Eve Torres is the *NEW* WWE Divas Champion


At Night of Champions, Eve took the "injured" Kaitlyn's place in a title match against Layla and was successful in beating her.

Over the past while, Eve is someone that's been playing a heel that's disguising herself as a face. She's behaved with a straight forward, sportsman like attitude towards her opponents and has endeared herself to Booker T as his on-screen assistant over on SmackDown!.

Last night, Kaitlyn was 'injured" by someone that was described as wearing a mask and was unable to compete in her match against Layla. In reality, Kaitlyn wasn't scheduled to win the battle royal that ultimately landed her the #1 contender's spot anyhow, but it's one of those things that happens in wrestling sometimes.

It'll ultimately be revealed that Eve isn't the clean cut, "nice" person that she's pretending to be and is really still the power hungry hoeski that she's been throughout this year. It'll also be revealed that she was behind Kaitlyn's attack, probably doing the deed herself. This could lead to a feud with Kaitlyn down the line, or soon, or possibly a threeway feud with Layla.

It's not something that's going to be a classic storyline or anything but it's very refreshing to see Divas that are actually involved in an actual comprehensive storyline that, thus far, makes sense.
Any storyline that involves Divas at all is moving forward for the Division. :)

In reality, Kaitlyn wasn't scheduled to win the battle royal that ultimately landed her the #1 contender's spot anyhow
I second that, Eve screwed that finish. Maybe its better that way because now at least we have some sort of storyline now. :)
Agreed. This is a lame, predictable angle that you could see coming a mile away. They've done nothing to show why Eve would suddenly flip over and be a face again, so of course she's been playing the fake nice thing. She's been sucking up to Booker T in hopes of taking the GM job on Smackdown.

Look, we all knew that Kaitlyn wasn't supposed to win the battle royal, but I was hoping that they'd use the miscue by Eve to maybe let Kaitlyn have at least a short push in the division and give us someone fresh. I didn't think they'd put her over Layla, but at least let her have a title match. I like Kaitlyn and think she has potential, but she's just been buried amid the Kelly Kellys and Eves of the world in a division that's lacked any interesting story lines for quite a while.

I also figured they'd get Eve back into the match somehow, even after the battle royal botch, but when I saw the old "mysterious attack" to take Kaitlyn of the title match at NOC, I sorta groaned. Really?

I guess it's better than the old fallback "just make it a Triple Threat match" approach that WWE writers overuse consistently, right?

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I still don't care about the Diva's division. I'll take them seriously as soon as the WWE takes them seriously, which will probably be never. Have them fight a good gimmick match for once, like a ladder match or something. I have no interest in the Diva's division and probably couldn't even name more than a handful of them.
Eve is at the moment the most rounded wrestler right now. She moves fast, she never run out moves, her punch is forceful, and she is natural in the ring. Her match with Layla was a damn good match.
Eve is at the moment the most rounded wrestler right now. She moves fast, she never run out moves, her punch is forceful, and she is natural in the ring. Her match with Layla was a damn good match.

While this is true, it's the same as saying "Wow, that person is really tall for a midget." Divas matches just don't seem to engage the audience like they used to. Maybe it's the lack of star power in the division or just the fact that a good match in this division is a rarity. Either way, this match was decent but nobody cared.
This is a great step forward for the Diva's.

Eve has been an amazing diva this year. She is at the top of her game. Her character has continued to develop all throughout 2012. She went from being Zack Ryder's crush and a strong face in the Diva's Division, to kissing John Cena, and "shockingly" turning heel in time to cost Zack Ryder and his team a match at WrestleMania. Then she was Johnny Ace's side kick along side Otunga. After a short break, and a bit of mainstream attention on NBC's Stars Earn Strips, she has returned and is acting like a face. Now she is the Diva's champion. And I think it is perfect timing. Her character is one that we know is a heel, but is trying to fool us all. I am loving where this is going.

