End of the straight edged society


Pre-Show Stalwart
On SD we saw Punk hit the GTS on Gallows. Murcuery is injured and Serena has been released.

So where does Punk go from here?
I feel this will lead into punk fueding with the Big Show by himself. He will win and go on with his gimmick

Where do Murcury and Gallows go from here?
I think they will form a Tag team and try and win back the affection of Punk by winning the WWE tag titles at NOC.
How can Mercury and Gallows win the Tag Titles at NOC if Mercury is injured for the next 4 - 6 months?
I see the whole Show / SES angle over, and Punk goes off by himself and returns his focus on the world heavyweight championship after the Taker/Kane feud is over.
And Gallows if they decide not to release him they will repackage him AGAIN.
And Mercury, as long as he doesnt get back onto painkillers during his injury, they will probably repackage him aswell and put him in a tag team.
Punk and Gallows will still possibly stay together. Mercury obviously needs some time off, but they could keep him on TV if they wanted, if simply to keep hiim visible after so long away.
Where do Punk and Gallows go from here? I think the SES still has a teensy weensy bit of life left in it, if they so choose. They could just have Punk play the disciplinarian character to his protege, in the same vein as Matt Hardy and Shannon Moore during the V1 days.
I loved the SES, but now it looks like it's falling into pieces.

Serena? Released.
Mercury? Injured.
Gallows? Turned on.

So this leaves Punk. But withouht his fellow partners he is left with his old gimmick. I noticed his hair is growing back too. He will most likely go back to singles competition and work towards the Heavyweight title.
It's a shame that this is coming to an end. But really it was about time. The faction had finally started loosing momentum and became more and more buried by The Big Show (Who quite frankly didn't need to come out victorious more than once). The Straight Edge Society is most likely just gonna disappear into obscurity, and we'll have Punk cutting promos by himself, hell maybe even feuding with Luke Gallows or something (It'll be awful, but it'll most likely happen).

Gallows if he doesn't feud with Punk, just needs to go do his domination in the mid-card. That's really where he'll thrive best. Perhaps become some kind of challenger for a new face Intercontinental champion at one point (When Dolph drops the belt). Punk however will hopefully go on to feud in the upper mid-card / main event. It'll be rough, but with the line-up change that Smackdown seems to be going through in October, it really won't be that bad for Punk. That is if they actually draft a fucking face there (Big Show and Rey obviously have been done, no need to beat that fucking horse).
I think this will lead to a feud between Punk and Gallows. Punk will end up destroying Gallows, and then head back into the world title picture. Gallows might go after the IC title, or job untol Mercury heals up. Then they'll most likely tag upand go after the tag titles.
The S.E.S was always doomed because CM Punk was the only legit star in the group.Granted, the leader of any faction should be the best, but when you look at groups such as Legacy& Evolution, the leaders minions always had star-power & a future as singles competitors.S.E.S was more like Edge's group(Edge, Ryder& Hawkins) or JBL's 'Cabinet'.It was never about Gallows or Mercury, but about CM Punk.

The advantage of having had such lame members in your group, is that they can easily be replaced.I think Punk & WWE should just take S.E.S back to the drawing bored & this time round; use it to build new talent & not just to buffer Punk.
While I think the WWE has needed a fresh, dominant heel stable, the SES just wasnt ideal enough. I like Punk, but he's not really the guy who can get over as a stable leader..I liked the idea of the SES..I did-but with the members they put on there it just wasnt gonna work. Plus, the Nexus is proving to be a great heel stable(assuming it lasts for awhile) so the SES became even more irrelevant.

Punk is better off either moving to Raw, where he can rival with guys like Daniel Bryan and Evan Bourne to put them over more in the mid-high card, then move back into high card status; or take a hiatus from wrestling and come back as a fresh babyface. He did alright as a heel, but he just doesnt have the heel feel to me. As for Gallows, he'll likely either be repackaged again or become a jobber.

