El Guerrero vs. Mohammad Hasheem

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Dufflebag Mod!!
Deportation Match
El Guerrero vs. Mohammad Hasheem.​

These two went at each other throat at the pay per view. Just to be call Elite X champion.Now Sincade is using theirs hated for each other in a twisted match call Deportation.

Keep All Rps in here
All Rps Due nov 23 2007
It is a typical Monday morning. This Monday happens to be the day after Civil Revolution. The setting is in a hotel room. The time is 10:25 in the morning but the hotel room is rather dark, with very little light coming in from the outside. Just then, someone pulls the curtain sheets apart, releasing a very strong and bright light into the room. We see clothes all over the floor, on the chairs, wet towels on the floor, basically the room is a pigsty. We then see 2 queen size beds. 1 bed is empty and one bed we see a man sleeping in it. Rajeem was the one who pulled the curtains, revealing the strong sun into the room. Suddenly, Mohammad Hasheem jumps up and sits up in his bed.

Hasheem: Ahhh!!!

Hasheem is yelling in pain. He is holding his neck from the injuries he received the night before, at Civil Revolution. He quickly covers his eyes with his hand!!

Hasheem: Rajeem, what the hell is wrong with you?

Rajeem: It’s time to get up!!

Hasheem: Where is Rasheeka? She was in bed wit me when we went to sleep finally last night.

Rajeem: She went downstairs to play the slots. That’s not important, GET UP!!!

Hasheem sighs and makes a whiny voice and falls back, putting his head on his pillow.

Hasheem: No!!! What time is it?

Rajeem: 10:30. Master, you have to get up. There is something I have to tell you. I was told some very intriguing news on the phone earlier.

Hasheem: No!!! I don’t give a shit anymore, Rajeem. Get it through your head, I DON’T GIVE A SHIT!! A SHIT!!! Ok? You have NO clue how much pain I am in!! Please, let me be.

Rajeem: With all due respect, sir, absolutely not!! As your manager and more importantly, as your friend, you have to get up and start training!!!

Hasheem: Train?! What are you talking about?! I just had the match of my life last night!! My body is in freakin pain!!! There is no fucken way I am training!!

Rajeem: Ok fine, but your gonna look like a fool in front of the entire world!!

Rajeem is about to leave the hotel room when Hasheem jumps out of bed yelling him to stop in his tracks. We see that Hasheem is only wearing a pair of black boxers, and he seems to have Morning Wood. (If you don’t know what that is then youtube it.) Rajeem gives a startle and looks immediately up at the ceiling.

Rajeem: Ahh!! Put on some pants, Master!! Please!!

Hasheem puts on a complementary bathrobe.

Hasheem: Filthy, disgusting American garbage. Don’t go, Rajeem. Why will I make a joke out of myself?

Rajeem: Because you need to train.

Hasheem: Train? Train for what?

Rajeem: For your match at this week’s Meltdown.

Hasheem: A Match?!??! Didn't I just have one?

Hasheem takes a deep breath and sighs heavily.

Hasheem: What match did Myles put me in, this time?

Rajeem: Actually, Sincade won his Do or Die match last night, at Civil Revolution, thus making him the owner of WZCW, for 30 whole days.

Hasheem: WHAT?!? Who is my opponent?

Rajeem: El Guerrero.

Hasheem: Oh, phew. That’s nothing to worry about, right?

Rajeem: I wouldn’t be so sure, Master.

Hasheem: Why?

Rajeem: Because this match is a…Buried…Alive Match.

Hasheem: What?!? What is Sincade stupid?

Rajeem: Must be.

Hasheem is in disbelief and is in shock that he has to sit down because the news is too much. He puts his head in his hands.

Hasheem: This is an outrage!! OUTRAGEOUS!!!

Hasheem jumps up from the bed, with his finger pointing the ceiling!!

Hasheem: I heard lots and lots and lots of rumors saying that this is a career-ending match!! Quick, Rajeem, make some phone calls, do your thing. I wanna know everything you can find about this Buried Alive Match and I want you to get me all the info on how to win this match easily!! Also get me everything you can about El Guerrero, his moves, his strengths and especially his weaknesses!!!

Rajeem: At once!!

About 3 hours later, Rajeem comes back to find sleeping again, but this time Hasheem is sleeping on his stomach, and head balancing on the pillow, with his ass sticking out.

Rajeem: Wow, umm, Master.

Rajeem pokes Hasheem on the butt cheek.

Hasheem: OH, Rajeeka. We can’t. Rajeem is coming back soon. Besides, I’m surprised he didn’t hear us last night. All 3 times!!!

Hasheem then makes a sexy growling noise as Rajeem clears his throat really loudly. Hasheem quickly turns and sees Rajeem, he is smiling nervously.

Rajeem: Right, Well I have all the info you asked for. Here you go, I am gonna go join Rasheeka in the slot machines.

Hasheem sits up and Rajeem hands Hasheem all the paper. Rajeem then leaves the room. Hasheem starts to skim each paper. He then gets an evil smile on his face.

Hasheem: Perfect!!!!!!

As Hasheem says that, his head goes back on the pillow, and he goes back to sleep, once again.

Took me literally less than an hour to write this...lol....i have a gift.
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