As for the mystery person, maybe Eve is behind it, maybe she isn't. But, I can honestly say I am interested in the Diva's Division for the first time in a long, long time.
It's great that Eve finally won the Divas Championship again. She is by far the most entertaining diva on the roster and can consistently perform as champion. I'm just not liking the whole Booker T connection. Looks like they are slowly building towards Booker having an affair with Eve and Booker becoming a power hungry GM. It's been done to death and I'm not looking forward to it. Eve has enough talent to get heat as a heel on her own. Cheap heat association with Booker T is unneccessary and unneeded.
It's great that Eve finally won the Divas Championship again. She is by far the most entertaining diva on the roster and can consistently perform as champion. I'm just not liking the whole Booker T connection. Looks like they are slowly building towards Booker having an affair with Eve and Booker becoming a power hungry GM. It's been done to death and I'm not looking forward to it. Eve has enough talent to get heat as a heel on her own. Cheap heat association with Booker T is unneccessary and unneeded.

That's possible. I see more of the story of her continuing to kiss Booker T's ass and playing nice while still working her agenda as a heel. Eventually she gets caught in the act and now she's on Booker's bad side. They've never built Booker to be a very gullible person since he's come back.
The problem I see with this is now they're just going to drop the whole "Kaitlyn was attacked" storyline. She's going to return from her injury and they're going to pretend it never happened (much like the Anonymous RAW GM). There's only ever one diva feud going on at one time in the WWE, and it always centers around the Divas championship, and we all know they're not going to give Kaitlyn the #1 Contenders spot, at least not now.
While this is true, it's the same as saying "Wow, that person is really tall for a midget." Divas matches just don't seem to engage the audience like they used to. Maybe it's the lack of star power in the division or just the fact that a good match in this division is a rarity. Either way, this match was decent but nobody cared.

WWE has treated the title like absolutely nothing for the last two or three years. Why would we as fans care about it either? How long was did it go like this:

Random Diva gets a title shot
Random Diva wins a few matches and gets on a roll
Random Diva wins title
30 second match
45 second match
Random Diva gets a title shot
And the cycle starts again

That was the case for well over a year if not two or three. It was obvious the company didn't care, so why would we care?

As for Eve, she's the only real option as champion if they want someone people are going to care about. She has a character and isn't terrible in the ring, plus she got some mainstream exposure with the NBC show. Throw in that she's gorgeous and she's a good choice. Now getting her some actual competition is a different story but her winning the title is a start.
I kind of figured Eve would get into the match. I am just glad there is an actual storyline going on for the Divas Title now. I think Eve is one of the better rounded divas right now, and while that isn't saying much maybe they could build the division with her as champ. Either way i think this was a step in the right direction.
Im just glad the match didnt end up in a roll-up like most divas matches do these days, but that Eve finisher was nice to see.

I didnt really enjoy Layla as champion TBH, but the whole "lets stick the title on her seeing as shes had a long lay off with injury" has passed by an age it seems.

But the divas match on Raw ended up with yet another roll-up, so im wondering where will Eve & the divas go from here.
This sucks. Layla is smoking hot and i enjoyed staring at her the rare times she was on tv. Now like every other diva storyline, she wont appear on wwe for the rest of the year until shes future endevoured. I miss her already. Sure eve is hot when she wears those sexy glasses and AJ is quite the looker. But i fear AJ will be dying soon with all the new GM rumors.

Now ill be suck with vicki, beth phoniex and whoever else is left. :disappointed: Natayla is okay looking but shes more of a wrestler. And i never even heard of katylin until like a week ago. Not sure how i feel about her.
This sucks. Layla is smoking hot and i enjoyed staring at her the rare times she was on tv. Now like every other diva storyline, she wont appear on wwe for the rest of the year until shes future endevoured.

Considering a WWE diva's career usually spans to no more than 10 years, that's nothing special. But if Layla wants to stay, she's got friends in high places that will allow her to do so.

As for her being jobbed out, that's nothing special. The diva's division just recently signed new divas, and Sara Del Rey is indeed one of them. Plus if WWE were serious about strengthening the diva's division, they would put Naomi in the ring instead of having her dance around... not that she doesn't make dancing look good.

I think that once things start changing off of AJ, the entire Diva's division will fade. Face it, Kelly Kelly not having the belt makes people care less... as much as the so called "smarks" want to deny it, Kelly Kelly brought appeal to the division when she was champion.

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