Eric Bischoff says he and Hulk Hogan do not run TNA...

I can't belive a single word he says. The only way he isn't lying if he means that Dixie still "runs" the show and they just do everything else!

Show me a team in WWE that is better than The Guns or Beer Money or HELL, Generation Me.

Show me a young guy in WWE that has more intensity and skill than Samoa Joe.

Show me a guy in WWE that has better in-ring abilities than AJ Styles.

Show me a guy in WWE that is more technically sound than Doug Williams and Desmond Wolfe.

Show me a guy in WWE that has better mic skills than Mr.Anderson.

I agree with all you mentioned except the technicality. KURT ANGLE is better than Dough Williams.


DO you watch TNA or you just hate it? get everyone has his opinions but in what way does Rey Mysterio has better in-ring abilities than AJ f'ing Styles. PWI #1 that is just good on the mic and trying too hard as a heel (what people say), then how would he get #1??

When was the last time did regal show any technicality?.

Well for me Punk=Anderson in mic skills if you consider that Anderson has much more freedom than Punk.

Daniel Bryan has more intensity and skill than Joe??? If he german suplexes the Undertaker then youre correct. Did you see Joe's triple submission move? If Joe was brought as "husky" Joe (or someone that vince acepts as not musclar) 2 years would be enough for him to be the Top Tweener in WWE. He just doesn't have good or legit writers!
Anything to defend the product,right. Keep telling yourself that chief. Keep telling yourself that.

Keep telling myself what? I don't quite understand what you're talking about.

I bring up logical explanations and you come back with nonsense.

That's basically exactly what just happened. Literally.
Perhaps the product changed so much because the whole reason the company went out and got Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff was because they wanted to change the product so much in the first place? I don't see how this is any evidence that "they must be in control because they came in and it changed when they did."

I don't know that Carter wanted to change the product, as much as that Carter needed someone competent to manage the wrestling side of things. Remember, Hogan signs with Panda/TNA a few months after Jeff Jarrett gets sent home over the Karen Angle fracas.

Overall, did Dixie Carter want changes? Probably. She's certainly talked like she wanted TNA to be bigger than 1.0 ratings, crappy buyrates and free tickets to the Impact Zone. But is she qualified to say what those changes should be? Does she have the background, experience, creativity? I think she'd say no, herself. She needed a "wrestling mind", and Hogan and Bischoff were supposed to be it. I think it's delusional that Hogan was signed just as an ambassador for TNA--he and his team were supposed to turn TNA into a legitimate competitor to WWE.

If not Hogan and Bischoff, who would you suggest was responsible for the changes? Who do you think said, lose the 6-sided ring, make over the Impact Zone, install these new camera angles, sign these guys, use this plot arc? Who do you think designed the format for the ReAction show?

I'm giving Bischoff credit for some positive changes that happened in TNA in January, 2010. The look of the Impact Zone is much improved. ReAction is exactly what Bischoff said he was going to do, to use his experience in producing television shows and projects for the last 8-9 years to present pro wrestling in a new way to fans who have seen Hard Knocks (NFL), Playmakers and who have seen The Ultimate Fighter, Survivor, American Idol, Ice Road Truckers, Hell's Kitchen.

Why would he take responsibility for certain things that have failed miserably but lie about others? What does he accomplish by doing that? There are several people involved in the business behind the say that Bischoff and Hogan have total control and dictate everything that goes on is absolutely ridiculous.

Where does he say "This sucked, and I did it?" He doesn't. TNA Creative is a mess? TNA Marketing sucks? "That's not me and Hulk, we don't run TNA." House show attendance still isn't good? "That's not my department." Was bringing in the Nasty Boys, Val Venis, Orlando Jordan, Hall and Waltman a complete joke that failed all over the place? "We don't do hiring and firing"

Why would he do it? To distance himself from failure. Bischoff is a smart guy and a survivor. If TNA starts to be regarded in the TV industry as a stinking pile of dogcrap, creatively or financially, and Bischoff is known as the No. 1 guy in charge, then what happens to Bischoff-Hervey Entertainment?

