"End of The World" is Jericoh?


Cody Rhodes Is Top Dog
Now I know that most of us already knew that the "Jan. 2nd" big return would be Jericoh. And there was an outside chance that it would The UnderTaker. Hell, I was hoping for a miracle; Brock Lesnar.

Part of me was re-living my 11-15 years ('97 - '01), where the WWE truely was a place where shocking things happened that left you saying, "OH MY GOD!". And every Monday was like Christmas.

But the entire build-up to Jericioh's return, and then producing with what they did last night, I'm sure left 50% of the audience and viewers at home saying, "WTF?". Now I am well aware that the WWE has big plans for this, and it will most likely lead somewhere pretty enteresting, but an Undertaker return for a full Taker/Kane take-over, while not linking them together, and then a final showdown at WM 28.

Or the best option (Though Wishfull Thinking) would have had a Lesnar return, demolishing every man in the Main-Event. But Jericoh, no matter how interesting they make this angle, left me kind of disappointed.
But the entire build-up to Jericioh's return, and then producing with what they did last night, I'm sure left 50% of the audience and viewers at home saying, "WTF?".

Which was exactly what they were trying to do. Mission accomplished.
Which was exactly what they were trying to do. Mission accomplished.

The people who were cheering were either doing it B/C they wre huge "Y2J" Fans (which was about 35% of the audince), and then about another 15% were doing it for nastalgic reasons. How-ever, the other 50% of the crowd looked dssapointed.

But 50% crowd reaction, means that about 4,500 of the 9,000 fans in attendace (which is what my estimate was for the size of the crowd last night), were highly involved for the segment, which is damn good. I bet the attendance number would have been 1,000 lower W/O the anticipated return for Jericoh. So in that scence, he did a great job.
Or, some of the crowd figured out that they were being worked, and decided that they would rather be in on the joke than be the butt of it...so they played along.
Or, some of the crowd figured out that they were being worked, and decided that they would rather be in on the joke than be the butt of it...so they played along.

No, the part of the crowd that figured out they were being "worked", began to boo.
I liked Jericho's return last night. You could feel the passion dripping off of Jericho which meant he was doing a good job. People shouldn't dislike him because he was happy to be back. Let me draw a comparison between contemporary forum events. Dagger Dias is running for mod in this election thing we have going on right now. Based on the extensive ideas he has on every section of the board, you can see what an asset he'd be to the moderation team. He eats, sleeps, and breathes this board. When he has a break at work, he posts on this board. Just as Jericho loved being back last night, Dagger loves this place. He's a man who leads with his heart, finding himself engaged after only a week of cheese fry eating and WrestleMana DVD watching with his soon to be Mrs. He loves video game making so much he will defend his vision to the death. A man who feels as strongly as him is clearly fulfilled in life, just as a man who feels as strongly as Jericho did last night is clearly fulfilled in life. Those who knock Jericho's return are just like those who knock Dagger: They're jealous of all these men have in life and incapable of doing the great job that passion allows these men to do.
I liked Jericho's return last night. You could feel the passion dripping off of Jericho which meant he was doing a good job. People shouldn't dislike him because he was happy to be back. Let me draw a comparison between contemporary forum events. Dagger Dias is running for mod in this election thing we have going on right now. Based on the extensive ideas he has on every section of the board, you can see what an asset he'd be to the moderation team. He eats, sleeps, and breathes this board. When he has a break at work, he posts on this board. Just as Jericho loved being back last night, Dagger loves this place. He's a man who leads with his heart, finding himself engaged after only a week of cheese fry eating and WrestleMana DVD watching with his soon to be Mrs.

Hey I lover Dagger! We have even had some good PM's back and forth. He is one of the few who RESPECTFULLY dissagrees with me. AND MY VOTE FOR THE ELECTION WENT TO DAGGER. He deserves it more than anyone.
Yeah at first I was all excited by the way they handled the build up, it gave me chills but then when Jericho never did anything but run around like an idiot I was somewhat disappointed because the way he acted and was presented did not in any way shape or form feel like it had anything to do with the "It Begins" promo videos. They were so far apart that they seemed like there should have been someone else besides Jericho coming out. As things progressed though I could see what Jericho was doing and I was just waiting for him to lose the smile and call everyone a bunch of idiot hypocritical sheep. Instead he said nothing, which again was kind of a let down. However WWE is still running with this storyline and it is truly just beginning. WWE.com posted articles today specifically mentioning the she from the videos so there is definitely more than meets the eye to this return and a lot more to come from the storyline.
Would have been cool but was never realistic this soon after Lesnar's retirement.

