Edge Returning By Survivor Series: Thoughts?

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
So, it would appear, according to WrestleZone.com anyway, that the Rated R Superstar and former World Heavyweight Champion Adam "Edge" Copeland will be returning soon. It's also apparent that he is going straight back into the World Heavyweight Title scene.

All I can say is... I hope so. The SmackDown! Title scene is stale as Slyfox now and I'd personally love to see Edge eliminate Batista and Khali from the title scene. Maybe he could embark on a feud with Mysterio, it'd be fairly interesting, if not exactly amazing. The best thing to happen (maybe after the Mysterio feud) would be for The Undertaker to chase Edge for the title into WrestleMania, I think that'd be enjoyable for most wrestling fans.
Edge/Undertaker at Mania would be excellent.

1. It would be a GREAT main event for WM24.
2. Both are undefeated at Mania.
3. Both have the ability to steal the show.

Edge just has that IT factor in him. He makes the show that much better.
Yes. Even though hes been gone for only 4 months SD! Has been fricken terrible since he left. And Edge/Taker could have potential to be one of the greatest WM matches ever.
All I can say is... I hope so. The SmackDown! Title scene is stale as Slyfox now and I'd personally love to see Edge eliminate Batista and Khali from the title scene.

this is gonna be huge isnt it thsi would be the best thing in wrestling. Edge comes back strong by destroying Khali and Batista conchairtos everywhere, and the number one heel in the company(not Orton) holding the World Heavyweight title again. Smackdown is going to finally become watchable again because lately ive watched Mvp and just turned off the Tv.
First of all, how could you turn off the TV when the BEST talent right now (besides Taker) is performing?

Edge returning is great news for the WWE right now, as the brand's "top" heel (Khali) is really getting out of the picture by Batista, who I have to accept, has been improving his game a lot. This means that Edge could eventually restart his feud vs Batista at some point.


Undertaker seems to be looking that title no matter what, and this means in English: Wrestlemania 24 main event.

it's a inevitable match, which it better happens now when Taker still "got it".

I'm looking forward to see Edge and MVP in the same team at SS, along with Khali and Henry I guess. (vs Taker, Kane, Batista and Matt Hardy, sounds good, uh?)

I also smell a Triple threat match between Edge, Taker and Batista for the belt before the rumble, with edge getting the strap, leading to the anticipated WM match vs Taker.
I'm excited that Edge coudl be returning at Survivor Series.
He's one of my favorite wrestlers. He has great ability, great mic work and makes an effective heel. He makes his opponets look good.
Smackdown as a whole needs him to return to stir things up.
I hopw he doesn't return face, that often seems to happen when guys go out injured. Smackdown needs him as a heel.
There's so much speculation about Jericho returning and being on RAW wouldn't it be cool if Jericho went to Smackdown nstead and feuded with Edge? That would be a huge ratings boost and make Smackdown exciting again.

The prospect of Edge vvs Take at WM also sounds likea n awesome match.
Edge will definatly help SD! ratings. His promos are gold and he is great in the ring. Edge was one of the reasons I tuned into SD! when he was champ. I hope he goes to the title scene right away as it aparantly is on life support. Then he can start a feud with 'Taker til WM, where they will steal the show.
Edge returning will probably be the best thing that's happened to WWE in a while, he is one of he best heel's on the roster and can do everything, i would although like to see WWE use his hardcore side, i would like to see him do a hardcore match or hell in a cell against taker at mania, maybe even a casket match?

