Either make new stars or shorten the schedule

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2015 King Of The Ring
It's no secret the WWE schedule is absolutely ridiculous. Wrestlers (they're still pro-wrestlers to me dammit!) can be on the road up to 300 days a year! Imagine taking all of those bumps, along with doing interviews, signing autographs, missing your kids birthdays, not having much of a sex life with your spouse, and getting booed all the time! It should be illegal to make them do this to themselves! Unfortunately, these guys know what they're getting themselves into. That's probably the reason Pro-Wrestling can't be regulated.

WWE has to make new stars just in case this schedule is too much for someone. No one could have predicted what happened to Edge. Now God forbid, but what if this happened to someone like John Cena or The Undertaker? The latter would be more likely as The Undertaker is hanging on by a thread. I'd rather only see my favorite wrestlers a certain time a year than have them live the rest of their lives in a wheelchair.
Why should it be illegal for them to work for what they dreamed to since they were kids in their backyard? Guys like John Cena, Sheamus, and Christian, they work as hard as they do because they love their job. They love being out on the road and doing what they love. It's their passion, of course their is setbacks like the lack of family. That also comes with being a salesmen or a business men. Should it be illegal for a man to travel to business meetings now?

All I am saying is that without the effort and the sacrifice, we wouldn't have the product us fans can enjoy every week. I am sure if you ask John Cena to sign a law saying he couldn't work the hours he does now, he would tear it up in your face.
I honestly don't know why they don't break it up into 4 groups who take turns with the house show schedule

Obviously you'd break up the big face draws like Orton, Cena, and Mysterio and the big heels like Punk and Alberto Del Rio and just have everyone show up for the weekly shows plus PPV's and have whatever group is "on" doing the house shows, then every three months a new group would take over...
It's no secret the WWE schedule is absolutely ridiculous. Wrestlers (they're still pro-wrestlers to me dammit!) can be on the road up to 300 days a year! Imagine taking all of those bumps, along with doing interviews, signing autographs, missing your kids birthdays, not having much of a sex life with your spouse, and getting booed all the time! It should be illegal to make them do this to themselves! Unfortunately, these guys know what they're getting themselves into. That's probably the reason Pro-Wrestling can't be regulated.

WWE has to make new stars just in case this schedule is too much for someone. No one could have predicted what happened to Edge. Now God forbid, but what if this happened to someone like John Cena or The Undertaker? The latter would be more likely as The Undertaker is hanging on by a thread. I'd rather only see my favorite wrestlers a certain time a year than have them live the rest of their lives in a wheelchair.

I'm not sure exactly what your point is, but the whole reason WWE started the wellness policy was to avoid external regulation. Same reason the movies have ratings, and other pro sports have their own testing as well. Beyond that, you can't regulate a workday/week length for people making that much money. The standard work week is 40 hours, but that is really only relevant for minimum wage workers. I can assure that if that were the case that there was some desire to enforce work standards for highly-paid laborers, the government would be a lot more worried about the tens of thousands of white-collar workers (e.g. lawyers, I-bankers) who work hundred-hour weeks for at least 300 days a year.
It should be illegal to make them do this to themselves! Unfortunately, these guys know what they're getting themselves into.

It should be illegal to perform stunts for an audience? Holy crap there goes just about everything exciting on television. The Circus, sports, and county fairs would have a hard time too. I'm pretty sure each guy in the locker room knows what they are doing is risky, and they are going to get hurt. They aren't that stupid.

WWE has to make new stars just in case this schedule is too much for someone. No one could have predicted what happened to Edge. Now God forbid, but what if this happened to someone like John Cena or The Undertaker? The latter would be more likely as The Undertaker is hanging on by a thread. I'd rather only see my favorite wrestlers a certain time a year than have them live the rest of their lives in a wheelchair.

You're lying to yourself if you say no one saw Edge retiring coming. Every professional wrestler has to at some point in their career. Some are just more prone to do it sooner than others. It amazes me to see guys like Ric Flair or even Undertaker still stay in the game for as long as they have. Professional wrestling has put many a body in wheelchairs and body bags. Don't forget that. There is a reason why DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME pops up on our television sets now and then. It's a dangerous business.