I think that Bischoff is smart to start disassociating himself. Especially if he IS letting Vince Russo run creative, or if Dixie Carter is letting Vince Russo run creative. Hogan to TNA fizzled as a phenomenon--that's Terry's and Dixie's problem. TNA's booking is poor? That's Russo's problem.

ReAction is quality TV? That's all Eric Bischoff and BHE. See how it works? Bischoff is looking beyond TNA. Not a lot of people are looking for a wrestling booker or a wrestling promoter. There are plenty of opportunities for new shows on cable TV. That's Easy E's focus in 2010.

Why did they change things in the first place? Because they didn't want to become another niche market product like ECW was. They thought that bringing in the most recognizable figures in the history of wrestling would help make them noticeable.

Specifically, Carter wanted to become remotely competitive with WWE. Either Hogan sold Carter on the project, or Carter sold Hogan on it, or they both bought huge bags of their own bullshit. But that fizzled out and TNA is in the same position it was a year ago--some good talent, but poor management, and no strategy no mission statement.

They brought back names, not realizing that those names' drawing power had faded away long ago. They tried to duplicate the WCW Nitro formula of buying established stars and being outrageous, but the stars had faded and outrageous doesn't shock anymore. It went about as well as a Marylin Manson comeback tour.

Hogan and Bischoff are not there on some agenda to ruin TNA for everyone.

Of course. They are/were doing their best. They're not coming in to work, tenting their fingers Mr Burns-style and saying "How can we make TNA fans suffer this week? Bwaa hahaha!"

But their best, in 2010, isn't very good. And Bischoff has a career and a company beyond TNA to think about. Creatively right now, TNA isn't helping his resume. And if things go in the toilet financially, he doesn't want to be known as the mastermind of two different (semi)major wrestling companies that failed. He wants to be known as the TV producer of late '90s Nitro, a megasuccess, and several other successful TV projects since then.

They were brought in because the investors and management wanted to go in a different direction in the first place..

The problem is that TNA management has no real idea what that direction is. Hogan and "Monday Night Wars 2.0" was a direction, but that failed. Now the ship is at sea with no wind in the sails, no map and no compass.

(It could be worse--let's say that they have fishing poles and a rain-catching barrel, so they're not going to starve. But they're not getting anywhere.)

BTW: PWI is desperate for audience, competing with WWE The Magazine. Putting Cena on the cover as #1 isn't going to sell more PWI. Cena fans will be the WWE magazine with lots more Cena pictures, and Cena-hating smarks won't want to buy that issue. PWI's ratings are as kayfabed as anything else in wrestling.
While I do believe that Bischoff and Hogan don't "run" TNA, but to suggest that he and Hulk Hogan have no real power or influence in the direction of TNA is utter nonsense. TNA has undergone a lot of changes since Hogan and Bischoff came to town and I believe it shows little more than disdain for the intelligence of wrestling fans to suggest that they had little or nothing to do with it. Nobody that's watched TNA for the past 7 or 8 months is going to believe that unless they're the most hopeless of Hogan, Bischoff and/or TNA marks that refuse to acknowledge even one negative thing about TNA.

As for controversies, I think that TNA had a golden opportunity with Orlando Jordan. Orlando Jordan is openly bisexual and TNA had the chance to generate and create a great deal of controversy with him. However, both TNA and Spike in the end chickened out and instead went with an extremely watered down version with the typical homoerotic innuendoes. As far as controvery goes, I do agree that it's difficult to actually pull off due in part to so many things being done before and the restraints placed on television shows. Controversy isn't necessary to put on a quality wrestling product but Orlando Jordan was TNA's chance to really step out and ultimately do something that'd never been done before in pro wrestling but they didn't jump at it.
EB is so full of shit these days it’s not funny. I listened to that interview and he’s so full of it. It’s very obvious that although Hulk and EB may not have the ‘title’ of being head booker or whatever they certainly have a massive amount of input of what goes on in the company. Why else would they be there? Why has the show turned to complete horse shit after they arrived? If TNA were booming then I guarantee EB would be claiming his authority in the company.

I just have to reply to these 2:

DO you watch TNA or you just hate it? get everyone has his opinions but in what way does Rey Mysterio has better in-ring abilities than AJ f'ing Styles. PWI #1 that is just good on the mic and trying too hard as a heel (what people say), then how would he get #1??

