Evan Bourne As Champion


Evan Bourne

With its latest entry the "... As Champion" series has arrived to the RAW Section. In this entry my focus will be Evan Bourne. Does Evan Bourne have what it takes to someday be WWE Champion? If and when would you like to see Bourne carry the belt? Does he deserve it, or is he just a midcarder for life?

I think that down the road, some day, Bourne will carry the belt. I don't think he'll be a constant Main Event player, I think he'll get his one reign as champ and that'll be it. He's good in the ring, but he's just too small. Guys his size generally don't get to carry the belt, Mysterio being the exception. His style just doesn't seem fitting of being the WWE Champ, but then again people said the same thing about Jeff Hardy, he isn't good on the mic either, but again... Jeff Hardy wasn't either. I'm really confused with Bourne, I really don't know. So I guess my final verdict will be a maybe.

What do you guys think?
I think he oculd potentially be champion, but not on Raw. I see him moving to Smackdown! next draft to give his character a new start since he always seems to stop/start on Raw. The death of the Cruiserweight Division is good for some guys like Bourne and Mysterio because it gives the chance of being Heavyweight champion, if the cruiserweight division was there still neither of them would be in the main event scene I don't think, Mysterio occassionally maybe, but he would always be dropped back down after a big run, but I see Bourne more of a US/Intercontinental champ with maybe one Smackdown title run.
Don't see it happening. Maybe, just maybe a "pitty" title reign, but I think that's it. I've yet to see anything from this guy. He's had no memorable feuds as of yet. Maybe that's because of the WWE's booking but I believe he could do better. He's pretty much a one trick pony and the only memorable move in his matches is the shooting star press. If he's used the right way he could be quite the underdog champion. I believe if he is crowned champion it will be emotional, heart-warming moment but that's it. I don't believe he will have a memorable reign as World Champion if he is champion. Most likely, he'll be a upper mid-carder at best holding numerous reigns as Intercontinental Champion. Maybe even a number one contender once or twice for the World Champion. But in my opinion, he does have "it" to be a main eventer or number one contender, so no, I don't see him as champuon unless something huge changes down the road.
You brought up a good point with Jeff Hardy. Personally, I don't see it being way too farfetched to see Bourne as champ. But I think he would thrive more on Smackdown after Undertaker and Kane are out of the title picture. Smackdown has a pretty good roster that Bourne can work and have entertaining matches with. On Raw, I think he'd just get squashed. I see him playing a sort of Rey Mysterio/Chris Jericho role in the sense that he is versatile and can easily transition back and forth between the midcard and main event while looking believable. He's got a good look and good in-ring skills. If he can just work on his mic skills a bit, he'd be the near complete package. Hopefully his size wouldn't decrease his chances of winning the strap. It's an interesting idea and something I honestly wouldn't mind seeing.
I think he has potential. What he really needs is a heel push along the lines of his Matt Sydal thing in the indies with a good manager. That would give him the mic skills, and I think that he can pull off a WWE reign, with the right pieces in place.
Although Rey Mysterio can never be replaced and is a different competitor, Bourne could definitely be WWE's new "underdog" if any future push is played right. He definitely needs to improve his mic skills though and I'd like to see him pushed for the Intercontinental or US title first, before even remotely considering him for one of the main titles on Raw or Smackdown.
I don't see it happening. He don't have the factor. Seriously, if there were a Lightweight division in the WWE, it will benefit the Lightweights. Since there is not a division it will only hurt the title and the WWE brand. Rey title win help bring in the Latino community. His victory brought the rating up for Friday Night Smackdown.
Bourne is way over with the crowd and he is interesting in the ring but i don't see it happening maybe mid card title but if he does get a heavyweight championship...yeah that won't happen now he might get a title shot at it but he won't win it.
Evan bourne I think doesn't have what it takes to be champion. I've said this a squillion times but WWE is sports entertainment, that means you gotta be able to wrestle AND make people like hate you. People only like bourne cos he can do sick moves in the ring but if he were a title contender, it just wouldn't work, else he'd need a tonne of work so it wouldn't be for anothe few years down the line by which time he may not even be there. Only title I can see him winning is tag team with mark henry and that is really pushing it. I like the kid, and if he was in TNA he could survive but in WWE he aint going nowhere, up nor down, hes just gonna stay being cool to watch, not to listen to
I think bourne can go far if used right. anyone who doubts him youtube some of his indie matches
How can people judge is mic skills exactly when has he spoke on the mic? someone please tell me, and during his feud with Jericho he proved he can have some good matches. If i remember correctly JR said his and Jerichos match at fatal 4 way was one of the matches of the night.
another thing to remember for a guy on the roster he is still only young 27. Most guys who join the wwe are 30, just look at all nexus members. So he still has a lot of experience to gather. maybe not wwe championship just yet, but this guy personally deserves a us title run.
Ummm HELL NO...

