Enter the Stasiak?

Dead Kennedy

Forever Holly
WZ just posted that Shawn Stasiak is making an in-ring return and WWE or TNA might consider hiring him.

Now, seriously, what the hell? I should hope WWE have learned how much of a waste of everyone's time and money Stasiak Jr. is. The guy has no talent, no charisma - in short, absolutely nothing going for him. Lame gimmicks and really bad matches too. Why in the world would TNA or WWE consider hiring him?

(Your opinions here.)
Honestly not seeing why this would mean much. In WWE, he was known as Meat at one point. He's average at his absolute best in the ring, so why waste a contract on him? He really doesn't bring much with him other than a semi familiar name. It'd be the same in TNA. He just doesn't have anything to offer that could make the companies any better. He's better off staying in the indies as a name for awhile then just getting out forever.
Stasiak has nothing going for him, he is average in the ring and on the mic. He reminds me of a Chris Masters(except Masters was somewhat over). They both lacked charisma and pretty much everything else but both have a good "look". Stasiak looks well built and this is probably the only reason why either company want him. Still their has to be other wrestlers built like him that have some talent? Also maybe Stasiak is just a really friendly guy that everyone backstage likes so they decide to give him another chance.
Shawn Stasiak's best days were arguably in W.C.W., when he tried being the next generation Mr. Perfect. Then joined with Chuck Palumbo. If the W.W.E. is indeed considering this, then I can only hope for a reunion with Palumbo and I would dare even say it could be something good.

I'm not and never really was a fan of Stasiak's. Like Klunder said, at one point he played "Meat" and I doubt that'll ever get lived down. Although I should admit playing that type of real-life role wouldn't seem half bad. Being the sex slave of hot Women.. yeah, that's a real Main Eventer. :lmao:

All in all, T.N.A. wouldn't know how to use him in all likelyhood, and I'd be afraid they'd push him for a Championship just because he's competed in W.C.W. & W.W.E. before. LOL.

I don't know, in the end I doubt he gets picked up by either, but I'll hold a slight glimmer of hope that if it's the W.W.E., Palumbo's days might not be AS numbered.

One last thing though.. in 1999, wasn't he fired because he was recording conversations with the backstage talent or something, illegally?? If that's the case, I doubt W.W.E. would bring him back, short of making sure he never does that again.
It sounds extremely unlikely. He was never a stand out wrestler when he was in WCW or for both WWE runs. I mean Planet Stasiak? Come on. In all aspects a completely average wrestler who will contribute little if anything to the WWE. I still remember Alliance Austin throwing his coffee at Stasiak. Good times.

Originally Posted by: TheOneBigWill
One last thing though.. in 1999, wasn't he fired because he was recording conversations with the backstage talent or something, illegally?? If that's the case, I doubt W.W.E. would bring him back, short of making sure he never does that again.

They hired Stasiak in 2001, so either they've gotten over it (which I doubt considering the act) or they needed him for the Invasion which he didn't play too big a role in.
He's not coming back as a wrestler, he's coming back as the chiropractor. It's what he does these days. His wrestling days are over. He hated the Planet Stasiak gimmick, so much so he only put up with it for a year.

There's no reason to bring him back. His main claim to fame is that Kurt Angle beat him in his PPV debut. It was a crap match and wasn't worth watching again. So really Stasiak left no mark on the business at all. WCW only pushed him because they were pushing everybody in the dying days.

I would only condone this if his wrestling name is one again, Meat.
The only way I would condone this is if he came back as Planet Stasiak and began hilariously running into things again.

I don't think that he'll be hired to any promotion, though. He doesn't have any sort of name value and there are probably people in WWE's developmental that would do better being brought up to the main roster than a return by Stasiak.
I couldn't stand Stasiak when he was the new generation Mr. Perfect in WCW. I believe that they had him go over Hennig too. What a disgrace. That pissed me off so much that no matter what he did after that I always turned the channel when he was on.
There was nothing disgraceful about it. WCW was pushing new talent over older talent, something that they needed to do. And Curt Henning was washed up by that point. Why not try to elevate Stasiak by giving him a victory over somebody who didn't have long left as a wrestler? Henning still had enough name value for it to mean something. And if it had happened anywhere other than WCW it might.

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