Eric Bischoff Speaks Out On R.A.W.: Fourtune Was Indeed Plan B


Lord And Master
Staff member
Monday Night Mayhem had Eric Bischoff on their nine year anniversary today live today.

Bischoff took questions from fans. When asked about the Super Bowl, Bischoff said he used to live in Pittsburgh.

A fan mentions the ratings of TNA and how successful they were. Bischoff said one of the things that's resonating with the audience is integrating reality with characters, and keeping an edge. Bischoff says the storyline arc started back in October at Bound For Glory and is continuing and leading up to March 3. Bischoff said investment in a long term storyline arc and reality, and keeping a sharper edge. He said it's a combination of those things.

A question was about Fortune being revealed as "they". Bischoff said he hates the three-part questions. Bischoff says it wasn't close to seeing the return of the Main Event Mafia. He said there were some shifts, but they knew way in advance that there was going to be an issue. There were plans to adjust the plans accordingly. He said Nash signed an agreement with WWE. Bischoff said he isn't involved in talent signs of things. He said Nash/TNA departed as friends. He said nothing caught them off flat-footed. When wheels were off original plan, it was a matter of time before "Plan B" took place.

Bischoff says Plan B was well received and caught everyone by surprise. He said the guys were pretty excited about it. He said Fortune is a strong, aggressive, emerging group of talent. He said he'd prefer that you ask the talent because he doesn't like to speak for others.

Immortal vs. Fortune. Was it meant to occur too fast? Bischoff said he prefers not to get into it. He says where they are now is where they would be in a matter of time. He said it caught them flatfooted a bit.

Why is everyone ducking the Sting rumor? Bischoff says he is not aware of whether Sting is with TNA or not. He's not involved in talent acquisitions or discussions/negotiations, so he's not in the front line of it. Bischoff doesn't think Sting would go to WWE, but if it was, it would be for a short time, maybe merchandise/licensing. Bischoff says anyone that expects Sting to show up in WWE as a full-time wrestler will be disappointed.

Bischoff says he hasn't seen Desmond Wolfe on the next set of tapings and is unsure about the future of Wolfe as he doesn't know.

How does Bischoff react to people that discount Bischoff's abilities, such as TNA's downfall? Bischoff said last he checked, TNA is doing pretty well. Bischoff said 10% of the people make 90% of the negative noise. The smallest percentage of the Internet are giving wrestling fans in general a bad name.

An opinion of WWE's product. Bischoff says he hasn't been watching. He respects Shane, Vince, Stephanie. He says the company has taken this business to a new level: a television juggernaut. Bischoff says the youth movement is good. Bischoff says WWE's business is down and finds it ironic? Bischoff says WWE goes back to the older talent to bring business back up (Nash, Booker T, Sting, Jerry Lawler going for the title).

Bischoff says Nature Boy isn't going anywhere. He said there are two sides to every story, there may have been a lot blown out of proportion. He says there isn't an issue that he is aware of with TNA/Flair. He said he sees Flair's name on the next set of tapings and he doesn't hope Flair is going anywhere.

Question: how do you take experiences and mistakes from the past and apply them to current situations today? Bischoff says he goes by feel when it comes to creative, characters. He elaborated a little more about this.

Is the Vince Russo hate uncalled for? Bischoff says no doubt. Eric says nobody is perfect or 100% all the time. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses and Vince is no different. Day in, day out, consistently, Vince is more than proven himself to be an extremely talented guy, proves he can change/adapt, strives to put out the best product. He says he never met anyone that worked harder and most of what people are enjoying right now can dfirectly be attributed to Russo.

How is Hulk Hogan doing? Bischoff says Hogan is doing well from all the discussions he has with him. He says you will see Hogan in Fayetteville on 2/24 - which will be March 3rd.

