Elimination Chamber....


Dark Match Winner
It is common knowledge that the WWE has "eliminated" the elimination chamber pay-per-view and they made the Fast Lane pay-per-view February's event.

This was done due to lack of top wrestlers in the company and the officials were afraid that there will not be enough superstars (12) to fulfill two elimination chamber matches.
Many rumors claim that this pay-per-view will come back in the summer and it will help the development of the road to Summerslam.

Do you think this can happen?
Are you in favor or against such change?
I'll give them a chance but if this turns into another generic "every match gets thrown together and none of the storylines make sense or are just stupid" Sunday Night Raw then it's just pointless.
If Lesnar retains, it is unlikely he will feature until Wrestlemania and with only one world title what would the Elimination Chamber be for?

I would quite like to see all members from The Shield in one, with Orton, Wyatt and Ziggler in the near future.

I don't want another Elimination Chamber PPV but I don't want to see an end to the match type.
I'm naively hoping that the removal of "Elimination Chamber" as a PPV name also snowballs to the removal of "Hell in a Cell" and "TLC". The only time in the past few years where these events lined up with a proper time in the feud was Ambrose/Rollins Hell in a Cell.

Elimination Chamber should hang around, but not as a routine in the calender year. Hopefully it returns to a special attraction, once every year or two.
Yeah, I'm quite okay with the elimination of the Elimination Chamber PPV.

I loved the concept of the Elimination Chamber match and there are a lot of great matches to go back and look at but I think as a stand alone themed PPV the Elimination Chamber has run its course.

I also hope it is the trigger for the removal of basically all themed PPVs like Hell in a Cell, TLC and Extreme Rules. Money in the Bank should stay.

I think gimmick matches are MUCH better when they are reserved for a specific feud for which a gimmick match makes sense.

Let the Elimination Chamber match go away for a while and then maybe 2 or 3 years down the road, if you have 6-10 wrestlers who are all legit and battling for the WWE title, bring back the Elimination Chamber so they can settle their differences. It would be a welcomed return at that point.
Gimmick PPV matches as a whole need to go, except for maybe MITB(even though its better at Mania).

Elimination chamber should be held once a year, other gimmick matches (like tables matches, ladder matches) can be used bit more freely while your HIAC and similar grudge match types should only be used when it fits the feud.

Chairs matches should die and lets not talk about stairs matches
Maybe they could actually go back to having an elimination chamber match when it was necessary, not every year on the same PPV, i preferred it when 'gimmick' matches were saved for special occasions, when a feud built to a point where it was nessecary or an authority figure decided they wanted a different champion or there were 6 people who had all learnt a shot at the title, you know, when it made sense!
It is common knowledge that the WWE has "eliminated" the elimination chamber pay-per-view and they made the Fast Lane pay-per-view February's event.

This was done due to lack of top wrestlers in the company and the officials were afraid that there will not be enough superstars (12) to fulfill two elimination chamber matches.
Many rumors claim that this pay-per-view will come back in the summer and it will help the development of the road to Summerslam.

Do you think this can happen?
Are you in favor or against such change?

I could see if they move Battleground back to the Fall. I'm against it. The summer is fine already with MITB and Summerslam.

They just need to get rid of EC. Save it when they have a time where there's multiple competitors for the WWE WHC or IC/US Championships.
Elimination Chamber is fine as a show. It's no different than having Royal Rumble named as the rumble match.

I don't see why there needs to be two chamber matches.

They have more than enough main eventers and upper midcarders to fill a single WHC chamber match, and still have enough for the rest of the card.
I'm not a fan of this change. I liked having Elimination Chamber right where it was. Sure it was stuck in between the #3 and #1 shows of the year respectively in Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania, but at least with Elimination Chamber I knew what to expect during the February PPV event. Fast Lane is almost guaranteed to suck. WWE probably won't put forth much effort into this show as they know most fans will be more interested in the Rumble and Wrestlemania anyway. What exactly is going to make this show stand out from others like Extreme Rules and Payback? Will it be lazily thrown together with no purpose like Battleground just so another show can be on the calendar?

If they do move Elimination Chamber to the summer months it may mean the end of the useless Battleground PPV. It'd be a stop along the road to Summerslam instead of the road to Wrestlemania. If they can do something to make people care about Fast Lane then this can work in the long run. I will give this show a chance although I doubt it will be anything special. It looks as if it will be a show that has the same problem Payback, Extreme Rules, and Battleground all suffer from. Literally nothing that it brings to the table to make it stand out from the other PPV brands. People can whine all they want about the gimmick PPV brands, but at least you know what to expect ahead of time from Hell In A Cell, TLC, etc.
My solution would be this:

1 - Cancel the Money in the Bank PPV, and hold the MITB Ladder Match at WrestleMania again.

2 - Put Elimination Chamber in the Money in the Bank PPV spot, and have two Chamber Matches: One for either the Intercontinental or United States Championships, and the other to determine the #1 Contender for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship for SummerSlam.
Do you wanna know what i want to be removed forever? This nonsense Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal on Wrestlemania. I LOVE battle royals... BUT the only reason they put it there is so almost everyone on the roster can be part of the Wrestlemania card. It makes no sense storylline wise and the winner of the battle royal just lifts a stupid trophy which also means NOTHING as we learned last year with Cesaro winning it. And if i am not wrong (at least i remember having heard so) they plan to have it on WM every year from now on! IMO it just eats air time which could be used for a REAL match ...

As for the Chamber PPV i have no problem with it being canceled. Some chamber matches have been awfull. Ofcourse i would love to see one chamber match on SummerSlam. But only if its gonna be filled with real star power and not with Swagger, Ryback, Rowan, Santino, Sheamus and Kane if you all understand what i am trying to say...
Im happy the paperview name is gone. Themed PPV's where we know where that type of match is going to happen are a terrible idea, get rid of them all MITB, HIAC, get rid of them and replace them with whatever Backlash, Armageddon whatever

I like the days where we didnt know what type of match was going to be on the card and where the match type made sense with the storyline, for example a fatal-4-way match between Taker, Booker, Eddie and JBL because JBL's cheated them out of the title win or Rey Vs Eddie in a ladder match for custody of Dominik
or when the World title was vacated in 2005 and their were 6 legit contenders who had a legit claim to the title so the elimination chamber match sorted it
but you get my point

On a side note the Elimination Chamber match should happen at summerslam this year where the face authority figure (Sting) books WWEWHC champion Seth Rollins in a chamber match vs Cena, Ambrose, Reigns, Orton and Bray Wyatt where the four former in the list of challengers have all been screwed out of a title win by rollins. So to stop rollins from cheating Sting books the chamber this year which is a hybrid of the JBL Fatal-4-Way story and the 2005 NYR Chamber match
The one and only reason WWE dropped Elimination Chamber was Brock Lesnar and the fact that they couldn't have an EC PPV without the title being defended.

However it's a pity, Lesnar inside the chamber would be fun and also the Royal Rumble winner facing the Elimination Chamber winner has an interesting feeling and makes both wrestlers competing for the WWE Championship at the main event of 'Mania look strong.

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