Edge vs GM over major push


Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok so for those who watched raw this past week I was wondering if they thought WWE missed a major chance to make edge Main event status again. I honestly thought Edge had the clean win over CENA of all people.

on a side note I cannot even remember the last time anyone beat John Cena clean in a 1 one 1 match the last time I remember was HBK VS Cena the Wrestlemania rematch on Raw in London.

Regardless of Cena's foot if they let that match end with Edge walking away a winner, he comes out with a HUGE boost for a possible push as a heel. Heels when by using the ropes, pulling tights, etc... instead we have the match go on due to the RAW GM fued with Edge to get deeper.

So my question to everyone is
-Do you think WWE missed a chance to get Edge on track for the main event by NOT letting the match result stand, instead of him losing and going crazy on a computer to extend this whole GM feud?

-Do you think it would have hurt Cena anywhere near as much as it would have helped Edge to get the clean win over Cena?

-Do you think the Edge vs GM fued is going to payoff with the GM being revealed due to Edge?
I personally think the whole anonymous GM angle is just something that gives Edge something to do. To me they're doing with Edge on RAW what they have been doing with the Big Show on Smackdown. The WWE loves having both guys, but when it comes to creating storylines, Edge and Show just seem to be forgotten just a little bit. The writers, knowing that both Edge and Show can be main eventers when needed, scrounge up some random storyline to keep them busy, but usually the storyline is of rather lower quality than what we're normally used to seeing main eventers in.

I actually do dig the GM angle. We could have probably just run along with the anonymous GM forever and nothing would come out of it, but having Edge actually having a beef with the GM generates interest and it asks the question that people should be asking in the first place: Who is the anonymous GM? I also think there is nobody better to generate interest in a weird storyline like this than Edge cause he could make virutally anything entertaining.

As for your second question, coming into HIAC it might have. The Nexus tore everybody up this week and I think even though he is Super Cena, he should have got that win to have some momentum coming into HIAC.

And yes, I do think the Edge/GM feud is going to pay off with the GM being revealed. I'm hoping it'll happen sometime around Survivor Series. What better way to make the revealing of the GM seem more important than having it during one of the Big Four PPVs?
I just love how the internet decides someone isn't main event status because they aren't in the number one storyline existing at the moment. Edge needs to "make main event status again?" Give me a break. Let me guess, Randy Orton isn't a main eventer either, because the Nexus storyline is the top thing going on, right?

Answers to your questions:

1. No, they did NOT miss a big chance, because it was obviously used as part of an ongoing storyline for Edge (who is NOT feuding with Cena, Nexus, or in the title picture) against the RAW GM and as seen on Smackdown, as a vehicle to potentially move him to Friday nights and as part of a gimmick shift.

2. Yes, it absolutely would hurt Cena more, to lose cleanly to someone he's not feuding with while he's involved in the top program the company has going on right now.

3. Whether the GM is revealed due to Edge is irrelevant, because the focus of the storyline is on Edge and his character development, not whoever the GM is.
To be perfectly honest with you, I think that Edge is going in a great direction at this point in time. His mini fued with the General Manager is actually entertaining, and he doesn't need to be in the title picture at the moment. Edge is and always will be capable of entering the main-event at any time - he is the ultimate opportunist for a reason!

Would it have hurt Cena more to lose cleanly to Edge? Maybe, maybe not. He rarely loses clean, so when it does happen on rare occasions, in this case it did, it won't hurt him too much seeing as he's over with the crowd extremely.

I honestly think that the Edge vs GM fued will pay off if it is someone actually surprising. If the GM ends up being someone really stupid like Hornswoggle, it's obviously going to go nowhere. It really depends on who it is behind that robotic female voice... :p
The GM angle is absurd!! its just another lackluster performance be WWE's writers!! Unless you are completely dense you know Vince is always pulling the strings in this puppet show. so who really benefits or cares about/from a GM? TNA is getting better(I cant believe I said that) and WWE is getting worse!!
I think there is the basis for a decent gimmick/character change for Edge following on from his confrontations with the GM and Swagger on Smackdown.

