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El Hijo del Perro Aguayo Dies in the Ring


I am The Last Baron
This is heartbreaking sad news out of AAA. El Hijo del Perro Aguayo has died following a botched lead up to a 619.

One of the top stars in Mexico, El Hijo del Perro Aguayo, reportedly died early Saturday morning after taking Rey Mysterio's 619 maneuver at a AAA show Friday night in Tijuana, Mexico.

According to news reports, El Hijo took the 619 in the trachea trying to avoid the move, causing severe whiplash. El Hijo was placed on a backbrace by paramedics and taken out of the Municipal Auditorium arena to Del Prado hospital.

The Zeta publication initially reported that El Hijo was stabilized at the hospital after losing consciousness. However, local news outlet El-Mexicano.com reported that El Hijo was pronounced dead around 1:00 a.m. local time. Zeta followed up with a headline story also reporting that El Hijo died early Saturday morning.

AAA issued a brief statement early Saturday on Twitter. The translation: "The grief overwhelms our hearts. Rest in peace, El Hijo del Perro Aguayo."

Rival promotion CMLL also tweeted a statement early Saturday morning joining the lucha libre community in mourning El Hijo's death.

El Hijo main-evented AAA's "Rey de Reyes" PPV in a tag match against Mysterio just two days earlier. It was Mysterio's first match since leaving WWE.

A short time before Mysterio's match Friday night in Tijuana, Mysterio tweeted about his scheduled WrestleMania Weekend appearance at "WaleMania" in California this coming week.
PW Torch Source

So this makes a second major company star to die in the ring. Its not common but it does happen. I hope he rests in peace and that comfort and solace comes to his loved ones during this difficult time.

Wrestlinginc.com has some footage of the match, though it doesn't exactly show the spot where Aguayo suffered the whiplash. Aguayo's Wikipedia page states that the injury was caused by Aguayo taking a dropkick that propelled him forward into the ropes. Apparently, the top rope whipped back and wound up catching Aguayo in the trachea, causing the injury.

It's a lousy thing to happen and it just goes to show that wrestlers do genuinely take life & death risks whenever they step into a ring. It could happen in any promotion at anytime with any wrestler and here in the United States, if this had happened in WWE, WWE would be crucified by the media.
Very unfortunate and sad incident. Jack's absolutely right, if this happened in WWE it would be a media circus.

R.I.P. Perro Aguayo Jr.
Such a tragedy to lose a life, especially in the ring. I am sure those close to the El Hijo del Perro Aguayo can take condolence in the idea that he passed while preforming what he loved.

I’ve noticed a lot of comments around the IWC questioning the actions of the other performers and management. It is easy to look back and make a judgment call but in real time there is no telling what was running through anyone’s mind. Watching to the video it is obvious all involved realized something was wrong but there is no way they could have understood the extent of the failed spot. They did the best they could to close the match and get the hell out of there.
Apparently wrestler Hijo del Perro Aguayo died in a match with Rey Mysterio from cervical spine trauma during the 619 spot. The details are a little unclear but he either snapped his neck on the ropes coming down for the set up of the 619, or was supposed to avoid the 619 and mistimed it and was hit in the trachea and basically got whiplash? There are a few different theories right now, even that this was caused by a dropkick earlier in the match. I haven't seen the footage.

How does this look for Rey? Shit happens in the ring and it may not have been his fault at all. Sorry if this has already been posted, it's breaking news.
Do we need a thread for this? It's a tragic accident nothing more. No blame can be placed and as much as we feel for it, it's not even required to have a thread really.

Much love to Rey and the family and friends of the deceased... RIP
Like I said in the other thread on this, do we really NEED a threat to talk about what is basically a tragic, freak accident. No good can come of discussing it.

Anyone involved will have their own hard times without IWC blowhards talking shite about what happened. Just express condolence on your FB page or something rather than made it threads and threads of "they should have done this.." RIP and much love to all involved and their families.
RIP. Feel bad for his family and Rey since his name is plastered all over as causing the death. Rey never hit him with the 619 as you can see he purposely missed it. Sad but just a freak incident. With this style the action never stops, it's move after move which makes it so popular.

