Evan Bourne


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Before i star i will say i am a HUGE Evan Bourne fan.

I wanna know what u think the future holds for Evan Bourne? being that he is one of my favorite wrestlers i wanna say he will become a main eventer and win a world championship on more than one occasion. Mainly because i'm a huge mark for this guy but still

Everything about him gives off a main eventer feeling. His music, his finisher, everything just seems like it could be something playing at the end of a PPV.

I remember his Cyber Sunday 2008 match with Matt hardy. which was my favorite match of the evening. at one point around the end he countered the twist of fate into a backslide and i burst out of my seat because i was so pumped from the match and i thought the match ended right there. it looked pretty stupid but i wasn't the only one almost everyone in the room watching just exploded when at that point. This leads me to believe he can give off an amazing match given the time. and one of my beliefs about wrestling is simple:

time + build up + spots = good PPV match

we all know Evan Bourne can do some crazy stuff and is great with spots. and he was given time in this match. but this match had no buildup or rivalry. imagine how good the match would've been with that 3rd magical ingredient.

looking back there are only 2 Evan Bourne matches i didn't like and they were the last 2 he had on raw where he got squashed by swagger. and i know those 2 can have a good match. they had a great 1 on 1 on superstars that was amazing

so what do u people think do u think I'm just too mark-ish about this Evan Bourne? Or do u agree with me that he very well could be a great main eventer? any additional notes on the subject is fine to. your thoughts please?
No, you're not too markish at all. Those last two matches weren't terrible, but they could have been longer to allow these guys to really work well together. I think you're spot on with your assessment of Bourne, for the most part. I also agree that his Cyber Sunday match was one of his best thus far.

I see a lot of guys in these threads dissing Bourne becuase he they think he's just a spot guy. I say to those people: What more do you want?!

This guy is extremely, extremely talented and if you think what he does in the WWE is not that impressive go check out some of his youtube highlights where he wrestled in Japan. What he does on RAW is just a fraction of what he is really capable of. He's not great on the mic yet, but I think that can be developed.

I agree with you hazardous, Evan Bourne can be champion. Not sure if he'll win the big belt multiple times, but seeing him as WHW or WWE champion one day is not improbable. I don't see him winning the belt multiple times simply because size is not exactly on his side. Other than that tho, I think Bourne has a very bright future.
Bourne reminds me of a younger version of Rey Mysterio in a lot of ways. He's an extremely talented flyer with a lot of energy and a willingness to take those big daredevil risks. I think he's got a great future and he's already shown a touch of the "heroic" aspect in taking on guys much bigger than himself and pulling out surprise wins.

All of that acknowledged, I have to agree that I don't see him winning a heavyweight title of any kind more than once. If the situation with Rey and the WHC is anything to go by, it's unlikely Bourne will get it multiple times and probably his one (likely short) heavyweight run will be only after years and years in the company. Still, no reason that should be too much of a barrier. After all, there's the US Championship, the Intercontinental Championship, and the Tag-Team Championship and I have no doubt that he'll have all of these at least once (likely more) if he manages to stick with it.
I love evan bourne, hes a great athlete, i believe he is better than mysterio as mysterio doesnt do as much as he used to any more which is a shame, but yes i think Bourne has a great future ahead of him if he stays healthy, and one day maybe become world champ . :)
I think Bourne is going to take minute to win over the top brass as a maineventer. It's nice that he is on Raw, but let's face it everytime any kind of high flyer goes on Raw, they get grounded. The other thing that Bourne might have working against him is that he has a very feminine voice, if you smell what the Rock is cooking. I'm a huge fan of his potential, but MVP has already started poking fun of Swagger's lisp. Not trying to be a hater, but the WWE has squashed pushes because stupid crap like that in the past.
I think Evan Bourne is awesome. He has the talent and the desire. But I thought he was being used so much better on ECW. When he was on ECW i thought uncreative would give him a chance to win every single match. However, I think they moved him to Raw far too early. He does just look silly going against people who are atleast twice as big as him.

As I said before, he obviously has the talent. However, I haven't heard him give many promos so I don't know about that and he really is just undersized. I mean the ref is bigger than him. If Vinnie Mac would just bring back the cruiserweight belt or lightweight championship, this is a guy who could make the WWE so much money. He could close ANY ppv going against someone his size with even half of his talent.

Given the current state of the WWE and the current formula for a regular sized wrestler against a cruiserweight like Bourne, every single victory that Bourne gets is going to be a type of miracle. This just doesn't work. I don't think anyone could suspend their disbelief enough to believe that Mysterio could truly be a heavyweight champion and beat people like HHH or Cena or especially people like Undertaker or Kane.