I dont really see Mercury having a future..maybe as a low carder or part of a new tag team, but other than that he probably wont be around long.
On Wikipedia it says Gallows turned face when Punk hit the GTS on him. I was surprised by that because that moment didn't scream face turn. I think that on SmackDown, Gallows will grovel for CM Punk's approaval and to be taken back. This will make Punk look strong and dominant.

Then all you need is another member to make four. Sure Joey Mercury is injured but he could still hang around and make the SES look bigger than it actually is. Plus this would give him something to do rather than presumably wait for him to recover and repackage him. As for the new member, if it was down to me, I'd pick Lucky Cannon. I think he could fit in well. He wouldn't have to show his below average mic skills with Punk as the leader.

The SES in it's form of more than two has existed since January. To me, there is still life in the old dog yet.
I think I can just see Punk going on to doing his own thing now. Maybe Gallows will get back in his favour and will stick around as an enforcer, but for the most part, there's little else for Gallows and Mercury to do with Punk. That may be wrong, he may succeed in getting them over greatly sometime in the future but I don't see it, I see it more like how Legacy was-it worked great for Orton, but not so much DiBiase or Rhodes. Here, it worked for Punk, and, although the others are booed, you have to admit, it's aimed more at Punk. He should definitely go up to ME level again, he's too entertaining to not be there!
I can see Gallows being the hesitant follower and Punk kind of slaps him around for a few months and then we see Gallows break off on his own. Then Punk can find himself back on the top of the card where he belongs.
No doubt the SES is done for. Mercury is injured for 4-6 months, Serena is released and Luke Gallows just tasted the GTS. I just hope that they use Luke Gallows properly which they probably won't because I loved him in the SES.
Ever since the unveiling of the masked man to be Joey Mercury, things were going quite downhill for the Straight-Edge Society faction... despite CM Punk doing all he can to keep everything afloat. I mean, look at the stats:

  • Revelation of Joey Mercury became anti-climatic.
  • CM Punk/Joey Mercury injuries plague the SES.
  • Serena is released.

The only thing good that has come out of the SES from the past several weeks was the ability for Punk to under a much needed surgery and time off, whilst still remaining an active member on the roster. There was nothing left for this SES stable to do and it seems as if Punk was the only thing really relevant. Probably best to let Punk go in alone and force creative/bookers to use him well. They aren't going to book him bad.

It was about time that the SES was rid of anyway. There wasn't much to explore for anyone, considering all the speeches, the brain-washing techniques, etc. have been used more than a few times. Allow Punk to move away from the Messiah gimmick and try something else in his Straight-Edge lifestyle that he hasn't touched on.
im a fan of ses but im glad they might break up. i want punk to go back to the world title picture. as for gallows send him back to fcw develop a new gimmick and let him return better on when he is better. murcury will either get released or during the move to syfy morrison might get moved back and become heel and we can see the rebirth of mnm with or without melina and they could win the tag titles.
I don't think the SES has run it's course at all. If anything, it's only scraped the surface. I say give Punk a brand new glut of candidates from which to resurrect a "new" SES from, allowing for Gallows to momentarily feud with them over the betrayal, but ultimately succumb to their overpowering dominance.

No repackages, either. Give Punk a brand new glut of candidates from FCW who we don't already know about and let the SES reign.

Tyler Black, Mason Ryan and Vance Archer (the only one I'd consider a repackage for, since he could be used as "muscle").
I agree with IDR. The SES should NOT go anywhere. If creative/or Vince would just let Punk do his thing- the SES would thrive! The 'minions' should be helping Punk win his matches- all the way up the ranks to the heavyweight championship. Then once he is champ- thats when you give a 2 man team (of minions) the tag championships. Maybe even a singles wrestler the US or IC title. But when you keep having Punk & SES lose to Rey Rey & Big Show- they're not going anywhere but down. Thats the problem. They (or at least Punk for now) needs to be booked to win & look strong & dominate. Not losers everytime they get in the ring.