Still a freak accident but it seems from the original video that the huracurana(?) move was botched and he didn't move right with it and ended outside. He crawled back in and got up but you could see he wasn't right and then the dropkick to the back did it. He doesn't hit the rope causing whiplash. The sport may be scripted but its still dangerous. Some reported he was stable at the hospital but passed away later and not in the ring.
Oh my God. This is really sad. Not to mention an utter nightmare for AAA. This man was the top heel of the promotion. He was supposed to face Alberto Del Rio in Triplemania. The man was also so well liked backstage. Hell, I'm a huge fan of his. This a heartbreaker. Manik was right there next to him and notices as does Konnan.

I saw it. And it's really not anything out of the ordinary. A Huricanrana and then a Dropkick to the back to set up the 619. By that point, Perro is gone and Manik shakes him.
I'm not sure if this was mysterio fault or not but he's been hurting people with the 619 for years. He broke Cody Rhodes and Undertakers orbital bones and a few others i can't remember. I think as he's gotten older and has the legs of a60 year old man from the crazy stuff he used to do impacts his effectiveness to protect wrestlers during this move.
Oh my God. This is really sad. Not to mention an utter nightmare for AAA. This man was the top heel of the promotion. He was supposed to face Alberto Del Rio in Triplemania. The man was also so well liked backstage. Hell, I'm a huge fan of his. This a heartbreaker. Manik was right there next to him and notices as does Konnan.

I saw it. And it's really not anything out of the ordinary. A Huricanrana and then a Dropkick to the back to set up the 619. By that point, Perro is gone and Manik shakes him.

There is a floor view and the dropkick to the back doesn't seem to have injured him any more. I think he was running on adrenaline when he jumped back in the ring after the huricarana but the injury he just suffered seems to hit him all at once, maybe blacking out, before the dropkick. Konnan didn't know what his condition was but moving his neck around like he did didn't help.
Do we need a thread for this? It's a tragic accident nothing more. No blame can be placed and as much as we feel for it, it's not even required to have a thread really.

Much love to Rey and the family and friends of the deceased... RIP

It's a valid topic, it happened and playing ostrich isn't going to wipe it away.
Even if we do need a thread for it, it's not a non spam topic really. And it certainly doesn't belong in the WWE forum since it has nothing to do with the E. This should have gone in the general wrestling section. But nevertheless...

This is shame. More than that actually, it's bloody tragic. And not just for the wrestler who died, but for everyone involved. How do you go on from something like that? Rey must be feeling absolutely gutted that it's happened in a match against him. But that's nothing compared to the desolation of his family of he has one. Utterly tragic. RIP.
Apparently wrestler Hijo del Perro Aguayo died in a match with Rey Mysterio from cervical spine trauma during the 619 spot. The details are a little unclear but he either snapped his neck on the ropes coming down for the set up of the 619, or was supposed to avoid the 619 and mistimed it and was hit in the trachea and basically got whiplash? There are a few different theories right now, even that this was caused by a dropkick earlier in the match. I haven't seen the footage.

How does this look for Rey? Shit happens in the ring and it may not have been his fault at all. Sorry if this has already been posted, it's breaking news.

A man died in this match and all you want to discuss is oh no, what about Rey Mysterio? Fuck you, you pretentious prick.

Just because you may never have heard of the man who died and the other is widely recognizable, doesn't justify such blatant disregard and disrespect for the deceased. Who gives two fucks about how this looks for Rey? Honor the deceased and consider his family, friends and fans.

R.I.P. Perro Aguayo Jr
It's a valid topic, it happened and playing ostrich isn't going to wipe it away.

No it isn't... and your "feedback" is even worse... I may have a "chip on my shoulder" about picking over a guys corpse when he's not even been dead 24 hours, when he has a family...and so do everyone else involved in that show.

It is not for us to speculate, talk about or pick over, especially at this time. It's disrespectful to the victim's family for a start. Especially in a WWE based forum.

