ECW: Ways it can improve

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Soul Crusher

I'm sure everyone on this forum watched ECW on Sci-Fi last night. While it was an improvement over last week's episode, that isn't saying much considering that last week was one of the worst hours of televised wrestling in history (Zombie notwithstanding - push this guy already! Maybe he'd be better off on SmackDown! or Raw). The mats around the ring, the SmackDown! audience, boring entrance themes, too much reliance on WWE talent, too little time and so much of it wasted - ECW is a deeply flawed product right now and unless WWE makes some changes, I don't see it lasting past the end of its Sci-Fi deal. Here's some ways I think it can improve:

1. I know Vince McMahon doesn't like doing this because he thinks it will take viewers away from the PPV broadcasts, but how about some quality back-and-forth matches that can last 15 minutes or longer? The true spirit of ECW is giving everything you have and taking tons of punishment but still not quitting. It's not about Balls Mahoney tapping to John Cena in just 5 minutes or Justin Credible quitting against Kurt Angle in 2 minutes - there wasn't even a single weapon shot or big stunt in either of these matches! This would have never happened in the original ECW!

2. Surely ECW must be able to improve their themes. It's not like they haven't licensed themes in the past - it's been done for Edge (Alter Bridge's "Metalingus", Rob Zombie's "Never Gonna Stop"), the winners of the WWE Diva Search, Victoria (TATU's "All The Things She Said"), and many others. Sandman's theme sucks and Kurt Angle's new theme sounds like a friggin' Mannheim Steamroller song with all the synths, and a lot of the themes are toothless imitations of original songs (Tommy Dreamer, Balls Mahoney, FBI, etc.). Either reach into those deep pockets and license some themes, or get Jim Johnston to write some better ones.

3. Stop devoting so much time to worthless tarts. Who cares about this so-called "exhibitionist" Kelly? We're not all sexually deprived children or lonely older men, so why waste so much time on this? That five minutes that Kelly took up could have been added to the Sabu/Tony Mamaluke match (the best televised match on WWECW so far), or they could have even extended the match with Sandman and Macho Libre (who was pretty funny - they should move him to one of the other brands as well). Speaking of Sandman - couldn't he just go out there and take out Kelly? Imagine how over he would get from it!

4. Last and most importantly, give Paul Heyman 100% control of the ECW product. It fared pretty well in his hands and revolutionized professional wrestling, so why doesn't Vinnie Mac have faith in him to handle the product himself? Sorry Vinnie, but your take on ECW just isn't cutting it for those of us that were fans of the original ECW.

Any other suggestions as to how ECW can improve. Post them here, and maybe send them over to WWE's Feedback page. However, I have my doubts that the flawless Vinnie Mac will listen - after all, he's never made any mistakes in the past (*cough* XFL, *cough* The WWE Restaurant *cough*), right?
Do you guys realize that this is week two? Do you realize that it will take at least a few weeks for ECW to distance itself from the "cross-promotional" stuff? Did you think that after ONS2, the rebirth of ECW would not have WWE superstars involved? Let's be really real! There was no way that at the rebirth of ECW, ECW would be ECW in its heyday. Not with Stephanie lurking in the background. Yet, there are all these comments like somebody punched you guys in the stomaach or something. It's week two! They are feeling things out. They have to get past this WWE/ECW stuff in order to start feuds and push people. I hate the "ECW Vixen" thing, but what can I do?

About the seems like the themes are more important than the wrestling. Sure, I know that the themes were a part of the wrestlers. They kinda set the stage for what was about to happen, but I don't think the sky will fall if Sandman doesn't have "Enter Sandman". It would be nice, yes, but he's still Sandman. Getting all that music is costly(especially Enter Sandman). I think Vince sees it like, "Why pay these greedy bastardos when I can get another theme at a wholesale price." It's business. The fans want to rock with the old, but Vince wants to roll with the new. When does Vince care about the fans anyway? He does what is best for Vince.
So I say calm down. Give it time. What can you really do anyway? If some chick, who can't dance, gets ratings, that is all that is important. Vince, a fan is a fan. It doesn't matter if you were down with the original ECW. A butt in a seat is a butt in a seat.
Yea, I think they have Balls with a generic song for balls. But it it kind of has a simmilair drum beat and chords to Big Balls.
Zoltaire said:
Yea, I think they have Balls with a generic song for balls. But it it kind of has a simmilair drum beat and chords to Big Balls.

