ECW on Spike TV!

Da Prophet

Mid-Card Championship Winner

In the 90's, we all saw a new era of wrestling. The era of Extreme, that era is back. A man named Paul Heyman, has struggled for years, and finally his dream will live again. After 2 years, of talking, 2 years of paper work. Heyman has signed a deal with Spike TV, for a one hour television deal. Each Wednesday Night, we will see Extreme Wrestling. But this wasn't the only battle he faced, after gaining the deal, Heyman took on Vince McMachon. Again he was able to win, Heyman has gained full rights to the name ECW.

Once Heyman had done this, he moved to finding talent for his roster. He went door to door, finding his original roster of ECW. Most of those guys have joined Heyman in his return. But the mastermind, went further, he has signed one of the biggest World Wrestling Entertainment had to offer. In what is a surprising "steal" by Heyman. He has signed Randy Orton. A man who was McMachons Champion. After backstage problems, began with other members of the roster. Randy Orton, left, thus giving Heyman the chance he needed. So The Viper will be making his debut with Extreme Championship Wrestling.

Heyman has announced the following Championships:

  • ECW Heavyweight Championship
  • ECW Television Champioship
  • ECW Tag Team Championship
  • FTW Heavyweight Championship*

Is not an actual Championship which ECW consider. Taz believes he should be ECW Champion, but doesn't want to earn it. So he has made his own title.

Extreme Championship Wrestling Roster

Randy Orton
Tommy Dreamer
Terry Funk
Stevie Richards
Rob Van Dam
Lance Storm
Bubba Dudley
D-Von Dudley
Spike Dudley
Steve Austin
Balls Mahoney
Al Snow
Justin Credible
Mikey Whipwreck
Super Crazy
Rey Mysterio

Tag Teams/ Stables
The Dudleys~ Bubba Ray, D-Von and Spike
Rey Mysterio and Sabu
The Flock~ Raven, ????
FTW~ Taz, Rhino, Sandman
Justin Credible and Mikey Whipwreck

Non Wrestling Staff
General Manager: Paul Heyman
Announer: Joey Styles
Ring Announcer: Justin Roberts

Pay Per Views

Guilty as Charged
Living Dangerously
Barely Legal
Hardcore Heaven*
One Night Stand
Heat Wave
Anarchy Rulz
Extreme Justice
November to Remember
Holiday Hell
Massacre on 34th Street

* This is the first PPV I will do.

Cycle will be two shows, and then a PPV.
Sounds good.
Like the roster, however, are 4 titles too many to be working around? Do you really need a T.V title?
Sounds good.
Like the roster, however, are 4 titles too many to be working around? Do you really need a T.V title?

Thanks, good to see somebody will be reading. I went with four titles because, I have ideas for the contenders and such. Plus the FTW Championship, will be used more as a storyline than an actual title.
Thanks, good to see somebody will be reading. I went with four titles because, I have ideas for the contenders and such. Plus the FTW Championship, will be used more as a storyline than an actual title.

Yeah, I'll be readin, don't worry.

I see, well looking forward to finding out what happens now!

First Episode of Extreme Championship Wrestling Card

ECW Heavyweight Championship
Three Way Dance
Raven vs Tommy Dreamer vs Steve Austin

Singles Match
Randy Orton vs Taz

Tag Match
The Dudleys vs Sabu and Rey Mysterio

Paul Heyman Speech
Mr Heyman will address the fans, and talk about the signing of Randy Orton.

First Episode of Extreme Championship Wrestling Card

ECW Heavyweight Championship
Three Way Dance
Raven vs Tommy Dreamer vs Steve Austin

Singles Match
Randy Orton vs Taz

Tag Match
The Dudleys vs Sabu and Rey Mysterio

Paul Heyman Speech
Mr Heyman will address the fans, and talk about the signing of Randy Orton.

My Predictions

Three Way Dance
Steve Austin def. Raven & Tommy Dreamer

Singles Match
Randy Orton def. Taz

Tag Match
The Dudleys def. Sabu & Mysterio

Paul Heyman Speech
Heyman will make his speech about Orton, but go wrong somewhere, leading to Orton coming out and delivering an RKO to Heyman.

Second Episode of Extreme Championship Wrestling

Main Event
Raven vs Randy Orton

ECW Television Championship Match
Rob Van Dam vs Lance Storm vs Al Snow vs Terry Funk

Tag Team Match
Justin Credible and Mikey Whipwreck vs The Dudleys

Extreme Rules Match
Steve Austin vs Balls Mahoney
ECW Presents: Hardcore Heaven

Main Event
Last Man Standing
ECW Heavyweight Championship

Raven vs Randy Orton

ECW Television Championship
Al Snow vs Rob Van Dam

Tables Match
ECW Tag Team Championships

The Dudleys vs Rey Mysterio and Sabu

Singles Match
Steve Austin vs Chris Jericho

Pre Show Match
Contract Battle Royal

Will be announced when the match begins

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