Elevate Chavo


Pre-Show Stalwart
Chavo Guerrero had an awesome program with CM Punk on Ecw. He also had a really solid program with Rey Mysterio which had a very memorable I quit match in it as well. As of late you see him once a month on Superstars so heres my plan to elevate him again.

So Rey Mysterio was taking time off then Christian got injured. Rey came back had a match with Del Rio who "injured" him and wiped the floor with him. I say you have Del Rio attack Mysterio after Bragging Rights "re injuring" him so Rey can take his break again. While this is happening have Chavo come out to make the save and say him and rey are friends and Del Rio is disgracing the mexican heritage of wrestling by being a coward. Chavo becomes a face and we know he can easily work the crowd every time he goes up to the top rope and points to "heaven". Have Chavo and Del Rio feud for a bit Del Rio coming out on top of course but this would make Chavo relevant and could boost him to the mid-card scene afterwards.

So do you guys think this would work? Yes No Maybe so?
The only kind of elevation I could see Chavo getting in any way would be a very very minor push into the mid-card. He would most likely serve as a more active enhancement talent. And I think it would actually be the best thing to do with Chavo.

Chavo still gets some kind of reaction. He can obviously wrestle, and wrestle well. He has every tool available to be a workable enhancement talent. Not a comedy jobber, or as I believe he is doing as of late - an eagle.

Also, from a personal perspective I would more than love to see Chavo get a push. I know it's not exactly anything worthwhile because he's older and he's not the kind of attraction people would tune in to watch. But I sure wouldn't mind actually seeing him do something progressive, some kind of feud for once. He really hasn't had a worthwhile feud since his time on ECW. And I think that's a major shame and somewhat misuse of a talent that has the potential to do better things.
I quite like that idea MoizH28. I miss Chavo, I am hoping he turns face soon because he hasn't been a face for a while. Seeing as it's nearly the 5th Anniversary of Eddie's passing (R.I.P Eddie) Chavo should step up and pay tribute to him perhaps.
I would like it to work yes. I've always thought chavo was misused throughout much of his career. I don't think he ever shot have gotten a World Title run by any means, but I think he really could have been a dominant player in the mid card division. He was fairly decent as ECW champion till that 9 second squash by kane at WMXXIV. Like Ferbian said he can still go thats for sure, and I honestly think they should use him more as the go to guy kind of like how they use Goldust, Regal, how kane was before he was World champion, as in elevating the younger newer talent to showcase them more. Thats the kind of role I would want to see Chavo in right now, elevating the newer talent so I think in a sense your idea would work if he reunited with Mysterio and put on a couple of good matches with Del Rio. Unfortunately in the WWE's eyes, ever since Eddie has been gone, Chavo just doesn't matter anymore. Poor guy
Chavo Guerrero had an awesome program with CM Punk on Ecw. He also had a really solid program with Rey Mysterio which had a very memorable I quit match in it as well. As of late you see him once a month on Superstars so heres my plan to elevate him again.

So Rey Mysterio was taking time off then Christian got injured. Rey came back had a match with Del Rio who "injured" him and wiped the floor with him. I say you have Del Rio attack Mysterio after Bragging Rights "re injuring" him so Rey can take his break again. While this is happening have Chavo come out to make the save and say him and rey are friends and Del Rio is disgracing the mexican heritage of wrestling by being a coward. Chavo becomes a face and we know he can easily work the crowd every time he goes up to the top rope and points to "heaven". Have Chavo and Del Rio feud for a bit Del Rio coming out on top of course but this would make Chavo relevant and could boost him to the mid-card scene afterwards.

So do you guys think this would work? Yes No Maybe so?

I think it's a great idea. It could definately work, but the only problem is Rey's just come back from "injury" but it still could work. I really think alot about Chavo, I think he deserves a push not a major push just a push so he can become IC Title or atleast relevant. He could easily become over as a face because of his wrestling style, another thing is that he could feud with Dolph and Vickie over the IC Title by saying Vickie should be on his side because he's her nephew.

:offtopic: Is Chavo seriously playing Swagger's eagle?
Honestly, I think he should just stick to being the eagle....

There is no way that Chavo is going to be getting a decent push anytime soon, he just isn't really in the loop anymore and if he actually is the eagle, he should stick to that and consider it as a push. :p
As unfortunate as it may be, Chavo will always be the Owen Hart of the Eddie & Chavo family. Yes, I know that they aren't brothers, but the fact is just like Owen was to Bret, Chavo is without a doubt better than what Eddie was but he just doesn't click to today's audience.