WWE likes doing that a lot. Tommy Dreamer's music is a blatant rip off "Man In The Box". And try as hard as you can not to chant "No Sleep Till Brooklyn!" when you hear the FBI theme - basically it sounds just like that song with the words taken out. You would think that they hired Jimmy Hart for theme writing - remember some of the rip-off jobs that he did? Completely copying "Smells Like Teen Spirit" for DDP's theme and the note-for-note rip-off of "Iron Man" for Vince Russo's theme? Either that, or Jim Johnston is getting lazy. Or they want songs that sound like the original themes but are too cheap to pay for them.
Umm,actually putting the focus on the ECW guys would be a start. I'm mean come on,RVD is your champion,yet he's getting second rate treatment.
I figured there would be involvement from WWE stars, but trying to draw the average WWE fan to ECW now isn't going to work. Those are two masters that cannot be served.

The issue about the crowd has been said time and again. If you want to draw new fans to ECW, draw them to ECW, not a WWE show with ECW wrestlers.

Also, after watching what they have done with the women last week and this week on Raw, just send Trish, Mickie, and Victoria to ECW. After the match Trish and Mickie had at WrestleMania and then backlash, coupled with the buildup, I was actually interested in the women's division. Since clearly the focus is on wet balloon contests, Torrie Wilson shoving her behind in someone's face, etc, just send the women that can actually wrestle to ECW. I'm all for a 3 way dance with Trish, Mickie, and Jazz. Also, for the shows that are at ECW strongholds, the crowd will actually appreciate what they do.

Most people complained about the Tommy Dreamer/Big Show thing, but I'm optimisitic that something will actually come of this. It also was a good sign that the cameras showed Dreamer getting up with a smile on his face after the "match" was over.

Finally, I'd like to see Edge and Lita in ECW. Should he win at Vengeance, it would be a nice swerve for him to not show up at Raw the following night and appear on the ECW show again. On the Smackdown before ONS, when Michael Cole told Heyman he was 1 for 2 in getting talent, Heyman told him he didn't know who else he had offered a contract to. The only drawback I see is this might justify having John Cena continue to show up to ECW shows.
See as much as I wasn't for seeing WWE guys in ECW. I like the Big Show there and how they are using him. I love Tommy Dreamer, even way back when he was a pretty boy and feuding with The Sandman. When Big Show destroied him I thought it was a great move by the writers. He is a 7 foot 500lbs guy for fuck sakes. No one should be able to take the guy, except for people close to his size. It sucks to see him destroy the old school guys, but come on, you know Paul would of done it.
Seems to me like they're giving Sabu a big push. Vince seems to have taken a shine to him. Rvd is being given some love too, and he'll likely be the ECW champion for a while. Angle is being pushed as the new Taz. I think they are trying to set up some sort of angle between Big Show and Tommy Dreamer. That could be interesting. With guys like Test and CM Punk coming in that also gives the writers some more options.
Zoltaire said:
Seems to me like they're giving Sabu a big push. Vince seems to have taken a shine to him. Rvd is being given some love too, and he'll likely be the ECW champion for a while. Angle is being pushed as the new Taz. I think they are trying to set up some sort of angle between Big Show and Tommy Dreamer. That could be interesting. With guys like Test and CM Punk coming in that also gives the writers some more options.
I feel you on that. I think this whole Tommy Dreamer/Big Show thing will push the Tommy over with this new crowd. I see Dreamer taking a lot of hardcore damage from Big Show in some classic matches in upcoming PPV's. At least, that's what I'd like to see... but not just Big Show throwing Dreamer off balconies onto tables though.. it's gotta be fair.

Why not make Dreamer a more hardcore Giant Killer... one like we've never seen before...
It is simple, get Vince away from any involvement in ECW and let Paul Heyman do what he does. Make the show two hours and devlop a roster.
Governmentuser85 said:
And dont let Jeff Jarret book himself as champ

Your funny and don't let Triple H kiss Vince's ass to get his 100th WWE/Heavyweight Title or suck Vice's D!@K to reform D-X
Governmentuser85 said:
Cause hes buff means he does roids? Your as bad as some yankee fans I talk to at the Sox forum.

When men take steriods they grow man boobs and you can't say he does not have man boobs!
gamehead said:
When men take steriods they grow man boobs and you can't say he does not have man boobs!

Dude everyone that works out has man boobs. That fat shit samoa joe has em. That guy that runs into people in tna for his finsher has em. Doesnt mean they do roids. Lurger had them,hogan had them. Plenty of people did.
Governmentuser85 said:
Dude everyone that works out has man boobs. That fat shit samoa joe has em. That guy that runs into people in tna for his finsher has em. Doesnt mean they do roids. Lurger had them,hogan had them. Plenty of people did.