The whole "taking on of ridiculousness" could make Edge the ultimate tweener. One week he could be taking down a goofball heel like Swagger or Ryder but then the next week he could be butchering Santino
I think it all rests on who they have planned to come in and take on the role of GM. If he turns out to be stupid (hornswoggle etc) then he will have lost momentum but if the WWE can come up with a decent surprise then it could really boost his character.
Wow, it is stupid threads like this that make me hate posting in the non spam sections.

First off lets clear a couple of points up, Edge already is in the main event scene which is probably why he was in the main event of the last two PPV's, albeit both were multi man matches but he was in the main event none the less. Want more proof, he was in a match with John Cena, do you think he would be in a competitive match with the face of the company if the WWE didn't look at him as a main event player.

Secondly to insunuate John Cena hasn't lost a match clean since 2007 is ridiculous, he lost to Batista as Summerslam 08, lost to Orton multiple times in 09, lost to Sheamus at TLC (sure it was a tables match but under the rules of the match he lost clean) just to name a couple.

Ok now those two things are cleared up lets get onto the topic at hand.

Do you think WWE missed a chance to get Edge on track for the main event by NOT letting the match result stand, instead of him losing and going crazy on a computer to extend this whole GM feud?

As I already explained he is in the main event, just because he isnt in the title scene dosent mean he isn't a main eventer, he could easily challenge for the title tomorrow and have it be believable.

-Do you think it would have hurt Cena anywhere near as much as it would have helped Edge to get the clean win over Cena?

The result didn't hurt either man infact it was perfect for both of them. Cena won which gave him some much needed momentum heading into his big match with Barett at HIAC. Edge lost but he already thought he had won so he had let his guards down and Cena obvously caught him by surprise which made him look strong in defeat. It would have actually have been worse for Edge if he had won clean, the GM wouldn't have interrupted and Edge wouldn't have gone crazy on the computer which would have left him with no direction what so ever. This way atleast he has a fued, even if it is with a laptop.

-Do you think the Edge vs GM fued is going to payoff with the GM being revealed due to Edge?

Yes, this GM angle has gone on way too long and it is time to end it and I think it will happen one of two ways. Either Edge continues to destroy all means of communication the GM has meaning he can no longer run Raw electronically and he is forrced to reveal himself or Edge will somehow track the GM down and reveal him that way.
A lot of Edge's immediate destiny seems to revolve around Chris Jericho.

I think the company would like to move Edge permanently back to Smackdown, where he rules the roost, rather than being lost in the shuffle as he is on RAW. If Jericho wasn't on leave, I think it would have happened already.

On the other hand, there's this pesky GM program to resolve. Originally, it was designed for Jericho, and Edge seems to have inherited it from him. Therefore, he has to remain on RAW until it's finished. Personally, I believe the GM thing has gone on long enough and they should reveal who it is already. Then, the GM can start on his (or her) own path and Edge won't be needed on RAW anymore.

Then again, maybe he will be needed since WWE has lost one of the top heels......Jericho. But he'll be back after a few months, or so we've heard.

The short term solution might be for Edge to turn up on both brands for awhile. And who was it that had that role a few months ago?.....yep, it was Jericho. He and Big Show were doing double duty for awhile, remember? I'll bet they enjoyed opening their paychecks.

Now, Edge can be a 'tweener on both shows for as long as necessary.......he can beat up Jack Swagger on Smackdown even as he's beating up laptops on RAW.

