Edge V. Randy Orton: Lost Potential?

Dragon Chief

Exodus 3:14
Edge and Randy Orton are arguably the two biggest heels from the PG Era, from their days feuding with John Cena to forming a team together known as Rated RKO, they had great chemistry together and had great matches in the past before their primes (2004). Much like with most alliances made with two major stars, they were bound to split up, laying the ground work for a match together. Back in 2007, WWE was teasing a match between Edge and Randy Orton at WrestleMania 23, which could have been great had it occurred but for whatever reason it never happened. Fast forward three years later and the reformation of Rated RKO was offered by Edge to Orton but Orton declined, setting up another potentially great feud between the two stars, however their match at Over the Limit failed to meet expectations due to Randy Orton's injury and once again the feud between these stars was nixed.

The question is, do you as a fan feel that Edge and Randy Orton could have had a great rivalry together? Are you as a fan disappointed that these two wrestlers have never had a memorable match against each other in their primes?
This could have been a very good feud when they initially split up in 2007 and I would have liked to see them in a Wrestlemania 23 match. Rated RKO was a big deal in during the fall 2006 semester and then when they split up in early 2007 it basically went nowhere. Both of them were evil heels at the time and usually I am not interested in heel VS heel feuds, although it would have worked here. Orton could not have turned as it would have deprived us of his excellent heel run including the Age of Orton WWE Championship reign. Edge would have been the one to turn if at this time if one of them had to, but I'd have kept them both heels. Edge could then have still gone to Smackdown after cashing in Money In the Bank on Undertaker. The 2010 feud was good but nowhere near the potential that a 2007 feud following a Rated RKO split could have had.
Something should have probably happened after Rated RKO. They were both in a MITB match at the following WM which is a clear waste. I'm not sure if plans changed after Triple H got injured - maybe one would have faced him- but they were wasted on this particular night. WM23 wasn't bad but could have been better. They were tag champs together and that would have been a good opportunity for a team to turn on each other.

These two never had a big singles match which is odd. Two top guys that had plenty of World Title runs and it would have made sense for them to face off. Edge was a great heel and Orton was, at times, an over babyface; it made sense. Not just WM23 but in the years after: should have had a few big matches and it was a lost opportunity.
I think Edge is a guy fans love to hate and Orton is a guy fans hate to love (unless he is a heel) so even if one turns face it would be hard for fans to back them up.

There's also a few problems I see in terms of their chemistry. Orton and Edge are both average talkers but a solid in ring workers but lack the contrast in styles that makes a great match. So you would have some so-so promos with average matches. I recall that Vengeance 2004 match for the IC Title, Orton and Edge had a pretty long match but it was also pretty dull, JR tried to sell as a great match up it but it didn't work and no one was buying it.
I think Edge is a guy fans love to hate and Orton is a guy fans hate to love (unless he is a heel) so even if one turns face it would be hard for fans to back them up.

There's also a few problems I see in terms of their chemistry. Orton and Edge are both average talkers but a solid in ring workers but lack the contrast in styles that makes a great match. So you would have some so-so promos with average matches. I recall that Vengeance 2004 match for the IC Title, Orton and Edge had a pretty long match but it was also pretty dull, JR tried to sell as a great match up it but it didn't work and no one was buying it.

Edge was more than fine on the mic. I could see it working either way with either one of them being the face or heel. This match should have headlined a WrestleMania. Definitely lost potential.

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