Bischoff says you will see a powerful show from a content point of view on March 3rd (2/24). He says you will see a show that is from a content point of view, going to be different than what you typically see. He says you will see a different kind of energy in an energized crowd. He didn't want to say better crowd. He says there are positives and negatives in Impact Zone. He says an audience that doesn't show up every tapings or hang out with the wrestlers at hotels. He says the show is going to "feel" much different?

Hulk/Eric's contract that is up this year - rumours. Bischoff doesn't comment on contractual issues? He won't comment on that.

Scott Steiner's return. Main event player at this point in his career? Bischoff says anyone that underestimates Steiner's in ring ability is kidding themselves. Bischoff says he is unsure about how he will be used, but he knows that Scott Steiner is a player, wherever he is. He's believable, intense, and is a workhorse in the ring.

Final question. With the road to wrestlemania, Eric is not afraid of competition. With that said, with the recent spike in Impact ratings, how pleased is Eric to see the progression of the company over the part of the past several weeks. What can the fans expect in upcoming weeks/months?

Bischoff said this past year, there were 7-8 weeks of the highest ratings in the history. He said TNA is slowly but surely are hitting in the right direction. He said there were some speed bumps, he said they are building momentum and good talent. He wants to take the show in the road, inject the show with different kind of energy. He says they have a good future and is very proud of it.

I eliminated the part about Robert Roode as I made a separate thread to discuss him alone. So to recap, Fourtune was indeed plan B for "They" but that was planned prior to the tapings including Scott Steiner's return. Eric says Scott's great talent that can still go in the ring. I'm gonna stop there for a sec. Yeah, Steiner is a workhorse and yeah he's good to put over talent, no way in hell could I deny that as a fan. But no, he can't really go in the ring. Let's not kid ourselves. I'm a huge fan, but I gotta point it out to Bischoff. He's slow in his age. his moveset is limited. Still kicks ass on the mic though.

He says that TNA and Kevin Nash are in good terms despite Nash's own sarcastic comments regarding them. (The wrestling biz quite funny, no?) March 3rd will be the Impact filmed from Fayetteville the Thursday prior. Meaning it won't be live, but it will still be away from the Impact Zone. He promises it will be a show unlike no other. And finally, Ric Flair is going nowhere. He is still with TNA and the UK incident is blown out of proportion.

Thoughts on this? At least he was honest about Fourtune being Plan B for "They".
It's good to hear that Bischoff was frank about the Fourtune issue. I didn't think Fourtune was a last minute decision, and it turns out that it really wasn't. A back-up plan - yes, and it turned out for the better in my opinion. It was the right thing to do all along.

As far as his comments regarding the Fayetteville show - damn do I hope he's right. I'm dying to see an iMPACT infront of a crowd that's not the inbred idiots of the iMPACT Zone. My only fear is that while the fans will most likely be far more energetic, they might be very opinionated too and shit on the show if TNA pulls off something ridiculious, storyline wise. Then again, that was my fear before February 3rd and the show was splendid, so maybe I'm just going by what they were doing last year.

I listened to the entire show and I liked what I heard. Good to see that he didn't bash Kevin Nash for leaving like that, unlike what Nash did which is now basically sucking up to WWE as hard as possible, going as far as to say that he can't wait to work with the likes of Sheamus when I heard him bash him and the way WWE is using him. Nash is a piece of shit, I lost all respect for that douchebag. If you're gonna be in TNA and shit on WWE, and you go to WWE and act like it's the best damn thing that ever happened to you, you're a turd in my book.
We all knew Fortune was plan B because they wanted Booker T and Kevin Nash back plus Sting to bring back the MEM. Plan B worked out better then plan A because now the young guys can get a hugh push from this is the storyline is done right. Fortune vs. Immortal is more interesting then MEM vs. Immortal/Fortune.
I don't really mind that Fortune was a back-up plan to MEM. If MEM did return in full force but with little replacements like having Lashley *groan* they would help ratings. On the other hand Fortune is fully home grown talent that kicks ass and probably draws the same as MEM, so it all ended up good for TNA.