If you think it is "fair game" then it is you with the chip on your shoulder. I stand by my view... no good can come of threads about this so leave it be, let the authorities investigate and take any action THEY deem necessary if the organisers were ill prepared...
No it isn't... and your "feedback" is even worse... I may have a "chip on my shoulder" about picking over a guys corpse when he's not even been dead 24 hours, when he has a family...and so do everyone else involved in that show.

It is not for us to speculate, talk about or pick over, especially at this time. It's disrespectful to the victim's family for a start. Especially in a WWE based forum.

If you think it is "fair game" then it is you with the chip on your shoulder. I stand by my view... no good can come of threads about this so leave it be, let the authorities investigate and take any action THEY deem necessary if the organisers were ill prepared...

Sorry, this is absurd. The topic can certainly be moved to a different part of the board, but discussing how someone died in the ring is a valid topics for a wrestling board. I find your stance hypocritical given past comments on concussions and injuries and how they are dealt with in the industry. Perhaps this is a freak accident, but the discussion is hardly "picking over a guy's corpse".

I also find the sudden concern for his family disingenuous. I think they have other worries than a message board. As for my personal comment directed to you, I stand behind that.
Having seen the video, the issue was how the match continued after the man was unconscious. For Rey's part, I'm sure he's seen that view many times...the guy is "out" on the ropes, so with his back turned he wouldn't know his true condition. But as soon as he doesn't react, and is truly seen to be out, it's irresponsible to continue the match. That's the part that may have caught authorities attention. The promoter and the handling of what was at least an injury was potentially at fault.
Sorry, this is absurd. The topic can certainly be moved to a different part of the board, but discussing how someone died in the ring is a valid topics for a wrestling board. I find your stance hypocritical given past comments on concussions and injuries and how they are dealt with in the industry. Perhaps this is a freak accident, but the discussion is hardly "picking over a guy's corpse".

I also find the sudden concern for his family disingenuous. I think they have other worries than a message board. As for my personal comment directed to you, I stand behind that.

Call it what you like, but the reality is this is a fresh situation, different to one that has been faced for some time. People don't die in US rings from these type of situations often. The last two have been overseas. You only get involved here because it's a former WWE star, so it's "tasty gossip".

There are possible criminal investigations going on so speculation is not only disrespectful but also downright unwise. The only people who SHOULD be discussing it are AAA, those involved in the match, their legal counsel and the authorities at this time. Mexican law is not something you or I are an expert on, so let's not BS and pretend we do. It may come to nothing or someone could be in serious trouble.

I can talk of concussions in general as I am dsabled from one and have suffered two major ones in my life.

I can speak from experience of how they affect a person and I have also wrestled matches so can discuss the effects of injuries from them but I do not do so where there is still investigations going on where someone might go to jail. Cases like Benoit etc have been investigated and established FACTS, that are considered to be the true picture by the authorities are known. There is then room for dissenting discussion should one wish to disagree, not before.

The families probably won't read the thread, but someone connected may... it'll be their job. Anyone on a board like this doesn't get "free speech" they can be sued. If you want to go down that route for yourself be my guest but don't pretend for a second that you're "entitled" to discuss this. If you mouth off and it's found you're wrong and libeling somebody then you're in DEEP shit if they choose to pursue it...

I'd have hoped the mods would do the decent thing and close these until any investigation is complete and even then probably leave them sealed. The appropriate action is messages of support to the family or those involved to their own channels or at best a Non Spam RIP board here, but not speculation of what caused the injury, who was to blame if anyone or opinions on it.
Sorry if I came off insensitive or a "pretentious prick". Actually I'm not sorry, because you kind of come off as an asshole yourself.

I agree it is tragic.

As far as how it should be in general wrestling, people were still talking about Del Rio after his release on here. People still talk about CM Punk in the WWE forum and Rey just recently got out of a multi-year contract, was the butt of jokes on this forum about his injuries for however long, and was making his return to wrestling and someone died... it is a valid topic. People are still talking about Owen Hart's death with the Blue Blazer stunt and who's fault it was, Masawa dying from a belly to back suplex, the list goes on. Talking about something happening in the ring isn't heartless, every podcast on the list is going to be talking about it.

