ECW: One Last Stand.wz


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
This is mostly for Show cards and any Roster additions I have. This is also for any Random questions any of you may have for me.

Card #1

Submission Match
'The Human Suplex Machine' Taz Vs 'Lion Heart' Chris Jericho

Triple Threat Ladder Match
(2 Contracts will be hanging above the ring. Whoever gets the contracts will get a World Television Championship match at Anarchy Rulz)
RVD Vs CM Punk VS a Mystery Opponent

Tag Team Match
The Dudleys Vs The FBI

Main Event
Tag Team Match
(Winning Team fights for the World Title at Anarchy Rulz)
Dreamer & Cactus Jack Vs Rhino & The Sandman​
For those that are wondering my show will be up by monday at the latest. With work and me wanting to get it as good as possible it has taken longer than expected. When the first show goes up it will be a week until the next show and a PPV after every 2 shows.
Show Card #2

To kick off the show Paul Heyman makes a decision on the controversial ending to the Triple Threat Ladder Match from last week.

Taz Vs 2 Cold Scorpio

Yoshihiro Tajiri W/ Mikey Whipwreck & The Sinister Minister Vs Balls Mahoney W/ Axl Rotten.

Main Event
Tommy Dreamer W/ The Sandman Vs Rhyno W/Cactus Jack​

Venue: Arsenal Stadium Highbury, London England

Theme: Anarchy in the UK The Sex Pistols

4-Way Dance for the ECW World Tag Team Championship
Dudley Boys Vs The Hardcore Chair Swingin' Freaks Vs The F.B.I. Vs The Unholy Alliance

Singles match for the ECW World Television Championship
RVD Vs CM Punk

Singles match
Rhyno Vs The Sandman

Singles match for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship
Tommy Dreamer Vs Cactus Jack​
There's more and that's all I'm going to say.

ALso there isn't 15 matches because I have a life outside writing this and these will take me a while as it is.
i love it. As an old school ecw fan i can really see were u are going its better then the real thing keep up the good work and one last thing. E-C-W E-C-W E-C-W.
Due to me only being able to get on WZ through my phone I'm gonna have to take a break until it get's fixed which will hopefully be later this week so hopefully Anarchy Rulz will only be a few days late. Sorry to everyone who was looking foward to reading it tommorrow

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