I seriously couldn't stop laughing @ Zeven's post about iMPACT zone fans, sad thing is it's true. Those "fans" are truly pathetic. In my opinion, this is not because I live in the UK, TNA should go for the market here they might be able to pull it off. OR just gtfo the iMPACT zone and seriously go anywhere else please.

EDIT Would rep Zeven but i've gotta spread... ¬.¬. No that don't mean I'm a TNA mark it means I agree with shit that comes out of Zeven's mouth which is usually true.
Samoa Joe Matt Morgan RVD and Knennedy joining Scott Steiner and Kurt Angle should of been planned B because Samoa Joe should not be in a feud with someone like the Pope because Samoa Joe deserves better plus Matt Morgan needs to have his time now.
One of the dirt sheets did a podcast interview with Nash the day after the Rumble...they goaded him into taking some shots at TNA, which he happily did, but he also made sure to take the time to say he has lots of friends there, he wishes them the best, etc. He sounded like he just woke, but he also sounded very sincere about that...and I never believe his sincerity about anything, so it was good to hear at least.

I kind of agree with BJM, Samoa Joe hasn't been used well since his feud with Angle, and this random feud with Pope has already gone on for about 3 months, stills seems utterly pointless, and still hasn't gone anywhere. I'd rather see Joe, Angle, Kennedy & Morgan be at the forefront. Having said that, I AM glad to see Fortune split from Immortal...AJ works so much better as a face than a heel, and the group as a whole was getting lost behind the Hardys, Hogan & Bischoff.

Bottom line, their plan A should have been under contract when they started the angle so a plan B wasn't needed...but aside from the perceived embarrassment of the whole thing, I think ultimately it will work out ok.
Come on guys. By now you should know that an interview with Eric Bischoff, especially one done with him while under contract to a company shouldn't be taken with a grain of salt. It needs to be taken with a whole fucking shaker!

To take him at his word and be like "oh, well now it's confirmed exactly how this story is going to play out"..........COME ON! You know damn well that the dude is covering his ass just like Dixie did with her tweets.

Yes, Fortune was a plan B, but it was not planned in advance. It was a last minute decision because plan A fell through. Bischoff is trying to make you think that they were smart enough to write in back up plans and thus, always have backup plans for all the stories they put forth. That's as far from the truth as Jeff Hardy is from sobriety.

If you noticed, Bischoff answered a lot of questions with "I don't want to get into that" or questioning how the question was asked. That's typical Bischoff style. He tries to come off like this know-it-all and a smartass, and it shows through. The truth is that he was half candid in this interview as he always will be. If he can spin things positively for his company, he's going to do that. And that's exactly what he did.

It's amazing how fans will take this man's word as the be all, end all. As someone in the business, I can tell you that interviews with people under contract are not nearly as good as those with people who have no affiliation. When you are signed somewhere, you have to speak a certain way about that company no matter how you actually feel. You don't want to put yourself in hot water, so it's "talent speak" as you spin everything positively.

Take this all with a container of salt guys. Bischoff is saying what he's supposed to say. If you take his word as anything more important than anybody else, you are kidding yourself.
I think it was smart to say Fourtune was a Plan B. Rather than try to cover his ass, he admitted that initial plans fell through and they had back-up. Every writing staff, wrestling or television, needs to think of every scenario, even if Fourtune was a future plan, the fact that they could execute it was a good thing.

Why knock them for thinking ahead, or at least thinking on their feet? Yes, we can bash TNA for making a plan and not having major parts of it unsigned. Yes, we can knock them for scaring off Kevin Nash. If we want TNA to succeed, I think we should look at this as a way to rebuild A.J. Styles as the top face, and give Kaz and Beer Money a chance to be faces for a chance. The Main Event Mafia would have been OK, but Fourtune, if booked properly, should be off the charts!
Come on guys. By now you should know that an interview with Eric Bischoff, especially one done with him while under contract to a company shouldn't be taken with a grain of salt. It needs to be taken with a whole fucking shaker!