But you are wrong to assume WWE has no idea who to put in place of other stars. When Eddie Guerrero died, they made room for others. When Jeff Hardy left, another spot was filled. And now that Edge has retired guess what has changed? Nothing except the fact we will be staring at another face now. WWE has their shit together, even if their system of running things is highly laborous.
It's no secret the WWE schedule is absolutely ridiculous. Wrestlers (they're still pro-wrestlers to me dammit!) can be on the road up to 300 days a year! Imagine taking all of those bumps, along with doing interviews, signing autographs, missing your kids birthdays, not having much of a sex life with your spouse, and getting booed all the time! It should be illegal to make them do this to themselves! Unfortunately, these guys know what they're getting themselves into. That's probably the reason Pro-Wrestling can't be regulated.

WWE has to make new stars just in case this schedule is too much for someone. No one could have predicted what happened to Edge. Now God forbid, but what if this happened to someone like John Cena or The Undertaker? The latter would be more likely as The Undertaker is hanging on by a thread. I'd rather only see my favorite wrestlers a certain time a year than have them live the rest of their lives in a wheelchair.

First of all, nobody put a gun to any pro-wrestler's er... I mean sports entertainer's head and forced them to do what they do. That being said, quite a lot of professionals don't have much time to spend with their families. Even blue collar workers work quite a bit of overtime (or second jobs) and never see their families much. And I'm sure they have no problem finding groupies on the road.

Second, getting booed at all the time is a sign that they're over. They should be upset when they don't get a reaction out of the fans.
its a lighter schedule with the two brands...they work friday to tuesday....usually a couple weeks off around holidays...which means they work a lil more than 250 dates
Heels love boos, most pro wrestlers say they have more fun as heels.
Pro wrestlers work less than some people clearing under 40k a year, so I don't have as much sympathy when they're clearing 6 or 7 figure contracts.

WWE's last 2 years have molded the next generation, if you don't think WWE's full of "New stars" I'd love to see what you're watching.
I have tried wrestling, and it almost killed me. If I could, I'd go on the road 300 days a year and take bumps and kill myself all over again. It's called passion.

Not only that, but these guys don't actually have it that bad. HBK and other older guys have said that. The split brand means they work less, plus back in the day they'd do like a show a night and 2 on Sunday, literally.

Also, what the hell are you talking about "start making new stars"? What else have they been doing? I've read complaints that are almost "I hate how many nondeserving midcarders arewinning titles". If that's not pushing new stars I donno what is. They are deserving most of the time. There are a lot of guys on the cusp of becoming championship level guys.

Since the beginning of 2010 Jack Swagger, Sheamus, Dolph Ziggler, Christian, and The Miz have been given the strap. Alberto Del Rio is no doubt very close and there are a lot of other guys that could soon be there.
WaWaWa... i work 12hr shifts 6 days a week constantly heavy lifting. :p
No doubt the physicality is there but the "demanding" road travel is bullshit.

They only work maybe 3 days a week and have air travel to get to alot of places, unlike the old days where everyone had to road trip.

The kids these days have it easy in the business.

and b4 you go blaming the promoters for all the issues relating to getting stars, stop and take a look at the stars themselves, just cause someone is employed and is given a chance doesn't mean they can make the best of it. If they refuse to "earn" there spot, if they refuse to bother studying from veterans, if they refuse to train at all, they deserve nothing.
It's no secret the WWE schedule is absolutely ridiculous. Wrestlers (they're still pro-wrestlers to me dammit!) can be on the road up to 300 days a year! Imagine taking all of those bumps, along with doing interviews, signing autographs, missing your kids birthdays, not having much of a sex life with your spouse, and getting booed all the time! It should be illegal to make them do this to themselves! Unfortunately, these guys know what they're getting themselves into. That's probably the reason Pro-Wrestling can't be regulated.

WWE has to make new stars just in case this schedule is too much for someone. No one could have predicted what happened to Edge. Now God forbid, but what if this happened to someone like John Cena or The Undertaker? The latter would be more likely as The Undertaker is hanging on by a thread. I'd rather only see my favorite wrestlers a certain time a year than have them live the rest of their lives in a wheelchair.

That's why the diva's are there, from some of the stories you hear from ex-WWE guys.