Samoa Joe does have man boobs, Lex Luger has been arrested for having illicit controlled substances, including anabolic steroids, OxyContin, synthetic growth hormone, testosterone and Xanax so we know he takes steroids, and you know who also takes steroids VINCE MCMAHON. I not kiddin look at a photo of him when he was an announer and now.

PS Who were you talking about when you said "That guy that runs into people in tna for his finsher has em" cause I pretty sure the King of Wack Umaga has the same move.
Yea, I think they're setting Dreamer up to be the giantkiller he overcomes the odds by having a lot of heart and has some huge battles with the big show. I'd love to see a cage match or something come from that, I think Dreamer could make it a good match.
Zoltaire said:
Yea, I think they're setting Dreamer up to be the giantkiller he overcomes the odds by having a lot of heart and has some huge battles with the big show. I'd love to see a cage match or something come from that, I think Dreamer could make it a good match.

I hope so, but Show has destroyed Dreamer twice. Maybe Dreamer will have a chance if this match has no rules, but since this is at a Raw PPV, who knows? And by the way, I refuse to use the term "Extreme Rules" that WWE is pushing on us.
ECW needs to start from the beginning. They cant sign Raven, Rhyno etc. They need to move forward not back, certain things are gonna work and others wont. If you read the commentary of some of the stars like Joey styles it appears they're not gonna bullshit anyone they are being honest in their assessments of the 1st show.

Going back to the bingo halls aint gonna work, a smaller capacity will. ECW won the lottery so why they gonna go back to the bingo halls. If ECW in it's hey day where rich wouldn't Paul try to evolve the product. New stars need to be built and held back ones need to be repackaged. Paul is genius he asked for Big Show not Vince.

They should bring some WWE stars cos some of them aint working out on those shows. After the WWE/ECW angle they will branch off on their own. They need more wrestlers though and they need another belt for lower carders to chase. I like this rebirth it's not always gonna be pretty but nothing ever is
Agreed, I'll be happy when ECW gets another hour of tv time a week. A tag and TV type belt again, and fills out its roster. Although I am liking the guys that are being added right now. I think Test and CM Punk should be solid additions. I hope they get a better song for Sandman than that generic crap, I know it won't be enter sandman but he needs..something for the sing a long that was half the fun.
I think it's pretty safe to say that we're never going to see Team 3-D / Dudley Boyz in an ECW ring agan either.

Team 3-D is currently in the midst of a battle with Vince McMahon over the rights to the "Dudley" name. Despite the fact that it was used long before McMahon had any involvement with ECW, he will not allow them to use the name outside of WWE, citing "business purposes" as the reason. Mind you, all three members of Team 3-D were fired from the company. He basically tried to screw them all. Can you blame them for being a little bit pissed off at Vinnie Mac? If I were one of them, I wouldn't re-sign either.
They need to go back to what made ECW what it was, They need to have a longer show, They need to keep Cena OFF THE SHOW and quit this stupid ECW vs RAW stuff. Keep ECW completely seperate and let them do what they can do.
The ECW format should be:

opening ten minutes, Heavyweight Division segment
Next twenty minutes: Video package of superstars, build secondary division
Next 15 minutes: Promo and/or squash match
Last fifteen minutes: Heavyweight ivision match or high mid-card match

Should be in TNA's format with some extreme and memorable moments throughout the show.
some good points in here, personallyi like whats happening with sabu at the moment he seems to have picked up directly where he left off and i thought his enterance into raw and the leg drop to cena thru the announce table was brilliant and brought back loads of memories of the crazy nutcase.
On another note id like to see certain wrestlers come back to ECW New Jack is a must hes done some of the craziest shit ive ever seen in a ring the scars on his head proove it, id also like to see mike awsome(with his over the top rope powerbombs to the outside thru a table head on),mikey wipwreck and tajiri double team, the dudleys, spike, raven and bam bam bigolow.
From the wwe stable i would like to see rey mysterio junior, Undertaker in his last ride mode could u imagine last rides thru tables and stuff would be bonkers and id like to see john cena i know everyone hates him in ECW but i reckon if he was pushed he'd benefit from it, he thrives on gettin a buzz from the crowd and the only way to get the crowd goin in ECW is by doin crazy shit.
As for Angle and Big show they need to up there game by gettin more extreme we need to get them some tools and get to action.
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