El Hijo del Perro Aguayo Dies in the Ring

Very sad to see, especially with the footage that clearly shows how fragile the human life is. It wasnt a high spot...not even remotely dangerous. Just a simple dropkick that created whiplash and that was it.

I cant imagine how Rey is feeling right now, even though it wasnt his fault..
And as far as jumping all over me for being concerned about what happens to Rey - look at what happened to D'Lo after he paralyzed Droz. He was never the same. Rey himself is probably going through a horrifying personal and public situation, the last thing he would ever want to happen in the ring did happen, the legacy he built over his life is tarnished whether he was at fault or not, and his life will never be the same... wrestling or not.
This was an accident. Claiming anyone is at fault at this point would be ludicrous. At the same time, the handling of the injury is where legal claims may come up. Did those involved, and those responsible for his medical care, do what a reasonable person would do in that situation? We'll know those answers in time, but it is a sad situation no matter the outcome.

I highly doubt anyone is 'blaming' Rey anymore than anyone blamed Morishima in the Misawa incident. Or that blamed D'lo for the Droz incident. Sometimes the delicate balance that makes wrestling so exciting can be off by one tiny fraction and end in tragedy. This is the reality that everyone knows getting into the profession, you are taking huge risks with your body every day, and unfortunately not every injury is a broken bone or a torn muscle.

This is a sad day and one that makes you aware of just how dangerous life can be. It can all be gone in an instant. I think today is a good day to appreciate the people that you may take for granted because no one is guaranteed tomorrow.
Do we need a thread for this? It's a tragic accident nothing more. No blame can be placed and as much as we feel for it, it's not even required to have a thread really.

Much love to Rey and the family and friends of the deceased... RIP

Yes, we need a thread for this. This is a current wrestling related topic. It has hit mainstream news sites like Associated Press why should there not be a thread?

Mr.Taylor, your thoughts tend to be a little off the wall, but you tend to know how to run this forum, in your opinion, so you must be right.

As for Rey this reminds me of AJ Styles only to a more serious degree. Shortly after Styles left TNA, he broke Roderick Strong's neck and has also broke Yoshi Tatsu's neck since then, with his signature move. Rey caused damage, and death, to him with his signature move. My question is are these veteran talents like Mysterio and Styles to used to the North American tv style wrestling, that they injure and cause death to their opponents in their first taste on the indy circuit
The idea that this should not be a topic on a wrestling message board, when it is a topic on MAINSTREAM NEWS, is just ridiculous. Campaigning to the mods? Come on. Stay out of the thread if you can't handle it.

It is obvious to any sane person that Mysterio did NOTHING WRONG. This was a freak accident. The only person who did anything "wrong" was Konnan for shaking the guy. Which is the worst possible thing to do to someone who just suffered a severe neck injury. But he obviously didn't know what was wrong, he just thought the guy passed out.

The fact that authorities have said they are going to open up a "manslaughter investigation" is frightening. I know little about the Mexican justice system, but I can't believe an accident during a performance is being looked at as a possible crime.
This is a terrible and tragic accident. RIP and messages of light to his family.

To those members here who have used this thread to pick a fight with each other on, be very very ashamed of yourselves. Not the time or the place.
The fact that authorities have said they are going to open up a "manslaughter investigation" is frightening. I know little about the Mexican justice system, but I can't believe an accident during a performance is being looked at as a possible crime.

There is a boxing and professional wrestling commission rulebook in Mexico which has to be followed. Here is the translated article of that rulebook which they may be pointing to:

ARTICLE 28. In all places designed to present boxing functions and professional wrestling, the companies will be required to have an infirmary which serves to provide medical care , which should have everything you need to care for boxers or wrestlers who require medical attention. The Chief Medical Services Commission will monitor compliance with this provision and require that the company always has the necessary medical equipment , medicines and other necessary elements. Also an ambulance should be prepared to address any emergency.

The problem is the time it took to for El Hijo de Perro Aguayo to receive medical attention. Konnan also shook him to try to wake him up and from the videos I have seen, took forever to call for the medical attention.

This could be a big case against AAA.
There is a boxing and professional wrestling commission rulebook in Mexico which has to be followed. Here is the translated article of that rulebook which they may be pointing to:

The problem is the time it took to for El Hijo de Perro Aguayo to receive medical attention. Konnan also shook him to try to wake him up and from the videos I have seen, took forever to call for the medical attention.

This could be a big case against AAA.

A doctor and an ambulance were there but the doctor was attending to two other injured wrestlers at the time, the reason why he was carried on plywood. I wouldn't even try to guess on how the law is handled down there. Konnan and the others just didn't know the extent of his injury at the time.
Report on the main page says that Mysterio has received death threats in Mexico because of this. Jesus. It's getting bad down there.
I don't follow Mexican wrestling so I didn't know of this wrestler, but it makes it no less tragic. It's such a sad story. I watched the video and really wished I hadn't.
For those unaware "CRASH", the promotion where this took place was well equipped medically with 2 ambulances and several doctors at hand. The problem came in the form of those doctors already attending injured wrestlers. One of which also had a spinal related injury taking up the gurney. Once again, this was a 1 in a 10000 chance occurrance where everything that could go wrong did. Konnan was under the impression that Aguayo was out cold because he was indeed showing signs of life from the ropes but not responding.

The funeral and burial have already happened and the Mexico commission has ruled it an accident I believe. No full details yet, but they don't believe anyone is at fault.

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