Edge is awesome and is very good talent.
I can't wait for Edge to return to Smackdown, it'll be a big boost to WWE and it'll make me actually want to watch Smackdown again. Edge is by far the best talent on Smackdown without a doubt. Undertaker vs Edge for the strap at WM would be amazing, both undefeated at WM in a HIAC match would be just insane. I personally would love to see Edge beat Taker at WM ending his streak, that would put him that much more over and WWE would be saying that Edge is their guy. Do I think it'll happen...no I doubt it, as I'm sure WWE will let the old man Taker win it and keep his legacy intact.
PUMPED. Edge puts SmackDown! over the top and he belongs there and the World Heavyweight Championship belongs with him. This site also said that he'll be returning to the World title picture immediately so that elaborates on his importance to SmackDown!.
great news, smackdown has been poor lately but everybody has already said this, edge returns but i dont think he will beat batista straight away for the title, but if it is edge vs. undertaker at wrestlemania which will be a good thing, who will batista face? edge, chris jericho and shawn michaels returning are the best things happening in wwe right now, they are the 3 saviours of the wwe
Dang i mean every one whos returning will make wwe real better because john cena used to be in all the main events and so did batista now batista and new wwe champion randy orton has new heels to face. Both Raw and SD! will have better ratings
One thing I was just thinking about and it might be a pretty good thing would be to move Batista to Raw and have Jericho come to Smackdown when he arrives. This way Batista could really feud with HHH and turn HHH heel since we all enjoy him as a heel much more. HBK and Orton could have their feud with regretably Cena waiting in the wings for his return. Kennedy could be a heel against HBK or a face against Orton eventually. On the Smackdown end of things Edge and Taker have their feud and Jericho feuds with MVP. Once Edge and Jericho end their feuds then they go at one another. I mean this may or may not be a good idea, it just came to mind right now...hell I may read this over later and totally be against the idea lol.
Personally I will love to see Edge back in action. SD could really use him right now. And someone made a comment in this thread... I apologize I can't remember who right now... About an Edge/Taker match for WM 24. I too agree with you and think that would be a great main event. But because it's something the fans would LOVE to see... I doubt WWE would even consider it as what the fans seem to want the writers disregard. Back back on topic, I hope Edge comes back By SSeries... Only if he's a 100% though. I'd hate for them to be rushing him back to early and end up with Cena's injury.
EDGE is one of the best heels in the WWE, and i believe that he will carry the smackdown brand on his shoulders with ray, undertaker, and hopefully mvp and hardy, im leaving bortista out of this as i dont believe he should be anywhere near the world title, if he was on raw he would probably be jobbing to triple h and all the other world title guys
Y2J Needs to come to save Smackdown,but depending on tonight's RAW rating, he probably wont, unless this weeks RAW gets like a 3.3 or higher, no chance for Jericho to SD!, because then RAW would need all the help they can get, then Jericho and Cena can have a loser leaves RAW match, one of them loses and heads to SD! once Edge gets back, and IF SD! writers get off their asses and make some good feuds, SD! will be riding high...
These feuds would work with Edge as champion and would add freshness to Smackdown!:

Edge vs. Mysterio-Former friends and tag team champions feuding
Edge vs. Kane-We remember their rivarlies with Lita
Edge vs. Matt Hardy-Matt was a possibility to win the Rumble when Edge was WHC, but was changed

Edge vs. Undertaker-Probabily the most creative storyline
Edge vs. Finlay or MVP-Finlay has always been put over every time he gets close to the WHC.

Edge vs. Lashley-They could move Lashley back to SD and start a new feud where these two have had no history except on ECW when Orton/Edge began to break up where Edge had Orton face Lashley.

Edge vs. Batista-This is the worst on the list, so I hope they don't do this, Batista needs something fresh, maybe chase MVP in the US, or go for the tag titles.

Edge vs. Ric Flair-Edge as champ, Flair wins Rumble, goes on to WM24 and beats Edge and retires with the belt.

Edge vs. Khali

Just so many options with Edge, he is the best heel besides Orton and could create some big time feuds. He carried Cena, HHH, RVD in their title runs and when he beat them.
I don't know, I used to like Edge when he and Christian were a tag team. And he was good when he first went solo, but I just can't take to his extremely over the top agression he does when he's talking. It's like when Christian used to kick around on the floor like a child.
However he is a quality wrestler with good moves and is good with the crowd as either a heel or a face. He was definitely the best heel before he got injured and he will boost the smackdown show a lot.
But I don't think he should go straight back into the title scene. I'm salivating over the Batista v Undertaker as it didn't really get going last time and possibly throw Khali in as well. Once that is over Edge should come in and fight whoever is champ.
These feuds would work with Edge as champion and would add freshness to Smackdown!:

Edge vs. Mysterio-Former friends and tag team champions feuding

Edge vs. Undertaker-Probabily the most creative storyline

Edge vs. Ric Flair-Edge as champ, Flair wins Rumble, goes on to WM24 and beats Edge and retires with the belt.

