Edge & Vicki over??


I'm better than you!
Just reading the draft and Edge wasnt sent to RAW, Vicki and Big Show are both now on RAW and Edge is alone on Smackdown!...

What I'm wondering is what you guys think the direction is going in. I know Edge is meant to be taking time off soon i think to get ontop of nagging injuries but do you think this is finally and end to the Edge & Vicki love fest???

I personally hope so, Edge has done a shit load of impressive things since winning that first MITB but he hasnt been without a bitch yet (Lita then Vicki) and i really want to see how he handles himself in the main event by himself... I'm not saying he has to change any part of his gimmick, he can still win match's in a dodgy way but i wanna see him by himself winning championships, pissing people off and being Edge.

What do you guys think...
I really really hope so.
Don't get me wrong i actually like Vicki, she draws heat like no-ones business!
But you just get the feeling that Edge is being held back a bit by boring repeptitive story lines, how many times does edge have to 'accidently' spear a bitch. Anyway i don't think this will be the end of Edge/ Vicki as I believe they'll find a way to put them back together, hope im wrong though.
I think it's time this angle ended. Vickie should remain heel, but she's just getting fucking annoying. And it's just unrealistic. Remember when Vickie and Edge got in the huge fight and he went insane and went to hell? Two months later they're together again. They don't need each other anymore. Not to mention it makes Edge seem weak, because it makes it seem like he's only champ because of Vickie. So I think it would be in the best interest of everyone if it was over, and it certainly does seem as if it is.
I hope it's over too, I'm sick of the whole Edge and Vickie thing. But, now I can't image Edge without having a ho by his side... the Lita and Vickie thing may have permanently put him in that position.
I think that it could be coming to and end because of the draft with Edge on SmackDown! but we also have John Cena and The Big Show on RAW with Vickie Guerrero as the GM and Chavo Guerrero. The stipulation for the World Heavyweight Championship match at WrestleMania was that whoever won the match, also won the heart of Vickie Guerrero. Now, I think that Edge and Vickie is over, but Vickie and The Big Show is going to start up soon. I haven't watched RAW since WrestleMania but it's possible that Vickie will be with The Big Show to try and get the title off of Cena, unless Edge steals the title and takes it back to SmackDown! at Backlash.

So Edge and Vickie is over, but we might just be in the early stages of Vickie and The Big Show on RAW.
I'm not sure how long this angles been going on but I think it has overstayed its welcome.It was good for a while but I dont know where else they can go with it. I bet it will continue, but I would love to see Edge move on to something different even if that means just not having to run to Vickie every minute, because it was pretty annoying having her awful acting in every promo at least 2 times a show on smackdown. I can't deny she got alot of heat,and that she will be good at the GM role on RAW but I think it just time for this storyline to be finished.
I'm going to echo the masses... But there's just one little snag.

I hate the idea of Vicky being GM or Raw. I just don't find her that entertaining. Even as a heel, her cheap heat wasn't even true heat. It was just annoying to hear her speak. She pulls about as many "Adamles" as.... Well, Adamle himself. It seems like at this point she is acting neither heel nor face. I would much rather have Teddy Long as GM of Raw. Alas, Vicky is on Raw, there's not too much we can do about it.

As for Edge... I like the idea of a stag Edge. But I also feel that Edge's character does need some type of woman at his side. He's the Rated R Superstar. Sex and Violence, right? (well, as much as the WWE's PG rating will allow, right?) Pair him up with some tawdry scrumpet. Perhaps place Alicia Fox on his arm? It just adds to the idea of the womanizing God of Sex and Violence. Remember what Mick Foley said to Edge on his way out of the WWE? We need to see that Edge. Because unless we see that Edge, our Friday nights will be far more boring. Sex and Violence. Those are the keys to an entertaining Edge.
I'm going to echo the masses... But there's just one little snag.

I hate the idea of Vicky being GM or Raw. I just don't find her that entertaining. Even as a heel, her cheap heat wasn't even true heat. It was just annoying to hear her speak. She pulls about as many "Adamles" as.... Well, Adamle himself. It seems like at this point she is acting neither heel nor face. I would much rather have Teddy Long as GM of Raw. Alas, Vicky is on Raw, there's not too much we can do about it.

As for Edge... I like the idea of a stag Edge. But I also feel that Edge's character does need some type of woman at his side. He's the Rated R Superstar. Sex and Violence, right? (well, as much as the WWE's PG rating will allow, right?) Pair him up with some tawdry scrumpet. Perhaps place Alicia Fox on his arm? It just adds to the idea of the womanizing God of Sex and Violence. Remember what Mick Foley said to Edge on his way out of the WWE? We need to see that Edge. Because unless we see that Edge, our Friday nights will be far more boring. Sex and Violence. Those are the keys to an entertaining Edge.

Yeah i get what you're saying, but i'd really love to see a loner Edge, even if just for 6months. Then he can get another ho, or he could even stay married to Vicki and bring it up when he's on Raw or something but they dont need her in every promo he does and vice versa. Edge isn't quite stale yet but this storyline is beyond stale, its disintergating into the earth it's so old.

Something new would be great, and a heel Edge that can win cleanly for a while... That would be some good shit!!
Edge will probably be on both shows since he's feuding with Cena whose on RAW. As well, Cena will be on both shows since he is feuding with Edge. Once their run is over, Edge will probably go back to Smackdown. Remember Raw technically has two World Champions right now so take that for what its worth (hint hint) going into Backlash. Also with Vicki on RAW I would think Edge would also occasionally show up since everyone shows up on other shows as well. So no, until they split them up on TV Edge and Vicki are not over. Sry! I want it to end too though!
Edge won't win at Backlash, if he does he will drop it next PPV in Chicago to Punk. It's been said that he is taking time off very very soon so i doubt they will give him another meaningless reign... then again...

I dont think Cena and Edge will go past Backlash though, it'll end there.

I hope it's over, they can still have random promos etc together, just more like what HHH and Steph were kind of like, you know like you forget they're together until they appear together. It'll be good for her as well if the split or at least go their seperate ways for a while....
Yeah i think Big Show and Vickie will start a relationship and Edge will be a loner for a while which in my opinion would be the best option (even though the very best option would be firing Vickie). However I think there might be a chance of Edge and Alicia Fox (who was drafted 2 Smackdown) getting together. Remember like a year ago when Alicia was Edge and Vickie's wedding planner and HHH gave Vickie the vid of Edge and Alicia making out? That started the whole " Edge gets put in a HITC match with Taker and he goes insane and Taker sends him 2 Hell" storyline. But I am not sure if Edge and Alicia will be paired up. Especially because its rumored that Edge is taking time off soon.
this is the best thing for edge , i think that vicky on raw is really brilliant and she is one of the best gms as a heel to really get under your skin and all she has to say is excuse me and it feels like nails on a chalk board. im hoping that this gives edge the chance to change his character a lil bit and be more of a face and see where this will go dont get me wrong i like him as a heel but i want to see how he would do as a face also
I certainly hope the Edge/Vickie soap opera is over. I mean, if you just have to put soaps on wrestling shows, why not at least make them watchable, I won't say make them good, because that would be asking too much, but for God's sake, at least semi-decent. I found the whole thing worthy of being a Jerry Springer reject show, yet I had to endure it with my trusty barf bucket by my side just to see what matches came out of that abortion. Please, no more, let Edge go out and make his own path.

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