You take your edges wherever you can.:blush:
Not to bash you but this thread fails entirely. WWE made a mistake? The GM angle for him gives him somethign to do, from a storyline standpoint it makes sense 100 percent. And Edge already a main eventer, so your standpoint makes no sense.
Like Barbosa said, Edge has the ability to be the ultimate tweener. He could have a gimmick that is very unique, especially in the PG Era. He could be the superstar that can't stand all of the childish, outrageous segments that go on in the WWE. But as for the OP, no I dont think the WWE missed an opportunity with Edge last Monday. Ever since he came over to RAW, he has been nothing more than Upper-Midcard. Over on Smackdown, he was one of the top stars. So it really has nothing to do with whether he beat Cena or not. If Edge is to regain that main event status, he's best off on Smackdown.
-Do you think WWE missed a chance to get Edge on track for the main event by NOT letting the match result stand, instead of him losing and going crazy on a computer to extend this whole GM feud?
I'm just as pissed as anyone that he didn't win. Edge is my favorite. But you got to look at the storyline. Edge lost so he could continue the feud with the GM. If he would've won, it wouldn't have done anything to the storyline and he would've never beat the shit out of that GM computer. Besides, imagine how incredibly weak Cena would've looked the week before he has to face the Nexus at the HELL in the CELL PPV. No, WWE knew what they were doing and did not miss a chance.

-Do you think it would have hurt Cena anywhere near as much as it would have helped Edge to get the clean win over Cena?
Again, Edge does not have a match this Sunday at Hell in the Cell. John Cena has (quite possibly) the biggest match of the night. Cena would've looked too weak had he lost. John needed the momentum at that moment. Yes, it would've hurt Cena too much.

-Do you think the Edge vs GM fued is going to payoff with the GM being revealed due to Edge?
Yes!!! Hopefully anyways. Edge is on a "mission" to rid the WWE of anything stupid. (I'm glad he's a tweener now:)). This whole computer GM thing is the most stupid thing going on in the WWE and he will find this GM and give him a SPEAR! SPEAR! SPEAR!!;)
Big upcoming match or not, I find it very hard to believe that a single CLEAN loss would have made Cena look weak. I would love to have more superstars pushed to be Cena's equal

That said, what happened this past monday happened to further the GM angle. They didn't "miss" an opportunity because Edge is already considered main event caliber.
I don't think anyone cares if Cena lost or won against Edge. People want to see Edge as a tweener or a face. Thats where this storyline is heading to. It's entertainment, stop bitching about Cena, gosh, he sucks. ^_^
Do I believe that the WWE missed a chance to push edge to the main event?
No because they dont need to push Edge into the main event he is already there and has been for the last several years this feud with the gm is a good thing because I hope that it will in the end lead to the GM revealing Himself or herself.

Would it have hurt Cena more then help edge to get the clean win over Cena?
Considering Cena is going into the biggest match of night tonight yes it would have hurt Cena to lose because as stated by Hamler Cena needs momentum going into tonight at HIAC Because he is the one whos WWEs hopes and dreams are riding on at the moment

Do I think that the Edge/GM feud will end with the GM being revealed?
God I hope so I am so tired of hearing that noise everytime an iphone goes off I think of the GM sending an email and half expect Cole to say "If I could have your attention please" lol but seriously I too am growing tired off this whole computer GM.
Speaking of the GM, did anyone else catch the phrase he said the other night? The computerized voice said "Seriously Edge I have tried to be cool with you yo." Seriously...yo... who does that sound like? Zach Ryder. It may disappoint some people but it gives credibility to all of the Ryder/Edge segments we've been seeing that started airing out of nowhere.

Ever since Ryder was a "pro" on NXT we has been the butt of all jokes from Cole to the pros on NXT to Edge. It would make sense for him to "get his revenge" storyline wise as GM. It also pushes younger talent instead of bringing in an older star.

I thought at first the computerized voice was trying to obviously be Ryder as we have heard the GM (via Cole) say other popular phrases from past superstars. No one seemed to pick up on this one, however, and Edge called out the GM this Monday for using past superstars catchphrases so I really do think Ryder is the GM. Again, it may disappoint some but it is at least a fresh idea and Ryder is pretty funny.
The GM angle is absurd!! its just another lackluster performance be WWE's writers!! Unless you are completely dense you know Vince is always pulling the strings in this puppet show. so who really benefits or cares about/from a GM? TNA is getting better(I cant believe I said that) and WWE is getting worse!!

