Eva Marie: The Best Worst Wrestler In Recent WWE History

Okay. Cool. I won't say that anymore. Because I don't wanna sound like I'll be better than her.

More about Eva Marie. I think that she could've been a better wrestler if it was her main focus. I don't think that wrestling was her main focus. May be she wanted just more exposure. And she got plenty through WWE.

i agree with you on this, i think that she was put into a situation we're she got hired mostly for Total divas and being the focal point of the show made her think that she would always be protected by the company and would be given special treatment because of the show. So while she seem to enjoyed training to be a wrestlers and wanted to improve because the more she improve the better it was for her brand, she didn't do it for the right reason. Then when she started after the brand split and was getting a lot of momentum with her character but got suspended, she couldn't take the fact that she wasn't the main focus anymore and just another wrestler on the roster and went out and took other jobs which lead to her decision to let her contract with them expire.

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