So, I think if the WWE brought back the cruiserweight belt, Bourne could be the best ever. But, I fear that without smaller competition, he may be forever stuck in midcard land.
Evan Bourne is an incredible talent in the ring, but he is just not a credible champion. He is smaller than Rey Mysterio. Can anyone really see him cleanly pinning an Orton, Cena, or HHH? The only move I can see him do that would knock out a champion is the shooting star press and he needs the opponent to already be on the ground to do it. (Although that is more believable than Mysterio needing his opponent on the second rope to do the 619.)
Bourne,while exciting and extremely athletic,lacks mic skills.Sounds like another wrestler I know of....Shelton!Bourne is too small to carry a world title,and don't say Mysterio because he is too popular not to have one.I can't stand Rey because he is so overrated,but I don't think Evan is world championship material.
I must admit that I worried for Evan Bourne's future following his ankle injury last year. I got the feeling that Vince and the booking team were only paying him back for the great job he did getting Floyd Mayweather ready for Wrestlemania XXIV. However, the crowd's appreciation of Bourne's abilities seems to have registered with the higher-ups. And I for one am very glad.

With the young talent that is emerging in WWE, I don't see any reason why Evan Bourne can't win a World Title. He has the in-ring skills and the look and aside from Swagger and D.H. Smith, the majority of new talent, particularly on Smackdown, are not 6ft 5in monsters that would dwarf someone of Bourne's stature. Give Bourne a mic just to see how he comes across.

Don't get me wrong, it's not a foregone conclusion that he will take either the WHW or WWE titles. Many will point to the fact that Rey won the WHW Title at Wrestlemania of all places at 5ft 6in. However, there were outside circumstances that propelled such a victory aside from Rey's in-ring ability - the memory of Eddie and the Hispanic demographic.

It will be all about how he is booked. At the moment, Bourne is the third wheel in a feud between Swagger and MVP. Such a position isn't disastrous, so long as he is allowed to show his in-ring skills. But facing guys over a foot taller than him will only last so long. Do you really see Bourne challenging the likes of Cena or Orton for WWE Title?

However, in the long run there is a chance that the World Title picture could involve guys more the stature of Jericho, Hardy, Morrison and Punk. Would anyone be too disappointed to see Bourne pull out the Cyclorama to win the WHW Title from C.M. Punk? I don't think so.
Evan Bourne is a hell of a athlete and and has a great future ahead of him..........However, I just hate how WWE tries to portray him as the best high flyer in the wwe. I've been watching WWE, WCW, and ECW since '97 and during that on again off again 12 year-old time period there has been alot of great highflyers. That being said i have never seen in 12 years the WWE try to putover a guy whose like 5"9 170lbs like they are now. It took years for guys like RVD,Rey Mysterio,Hardys, Billy kidman, dean mylico, Tajor, and of course Eddie Gurrerro for the WWE to consider of taking them seriously as a Champion or having a decent push or giving them main event names to work with in the beginning of their careers like 0-2 years.

Dont get me wrong i like watching Even Bourn but he hasn't even been wrestling in the wwe for a year and gets a lot of t.v. time IMO. And i just saying why didn't they do that for some of the highflyers in their 1st year of the WWE. why did they have to wait years and years to get treated with the respect that they deserve?
i think Bourne will have a slightly better career than mysterio, as long as he stays fit and healthy. i find Bourne more entertaining and realistic than mysterio and he is slightly bigger, so i think that he will surpass mysterios career just. mysterio has had one world title reign which was short. i can see bourne having 1 or 2, maybe more short transitional title reigns, but i see him as being predominately an upper mid carder, fueding over mid card and tag team titles, like mysterio does momentarily. oh and 2008's Cyber sunday match against Matt Hardy was the most entertaining of the night in my opinion too, there were so many twists turns and near falls and i actually thought and wanted bourne to win. i dont really like matt hardy as a singles wrestler, but his match with Bourne was awesome
Nothing about Evan Bourne screams main eventer to me.

1. He is a spot monkey. He can't tell a story in the ring. The one thing I hate the most is that he will get his back worked on for the entire match, hit a shooting star press, show no pain and then dance around and throw terrible looking peace signs around like nothing happened.

2. He is stale on the mic. There is a reason he doesn't talk. The only backstage segments I remember with him involved in are about someone big jumping him. He has exciting moments in the ring, but there is no flow to the match, no charisma, and backstage and on the mic are worse.

3. He'll never get a following. The young kids who cheer for him will grow up and see some MMA. At this point, they will want to see some striking. His kicks are OK, but the sincerely don't look effective. When Punk or Morrison kick someone it looks like it hurts. I always think Bourne looks like he is playing with his baby brother.

4. Nothing about him is intense. Dude needs to stop smiling. He is a fighter and he looks like a circus performer.

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