

Getting Noticed By Management
Eureka has been one of my favorite shows since it started five years ago. Last Monday was the series finale and I thought they did pretty well wrapping up all the story lines and bringing back characters like Taggart, Zooey, Beverly and even Lojack (The dog that hasn't appeared since like season 2). There was one more character that made a truly surprising appearance that I don't want to mention in case anyone here hasn't seen the finale or decides to give the show a chance. SyFy is crazy for ending one of the flagship programs that is worth anything on that channel. Anyways, enough complaining. Carter has to be one of the greatest average Joe hero's ever and the relationship between him and Allison was the one storyline that spanned all five years and actually took all five years to tell a fantastic story. Tying off Zane and Jo's relationship was another story that took three years to finish and one that I honestly thought might not make it. All in all though it was truly a series finale that showed other TV shows that just because your show is ending doesn't mean it has to be a bloated piece of crap filled with more crap. Plus they showed how to do a clip show. Send your character flying through a wormhole and show a minute and a half of memorable moments flying by him, haha. Ending it with exactly how the show began was another great touch and I guess solved a mystery in reverse or at least laid it on the table again. One that I had forgotten all about. All in all it was a great finale for a great show.

Note: I really wanted one more appearance from Stark but I guess that was asking for a little much. My mouth waters just thinking of him and Carter trading one liners one last time.

Anyone else like Eureka, great moments thoughts on the finale?

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