Episode 7: Elite X wildcard tag match

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Dufflebag Mod!!
Elite X Wildcard Tag team Match

Mohammad Hasheem and El Guerrero vs. The One Big Will and Gus​

The Stage it set for civil revolution. These Four men will go at it buying to be WZCW first Elite X champion but first can they co-exist together. This match will be explosive!

Keep all RPs in here
RP deadline is Friday, October 26 2007 at Midnight Eastern Standard Time
Setting/Background: Locker room

We seen Leon Kensworth slowly walking into Big Will's locker room, as he's shown talking on the phone, not knowing Leon & a camera crew are behind him. Leon silently creeps up on Big Will for an interview.

(Big Will)- (Talking on the phone) "So, what do you think? You wanna reveal it at the Pay Per View? I mean, noone knows yet, right? Its still our little secret, right?" (pauses for response) "Well, its up to you. All I know is, if I'm in position to win it, or need you to help me, then I fully expect you to be there. The only way I don't want you revealing yourself, is if something bigger comes up." (pauses for response) "Look, screw him. Don't worry, he won't be a problem for me. The only reason I haven't taken him out yet, is because I wanna see the look on his face when it all goes down. If I feared what he could possibly do, I wouldn't of even messed with him. But listen.. I don't fear him. He can't touch me, he can't even lace my boots." (pauses for response)

Leon reaches out to tap Big Will on the shoulder, as right before he does, Big Will continues his phone conversation.

(Big Will)- (Talking on the phone) "Alright, so its a done deal. I'll meet you later tonight?" (pauses for response) "I don't know what I'm doing, all I know is I have a 15 Minutes of Fame debut segment, & Joseph Rios will be on. I may wait to see how the Main Event goes down, unless the Champ lets me take off." (pauses for response) "Yeah, okay. Room 21, I'll call ahead to the hotel to let them know to give you a key." (pauses for response, as Leon Kensworth begins to tap Big Will on the shoulder) "Alright, I lo.. what the hell? Leon?!" (Big Will glares at Leon, then addresses the person on the phone) "Hold on, alright? Leon's been spying, I need to find out how much he heard."

(Leon)- "Oh, don't worry, we didn't hear anything. I just came in, the door was open. I.. I.. uh.. I just wanted to get your opinion, on tonight's Elite X Tag Team Wildcard match up? Yo.. You.. your tag team partner is Gus, you two will face El Guerrero & Mohammad Hasheem."

(Big Will)- "Tag team match? Gus is my partner?!? When the hell was this announced? I had the night off." The voice on the phone starts to yell for Big Will's attention, as he holds the phone back up to his ear. "Yeah.. a tag team match, & get this.. apparently, my partner is Gus." (pauses for a moment) "I know, thats what I just questioned! Looks like our meeting will have to wait. Don't worry okay, like I said, I was planning on holding off until the Main Event just to make sure everything went as planned there, anyways. Just go ahead & meet me as planned. This won't ruin our night." (pauses for response) "Yeah, ironic, but it could work. Alright, I'll talk to you later." Big Will hangs his phone up, then proceeds to address Leon.

(Big Will)- "As for you, I don't know how much you heard, or what you aren't saying.. but if I find out half the conversation you claim you didn't just hear, gets rolled out onto some talk show on W.Z.C.W.com, I'll be coming for your ass. Now what do you want?"

(Leon)- "I swear, we didn't hear anything on who you were talking to. I just wanted an interview with you, about your opinion of being put in a Wildcard Tag team match tonight, against two of the 3 men you'll be facing at Civil Revolution.. & your thoughts on having to team with the 3rd?"

(Big Will)- "Believe me, shocked & amazed won't quite cover it. I don't know who signed, or agreed to this match, but its bullshit. Gus & I won't co-exsist, even IF El Guerrero & Hasheem kill each other, I don't like any of the three of them, & I refuse to do it."

(Leon)- "If you refuse to the match, you could be subjected to a fine, suspension & most definately, eliminated from the Fatal Four Way to crown a new Elite X Champion. So, with that in mind, how will you handle tonight's match?"

(Big Will)- "Look, noone said I had to wrestle, for all I care, I'll go out & stand in a corner, as my 'partner' gets his ass kicked by two other guys. And as far as they go, I could give a shit less, on whether they make it out of this too. I'm not risking my body, or injury, because some jackoff wanted to make ratings, by booking the four of us in a Tag team match-up. I'll be damned if I get suspended for it, but you better believe I'm not about to go out there tonight & put it all on the line. This match has no stakes, it means nothing, so what do I care?"

