ECW Region, Kansas City Subregion, First Round: (12)Jeff Jarrett vs. (21)Dynamite Kid

Who wins this match?

  • Jeff Jarrett

  • Dynamite Kid

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Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This is a first round match in the ECW Region, Kansas City Subregion. It is a standard one on one match held under ECW Rules, meaning anything goes. It will be held at the Kemper Arena in Kansas City, Missouri.



#12. Jeff Jarrett



#21. Dynamite Kid

Polls will be open for three days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.
I'm going with Dynamite here, mostly because I refuse to accept Jeff Jarrett as a great wrestler. Jarrett was a glorified mid carder end of story. He won the WCW Title because for some reason Russo had a boner for him and him as top dog in TNA is for very obvious reasons. The only match Jarrett ever had that I would consider great was his IYH 2 match with HBK. Jeff is possibly the most overrated hack in wrestling history.

Dynamite had great success in Japan, great success in North America and is considered one of the greatest technical wrestlers of all time. Ive seen a number of Dynamite matches that were phenomenal not to mention he was part of one of the great tag teams in the British Bulldogs. Say whatever you want about Dynamite the person but between the ropes there is only a handful who were as technically sound and gifted as the Dynamite Kid were.

Dynamite wins on the fact that he has great skills and Jarrett is an overrated, self indulging waste of talent. As you can see I'm not being unbiased in this match. I just think Jarrett is useless.
This is the ECW bracket, so Jarrett has no ownership in the company, and Russo's not the booker, which makes a lot of Double-J's accomplishments useless in the argument.

Without politics leading the way this would be a struggle for Jeff. Dynamite Kid has a technical accumen and intensity Jeff can't match. He would wear Jarrett out for the majority of the contest. But...

Angle also had these same advantages over Jarrett and a lot of reason to hate him. That didn't stop Double-J from scoring multiple victories during their 2011 TNA feud. Jarrett is crafty and this is the ECW bracket. Dynamite Kid deserves to win, but I can't see it happening. I could see him stretching JJ a little though if he wasn't feeling Jarrett's cocky self important wanna-be Flair heel shtick.

Jarrett by guitar shot and pinfall.
This is the ECW bracket, so Jarrett has no ownership in the company, and Russo's not the booker, which makes a lot of Double-J's accomplishments useless in the argument.

Without politics leading the way this would be a struggle for Jeff.

Exactly the point without Russo to book him or being a owner in the company JJ is nothing more than a Decent mid-carder who struck lucky in WCW because Russo got there and thinks the sun shines out of his arse.

Dynamite had some of the best light heavy matches with Tiger Mask ever. He should be in the HOF with his tag team exploits and he could wrestle a great match. I would of loved to of seen him nowadays because the man was a machine.

Dyanmite to win in a intresting bout around the 18 min mark
Another thing to keep in mind here is that Dynamite was a legit tough guy who was known for roughing up opponents in the ring, for real. He was a very stiff, hard worker, while Jeff is known for being one of the "lightest hitting" wrestlers there is. BEings this is in the ECW region (meaning no rules), Dynamite would fit better under this environment than Jeff Jarrett would, unless he got a hold of his guitar, then he might have a shot.

Frankly Dynamite Kid beats Jeff Jarret on ever level as a pro wrestler except for championship wins. Plus, again, beings this match would be no DQ, no Countout, I think Dynamite would take it, hands down.
I don't have a problem with Double J and to me he was a believable high carder. Maybe he wasn't as skilled in ring as others but I considered him a good talker and a good heel in WCW. With that said Dynamite Kid is the superior athlete and wrestler. Just watch any match up with tiger mask and you'll see why Dynamite is under rated. He had a lot of bad injuries and is stuck to a wheelchair, but in his prime he was incredible.

Dynamite Kid wins with a flying headbutt.
Dynamite is faster, stronger, more athletic, and more aggresive. Dynamite may be better known as a tag team wrestler but he was an outstanding singles performer. I think Bret Hart called him the best in ring performer and Chris Benoit patterned his entire style after Dynamite. Early exit for Double J here.
Double J is the most overrated wrestler in the last 15 years. He was very limited in the ring, had a terrible finisher that could easily be reversed, and he just flat out didn't draw a dime during his prime.

Dynamite Kid could draw a house with the Bulldogs or by himself in Japan. He stood Toe to Toe with Stan Hansen for nearly a HALF HOUR and after about three Lariat's, was able to be pinned.

Double tough is better than not being tough at all, which gives this one to Dynamite Kid in a match that exposes Jarrett in many ways.
I'm going with Dynamite here, mostly because I refuse to accept Jeff Jarrett as a great wrestler. Jarrett was a glorified mid carder end of story. He won the WCW Title because for some reason Russo had a boner for him and him as top dog in TNA is for very obvious reasons. The only match Jarrett ever had that I would consider great was his IYH 2 match with HBK. Jeff is possibly the most overrated hack in wrestling history.

