Wade's Public Transit Bomb
Championship Contender
Get me a contract like Kelly Kelly's got and I'll put on a pair of Daisy Dukes and shake my ass in front of the world too.
Do I feel for the divas for the lack of reaction? I feel for the divas who try to entertain the crowd. You know, the divas that try to show a little emotion, remind everyone they just got punched in the face and if nothing else, remember that they are in front of a shit load of people. Unfortunately, there's really only a handful of divas who try to do that.
I really do think what hinders the divas is that most of them try to wrestle like the men, but they don't have the physical prowess to do that kind of stuff. Heck, every woman who has gotten over in the WWE was more known for her attitude rather than her moveset leading up to her finisher. Wendi Retcher was just a country girl livin' the dream. Sable was the fierce blond-shell who didn't take shit from anyone. Lita "was one of the guys." And Trish was a mean bitch, but transformed into a very sympathetic girl.
Last night's reaction did not surprise me at all. Eve is a fucking robot while Beth is even worst. Beth was dragging Eve by her hair, but she has as much charisma as the fucking robot.. Whom didn't even bother to make it look like she was being hurt.
I don't buy that lack of storylines and time makes all the difference in the world because there are guys on Raw who have gotten the hell pushes out of them and get as much reaction (looking at you Del Rio). Sure it wouldn't hurt, but you can't really expect much if you have nothing about you that makes you naturally interesting. Watching Beth call out the divas for being shit was like if HBK called HHH out for kicking out of too many finishers at Wrestlemania... Doesn't have much credibility to the fans.