Eddie Fatu (Umaga) Passes Away

Some may say that they aren't shocked about wrestlers dying but in all honesty it is shocking a bit. Considering he just got back from a tour in Aussi and then all of sudden he isn't here; their something missing with that. I mean it just doesn't feel right and I've heard that he had some kind of drup problem which could be true but sometimes we don't hear or see how bad a situation until the person is gone and we get all the details even if is over the top at times.

When I first read the news on WZ I was like wow that can't be true until I finish reading everything I missed since yesterday news stuff. I didn't care for the character of Umaga but just like all of wwe's character you end up liking them or not. i did like what the guy has done in his return to WWE. I still remember when they first came in as 3 Minute Warning but I had my discomfort with the whole thing but grew to like it just like I did with the latest character as Umaga.

It's a shame its not with us because I would have liked to see him come back to WWE or TNA. He had so much more to give and I also thought maybe we will see Jamal and Rosey team once more in WWE or a run in TNA together. Unfortunetly we won't get that chance but I'll always have in heart as I play the TEW games or the wrestling games that he is in WWE video games.

He wasn't talent even though his early career he was little reckless but he learn to be a better wrestler and helpful person in the ring. If you watch old footage of him from back then and now you will be amaze as what he had done. Their was one more match idea I was hoping to see happen and that was him facing off against Samoa Joe one day. Another dream match won't happen but I can always picture on who may come out victirous between the two. He will be missed deeply and it sucks!

Rest in peace my friend Eddie "Umaga" Fatu and my heart goes out to the entire family as well.

PS If there is drugs involved or not I just hope its another wake up call to all wrestling promotions to check on the health of their talents that they have and make sure there is nothing out of the ordinary that could cause them to injury them selves or die. There is no good reason why they don't try harder or find better ways to keep all talents healthy even if its a minor injury or a major one. Let them do what they need to get heal or better before it get worse and something worse could happen to them. Right now I'm talking about Rey injury which he should take time off even though he wants that pay check or just really wants to perform in the big stage which is WrestleMania. All I am saying he they need to try harder from past to present and future talents of wrestlers across the world. It just suck to see people go, sorry sounding crappy its my opinion.!
I am sad that Umaga died. I never found him all that interesting in the ring, but it is still really sad that this happened. One of my friends from TSU is related to him, I always thought that was cool. I will always remember Umaga's feuds with DX and Cena.... because they were entertaining.... as well as when he actually spoke this summer when he said there was goin to be a Samoan Strap Match or something, and everyone was shocked that he said normal words. Maybe they will show a cool video package of his past matches or something on Raw this week.
Wow, this has come as a really big shock, didn't expect him to go this early. Umaga was brilliant for his build, one of the most athletic super heavyweights I have ever seen, was a very talented wrestler. As many other's have said Cena and his Last Man Standing match was one of the best matches of 2007 and one of the be Last Man Standing matches I have ever seen. I also likes his Cage match with Jeff Hardy, that was a very entertaining match.

Eddie will be a sorely missed by alot of us im sure, my thoughts are with his friends and family. R.I.P Umaga
I am going to say it, but I really admired Umaga's in ring work. For a big guy he could move quite fast and I always enjoyed watching him wrestle. I genuinely mean that, not in a 'oh he's dead so I'll say good things about him' but in a genuine way. It is really sad that he died so young, it looks like it was drug problems, but still it's a big shame and a sad loss.

RIP Eddie Fatu you will be missed.
I was never a BIG fan of Umaga but I liked his ring ability and he always kept me interested, for such a big guy he was great I would have loved to see him in the main event more

RIP Umaga, enjoy that wrestling ring in the sky
Eddie "Umaga" Fatu was one of my favorite big men wrestlers. His speed and agility in the ring for a man is size was superior and his strength was incredible. I liked his style and I always loved his squash matches. His were always unique. The crowd was always hot and everyone cheered when he would hit his opponent with the samoan spike. The frenzy he would go into during his matches were so awesome to see, that you'd actually laugh because you would be entertained by his destruction he left in the ring.

His title feud with John Cena was great and he looked so strong and tough after that program. He had many great matches and was a good talent. Whatever the cause of death, it's still a sad thing to hear when someone dies, especially when he was so young. Rest in peace Eddie. We love you and our prayers go out to your friends and family. The Samoan Bulldozer will never be forgotten!
RIP Eddie. THat's the second wrestler named Eddie Mr. Kennedy have faced just prior to their death. An unfortunate honour I'm sure.

My favourite Umaga moment was when he even beat Ric Flair.
A great big man wrestler, he was always fun to watch.

His feud with Cena was a personal favorite of mine, I also enjoyed the stuff he did with Jeff Hardy, Triple H, and the short face turn he had.

RIP Umaga.
I was (and still am) extremely sad to hear about this when I went to this other website for wrestling news. Umaga was a great wrestlers I think. He had some really good matches and I loved watching him. Unfortunately, he had to use those damn drugs and ended up being released…and now he‘s dead. All I know is that he hard two heart attacks, but I don‘t know if he‘s death was drug related or not.

Reports said that he was in great spirits during the Hulkamania tour and it’s shocking to now know he’s dead when he was doing great less than a week ago.