Yeah that's his career match imo. This is really decent as well, unfortunately it's kinda hurried for taking place in a one day tournament. Still, for a 10m match this is great. In both matches his control segments ruuulllleeessss though.

I mean I understand your point - Jarrett isn't amazing in the ring. He's certainly solid though, he does everything well, just doesn't stand out a mile from a crowd. He's a decent heat magnet, he's proven to be semi-over as a face (surprised by this) and he's had a very solid career. Very easy to carry as well.

Dynamite is amazing. Just amazing. I own a few compilation tapes of his and he's certainly one of my favourite workers ever. Jarrett isn't on that level, but we aren't voting through the most talented wrestlers here. If we were, Malenko would be going over Randy Orton too. He's not.

I'm not dismissing Dynamite here at all. I'm gonna leave my vote a while for this as I dunno which way to go, but where is this great success in North America? All i know of is tag titles and regional championships. In fact, despite being hugely talented, he never really accomplished anything outside of an amazing but brief WWF tagteam and putting the cruiserweight division on the map in Japan. Both big achievements - not huge in kayfabe.

Just wanna repeat - Dynamite is one of my favourites ever and I have no love for Jarrett other than his early WWF work when he shines on a weak roster. If anyone can explain how Dynamite goes over kayfabe, or why he has had a bigger career than Jeff Jarrett, it'd be appreciated. Right now I think this is the wrong result
I love Dynamite Kid but I had to go with Double J here. Jarret is more accomplished despite him owning his own company. Dynamite may be one of the 5 best workers ever in the business, Jarret was no slouch though and when put on a stage where he was set up to shine he did. His feud with Raven was epic and he and Kurt Angle had a series of pretty good matches not to mention their parking lot brawl. Dynamite just does not have the accomplishments to go over Jarret in a big time singles match in their primes.
Jeff Jarrett has won a ridiculous amount of world titles, but when you take away the ones that Vince Russo booked him to win while giving him a blowjob, or the ones he booked himself to win in his own company, or the worthless WWA title reigns...his resume of major title success looks a lot emptier.

Jarrett isnt a bad wrestler, he's actually pretty decent (although the guitar shots are way out of date), he just isn't a great wrestler. He is average, and a worthy midcarder.

Dynamite Kid was great. He is better than JJ is every single aspect of the business except mic work. He is more athletic, a better technical wrestler, he can fly and he was one tough son of a bitch. Dynamite was part of a great tag-team with Davey Boy Smith, he was the guy Chris Benoit based his entire style on, and its a damn shame he isnt wrestling today.

Jeff Jarrett isn't on Dynamite's level. Fuck all his world title reigns, they mean shit when you see how he won them.
Jeff Jarrett has won a ridiculous amount of world titles, but when you take away the ones that Vince Russo booked him to win while giving him a blowjob, or the ones he booked himself to win in his own company, or the worthless WWA title reigns...his resume of major title success looks a lot emptier.


:lmao: only in the WZ tournament.

"I mean YEA he won lots of world titles, but if you like....take away that he won them....then he didnt really win very many"

Still more than Dynamite Kid, a fucking tag team wrestler, did. The knob slobbing on Dynamite over the years has become unreal. He was at the pinnacle (albeit in a tag team) for how many years? 2? 3? An entire fucking COMPANY was built by and around Jeff Jarrett.

No one feels filthier for talking good about Jeff Jarrett, but my goodness people. Multi time world champ vs "the fast guy on a pretty good team that was around for a while"

(I invite some idiot smark to come jumping in talking about Japan and Stampede to make themselves feel smart, like it has any relevancy to what I just said. )
:lmao: only in the WZ tournament.

"I mean YEA he won lots of world titles, but if you like....take away that he won them....then he didnt really win very many"

Still more than Dynamite Kid, a fucking tag team wrestler, did. The knob slobbing on Dynamite over the years has become unreal. He was at the pinnacle (albeit in a tag team) for how many years? 2? 3? An entire fucking COMPANY was built by and around Jeff Jarrett.

No one feels filthier for talking good about Jeff Jarrett, but my goodness people. Multi time world champ vs "the fast guy on a pretty good team that was around for a while"

(I invite some idiot smark to come jumping in talking about Japan and Stampede to make themselves feel smart, like it has any relevancy to what I just said. )

Jeff Jarrett's title reigns were practically like nothing. Fact is, he held a WCW World title that had been passed around like a ditzy blonde at a frat party... only thing is Jarrett would marry that ditzy blonde and say she chose him out of all the others... please.