Everyone covered the 'too small' thing and that would be my number one reason. Yes they gave it to Rey, but seriously that was a pity run because Eddie died. Great feel-good story initially, they gave it to him again as more of a thank you. And probably to justify in their own minds why he got it the first time.

Jeff Hardy was the gift to they IWC, basically a 'please shut up now' run. Also a trial to see if they can actuall make some money out of it and.....we see what happened since. I think both of those example hurt Bourne's chances.

He also has no charisma whatsoever, he doesn't get a lot of mic time, there has to be a reason for that. On a show dominated by 'main event' storys/promos, they still find a way for Zack Ryder, Santino, DiBiase, etc. to get time. So Evan not getting near a chance to showcase some sort of personality is an indictment on Evan.

Nobody outside of the IWC, and kids who don't no better will see giving a non-charismatic, spot monkey the big belt as a good move.
If the WWE play their cards right, then I could definitely see Evan Bourne taking home the WWE Championship in much the same way that Rey Mysterio managed it.

Since Evan Bourne debuted with the WWE, I have been thoroughly impressed with him. I know that he is a shell of what he was in ROH but he is still pretty damn entertaining and I do feel that they could get more from him, if they managed to give him the correct gimmick that suits his character. Look at what Rey Mysterio has managed to accomplish with his “ultimate underdog” gimmick for proof of what I am talking about. The fact of the matter is that the opportunity to get Evan Bourne to that level does exist, it is just managing to get him there that is the problem.

At this stage in the game, I don’t think he will ever carry the Championship although I would not be opposed to it. Really, I don’t know what it is about Bourne that is keeping him held down. He is a solid performer in the ring and although his mic-work could use a bit of work, they have barely even given him a chance, which I feel they might regret at some point. Overall though, he has been a decent superstar and should have, at least, seen a mid-card Championship feud in his time with the WWE. Teaming him up with Mark Henry is doing nothing for his career but perhaps he is just getting some experience before the WWE properly utilize him.

Right now, I don’t see.
No, he lacks the size of a credible champion and the mic skills. He can be as talented as anybody else in the history of the WWE, but without any good mic skills he won't make it far. Shit we saw Shelton Benjamen, one of the greatest in ring wrestlers of the last 10 years and becuase his mic skills never improved he never got the opportunity to rise to the main event. Bourne has the same problems. He has some terrific skills in the ring, but he has shit speaking skills. Unless he improves upon those speaking skills he will go nowhere except the Tag division and maybe the Cruiserweight division, if it ever returned. Also, his size will play a huge factor. Rey Rey is small and broke through, however, like I said before Mysterio had mic skills, Bourne does not. Right now the odds are way to stacked against Bourne to win a major Heavyweight title in the WWE, I wouldn't go as far as saying it is impossible, but it is a long shot.
i think he could and should be champion because he is definitely up there being one of the hardest workers in wwe right now. i think the only problem with him being champion, is the E's style of wrestling. If you find a match with matt sydal in TNA, he is amazing, if you look him up in ROH, he did ,IMO, one of the biggest moves i have ever seen when he jumped off the cage and propably should have died. WWE just will not allow a wrestler to do anything crazy or spot worthy to gain any kind of momentum. that is why he cant succeed in WWE.
I like Evan Bourne but I NEVER want to see him as WWE Champion. There's just no way he'd be a convincing threat against the likes of Orton, Cena, HHH. The Air Bourne won't keep them down for the 3 count.
I really can't see Evan as champion right now, but maybe in the future. I mean like 2-4 years. Or his contract will expire and he'll go back to the indies.
It'd certainly give a few interesting matches, especially 15 minute plus on PPVs. I think his work with Jericho shown he can bring it in the ring. It's not likely he'll win it, but you never know I guess. No reason why he couldn't have a solid US Title run if they decide to push the Miz up the card, though.He couldn't be any worse than Mysterio is currently as WHC, so I'd be okay with it I think. It depends how they book him afterwards. I just hope if he does win it one day, he won't be jobbed out every week or made to look like a weak champion like they've done with others recently.
I think it can possibly depend on a lot of things. Bourne is just fun to watch in the ring. I can't recall if I've ever heard him say a single word on the mic before. The idea of Bourne potentially becoming a World Champion in the WWE isn't too far out there, but I think it hinges on a lot of things.