He's still under contract by UFC So Dana White still controls him to some degree, its not like he couldn't wrestle for the WWE as maybe a one-off thing, but with his contractual obligations to the UFC right now, he cant wrestle on a full-time basis.
I hope Jericho comes out and does exactly the same thing next week. Man it would piss you fuckers off. That being said Bill Lesnar is kinda pissed off at what unfolded. Those epic “It Begins” videos, which did a superb job of building up speculation for weeks on end, were basically put to waste by Jericho’s intentionally anti-climactic return.

Side Note: the raw main event sucked. What is with these stupid throw away tag matches ending raw and smackdown every god damn week. Just not interesting at all. The excitement ( i wasn't) of Kane's return is starting to fizzle away. Bill Lesnar thinks the wwe Should not have let the big man talk the other week. Ruins all the fun.

- I kinda want to see Goldust vs Cody Rhodes in that street fight...
See, I just don't understand that. What better way is there to handle a Kane/Cena feud? Just have Kane dominate?

Do you like Michael Bay?

huh? my post had nothing to do with the booking of the fued just the handling of the Kane character.

Bill Lesnar just said the reason why the old kane was such a monster was because...DRUM ROLL

He didn't speak. He let his fists do the talking. You know because he's a scary looking seven foot monster. The reason kane has been such a mess since 2003 is because he was given dumb back story after dumb backstory and constantly cut ludicrous promos. I didn't fear him, i laughed at him. He was a mess. Now Bill lesnar believed they had a final chance to fix the same character they ruined all those years ago. They didn't and once again the mystique/intrigue or whatever you want to call it, is gone. He cut a terrible, cringe worthy promo that didn't fit him what so ever. It dragged and it was awkward. They have once again ruined Kane for Bill Lesnar.

It's to be expected anyway. They have booked Kane like an idiot for how long anyway. Nothing ever changes. Of all the big men Vince has had over the years, Kane has had the most potential and its all been flushed down the toilet like booze poos on a sunday morning.

As for Michael Bay. He's above alright.
huh? my post had nothing to do with the booking of the fued just the handling of the Kane character.

Bill Lesnar just said the reason why the old kane was such a monster was because...DRUM ROLL

He didn't speak. He let his fists do the talking. You know because he's a scary looking seven foot monster. The reason kane has been such a mess since 2003 is because he was given dumb back story after dumb backstory and constantly cut ludicrous promos. I didn't fear him, i laughed at him. He was a mess. Now Bill lesnar believed they had a final chance to fix the same character they ruined all those years ago. They didn't and once again the mystique/intrigue or whatever you want to call it, is gone. He cut a terrible, cringe worthy promo that didn't fit him what so ever. It dragged and it was awkward. They have once again ruined Kane for Bill Lesnar.

It's to be expected anyway. They have booked Kane like an idiot for how long anyway. Nothing ever changes. Of all the big men Vince has had over the years, Kane has had the most potential and its all been flushed down the toilet like booze poos on a sunday morning.

See, I disagree completely. The only thing that sucked about Kane in the earlier years was the Katie Vick thing. Other than that, the unmasking, the follow up to that was brilliant for a minute. The thing that fucked it up for me was that he never got his redemption. When he came out with Austin and he had the crowd cheering him, showing that they didn't care what he looked like, that should have cemented a face run. He was over, more over than anyone else at the time and more over than he has ever been. The logical thing would have been for him to get his revenge on Triple H and win the World Title. Instead, he beats down Austin and has pointless feuds with RVD and Shane.

Having him talk wasn't the issue. He's a good talker and it added a new dimension to his character. If he never started talking, he wouldn't have gone much further than Umaga did. Personally, I thought the theatrics this past week was a bit over the top, but I still dig what they're doing with him. We already know that Kane is a physically imposing character who can (kayfabe) hang with Cena. But Id much rather see him use this mental aspect to torment him rather than have the usual booking of Underdog Cena wins again.

As for Michael Bay. He's above alright.

Oh. Ok then.
Bil Lesnar sounds ******ed in constantly referrin to him-self in 3rd person. I've done it a couple times, but my god, you do it every post.

And Kane looked better without the mask. Right now he looks like a goofy comic book character. The origanl 97-03 Kane was OK because they kept him in character. Once they removed the mask and kept it off for 8 years, reverting back just looks goofy now.

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