-Cola/Four Loko/Pepto Bismol/vodka/salsa/bacon.

I have control.
Yes. All the time.

The other day my roommate and I ate an entire extra large pizza (with extra cheese, that was the killer) to ourselves in one sitting and then I just started eating whatever other munchies I could find around the house. It was like 4 hours of steady eating. I felt like dying the next day, but it was amazing at the time.
I just ate a tub of Haagen Dazs. I guess I should stop Haagen Dazs ice cream, huh? Little ice cream humour there.

I went to a birthday party at the Haagen Dazs shop once. I told my friend it would be funny to fill in our information form as Adolf Hitler, which she did. A few days later we realised that literally all but one of the other people there were friends with the birthday girl through the Jewish Society. Not a good realisation, to be perfectly honest.
Not really but I get bipolar moments when I'm out. Normally I get a small takeaway meal, but then sometimes even if I'm not hungry I will get like two meals or an incredibly large meal. I wont eat it all but at the time, I just have to get it. It has to be the worst part of my bipolar.
I went through a jumbo packet of Custard Creams from 9pm to 6am. Probably not the best thing for me but fuck me it was nice. :D

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