To take him at his word and be like "oh, well now it's confirmed exactly how this story is going to play out"..........COME ON! You know damn well that the dude is covering his ass just like Dixie did with her tweets.

So, we are stupid for believing the horse's mouth but It's certainly okay to believe dirstsheets that tell us Nash wasn't signed when they began this angle right?

While Nash himself admits, he signed an ACTUAL CONTRACT. Then asked for his release to join WWE. Which are details Bischoff cannot talk about.

But Nash was covering his ass just like Dixie did with her tweets!!!11!

Please, stick to WWE. It fits your thought process.
So, we are stupid for believing the horse's mouth but It's certainly okay to believe dirstsheets that tell us Nash wasn't signed when they began this angle right?

While Nash himself admits, he signed an ACTUAL CONTRACT. Then asked for his release to join WWE. Which are details Bischoff cannot talk about.

But Nash was covering his ass just like Dixie did with her tweets!!!11!

Please, stick to WWE. It fits your thought process.

No, you completely missed the point and of course through in the inevitably WWE line. Always fun from the TNA mark.

What I said was that you must take it with a grain of salt from the horse's mouth because he is employed by the breeder. Eric Bischoff works for TNA and thus is going to paint said company in the best possible light. That's how every talent in the history of the business works. If you are employed by someone, you say the right things at the right time. This isn't some giant mystery.

When you no longer work for that company and are a free agent of sorts, you can speak a lot more freely. In doing my interview with Shannon Moore last year before he signed with TNA (December of 09 so about a month before he signed there), he was able to be candid about his career because he was answering to no one. I would guarantee that if I interviewed him today, it would go quite different due to his employment status.

All I'm saying is that no matter if a guy works for TNA, WWE, ROH, AAA, CMLL, New Japan, etc, when asked about that company, they are going to paint it in a quality light. If they don't, it usually doesn't bode well for them. In the past year, the only two instances where a talent remotely badmouthed the company he/she was in on the record were Kaval and MVP due to their lack of push. Both asked for and were granted their release as a result.

All I'm saying is that to pick and choose who is telling the truth on the internet is hard. You get interviews from guys employed by the company, you get info leaks, you get writers speaking off the cuff, etc. The best thing you can do is put the pieces together yourself and come up with a logical conclusion, taking into account what kind of info was provided to you. To take one piece and point to it as fact over any other piece is silly.

I say draw your own conclusions.

On top of that, I know that when you have chosen to be a fan of only one wrestling company and to feel a sense of disdain towards another (which is silly in my opinion), you begin to look for any positives about that company and begin to feel hurt when anyone says something that can remotely be taken out of context to be bashing. I hope you know that I am someone who is a fan of TNA, a person who tunes in each and every week to Impact and has seen every PPV over the last year (basically since I could afford to do so). That said, I'm also a journalist and I know that there's a such thing and "coachspeak". In wrestling terms, I guess it would be "companyspeak", which is when you highlight the good, limit the bad, and paint and overall positive picture. That's the nature of life, and it's not a knock on Bischoff or TNA. He did everything you could expect him to do in that interview.

Again though, keep in mind he is working for the company. Thus, take his comments, combine them with EVERYTHING else you hear, and draw a logical conclusion. That's what I have done and why I cautioned to take it with a grain of salt. You can't take Bischoff solely at his word and completely discount everything else because you simply like his take on the situation. That's not fair. What is fair is that his comments are part of the solution. That's what I would take from it.
What I try to look at as the overall positive in this situation, is A.J. turned Face. If Ric Flair ends up out of TNA, there is no need for a Fourtune anyway... So it will be easy to turn Beer Money again.

There was another thread that spoke about Fourtune's turn. It was stated that TNA lacks Heels at this moment and was it a good idea to turn all of Fourtune. Once again, if Flair is out, it is a perfect way to put an end to Fourtune, have Beer Money turn on A.J. and defect back to Immortal. I think that always could be option.