As far as anyone on the board getting "sued" for discussing something that happened at a wrestling event, believe me... this has already been blasted all over news sites, Facebook, Twitter, you name it. They'd have a lot of people to sue and I don't really see what they would have to sue about.
My point is that if you're saying for sake of argument "It's Rey's fault, kick did it" and it turns out not to be then you could be in trouble if Rey and his people feel the need to go after people. It happened here in the UK with a prominent politician accused of being a peadophile incorrectly on Twitter, he was suing EVERYONE who commented or repeated the allegation on Facebook or Twitter at one point. he had a case and would have won every single one of them. Luckily for them he allowed the majority a £5 donation to a charity but made the celeb ring leader pay a fortune in damages by our standards.. US damages are FAR higher... so be warned. Social Media and forums such as this are not "free speech zones", they still have the libel laws applied. You never know WHO is reading or WHY...

It's far better to wait till the investigations are done and the "facts" are given, THEN talk about them like people do with Owen, Benoit etc.

Like I said, potential criminal charges don't come often so it's a unique one.
I get what you are saying, but do you know how many people are going to be blowing up Twitter saying Rey kicked and killed someone? This board is very civil and tame compared to what people are going to be saying.

As far as what I said:

The details are a little unclear but he either snapped his neck on the ropes coming down for the set up of the 619, or was supposed to avoid the 619 and mistimed it and was hit in the trachea and basically got whiplash? There are a few different theories right now, even that this was caused by a dropkick earlier in the match. I haven't seen the footage.

I never said it was Rey's fault, it involved a 619 spot though. I got what I posted above from a standard news site, I doubt they will get sued for having "unclear details at this time".
It happened here in the UK with a prominent politician accused of being a peadophile incorrectly on Twitter, he was suing EVERYONE who commented or repeated the allegation on Facebook or Twitter at one point. he had a case and would have won every single one of them. Luckily for them he allowed the majority a £5 donation to a charity but made the celeb ring leader pay a fortune in damages by our standards.. US damages are FAR higher... so be warned. Social Media and forums such as this are not "free speech zones", they still have the libel laws applied. You never know WHO is reading or WHY...

I know they use social media posts in court. But with all do respect to your comparison, Rey is a luchador known for doing death defying stunts in the ring to entertain fans... he is not a "prominent politician in the UK being accused of pedophilia". I doubt they would have had the time or resources to go after EVERY case either in that situation either. That would take years and be silly.
Well, Rob, I'll say your experience with how the law, even in Mexico, applies to message boards, is suspect at best.

But as for the rest, thanks ONCE AGAIN, for telling other people exactly what to think, what to say, and for the moderators, how to mod. :rolleyes:
Based on the video, it looks like the spot where Aguayo runs at Extreme Tiger and takes a "boot to the face" may be where the issues first started. The bump he takes looks like he lands on his head, you'll then notice when he does his forward role that he is already unsteady, which then leads to the messed up hurricanrana spot. Aguayo gets dumped to the outside, rolls back in, gets caught slightly off guard by the quick dropkick from Mysterio, then falls deadweight onto the ropes. If Aguayo was already seeing stars (or worse) from the bad bump then the whiplash of quickly trying to sell the dropkick may have been enough to knock him loopy and explain why he didn't protect himself during the fall. Or maybe he was just overzealous trying to put over the top Mexican star.

Regardless of the reasons, what a huge tragedy and freak accident. You can slip on a wet spot during your office job and hit your head on a countertop; this is the same kind of situation. I don't think anyone realized how bad the situation was until Konnan realized he wasn't responding. And for those wondering why the match continued...what else could they have done? Wrestling is a profession based on an illusion, they brought the match to a quick conclusion as a distraction while the medical staff rushed to the ring. That explains the big dive right after the accident and everything else.

RIP El Hijo del Perro Aguayo, may your memory live on forever

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