Chavo is a good heel, and always will be, but the guy just isn't one that kids are going to be into. He couldn't really put Del Rio over as an opponent, but if they put Chavo as Del Rio's manager then he would really benefit from it.

Besides, I'd rather see him on Superstars where he's allowed to actually showcase his abilities and not be forced into some lame program.
Lovin the idea this sounds great, and it gets chavo involved, instead of being Swaggers eagle
Dont see it happening though the eagle cant just disappear out of the blue
Chavo will never be relevant again. The only reason the WWE ever did anything with him was because of his uncle Eddie. It is quite a shame though, because Chavo has been fairly good throughout his career. He is excellent in the ring and can still go to this day, but I just don't see him going anywhere. He's a jobber, that's it. Nothing more, nothing less. The fans will eventually have to face it.
I do not dislike Chavo at all. I have always liked him. I respect his skills and think he was a very underused and underrated talent. But, his time is done man. There is no elevating Chavo anymore. With every twist and turn of his career, has cemented his status as what he is. Mid card level might even be a little too much now for him. I don't think it is a very positive thing at this point in his career for Chavo to be defeating any up and comers or established stars anymore.

The Hornswoggle thing did it for me I think. Like I said I respect the guy but he is done. I would like him to keep his job, because he deserves to make money. But he should be used for his mic skills and to simply job & put people over.
I cant see Chavo ever rising to anything other than mid-card. He is just average personified, and I have lost respect for him ever since he continued using steroids after they played a part in his uncle Eddie's death.

Nothing about Chavo has ever interested me, but he is decent enough in the ring to be kept on as an enhancement talent, as a stepping stone for up-and-coming wrestlers to beat on their path to the top of the card.

If Chavo remained a heel, then perhaps joining up with Alberto Del Rio would be a good move for him. If he played Del Rio's stooge and "slave" idea, I wouldnt mind watching that. Obviosuly he would be the secondary focus as Del Rio is going to make it as a superstar, but Chavo maybe could have a role to play here?
I never understood why he didn't get that big push after Eddie died. They were great together as a tag-team and he's a very good wrestler and his character is there just being a Guerrero.

I think if he was face he could get a big pop from the crowd. Main Event probably won't happen but put him in a feud with Ziggler and a lot could happen for him. There's really nothing bad about him, at this point in his career his rise to the top could be similiar to Eddie's just without the drugs and alcohol but sub in him losing his best friend. It could definitely work.
Chavo's angle with Punk on ECW was good because of Punk. That feud could have been with anybody. Chavo will probably never achieve anything better than that. Why? He sucks. That's why he didn't get a bigger push. I suppose he could feud with Del Rio like the thread starter suggested, as long as Del Rio wins the feud and gets put over. Chavo himself is better off being Swagger's Eagle mascot due to the fact that, oh I dunno, he sucks? I just don't care for him. I never have and I never will. At least now he's doing something more interesting than having bad matches and generating "GO AWAY" heat from being so boring.
That's actually a really good idea. Why pay him if your not going to use him and possible this could draw more Mexican fans if they know for sure Chavo has a feud with another mexican ICON.
I respect Chavo and all, unlike alot of other people who say he sucks which is just beyond me....but I think it is a little too late...if he would have gotten a push it would have been in late 2005, or at least the very same push they gave to Rey instead...I respect Chavo and the Guerrero name, but he's like 40 now, he never has been in the main event...they have other Mexican wrestlers now that are main event worthy in Rey Mysterio and Alberto Del Rio....it will be seriously difficult to take him serious especially after that program he had with Hornswoggle...I just hope they dont feud again seeing as their both on Smackdown..
Give him Eddie's gimmick before he died. Put that toss the chair to the opponent while the ref has his back turned then go down with a faked chair shot gimmick on Chavo and let him run with it. An Eddie tribute gimmick would bring in nostalgia and cheers. Some of the more... jerkish people will give a resounding oh hell no to that, but hey, if booked right, Chavo can do it. Plus, fans will enjoy getting a laugh out of something like that. Even the match where Eddie took out a guy with a low blow then faked getting one himself... classic, and would be fun to see from Chavo, mostly cause he's too small to do anything believable to big guys like Big Show or Kane.

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