If the WWE does unify all their titles by the middle of next year, including both World Championships, then Bourne will most definitely have an uphill battle on his hands. With only one World Championship back on the roster, guys that want to be the champ are probably going to really have to work their asses off to show that they've got what it takes. I think that there are probably a lot of guys ahead of Bourne at this point, but I wouldn't say that it's impossible. It might be unlikely, but not impossible.
I say yes. Bourne is a great competitor and a year or two down the line, when Kane, Taker, and Mysterio are gone making way for younger superstars, Bourne would fare well against guys like Punk and Edge on Smackdown. I could even see a nice ME feud with Kolfi Kingston and Swagger.

As far as being a champ on RAW, we have already seen Bourne keep up with main eventers...granted he has been pushed then dropped over and over. Within the next few years, Triple H will slowly transition his way out, Miz, Bryan, and Bourne will be the next class of ME. I would pay to see a solid ME and WM of Miz/Bourne or Orton/Bourne.
Not any time soon, that's for sure. I could see a transitional US title reign, but until he steps up his mic skills he'll be stuck in lower-midcard hell with Zack Ryder and Santino.

I really do enjoy watching Evan Bourne, and with some improved mic skills there's no reason why he can't eventually win the championship. Just don't hold your breath.
No.. Evan Bourne is entertaining and all that in the lower mid-card / Mid-card but not as a champion. He lacks charismatics and he lacks the build. He could have some decent feuds with someone in the mid-card like Bryan or Kaval, but not for the world title.

Evan is most likely not even gonna win a title at any given place for quite a while. He's not really that much of a draw, nor is he that much of a great championship material much outside of the tag team division if they plan on doing anything with Mark Henry and Evan Bourne (Please don't).

Other than that, I don't see him holding the world title that's for certain.
No, I would not like to see it. I think he would make for a good U.S. Champion though. He doesn't have the looks of a WWE Champion. I don't think he would do it on Smackdown either. Hell, if Christian hasn't had a chance, then why should Evan. He should stick to his thing. Hitting his move every now and then to get some pops, but that is all.
Sorry Evan but NO.

Evan hasn't won anything in the WWE yet, accept a Slammy. He would have to have a few US or IC title runs before I could consider him in the World Title picture. He is only 27, he has got a long career ahead of him, but right now he is not in the Main event picture.

Evan Bourne

With its latest entry the "... As Champion" series has arrived to the RAW Section. In this entry my focus will be Evan Bourne. Does Evan Bourne have what it takes to someday be WWE Champion? If and when would you like to see Bourne carry the belt? Does he deserve it, or is he just a midcarder for life?

I think that down the road, some day, Bourne will carry the belt. I don't think he'll be a constant Main Event player, I think he'll get his one reign as champ and that'll be it. He's good in the ring, but he's just too small. Guys his size generally don't get to carry the belt, Mysterio being the exception. His style just doesn't seem fitting of being the WWE Champ, but then again people said the same thing about Jeff Hardy, he isn't good on the mic either, but again... Jeff Hardy wasn't either. I'm really confused with Bourne, I really don't know. So I guess my final verdict will be a maybe.

