ECW Title to be retired?


Dark Match Winner
I was thinking it seems like the ECW title is just becoming less and less credible especially when it wasn't even on the Wrestlemania card.

Then i thought imagine if they had the ECW tile involved in the tommy dreamer storyline? And he finally wins it in his last match and the belt is retired with him.

Just a thought what does anyone else think?
The only way the ECW title would be retired is if the ECW brand stopped existing, and so far, there haven't been any rumblings about that yet. If they have an ECW brand, they need a title on it, so why would they move the US, IC, or another type of title on there instead of just keeping the ECW championship?

Plus, that's IF Dreamer actually wins it. Not set in stone that he'll walk out of the Extreme Rules ppv with the belt, even though its highly speculated as such.
If they did retire the belt i couldnt think of a better way to do it than with Dreamer.
And honestly what ties the WWECW to the old ECW other than Dreamer.

If you look at the ECW belt it does not even say EXTREME CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING anymore.
If they retired the ECW title and changed the name of the show, I wouldnt mind one bit.
The real ECW died in 2001 and it came back for one night in 2005.

They could make this show like the new superstars show and have the lower mid card guys on it. Sprinkle in a U.S. or tag title defence every now and then.
I was thinking it seems like the ECW title is just becoming less and less credible especially when it wasn't even on the Wrestlemania card.

Then i thought imagine if they had the ECW title involved in the tommy dreamer storyline? And he finally wins it in his last match and the belt is retired with him.

Just a thought what does anyone else think?

It could happen if they also retire the show too. Then they make some new show for their up and coming stars. I don't think they should because I like the current ECW for its current purpose. The only thing I would like WWE to do is retire the history of the original ECW Champs because it is nothing like the original. Even that won't happen, so you accept it.
They're not going to retire the belt or the show. We don't even know if they're retiring Tommy Dreamer. It is it's own show, and deserves it's own title. Everyone has come to accept that it is a mid-card title, but at least it has a top shelf name.

If you haven't seen it, check out Will's thread "Missed Television Opportunities". It's basically us saying that ECW would've been better off from the beginning just bringing in the ECW TV Title. It was bigger than the ECW Title, and with them bringing the show, and the belt back, strictly for RVD, they could've at least brought back the belt he never lost.
As long as they do not retire it with Swagger or some other young star and they retire it with Dreamer or RVD, it does not matter to me if it stays retired or active.

Honestly, I think it is good to have the ECW Championship/brand for the young and upcoming stars of the company, it worked for CM Punk, Kofi Kingston (somewhat), and its working for Jack Swagger and Evan Bourne as we speak.
I don't think they should retire the ecw champion because even though it may seem like it has no value it actually has the value of solidating wrestlers as mid carders. You can give the belt to some wrestler and it'll give them a push to a mid card wrestler. But really thats the only value it has besides representing ecw.
That's probably not going to happen.. the Dreamer storyline will be done just like Trish Stratus a few years ago. She won the women's title in her last match and the women's championship is still here. The ECW title won't retire either.
I dont think the will retire the title because to me it seems like this title is turning into what the ic title use to be or maybe thats just me thinking. but lets see some people who had the ecw title before and are making punk..look at where he is i think the used the ecw title to make him better. john morrison got a good push out of it but we know that wouldnt have happend with out the benoit thing going on but not saying he didnt deserve it but maybe that it was to soon. big show got and kane but really nothing happened to them but i think it added some popularity to the title. it gave matt hardy a push he needed as he seems to be getting the push he really needs on raw now. so then there would be mr all american him self and i think hes going to get a wwe title in the future. what yall think?

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