Eric Derf

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Steamboat Ricky

WZCW's Living Legend
username: Derf

Real Name: Eric Smith
Wrestlers Name: Eric Derf
Wrestlers Nickname:None
Weight:235 pounds
Hometown: Summerside, PEI
Billed From: The Maratimes
-----------Hair color/length: Short dirty blonde hair
-----------Eye color: Greenish
-----------Facial Hair: 5 o'clock shadow
-----------Ring Attire: Tights, Red, with White Cresent moons on the sides
-----------Backstage Attire: Nice Blue jeans and a dresy button down shirt, sleeves rolled up.
-----------Physical Features: Not a very hairy body, but not completely shaven either.
-----------Tattoos: A Cross on my back/neck, with Tribal Wings sprouting out of it, covering my sides, and a black space hole on my right shoulder.
Gimmick: A young kid from Atlantic Canada trying to make it big in the world of Wrestling.
Strength: I'm fast, agile.
Not to cocky in the ring, I keep my cool though.
Plays to the crowd, and feeds of their energy.
I can take a beating and keep coming back for more.
Weakness: Submits way to easily
Not physically strong
Not very technical.
Alignment: Face
Trained By: Local wrestling teachers
Sample Pic of Wrestler:

Brief History: A fresh face to the booming business that is Professional Wrestling, Eric is one of the brightest young athletes in Atlantic Canada. However, being from that area, breaking out into the bigtime is a bit of a challenge. So Eric has travelled all over Canada, wrestling in competitions, and although not always winning, always making a good showing. Basically, he's your run of the mill kid trying to make it big.
Title History:N/A

Entrance Music: "My Curse" by Killswitch Engage
Entrance description: "My Curse" begins playing throughout the arena as the lights go a light red. Eric Derf then comes onto the stage, camera in hand, and begins raising his hands, getting the audience into a frenzy, and recording the reactions of the fans as he walks down to ringside. The camera continues to switch from the hard camera to Eric until he gets to the Announcers table, where he does one last look around the arena before turning the camera off and getting into the ring. Inside the ring, he lifts his arms to get more reactions from the crowd, then goes to his corner and begins streching for his matchup.

Finishers: "Sweet Shin Music" (Buzzsaw Kick, only hitting their head with my shin instead of foot, I'd prefer to use this more than the other)
"Deriffic DDT" (Asai DDT)

15 Most used moves: Mid Kick (to the gut)
Cutter (simaler to an RKO, only not to over rated)
Diving Spear (of the turnbuckle)
Suicide Dive (out of the ring)
Boston Crab
Falling Elbow
Quick DDT
Running Sideflip DDT
Takedown Clothesline
Frontflip splash
Slap in the Face
Quick Firemans Carry
Sample RP:

Camera starts rolling while focused on the ceiling, then slowly lowers to reveal "Eric Smith".
"Hi. My names Eric Smith. I'm from Atlantic Canada, a place where no one makes it big. But I'm here to prove that theory wrong. I might not have some bizarre over the top gimmick, or a crapload of money. I'm just a young kid with a huge heart who wants to make a name for not only myself, but make my country proud. I wanna put my hometowns name, a place barely big enough to be called a city, on the map. I'm doing this for the fans. I'm doing this for my friends and family. But most of all, I'm doing this to prove that I, Eric Smith, can hang with the big boys. So get ready, here comes a new kind of Rookie. The kind that'll not only keep coming back, but will come back and know that much more on how to take my opponents out. And believe me, when I get that chance, I WILL take them out!
Camera fades to black as Eric continues staring...
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