I've explained many times how I would do this. At this point- I would just say goodbye to Gallows & Mercury as SES members. I would then add Mark Henry to CM Punk. Henrys got that 'WTF' feeling as a SES member. Meaning: fans would say- why would Mark be a minion to Punk? He's so big- he could kill Punk himself if he wanted to. THATS the point! THATS whats gonna get Punk over with the crowd, as a dominate stable leader. He really doesnt need help getting over- but aparently creative needs something more from this stable.

After adding Mark Henry as a SES follower (always serving & obideant(sp) to CM Punk)- I would then add young guys (& girls) to the group. But- screw the re-hashing of other, already seen characters like Luke & Joseph. Bring in 'future stars' from FCW or other Indies, I guess. Except maybe Scotty Goldman. Anyone?? Anyone?

If FCW had a better website- that actually gave a bio of some sorts on thier wrestlers, it'd be easier for me to come up with some ideas. But all the website has is 1 picture per person. I mean- height & weight would at least tell me something!! Step up your game FCW website!!

Anyway- The additions to SES should be the top talent in FCW that hasnt seen a NXT season before. These guys dont have to be world beaters rightnow. (lord knows anyone not named Barrett in the Nexus isnt very good at all rightnow- but yet were supposed to believe they can beat the likes of Jericho, Edge & Cena already. STUPID!) Thats creatives job to make them that, just like what they are doin with Gabriel, Tarver, Slater & Otunga (who I believe all suck)

Tyler Black makes total sense here. FCW champ Mason Ryan- I dont know a thing about him, buts hes the man rightnow. FCW tag champs- Derrick Bateman & Johnny Curtis. They are evidently the top guys in FCW rightnow & none of them have been seen on WWE TV before. So- lets see what they got. If WWE doesnt think any of the FCW guys are ready yet... what about- As a re-hash: Why not Croft & Barretta? I like these guys, but they get no TV time.

Also- another female needs to be added I think. I appreciated what Serena brought to the table for SES. So I think a female needs to return to the group. I would assume that female would be someone we have seen before. Just because of the NXT season that just recently started. Naomi & AJ just scream face to me rightnow- So I guess I'd probly wanna use the girl that impressed me on the mic the most so far: Kaitlyn- altho I'd hate to see her lose her hair. Or what about the big bitch the Vickie fired? Or- if I had to go with a re-hash: give Jillian something worth-while to do!! Or even Gail Kim for that matter. But I dont wanna see Gail bald-headed either.

MY MAIN POINT: The Straight Edge Society does NOT have to end. It just needs to be shown some love, by the "powers that be" I personally think Nexus ruined the SES chances of shining. I also believe- that besides Barrett- Nexus are garbage performers!

On a side note- Since I brought it up already: Riley, Harris, McGillicutty & Cannon are all much better performers then Gabriel, Tarver, Slater & Otunga. Time for changes!!
Punk put on a good showing this past Smackdown Vs Taker. All by himself- as he sent Gallows & Mercury back to the back. After looking suprised to see either of them come out of the back curtain behind him.

Now this doesnt officially mean the SES isnt dead- but it does mean that Punk is still considered one of the top dogs on Smackdown. So this really just comes down to Vince being impressed by CM Punk & continue to let him lead a group of SES followers. Will Gallows & Mercury still be part of that group? I dont know & dont really care. All I DO know is...whoever Vince wants to put in the SES with Punk- He has to push the group!! Dont make the leader lose & have his "purity" (hair) removed by a midget. Also- no more 3 on 1 handicapped loses!!

The Straight Edge Society COULD become the biggest "movement faction" since The Nation of Domination. If Vince lets it happen- of course. This would also easily make CM Punk the biggest heat magnet in the WWE. Im starting to think that, THAT is exactly what Vince is afraid of. A 220lb heel that is SO over, they have to make him the top heel in WWE

Quit fuckin around Vince!! You know it will work if you just DO IT!! Dont be a pussy-boy!! CM Punk should OWN Smackdown on SyFy! PERIOD!


Think: A bigger & Badder Mr. Huhges!

Think: what Stevie Richards was to Raven

A new debuting tag-team

Now- THATS a Straight Edge Society!!

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