(Leon)- "Will you even attempt to tag in & out of the match then? Its been noted that El Guerrero & Hasheem already have bad blood with each other, & they've refused to contact each other before the match. Now that you know of this match, are you going to seek out Gus, to workout a game plan?"

(Big Will)- "Look, Leon, you aren't getting it. I could care less if El Guerrero walks out with his dorky little mask, takes it, shines it up.. lets Hasheem come out with his nice little turban, has him take it, shine it.. & they play hide the hat. I could care less about Hasheem's bad blood with America, I'm Canadian, I don't even like this hell hole. And 'Gameplan'?! You want my gameplan.. Gus is going to listen to everything I tell him to do, because I'm clearly the leader of this team. He'll wrestle the whole match alone, if I demand him to. Now I think its about time you took that camera, you turned around & left. And next time, knock on the wall or something, don't just walk in!"

(Leon)- "Okay, thanks for the interview time.. but real quick, before we go, one last question. Who're you meeting later tonight in Room 21?" Big Will has an angry expression come over his face, as he grabs the camera & shoves it along with the camera guy out of the locker room. Leon runs out of the room, as Big Will yells at them going out. (Big Will)- "You little bastard, if something airs that I said better not of, it'll be your ass!" The camera fades out...
(Note: I’m assuming Reno is next on the schedule and that the 1 RP rule isn’t in effect)

The scene fades in on a city skyline, it is twilight, it appears as if it is Reno, Nevada, the camera is shown on I-80, following it until Highway 395, the camera speeds up as the whole screen becomes a blur, the camera slows down, it appears that we are in the suburbs of Reno. In a backyard of a house, there is a full scale wrestling ring, the screen fades to black, a picture of a log cabin not too far from the other house appears, a picture fades in of the master bedroom of the house, with 2 king size mattresses stacked on top of each other, a ladder set up next to them, and a poster on the wall that says, The Washoe Valley Wrestling Federation. The screen is black, a light turns on in the background, you see a silhouette of Gus’ head,

Gus: These were my stomping grounds, where I learned how to wrestle.

(Shows clips from The WVWF

G: This is where I first gave my sweat, blood, tears, and body for my career…

Shows a clip from The WVWF of Gus bleeding and Kenny standing over him with a steel chair

G: Now we’re back in Reno, MY stomping grounds, and I’m in a tag team match with Will against El Guerrero and Hasheem.

(Shows pics of Will when he says Will, Guerrero when Guerrero, and Hasheem when Gus says Hasheem)

G: Now, I’ve got nothing against Will, yet, but Will, for right now, i know you and me wont be able to co-exist, but we still need to focus on defeating this Terrorist and the Guerrero guy, you and I have enough talent to defeat these two with all of our hands tied behind our backs.

(Gus appears in front of the light, you can see his face, he looks determined)

G: But come Civil Revolution, I wont hesitate to snap you in half with The Reality Bender, or crush your ribs with the 900. That goes for everyone in the match.

(The camera fades out, Gus looks off to the side, when Heidi appears)


(Heidi’s phone rings, she goes off screen to answer it)

G: DAMN Right, I GUARAN-DAMN-TEE that I will walk out with The Elite X Championship, one way or another…

(Heidi comes back)

G: Who was it?

H: I don’t know, uh… a… wrong number

G: Oh, ok then, anyway…(determined look on his face) El Guerrero, Hasheem, every time you look behind you, I’ll be there, I won last time, to advance to the finals of this tournament, but this is just going to be a formality, we all know who is going to win the Elite X Title match at Civil Revolution, I should just be awarded the damn title.

H: That’s right, baby-

(her phone rings again, she goes off screen again)

G: (distracted) and Will, the same goes for you, but until Civil Revolution, I’m not going to try anything if you wont’ we need to work together to win this “Wildcard Match”, and as The Baseball Playoffs show, The Wildcard Team seems to do pretty good, well, at least half of them do, I think winning this match is crucial in (*fake coughs* me) one of us, *me* cough, cough, one of us winning the title,

(Heidi comes back,)

G: who the hell was that?

H: A wrong number…again

G: Let me see, I’ll yell at them to leave you alone

H: No, no, it’s alright I took care of it

G: You sure?

H: Yes, I’m sure

G: Whatever. look, Guerrero, Hasheem, you’re in MY house now, may whatever lord(s) you two believe in have mercy on your souls, and as for you Will, just stay out of my way…
C’mon Heidi, lets go see Kenny or something…

H: uh…I’m actually kind of tired, I’m gonna go home

G: Alright, see you at meltdown

H: See you, love ya

G: Me too, see ya

(Heidi drives away and Gus gets in his car,)

G: I wonder what Heidi didn’t want me to see?
(Gus turns up the radio, you can hear The AC/DC he’s listening to, as he drives away.) The camera fades out.
Hasheem and Rajeem are shown alone in their locker rooms.

