End of an Era (Ruthless Aggression)


Wrestlezones Top Heel
It appears as if the biggest rivalry of the R.A. and PG era is done forever.Some could argue it was the end of an era.Cena's seems to feel the same.He basically said who ever want the torch has to come through me first.My question is did we see the end of an era.In my eyes they should have Cena keep the same mentality leading to the REAL end of an era match in a 5 or 6 way elimination battle between Cena,Lesnar,Batista,Orton,RVD and Angle (assuming he is in WWE again by then.) They could bill it as The End Of An Era:Ruthless Agression to determine the greatest of that era.The rest of the card could look like Reigns vs. Triple H (Hunters career on the line.),Bryan vs. Sheamus (c) (Mr.MITB) (WWE Title),The Uso's (c) vs. Miz/Sandow or Ziggler Tag Titles,Rollins vs. Ambrose (c) vs. Langston vs. Cesaro (c) vs. Swagger vs. Ryback (IC/US Title Unification Match),etc. Anyway my question is should they do an official end of an era match or keep it the way it was from Monday.
Not by my definition of WWE era's. I consider Benoit's death the end of the ruthless aggression era and the beginning of the PG era. From that point I consider Punk's pipe bomb the end of the PG era and the beginning of what I call the reality era. The changes that occurred during Punk's promo are still the status quo and I haven't really noticed any major changes since that point.

To Cena's credit once those guys he mentioned do take over the top spots will probably be the dawn of the next era in the WWE, but Cena just mentioning it is not enough to usher in that era. We are probably still a year away at the earliest for the changes Cena talked about to take place.
Not by my definition of WWE era's. I consider Benoit's death the end of the ruthless aggression era and the beginning of the PG era. From that point I consider Punk's pipe bomb the end of the PG era and the beginning of what I call the reality era. The changes that occurred during Punk's promo are still the status quo and I haven't really noticed any major changes since that point.

To Cena's credit once those guys he mentioned do take over the top spots will probably be the dawn of the next era in the WWE, but Cena just mentioning it is not enough to usher in that era. We are probably still a year away at the earliest for the changes Cena talked about to take place.

It seems like a lot of stars are starting to take over, so maybe if Cena turns heel it'll change the landscape of the WWE along with this WWE Network.
The WWE doesn't make reference, on-air, to "eras" until they're already over.

With the AE, McMahon did his commercial announcing a new direction, they branded "Attitude" into the WWE logo, but the term "Attitude era" wasn't actually used DURING it. And when it ended, it just faded, there was no "this is the official end of the Attitude era" speech or send-off match that led it directly into the next era.

Fans get wrapped up in this stuff, the powers that be don't look at it like this.

When the WWE references an "era" its in much less defined terms than the ones discussed by the IWC.

Triple H v. Taker at WM w/ HBK as referee was given the tag line "End of Era". 10 years after they were all in their prime. What era were they ending?

You're never going to see something as clearly defined as a "The End of an Era: Ruthless Aggression" PPV.
Not by my definition of WWE era's. I consider Benoit's death the end of the ruthless aggression era and the beginning of the PG era. From that point I consider Punk's pipe bomb the end of the PG era and the beginning of what I call the reality era. The changes that occurred during Punk's promo are still the status quo and I haven't really noticed any major changes since that point.

To Cena's credit once those guys he mentioned do take over the top spots will probably be the dawn of the next era in the WWE, but Cena just mentioning it is not enough to usher in that era. We are probably still a year away at the earliest for the changes Cena talked about to take place.

Agreed, definitely in the Reality Era now and the WWE Network is only going to push that message even further. Total Divas was first, soon we will see Legends House, possibly the return of Tough Enough and maybe even more behind the scene footage.
The Ruthless Agression era ended when Benoit died and WWE turned PG.

I think there were many stars that truly defined Ruthless Agression other than Cena/Orton and that's Brock Lesnar and Bill Goldberg.

There's also guys like Triple H, The Undertaker, Eddie Guerrero, Booker T, Edge, Jeff Hardy, The Rock, etc. that had a huge role in that era.

That era ended completely especially with the ending of the Brand Extension.

I think if there will be an end of a certain era, it would be the end of the PG era and that will happen when Cena turns heel.

I have no doubt it will happen sooner than later.
The PG era needs to end.

Vince may or may not be making more money than he ever was during Wrestling's hiatus at the Monday Night Wars. But's is sad that you can't help but watch everything they do now and think that the Attitude era was much better.

Now that it's a publicly traded company it will never go back to anything close to what it used to be.
It only feels like yesterday when John Cena slapped Kurt Angles face and emptied his Ruthless Agression on the Olympian. If WWE Does plan on ending the era I don't think it'll happen anytime soon and if it does end I do think we will John Cena vs. Randy Orton again but again not for a long time. I say this due to The Undertaker and Triple H End of an Era Hell In A Cell Match in 2012 nearly 15 years after those two really got going in their careers.

Its been 12 years since Ruthless Agression kicked in and many Stars have shown their Agression, Cena, Orton, Lesnar, Big Show, Angle and Rey Mysterio. In my opinion id love to see Brock Lesnar take on Kurt Angle again in the future or if maybe in 5 or 6 years, John Cena and Randy Orton lock up again if their still there that is...
To me, the end of the Ruthless Aggression Era marked the end of everything good that was remaining, and the start of everything bad. Gone were those days when you could take great matches and intriguing storylines for granted. The IC and US titles became meaningless and prestigeless, the tag team and cruiserweight divisions lost importance totally. The brand extension was over, and Smackdown became a B-show. There was no need to put beeps in promos anymore, and children (accompanied by their parents) took over the major portion of the audience. An abundance of stars from this era left/were released from the company and would be seen in TNA in the next few years.
The era to follow (2007-2012) was about John Cena through and through- one man, one character, same promos, pretty much the same match- for six years. Wrestlers like Randy Orton and Edge stepped up from time to time, but there was a huge gap between their level and that of Cena.
The end of the dreadful Universe Era (first phase of PG era) came with a considerable improvement in the quality of the product- that was the most noticeable way by which you could differentiate it from the era before- that the product stopped stinking. There was a strong number 2 in the company- CM Punk, followed by the rise and establishment of Daniel Bryan, rise of more younger stars as future champions like Roman Reigns, Bray Wyatt and Cesaro, The focus on the tag team division again, entertaining superstars like The Rock and Brock Lesnar coming back, and Triple-H viewed as the boss. The Reality Era (second phase of PG era), although not as cool as the Attitude Era or badass as the Aggression Era, looks really bright when compared to the Universe Era.
Nobody cared about this era.
It was good but it wasn't attitude era. In my opinion, it ended a long time ago.
I think WWE should do a special attitude era episode
Nobody cared about this era.
It was good but it wasn't attitude era. In my opinion, it ended a long time ago.
I think WWE should do a special attitude era episode

They can't. Not the way you want it to be anyway. "PG-Era" isn't just a slogan used on the internet, the WWE has limits they can't cross now. Limits that would basically neuter any "Attitude-era" inspired shows you would want to see.

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