When was the last time did regal show any technicality?.

Well for me Punk=Anderson in mic skills if you consider that Anderson has much more freedom than Punk.

Daniel Bryan has more intensity and skill than Joe??? If he german suplexes the Undertaker then youre correct. Did you see Joe's triple submission move? If Joe was brought as "husky" Joe (or someone that vince acepts as not musclar) 2 years would be enough for him to be the Top Tweener in WWE. He just doesn't have good or legit writers!

Look, there is no way in hell that TNA has a better roster than WWE right now. Yes, Bryan is so much better than Joe in so many ways. Let’s go through the questions that Zeven Zion asked earlier that you’ve got your knickers in a knot over with Y2Jake’s answers.

Show me a team in WWE that is better than The Guns or Beer Money or HELL, Generation Me.

This one is fair enough, they are certainly owning WWE’s tag division.

Show me a young guy in WWE that has more intensity and skill than Samoa Joe.

:lmao: Samoa Joe has been nothing for a long time. Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton, CM Punk, Alberto Del Rio, fuck, there’s so many that are better than him. Wade Barrett, William Regal, I’m not going to continue because there’s many more who are more ‘intense’ and have more ‘skill’ than Samoa overrated Joe.

Show me a guy in WWE that has better in-ring abilities than AJ Styles.

Rey Mysterio (as Y2Jake pointed out), Daniel Bryan, John Morrison, there’s more. That’s not to say AJ isn’t good, he is, he’s phenomenal but he’s not the best in the world. He’s amongst the best and most of the best are in WWE not TNA.

Show me a guy in WWE that is more technically sound than Doug Williams and Desmond Wolfe.

Again, Daniel Bryan is much better than Doug Williams and Desmond Wolfe. There’s also guys like Alberto Del Rio, Jack Swagger and Randy Orton. I’m not saying they’re all better but they’re certainly at least on par. Kurt Angle is still the best, you should have used him as your example.

Show me a guy in WWE that has better mic skills than Mr.Anderson.

I’m happy to admit that Mr. Anderson has great mic skills but there’s definitely good mic workers in WWE. Punk is one of the best these days and he’s better than Anderson, there’s also Cena, Orton, Triple H, Kane, Miz, McIntyre, Bryan and Del Rio. There’s plenty of guys who can talk in WWE.

Look, there are great workers in both companies but the fact is WWE is using the talent better and they are working the stories better. Simple as that. Even if AJ Styles is the best in the world, I don't see it because AJ isn't given the chance to prove it. TNA is being run worse and worse each week I watch. I'm close to stopping all together it's that bad. They should be moulding talent to reach the heights of WWE, not burying talent to lift guys who have already been to the top and fallen.

DO you watch TNA or you just hate it?

Both. Actually I don't hate TNA, I just think it's stupid.

get everyone has his opinions but in what way does Rey Mysterio has better in-ring abilities than AJ f'ing Styles. PWI #1 that is just good on the mic and trying too hard as a heel (what people say), then how would he get #1??

How is Rey Mysterio better? He produces better matches. Simple.

When was the last time did regal show any technicality?.

Weekly, he's wrestling fairly inexperienced guys at the moment. He's not having great matches, but he's having better matches with those rookies than anybody else could.

Well for me Punk=Anderson in mic skills if you consider that Anderson has much more freedom than Punk.

So we agree that Punk is better?

Daniel Bryan has more intensity and skill than Joe???

Yes. Opinion has always been split on who was the better indy performer, but Bryan currently has more skill and intensity. Wait, who am I kidding. Only in 2005 did people debate who was better between the two. Bryan has now been considered better for at least 4 years.

If he german suplexes the Undertaker then youre correct. Did you see Joe's triple submission move? If Joe was brought as "husky" Joe (or someone that vince acepts as not musclar) 2 years would be enough for him to be the Top Tweener in WWE. He just doesn't have good or legit writers!

Umm, ok. But Bryan has already made it as one of WWE's top stars, kinda. And that's only 8 months on from his WWE debut and with a three month holiday.
Both. Actually I don't hate TNA, I just think it's stupid.

How is Rey Mysterio better? He produces better matches. Simple.