Yes that is one reason they created the brand extension is so that these guys really aren't working everyday and getting injured as much, but there are those that just want the brand extension ended so we have more injuries like EDGE and SCSA, Brett Hart, and others to happen more frequently. I mean when you have almost a 100 wrestlers on your roster its fine to split them up into 2 shows and keep them apart for the most part. I do believe that some of the Bigger names like Cena, Orton, Mysterio already have some choices on the house shows. I don't think that they always go to them. Besides, If i do a Raw on Monday a house show on Thursday, that is a three day window. Some of these guys have their family with them on the road here in the US. We just saw pictures of the Rock as a kid with Freddie Blassie and Andre the Giant. Hogan's kids are know by almost every wrestler over 40 personally not by the show. So they might miss a few birthdays here and there but as long as these guys are bringing in what 400000 a year, the family is not complaining at all.
Really lighten the work load for wrestlers ( there goes that dirty word again ) so by your assessment their schedule is too long. I wish I could work 3 days a week entertain people and get paid a 6 figure salary.

You know who has it worse than pro wrestlers ( uh oh! I did it again ) Super Bowl Champions. Think about starting in spring with OTA ( organized team activity ) then mandatory mini camps then training camp then Preseason which starts in August for 4 weeks then a grueling 17 week schedule then if your a Wild Card team in order to be the top dog 4 more games. Oh it's not over then you have the tv/radio to do. By the time those guys have to celebrate their achievement is small because then they have to work twice as hard to defend their title and it's spring again. Wrestlers (uh oh!) have it easier than a Super Bowl winning team does.

Your average mid carder makes 6 figures annually - Dave Finlay source: Nancy Grace Show
Surprising how many people think WWE stars have it so easy. Being on the road 250 days a week, making appearances, taking bumps every night, not giving your body enough time to heal, and working through the pain is not easy. This lifestyle is the reason so many wrestlers die at a young age.

But it's true, these guys love what they do, or else they wouldn't be out there. It's their choice.

As far as salaries go, yes WWE stars are paid well above the national average, but they also have to pay all their own travel expenses (aside from plane tickets).

Since Mcmahon virtually has a monopoly in the world of wrestling, the only way I ever see the schedule lightening is if the wrestlers form a union.
As far as salaries go, yes WWE stars are paid well above the national average, but they also have to pay all their own travel expenses (aside from plane tickets).

Since Mcmahon virtually has a monopoly in the world of wrestling, the only way I ever see the schedule lightening is if the wrestlers form a union.

I wouldn't want a union for them. They would get paid more and do less. Look at the NFL. You work what 6-7 months out of the year make 500000 plus and want to argue over how much money the owners are getting from tv deals. How about they lower all the ticket prices and vending prices to allow an everyday fan to go to a game more than maybe just once. They can stay the way they are no union. They might have to pay their own way but they also get write everything off come tax time.

Besides they really couldn't start a union as all Wrestler....Entertainers are independent contractors. Meaning they are self employed and held captive to the company stated in their contract which with this thread is WWE.
There is nothing stopping entertainers from unionizing. Look at SAG.

You're right about a union meaning more money for doing less. It would be good for the wrestlers, but bad for the fans.
To the original poster unlike the rest of these people that are arguing with you, I get where your heart is at. I too am still struggling with Edge retiring and I too wonder if a lighter schedule would have halted his retirement a few years. I also wonder if the WWE were to come up with a system for the stars to work less house shows would we have seen Sting vs Taker? Would we have lost Angle to TNA? Hell we might still have Austin wrestling right now.To all the maniacs jumping down his throat he clearly stated the wrestlers knew and know what they are getting into, he sinmply wishes there was a way to prolong the wrestling lives of our favorites without risking any possiblity of any of them ending up dead or crippled. Where in his post can any of you negative nancies turn what he typed into a negative? Or is it just a need to argue with you people? I would like to see these wrestlers every monday plus ppvs also and if cutting their house show time does that, why not?
TWJC...he meant making NEW STARS that can carry the company. In the past 8 years we have seen how many stars that can be the poster boys of WWE? Cena, maybe Orton? Many believe the Miz isn't ready. You can blab on and on about how many young stars they have, why aren't any of them selling out arenas? Becides Cena and maybe Orton are Dolph shirts flying off the racks? NO..The OP used Cena as an example. If Cena gets hurt for good who steps right in and becomes the money machine he is? NO ONE..That's the OPS point, not just plugging new stars into his Raw spot, who leads the company if something bad happened? In the AE when Austin got hurt Rocky easily transitioned into the man. Tell me smarty jones who will do exactly what Cena does if he went out?
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