What do you guys think?

If Evan Bourne wins the world championship, that could be the straw that broke the camels back for me. I would probably retire from watching wrestling ever again.

The guy is basically Rey Mysterio without a mask on. He's a teeny twerp who flips around and smiles at the crowd but literally has zero personality. Him being the world champion is just simply not believable. Although the titles have pretty much been thrown around as if they haven't meant nearly as much as they used to...so who knows.

Either way, I wouldn't want wrestling anymore. With all of the old guard slowly retiring these days...I'm already finding myself less and less interested mostly due to the newer wrestlers lack of personality. Even top draws like Randy Orton and others have zero personality and put me to sleep with their promos.

Wrestling used to have a common medium with the actual wrestling and the build up-promos which focused on their personalities and built up the matches. Without personality...the matches aren't being built up that well...and they might as well just hold consecutive matches one after the other without any build up because the build up with these zero personality guys is brutal and just wasting our time.

If Evan Bourne is world champion, I'll never watch professional wrestling again. Not that this matters to anyone...but that's just how strongly I feel that the concept is ridiculous and wrong.
He has a shot on it.

Neither Benoit and Bret Sergeant Hart's mic skills were great, and both of them weren't the best dramatist in the World, but they knew how to draw and give Vincent money..

I can see Korklan being pushed similar to Jeffrey Nero Hardy. This guy was attrocious on the mic but was as marketable as John Felix Anthony Cena!
He has a shot on it.

Neither Benoit and Bret Sergeant Hart's mic skills were great, and both of them weren't the best dramatist in the World, but they knew how to draw and give Vincent money..

I can see Korklan being pushed similar to Jeffrey Nero Hardy. This guy was attrocious on the mic but was as marketable as John Felix Anthony Cena!

I'll give you Bret Hart...but Chris Benoit was one of the worst wrestlers of all time. I never understood anything about him. His personality was non-existent, his ring attire was boring, his wrestling moves were boring, even his teeth were rotting away. The guy was just horrible. Never understood his push (and I actually wrote that in the thread talking about this very same thing).

The thing with Bret Hart was that his image was at least cool. The shades, the pink and black, the name, the legacy of the harts, etc. His feuds were also great build ups...against Yokozuno, hitting the floor at the exact same time as Luger in Royal Rumble 94 (was it?)...

Chris Benoit didn't have any build ups really...he just fought other technical wrestler guys like Kurt Angle and such. No real exciting build up...and I'm sure it was because it was impossible to...Benoit was THAT boring.

Evan Bourne is like an even smaller Chris Benoit...who smiles a lot.

Not much more of a difference. Neither of which should have or should be anywhere around the world title though.
I'll give you Bret Hart...but Chris Benoit was one of the worst wrestlers of all time. I never understood anything about him. His personality was non-existent, his ring attire was boring, his wrestling moves were boring, even his teeth were rotting away. The guy was just horrible. Never understood his push (and I actually wrote that in the thread talking about this very same thing).

The thing with Bret Hart was that his image was at least cool. The shades, the pink and black, the name, the legacy of the harts, etc. His feuds were also great build ups...against Yokozuno, hitting the floor at the exact same time as Luger in Royal Rumble 94 (was it?)...

Chris Benoit didn't have any build ups really...he just fought other technical wrestler guys like Kurt Angle and such. No real exciting build up...and I'm sure it was because it was impossible to...Benoit was THAT boring.

Evan Bourne is like an even smaller Chris Benoit...who smiles a lot.

Not much more of a difference. Neither of which should have or should be anywhere around the world title though.

I understand you not liking Benoit but c'mon... worst wrestler ever? That's just an overstatement. You can dislike Benoit all you want but there's no way he could be the worst wrestler.

Doesn't really matter if a wrestler has mic skills, or charisma. As long as the wrestler is drawing millions of people and making Vincent's pocket fatter everyday, then the wrestler will get pushed.

Matthew Korklan wouldn't even need a mic. He'll probably just jump off ladders and perform his SSP all night and he'll draw.

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