Dynamite Kid may not have had the singles success that Jarrett had, but he's a better wrestler and was never given anything. His potential was much better than he actually turned out to be, but Jarrett's so overrated that I wouldn't put him over hardly anyone except maybe Buff Bagwell. Maybe.

Jarrett had more bling, but go with blue collar, and go with the better wrestler.
Jeff Jarrett's title reigns were practically like nothing.

As opposed to Dynnamite Kid's, which were in fact ACTUALLY, nothing. As in, didnt exist.

Dynamite Kid may not have had the singles success that Jarrett had, but he's a better wrestler

This is based upon what, exactly?

His potential was much better than he actually turned out to be,

Potential is another word for "hasnt actually done anything". Glad we agree.
:lmao: only in the WZ tournament.

"I mean YEA he won lots of world titles, but if you like....take away that he won them....then he didnt really win very many"

Still more than Dynamite Kid, a fucking tag team wrestler, did. The knob slobbing on Dynamite over the years has become unreal. He was at the pinnacle (albeit in a tag team) for how many years? 2? 3? An entire fucking COMPANY was built by and around Jeff Jarrett.

No one feels filthier for talking good about Jeff Jarrett, but my goodness people. Multi time world champ vs "the fast guy on a pretty good team that was around for a while"

(I invite some idiot smark to come jumping in talking about Japan and Stampede to make themselves feel smart, like it has any relevancy to what I just said. )

This is the post you should read if you want to vote for the right thing.

Jarrett did a lot more as a singles wrestler, although Kid did have a few runs in the spotlight for example he did well at the Wrestling Classic and in Japan, but ultimately Jarrett achieved much more.

I have voted for Dynamite Kid, because I think when all is said and done, his in ring legacy will be greater. There will be more people who became wrestlers because of him. That's a weak argument constructed so that I'm not voting Jeff Jarrett over one of my favourites. If you are uncertain and unbiased, you should vote Jarrett.
Dynamite Kid was an innovator and inspired a young Chris Benoit into becoming a clone. It isn't a stretch to see what he could have achieved had the Bulldogs came along a decade later than they did. Some of my best memories of World of Sport Wrestling was his series with Marc 'Rollerball' Rocco.

Jeff Jarrett is to Ric Flair what Benoit is to the Kid. However, I feel he is extremely underrated here in the IWC. Okay, so Vince Russo gifted him many reigns in WCW but shouldn't we disregard many of Triple H's achievements if this is the case? Fact is JJ has held titles EVERYWHERE he has ever been, Russo can't have awarded him them all. While he didn't reach the top in the WWF, allegedly because of heat with top guy Austin, he was still the guy who held the IC Title the most times in the WWF until it was surpassed by former Undisputed World Champion Y2J in 2004 (he is still in tied 2nd place with RVD to this day). Yes, he may have founded TNA and pushed himself as it's top guy but, again, does he not deserve credit for creating a company that is now globally known? As far as his persona, I don't see why people mark him down here, I've always enjoyed him on the mic and Vince must have liked him well enough if he allowed him to hold the 2nd strap in his company for so long and, as recent as last year, he was getting great reviews for his mic and ring work with both Angle and Hardy.

Waxing lyrical about Tom Billington is nice - he was a phenomenal athlete (if a shit of a man) but facts are facts, Jeff Jarrett would be booked over him in North America every day of the week.
As opposed to Dynnamite Kid's, which were in fact ACTUALLY, nothing. As in, didnt exist.


This is based upon what, exactly?

On the era Dynamite wrestled, his influence on other wrestlers, and Jeff Jarrett just flat out being a terrible overall wrestler.

Potential is another word for "hasnt actually done anything". Glad we agree.

Comparing resume's, Jarrett's got Dynamite beat based on Jarrett never being in a long term tag team... which is where Dynamite got most of his success. When all is said and done, I'm biased toward Jarrett being awful, so I voted for anyone that has a shred of wrestling ability and drawing power, which is what Dynamite has.

I understand what you're saying. I just can't stand Jarrett that much and can make an argument why the majority of wrestlers should beat him in an actual wrestling match.
I struggle to think how low someone's opinion of Jarrett must be for someone to call him overrated. He's reviled by much of the wrestling community, largely because he was a world champion in the same era as the likes of Hogan, Sting, Austin, Rock, etc. but quite plainly isn't on the same tier as them. Booker T, it appears, hasn't been as unfortunate.

Jarrett, in my eyes, is underrated. Very capable on a microphone, more capable in the ring than most give him credit for, a very effective heel, and the creator of one of the funniest gimmicks in years with "Jeff Jarrett: MMA Enthusiast" (it was like if people recognised how stupid it is for The Undertaker to wear MMA gloves).

Still got to get round to reading Dynamite's book one of these days.

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