Rajeem: So are you ready for your match tonight, champ!!

Hasheem: Haha, you’re right, I am the champ!! I have no doubt I will lose my match at Civil Revolution. El Guerrero and Gus are no match for me.

Rajeem: What about Will?

Hasheem: Who?

Rajeem: Will!! We saw him on that recap show a few days ago.

Hasheem: Oh, the actor guy.

Rajeem: No, that is Titus, I am talking about Will. You know that Koony Shava Deh Char De Voooney. Haha.

Hasheem: OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH!!!! SHUT UP!!!

(Hasheem has trouble finishing his sentence.)

Hasheem: know who that guy is…he seems…TOUGH!!

(Rajeem has trouble finishing his sentence.)

Rajeem: Oh…yea!!

(Both men start CRACKING up really loudly!! Their laughing is very obnoxious. They keep laughing until there is a loud knock on the door.)

Hasheem: Who's there?!?

(Suddenly, the door swings open and Hasheem’s tag team partner, El Guerrero, comes into the dressing room where he joins Hasheem and Rajeem.)

Rajeem: What do you think you are doing here!?

El G: I go wherever I please.

Rajeem: I asked you, what do you think you are doing here?!?

El G: I go wherever I please!!

Rajeem: Get the hell out of here, NOW!!!

El G: And just what are you gonna do about it?

Rajeem: What I’m gonna do? What I’m gonna do?! Oh, I ought to-

Hasheem: You out to NOTHING!! Rajeem, leave!!

Rajeem: But sir.

Hasheem: LEAVE!!

(Rajeem talks a little in Arabic)

Hasheem: I know, just go.

(Rajeem leaves the room, leaving to the tag partners alone in the room.)

Hasheem: Now explain to me, just who the hell do you think you are, barging into my locker room? I want an answer, and I want an answer now!!

El G: Let me just tell you something, Hasheem. You don’t like me, and I for sure don’t like you, and many other people don’t like you also. We mock you all day about how stupid your Arabic culture is…and you know what, I unfortunately, am stuck tonight being your tag team partner. But let me just explain one thing to you clearly.

(Both Hasheem and El G are face to face!!)

El G: Tonight, I wouldn’t worry about our match tonight if I were you.

Hasheem: Oh really? And why is that?

El G: Well, tonight you have me as your tag team partner, and tonight.

Hasheem: HA!!! I laugh…I laugh at you!!

El G: And at Civil Revolution, no matter if it’s a ladder match, Hardcore match, or a top rope mayhem match. The fact of the matter is, you are competing in this match, and so am I!!!

Hasheem: Well let me explain something clear…TO YOU!! I am Mohammad Hasheem. I have done more things then you will ever do…and the fatal four way match will be the next level of my career. And on Sunday, let me make another thing clear, I hate you. I hate you with a passion. Tonight, I don’t care about this stupid tag team match. I am just looking to see if you will cross me, and when you do, I’ll be waiting. And on Sunday, I am going to do 2 things. The first is win the Elite X Championship and the 2nd thing is DESTROY YOU!! I don’t care about Gus or Will…this isn’t about them…this is about me and you. And YOU will be helping ME become the first ever WZCW Champion.

El G: That’s extremely funny. Well guess what?

(El G starts cursing Hasheem out in Spanish)

Hasheem: (Who is yelling over El G) Oh yea?

(Hasheem starts to curse El G out in Arabic.

Hasheem: Alright, alright enough!! One more thing, tonight, I am the captain of this team…and you will follow EVERYTHING I tell you, got it!! Because if you double-cross me, I will not be responsible for my actions on you!! So just follow my lead…got it?!?

El G: Sure thing, homes!!! Whatever you say.

Hasheem: Damn right whatever I say, now get the hell out.

(Hasheem is pointing to the door.)

(As Hasheem turns his back, El G goes for the entrance and then throws something by the floor underneath a chair. And El G finally leaves the room.)

(A few minutes later, we hear a lot of loud noise in Hasheem’s locker room. The noise is coming from Hasheem.)

(Rajeem quickly comes running in and Rajeem starts yelling.)

Rajeem: Holy Shit, in the name of Mohammad, what in the hell is that stench?!?

Hasheem: EWWWW!!!!

(He kicks stuff with his foot to see, and he kicks the chair. He then picks up whatever he sees on the floor, and sniffs it.)

Hasheem: EWWW!! El G!!!! You fucken asshole!!!!

(It turns out it was just a stink bomb)
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