I think (and wish) they (WWE) could have done a lot more with him but I understand why they didn’t. My condolences go out to his family and friends. May he rest in peace.
I wasn't his biggest fan by any means, so I won't act like I was, but this guy did have my respect.

For 2 reasons, really. Of course, the John Cena/Umaga match was one of them. In my opinion, that's a top 5 'Best WWE Championship' match this decade. It was just spectacular.

However, there is this one MLW DVD I have, where Fatu participates in a six-man-tag match. One of his opponents was Matt Striker, of all people, and let me tell you... there was a spot in this match that still makes me mark out to this day whenever I watch it. When I say Fatu killed Striker, you would have thought that if you had seen the spot I'm talking about. Fatu had set-up a table far back outside the ring, laid Strikers ass on it, went to the top rope, and did this huge splash to the floor. It doesn't sound like much reading what I'm saying, but if you saw how far that jump was for a man Fatu size, and how high Fatu got up, then you would agree with me. It was incredible. That spot also made me earn respect for Striker for taking it.

Anyway, those are my two favorite memories from the dude. Outside the ring, I don't know much about him. A lot of his co-workers seemed to have respected him deeply, and I've read nothing but great stories about him, so I assume he was a pretty decent guy. It's a shame he had to die so early. But at least he was able to leave that match with Cena before leaving this Earth, because that match will surely live on forever.

R.I.P. Eddie Fatu.

This man was a fairly decent big man wrestler. I loved his work as Umaga and his work as Jamal in 3 Minute Warning. Some of my favorite moments of his include the WWE title match against John Cena, that was an excellent match. That splash that he missed on Cena through the announce table was sweet.

He will be forever missed and I was hoping someday he would return to the WWE. Guess we'll never know what was ahead for him.
RIP Eddie Fatu

He was definatly one of the most interesting supserstars this decade. And I can't believe that he passed away so suddenly.
He was unbelievably fast for his size and really entertaining. He was not my favorite, but he never annoyed me. His matches were great and I will never forget him as a wrestler

Strenght to the family and friends
I'm going to stop liking wrestlers, they all die. I was surprised at this, for his size he was very athletic and I really enjoyed watching him, especially when he was compared to the other 'big' athlete at the time, The Great Khali. I hadn't seen anything from Umaga since he left the WWE, so I'm unsure as to what could have changed so much in the time period. Has this being confirmed as drugs related? I hope not, pro-wrestling gets way too much bad press for things like that.

R.I.P Umaga.
I was very disappointed that WWE didn't have the class to at least show a "In Memory" screen at the start of Raw for Eddie Fatu. While I do give them credit for acknowledging it on their website, the deaths of prolific wrestlers have almost always at least been given a 5 second graphic at the start of the program. I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt for Friday's smackdown, as there was almost no time to prepare before it aired. But they clearly made the decision not to do the right thing with tonight's live show, which is just pathetic.
I blame Hulk Hogan for this one. His last match was on the Hulkamania tour, so Vince, just to be Vince, decided he wasn't worthy of a mention. A real class act on the part of the WWE.
I was surprised to that Umaga didn't get some kind of video or caption on Raw. I mean didn't Test at least get a mention on Raw when he died back in March? and he wasn't employed by WWE anymore either. I know they posted it on their website, but you would think they would take at least 5 seconds to stop plugging mindless DX/Hornswoggle gibberish to give respect to a fallen superstar.

It's pathetic when Sheamus and the fake Jamie Noble retirement gets more attention on Raw then Eddie Fatu does.
i could not believe it either when i turned on my laptop and came to wz and saw his pic, and that he passed away, i always had respect for all samoan wrestlers, because of how big they are, and how light on their feet they are, it was sad that raw didn't do anything, good to see y2j with the armband, which i think he was the only one with it on the show, should have been more with it on
This is fucking terrible. I just found out today. I thought he was one of the best big man around, and could move well for a big guy. Wow... RIP Umaga.
Oh god, it gets even more tragic...

- Eddie "Umaga" Fatu was set to return to WWE by the end of the year or early 2010, reports The Sun.

WWE officials confirmed to The Sun that Fatu would have been back on the roster had he passed a screening test. Fatu only had two strikes on his record when he was released by WWE this past June after refusing to enter a rehabilitation center following his second violation of the company's drug testing policy. Had he returned to the company, his previous two offenses would have remained.

In October, Umaga told colleagues that he was speaking to WWE about returning to the company. This was the reason he gave for pulling out of a previously scheduled 'shoot' interview filming.

Figure Four Weekly's Bryan Alvarez also reports that Hulk Hogan wanted to bring Fatu to TNA following the 'Hulkamania' tour of Australia. However, he told people there was no way he was going to TNA and that he was heading back to WWE once the tour had commenced.

One WWE source said they expected him to return by the Royal Rumble providing he passed his screening test.

I was really hoping for an Umaga return down the line. Umaga always was one of my favorites, and as a surprise entrant in the Rumble, perhaps... I would have really marked out, as I'm sure a lot of people would have. Could you imagine him coming in and clearing the ring as his surprise return moment? That would have easily gotten him over as a top threat once again.

I'm really upset that drugs had such a huge role in his demise. If he had agreed to go to rehab, he'd probably still be entertaining us today. It's so sad that a guy who was by all accounts a really nice guy who was immensely talented is gone. Meanwhile, Jake the Snake continues to be the Keith Richards of the wrestling world.

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