Yeah cause TNA's "They" Angle is so much better right? By the way of course Vince pulls the strings he owns the damn company... every wrestling promotion is run from a promoter.. If you wanna trash wwe thats fine and your opinion but at least sound competent... cause at the end of the day TNA is getting it's strings pulled from Dixie Carter.. I don't know seems like 2010 version of washed up ECW guys and The Nasty Boys hasn't helped TNA get any better then it was before the Hogan and Bischoff era and this is coming from a Hogan and Bischoff fan
Wow, it is stupid threads like this that make me hate posting in the non spam sections.

Secondly to insunuate John Cena hasn't lost a match clean since 2007 is ridiculous, he lost to Batista as Summerslam 08, lost to Orton multiple times in 09, lost to Sheamus at TLC (sure it was a tables match but under the rules of the match he lost clean) just to name a couple.

Actually if you read what I said no one since HBK has beat Cena clean, yea orton has beat him multiple times...guess what none of them where clean at all, he always cheated and had interference, and when Batista beat him WWE sold Cena's injury to the moon as the reason for him losing. Im saying as far as clean one man pins the other simply because he was better that night. That has not happened since HBK vs Cena. I get Batista still pinned him but WWE replayed Cena getting injured from the Batista bomb ALL THE TIME after the match. For Edge to have clean beaten Cena 1-2-3 would have been huge in my opinion. So im not INSINUATING(learn to spell words if you are going to use them) anything I am being factual, when i brought up how major it would have been for edge to get the PIN on cena.

Not him losing by fluke from falling through a table, not him being out an injured for months, or by a weapon, or from outside but him just simply losing 1-2-3 like the majority of the roster does even if they are Main eventers a couple times a year.
simply losing 1-2-3 like the majority of the roster does even if they are Main eventers a couple times a year.
The majority of the roster may lose clean, but the top guy rarely ever does. How many times did Austin lose clean during his run? I can think of one time off the top of my head: SummerSlam 99 to Mankind in the Triple Threat. He took the double arm DDT and lost 1-2-3, clean.

How many times did Hogan lose clean during his run in the 80s? Again, I can only think of one: WrestleMania VI to Warrior. And as we all know, the only reason Hogan lost that one was because he was leaving and Warrior was supposed to be the next one.

There may be more, but those are the only ones I can think of off the top of head.

Now, whether anyone wants to agree with it or not, Cena is this generation's Stone Cold and Hulk Hogan. He's not the draw they were, but he's the guy that Vince has hitched his wagon to. So for him to not lose a match clean for two, three, four years is hardly a surprise. They save these clean wins for when they're useful. Though in Austin's case, I've heard the reason for Foley winning was because they didn't want Ventura raising a heel's hand (why it was changed from HHH vs. Austin to a Triple Threat). Of course, that is just a rumour.

Either way, clean wins over the top face in the company are very, very rare.
I loved the shit from tonight at HITC. The Edge "War on Stupidity" thing cracks me up. Obviously he's playing the tweener role now also. I mean, attacking the bad guys? Yet still does heelish things? Hmm.. Sounds very Orton like. This has restored my interest in Edge. But about the GM thing? Nah, it'll be Jericho when he comes back who reveals the whole thing. Remember, he "has the IP address"
With Edge having to apologize to the GM on Raw tonight, I think that this thing with the Anonymous GM could be leading up to Edge being "fired" from Raw in order for him to go to SmackDown!.

On Raw tonight, I fully expect Edge to refuse to apologize and for the GM to put him in a match. If Edge loses the match, he'll be fired from Raw. If the overall plan isn't for the Raw GM's identity to be revealed in the near future, then having Edge booted off Raw would be a good way to end this little angle between them because I think it could possibly go stale quickly. After all, there's only going to be so many times in which Edge can scream, yell and bust up a laptop so I think that it's going to be ending soon.

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