TNA should find the quickest option available to turn Kaz Heel. I just don't think he will get over right now as a Face. I think he is the more "hated" member of Fourtune. I think fans have been waiting for A.J. to turn and oppose Immortal and Beer Money is so respected, even as Heels. But Kaz was a smug jerk (Kayfabe) that I think most people don't like anyway.

They can correct the situation relatively easily. Beer Money could be offered an amount of money "they couldn't refuse" and turn. Sounds like Robert Roode to me. Kaz could follow suit with something similar to that.

Then, TNA could do away with the "they" story lines and keep moving forward. A.J. as Face sounds like enough of a reason to go to plan B and have it be looked at as an eventual success.
All that I can say about this "Plan B" is that it is easily one o fht ebest Plan B's I have seen in a long time. I usually don't enjoy AJ on the Mic very much, but he was charged and took the stick and showed that he has learned quite a bit with how well he handled himself on Impact. It showed me that AJ is more than ready to be the face of TNA. This also, as has been said, puts some home grown talent at the top of the food chain. When Fortune was sticking with Immortal, they were the Muscle that just hung around, obviously. Now they are right out front where they belong. Hopefully this really elevates these guys to the top where they belong. I'm not going to say that TNA needs to stop using wrestlers that once worked for WWE, but it is nice to see some guys that have been busting their asses at TNA since day one get some spots now.
No, you completely missed the point and of course through in the inevitably WWE line. Always fun from the TNA mark.

What I said was that you must take it with a grain of salt from the horse's mouth because he is employed by the breeder. Eric Bischoff works for TNA and thus is going to paint said company in the best possible light. That's how every talent in the history of the business works. If you are employed by someone, you say the right things at the right time. This isn't some giant mystery.

When you no longer work for that company and are a free agent of sorts, you can speak a lot more freely. In doing my interview with Shannon Moore last year before he signed with TNA (December of 09 so about a month before he signed there), he was able to be candid about his career because he was answering to no one. I would guarantee that if I interviewed him today, it would go quite different due to his employment status.

All I'm saying is that no matter if a guy works for TNA, WWE, ROH, AAA, CMLL, New Japan, etc, when asked about that company, they are going to paint it in a quality light. If they don't, it usually doesn't bode well for them. In the past year, the only two instances where a talent remotely badmouthed the company he/she was in on the record were Kaval and MVP due to their lack of push. Both asked for and were granted their release as a result.

All I'm saying is that to pick and choose who is telling the truth on the internet is hard. You get interviews from guys employed by the company, you get info leaks, you get writers speaking off the cuff, etc. The best thing you can do is put the pieces together yourself and come up with a logical conclusion, taking into account what kind of info was provided to you. To take one piece and point to it as fact over any other piece is silly.

I say draw your own conclusions.

On top of that, I know that when you have chosen to be a fan of only one wrestling company and to feel a sense of disdain towards another (which is silly in my opinion), you begin to look for any positives about that company and begin to feel hurt when anyone says something that can remotely be taken out of context to be bashing. I hope you know that I am someone who is a fan of TNA, a person who tunes in each and every week to Impact and has seen every PPV over the last year (basically since I could afford to do so). That said, I'm also a journalist and I know that there's a such thing and "coachspeak". In wrestling terms, I guess it would be "companyspeak", which is when you highlight the good, limit the bad, and paint and overall positive picture. That's the nature of life, and it's not a knock on Bischoff or TNA. He did everything you could expect him to do in that interview.

Again though, keep in mind he is working for the company. Thus, take his comments, combine them with EVERYTHING else you hear, and draw a logical conclusion. That's what I have done and why I cautioned to take it with a grain of salt. You can't take Bischoff solely at his word and completely discount everything else because you simply like his take on the situation. That's not fair. What is fair is that his comments are part of the solution. That's what I would take from it.

How about stop wasting my time with these paragraphs and answer the fact, Nash admitted to being signed by TNA and asking for his release days before the Rumble.

Who is taking Bischoff's word? Kurt Angle admitted it himself.

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