Weekly, he's wrestling fairly inexperienced guys at the moment. He's not having great matches, but he's having better matches with those rookies than anybody else could.

So we agree that Punk is better?

Yes. Opinion has always been split on who was the better indy performer, but Bryan currently has more skill and intensity. Wait, who am I kidding. Only in 2005 did people debate who was better between the two. Bryan has now been considered better for at least 4 years.

Umm, ok. But Bryan has already made it as one of WWE's top stars, kinda. And that's only 8 months on from his WWE debut and with a three month holiday.

1. Rey Mysterio is not better than AJ Styles and doesn't put on better matches. Hell Mysterio hasn't even been on par with him for a few years now. He also has two very bad knees and is one leg injury away from being done. If you are not a child than you must be a fucking moron for making a comment like this.

2. You go on to mention Regal being more technically sound than Wolfe or Williams. You say they haven't done anything Regal didn't do when he was younger. How the hell is that even an acceptable answer? Your going to tell me that Regal is better than Wolfe and Williams right now because of what Regal did when he was younger? Regal has lost a step in the ring and Williams and Wolfe are better than him now. You should stop doing drugs before signing in. Didn't you read the agreement before signing up?

3. It is funny you say Punk is better on the mic. Since WWE has their promos 100 percent completely scripted how can you even make this an argument. TNA has a bullet point method and everything else is ad lib. Then all it comes down to is delivering the actual promo and well Anderson just does it better. Nuff said.

4. Daniel Bryan has done what exactly that separates him from any other mid carder and making him a main event player? Tag with Cena? Evan Bourne did that less than 2 months ago and look at him now. Be in a main event of a PPV? CM Punk did that and he hasn't won a meaningful match since god knows when. Hell Bryan opened up Raw in a tag match on their 900th show. Let me show you how well WWE hides the NXT BS. You know how the winner of NXT is supposed to get a title shot? Well this is how they spin it. Instead of just giving Barrett his straight up title shot, he is now in a six pack challenge. So he has a title shot with 4 other guys on the same night. So much for the winner of NXT meaning something. Daniel Bryan has done nothing except SummerSlam and you want to say he has established himself has a top guy on Raw? That is complete shit and you know it. He has been back for less than 2 weeks and just opened up Raw in a tag match.
1. Rey Mysterio is not better than AJ Styles and doesn't put on better matches. Hell Mysterio hasn't even been on par with him for a few years now. He also has two very bad knees and is one leg injury away from being done. If you are not a child than you must be a fucking moron for making a comment like this.

2. You go on to mention Regal being more technically sound than Wolfe or Williams. You say they haven't done anything Regal didn't do when he was younger. How the hell is that even an acceptable answer? Your going to tell me that Regal is better than Wolfe and Williams right now because of what Regal did when he was younger? Regal has lost a step in the ring and Williams and Wolfe are better than him now. You should stop doing drugs before signing in. Didn't you read the agreement before signing up?

3. It is funny you say Punk is better on the mic. Since WWE has their promos 100 percent completely scripted how can you even make this an argument. TNA has a bullet point method and everything else is ad lib. Then all it comes down to is delivering the actual promo and well Anderson just does it better. Nuff said.

4. Daniel Bryan has done what exactly that separates him from any other mid carder and making him a main event player? Tag with Cena? Evan Bourne did that less than 2 months ago and look at him now. Be in a main event of a PPV? CM Punk did that and he hasn't won a meaningful match since god knows when. Hell Bryan opened up Raw in a tag match on their 900th show. Let me show you how well WWE hides the NXT BS. You know how the winner of NXT is supposed to get a title shot? Well this is how they spin it. Instead of just giving Barrett his straight up title shot, he is now in a six pack challenge. So he has a title shot with 4 other guys on the same night. So much for the winner of NXT meaning something. Daniel Bryan has done nothing except SummerSlam and you want to say he has established himself has a top guy on Raw? That is complete shit and you know it. He has been back for less than 2 weeks and just opened up Raw in a tag match.

1) In this day and age ,no Mysterio is not better than AJ ,however AJ's match quality has gone downhill .Take for example the stunning matches he was putting on,on a weekely basis in 2005.I don't enjoy watching Mysterio like i used to all of super rey's matches are fairly repetitive and wrestled at half the speed he used to wrestle.