As soon as he can make a return the better. I would be interested to see these feuds in smackdown. Specially the last one with Flair and Flair retires with the belt. That's the best. But buttom line, anything is better than Batista vs Khali. The prison match was just horrible to watch. They should just drop the damn "Bunjab prison match" that I don't have to see it ever again! Edge would bring the spark back to SD and if JBL returns, even better!
Edge coming back is a blessing on the SmackDown! kingdom he could be involved in so many fueds but before i get to that I am just extatic that he is returning he has great fueds he even made batista look good, I can just think, anyone he has conflict with will look good the great kahli, batista he'd actually make them look good thats why if WWE wants ratings i hope they see the light and go with Undertaker VS Edge they could do so many good things heres little ideas

Breif Story Idea: Undertaker is involved in some kind of title match at Survivor Series edge spoils it with a spear and undertaker loses the title later that week edge wins a number one contenders match and becomes world Heavywieght champ undertaker is furious and completly destroys edge, edge has realised what he's done and runs scared.... ect later edge attacks undertaker during a match/from behind or what ever and gets the upper hand taker then gets up and destroys edge... and so on

do you see where i'm going with this its the whole mind games scenario that i never seem to get tierd of seeing because the deadman always has a knew bag of tricks
I'll be glad when Edge returns. Personally I hope he doesn't wrestle at Survivor Series though. I want to see a Cutting Edge segment.

In my opinion this would be the perfect time to re-debut Jericho. Imagine the pop. Edge is interviewing himself. And talking about his long hard road to recovery. You then have Jericho's countdown. It would be awesome. It would also start a feud wich would benefit both. Both can work but Edge might be a bit cautious having just come back from an injury, and Jericho will have ring rust.
I am so psyched for Edge coming back. We all know that he's getting the WHC when he gets back. The only thing I don't like is that he's going to take it from Batista. To be honest, I really don't think Batista should have won the title back at all. I think Rey Mysterio should have won it at Unforgiven. It really would have made the most sense:
1. Rey Mysterio is the most over superstar on SD!, second maybe ONLY to the Undertaker. But Taker couldn't get the title back cuz he was returning to finish his fued with Mark Henry. PLUS Taker's getting his Main Event match with Edge (don't argue, we all know it's gonna happen) at WM.
2. The 619 gets one more WHC run. Mysterio is the most decorated wrestler of his size, ever. Why not give him more title runs? Mick Foley got three that hardly count, but he's still remembered as a 3-time WWE Champion. Rey could make for the very rare GOOD transitional champion. Even if his reign only lasted until Edge returned, he would still be a 2-time WHC.
3. Edge vs. Rey Mysterio would be a match we have never seen. Both these men are proven draws in the main event. Plus, they two of the top five best overall wrestlers in WWE, along with Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, and Finlay. They could put on a great match so long as management booked it properly and make it look like Rey has a real shot at retaining.
4. Batista would be out of the title picture for awhile. Batista could continue fueding with Khali, and then move on to his "long-awaited" confrontation with Mark Henry. Meanwhile. Edge would wrestle Mysterio, then Kane (because he was supposed to get his one-on-one shot for the title at GAB) then MAYBE Matt Hardy, and then start his WM fued with the Undertaker. The way I see it, we wouldn't have to see Batista in a WHC match until at least April, unless you were to use him in something like a Fatal 4-way or Elmination Chamber.

By throwing Edge back into the WHC title, you not only open up possibilities for new and exciting WHC matches, but you free up some of the other talent to engage in upper-midcard matches, thereby improving the quality of SD!, while at the same time, limiting the number of times we have to watch Shannon Moore wrestle all the while cringing whenever it appears as if he's going to gouge out Jamie Noble's eye with his hair.
Nuff said. rant over. I'm outta here.
I think Edge returning is a great thing for smackdown and the wwe in general. He is one of the top heel in the wwe and he could really help the ratings. Edge is gold on the mic and his matches are pretty good. I can see him either coming back beat Batista than feud with Taker til' wrestlemania where taker wins or the other way around let taker beat Batista than have edge vs. taker @ wrestlemania and let Edge beat takers undefeated streak. That alone would make Edge the #1 heel in wwe for a long time.
Edge should rly return and become the champ again cause he deserved better then how he lost the title and is clearly better the batista

But theres one thing confusing me, wats wit the chainsaw??

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