2):lmao: at Regal being a better technical wrestler than Wolfe or Williams .He was better ten years ago that was about it.Regal hasn't put on a good match in years ,Regal is ageing and losing his ring skills ,where as Wolfe was at his peak in roh and Williams seems to be improving still.

3)I honestly don't have a clue how you can say Anderson is better on the mic ,yes wwe's promos are scripted but only to a certain level ,they tell them the basis of the promo to cut thats it.Anderson has the most repetitve promo in the world ,the whole asshole thing is getting stale ....and really fast.

4)It's too early to call Bryan a main event guy of course.Time will tell.Being the last member of team wwe and fueding with the Miz is a great push ,I see Danielson winnning the us title and giving himself and the belt a lot more credability.
1. Rey Mysterio is not better than AJ Styles and doesn't put on better matches. Hell Mysterio hasn't even been on par with him for a few years now. He also has two very bad knees and is one leg injury away from being done.

I don't see what bad knees have to do with anything. It's not like you can tell his knees effect him in the ring.

Rey Mysterio had five star matches throughout last year and he's consistently been having 4 star matches this year. I can't think of any AJ Styles matches that have even come close to the Jericho/Rey match at least years Bash PPV.

If you are not a child than you must be a fucking moron for making a comment like this.

Based on extensive research the majority of people who dislike Rey Mysterio are people in their late teens who hate him because of his child friendly persona. You might not like his character, but you can't dispute his ability.

2. You go on to mention Regal being more technically sound than Wolfe or Williams. You say they haven't done anything Regal didn't do when he was younger. How the hell is that even an acceptable answer? Your going to tell me that Regal is better than Wolfe and Williams right now because of what Regal did when he was younger? Regal has lost a step in the ring and Williams and Wolfe are better than him now. You should stop doing drugs before signing in. Didn't you read the agreement before signing up?

This part of your post would be valid if Wolfe & Williams were having great matches. Currently they're having technically sound matches that also happen to be instantly forgettable. Much like William Regal.

3. It is funny you say Punk is better on the mic. Since WWE has their promos 100 percent completely scripted how can you even make this an argument.

Both Anderson & Punk are cutting the promos, correct? There is the basis for the argument.

TNA has a bullet point method and everything else is ad lib.

This must be why Ric Flair rambles absolute rubbish and there are no memorable promos in TNA. Shit, I haven't seen it yet but I've heard nothing but positive things about Punks promo from Monday night. I can't remember a a single individual Anderson promo.

Then all it comes down to is delivering the actual promo and well Anderson just does it better. Nuff said.

Can't argue with that logic. However he's still basically his WWE Kennedy character, so....

4. Daniel Bryan has done what exactly that separates him from any other mid carder and making him a main event player?

He's over and there's a demand to see him.

Tag with Cena? Evan Bourne did that less than 2 months ago and look at him now. Be in a main event of a PPV? CM Punk did that and he hasn't won a meaningful match since god knows when.

Punk might not have won any meaningful matches as of late, but he's been part of several this year.

Hell Bryan opened up Raw in a tag match on their 900th show. Let me show you how well WWE hides the NXT BS. You know how the winner of NXT is supposed to get a title shot? Well this is how they spin it. Instead of just giving Barrett his straight up title shot, he is now in a six pack challenge. So he has a title shot with 4 other guys on the same night. So much for the winner of NXT meaning something.

The winner of NXT has got a title shot. Nowhere did they specify it'd be one-on-one. And winning NXT season one has done quite a lot for Barrett, so it kinda does mean something.

Daniel Bryan has done nothing except SummerSlam

Are you saying the initial Nexus invasion isn't the most memorable moment in wrestling from this year? Bryan choking out Justin Roberts will be the most enduring wrestling image of 2010.

and you want to say he has established himself has a top guy on Raw?

One of the top stars on Raw. I don't see how anybody can say differently right now.

That is complete shit and you know it. He has been back for less than 2 weeks and just opened up Raw in a tag match.

You open a show with popular acts, that's a fairly basic wrestling rule.

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