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Pyros explode in the Hammerstein Ballroom in front of a rabid crowd of old-skool ECW fanboys and we are here with a brand spankin' new million-dollar set for the new look ECW.

"No Chance In Hell" hits and Vince McMahon struts down to the ring with a mic in his hand. The crowd chants "you have AIDs".

Vince McMahon - Well, last week a lot changed in ECW. Big Show lost the belt and he's taking some time off to heal up old injuries. Bobby Lashley is the new ECW Champion. ECW is moving onwards and upwards but it needs a guiding force to lead it in the right direction. So, despite recent events, I've decided to turn power back over to ECW's old owner, someone who built up the ECW name and made it mean something. Ladies and gentlemen, you're new ECW General Manager...

Stephanie McMahon's music hits and she joins Daddy in the ring to a massive pop from the ECW faithful. A "Welcome Back" chant breaks out, and when it finally dies down, Steph speaks.

Steph - ECW is back and better than ever!! And right here, right now, we're gonna have a very special gauntlet match to determine the #1 Contender to ECW Champion Bobby Lashley!! And that ECW title match will take place LATER TONIGHT!!!!!!!

The first entrant is CM Punk. He poses in the ring as the McMahons head backstage. The next entrant is....... KAMALA!! Kamala storms the ring and nails CM Punk with a vicious body slam, then locks him in a sleeper hold. The referee checks Punk's arm - he's out!!
Eliminated CM Punk

Sabu is next out. He sprints to the ring with a steel chair in his hand. He leaps over the top rope and dropkicks the chair into Kamala's face, and the ref calls for the bell!!! Sabu's been DQ'ed!!!!!!!
Eliminated Sabu

As Sabu argues with the referee, Kamala low blows him, picks up the steel chair and then cracks it down on Sabu's skull. The Sandman/B] is next out and attacks Kamala from behind with a Singapore Cane shot. The cane explodes over Kamala's head, Kamala completely no-sells it, then nails Sandman with a Spinebuster for the 1-2-3!!
Eliminated The Sandman

Tommy Dreamer then sprints out to the ring, charges at Kamala and gets destroyed with a sickeningly eXXXXtreme clothesline for the 1-2-3!!!!!!!
Eliminated Tommy Dreamer

Rob Van Dam is next out. He runs to the ring and then sprints at Kamala, who back body drops him straight over the top rope. RVD flies through the air and crashes straight through the announce table at ringside!! The referee counts RVD out and raises Kamala's hand in victory!!!!!!!!
Eliminated RVD

Tazz then stands up and grabs a mic.

Tazz - Yo, Kamala, you wanna tango, let's dance, biatch.


Tazz slides into the ring, ducks a clothesline from Kamala and then slaps him in the Tazzmission!!! The ref checks Kamala's arm...... HE'S OUT COLD!!!!!!!
Eliminated Kamala

Tazz's music blasts through the Hammerstein Ballroom until Stephanie McMahon steps onto the stage holding a mic.

Stephanie McMahon - Hold on there Tazz, we have one more eXXXXtreme entrant.... the new face of ECW...... CHRISSSSS MASTERSSSSS!!

Masters slides into the ring and slaps a shocked Tazz in the Masterlock!!!!!!!!! Tazz squeals "I QUIT!!!1!111!!!!!!!" like a little girl and the ref calls for the bell.
Eliminated Tazz

The crowd break into a "HE'S HARDCORE!!!!" chant as Masters poses in the ring. Masters then joins Joey Styles at the commentary table for the rest of the night.


Balls Mahoney is shown on hidden camera ******ing Shannon Moore.

Richards destroys Khali in under 0:30
Winner Stevie Richards

After the match, Davari annihilates Richards with a chair and Khali and Davari then crucify Richards.

Davari - Stephanie McMahon, you want eXXXXXtreme, check this shit out!!!

Khali places a barbed wire crown on Richard's head, but Davari taps him on the shoulder - he has a better idea. Davari pulls a ***** out of his pocket and Khali wraps the barbed wire crown around it, and the duo then proceed to......


Stevie Richards is on a stretcher being loaded into an ambulance, babbling incoherently. When he's inside, it's revealed the ambulance is being driven by Shannon Moore and Balls Mahoney!!!

Rob Van Dam and Sabu are sat smoking a spliff.

RVD - Dude...

Sabu - Yeah dude...

RVD - Woah...

Suddenly, CM Punk walks in.

CM Punk - Is that... is that pot?

RVD - Sure man, you wanna toke?

RVD hands CM Punk the spliff.

CM Punk - Woah man, the only thing I get high on is competition.

Stephanie McMahon walks in and clocks CM Punk holding the spliff.

Stephanie McMahon - DAAAAAADDDD!!!

Vince walks in.


CM Punk shoves the spliff down Vince's throat. Vince falls to the floor, choking. Stephanie screams for help as CM Punk walks out.


Bobby Lashley (c) vs Chris Masters
Lashley nails Masters with the Dominator the second the bell rings to start the match. He then makes the cover for the 1-2-NO!!!!! Khali and Davari are out at ringside, and have yanked the referee out of the ring. They then get into the ring, but Lashley destroys them with a double spear!!!! Masters then gets to his feet and Lashley nails him with another Dominator!!!! Stephanie McMahon runs out to make the count - 1-2-NO!!!!!! Steph flips Lashley the bird!!!!!! Lashley grabs Steph and is about to deliver the DOMINATOR when an ambulance comes careering down the entrance ramp and crashes into the ring!!!!! Lashley releases Steph and stares at the ambulance. Flames shoot out of the top of the ambulance and suddenly STEVIE RICHARDS emerges, followed by Mahoney and Moore. Mahoney and Moore then pin Lashley down in the middle of the ring, Stevie undoes his belt buckle, then proceeds to....


As we return, the ringside area is in flames, and Lashley lies in the middle of the ring shaking and in tears as Stevie Richards high-fives Stephanie, Moore, Mahoney, Masters, Davari and Khali. CM PUNK then rolls out from under the ring holding a PISTOL and slides into the ring!!!! He points the pistol at Stephanie and grabs a mic.

CM PUNK - If I don't get my motherfucking job back I will blow every last motherfucking one of you motherfuckers away!!!

LASHLEY suddenly gets to his knees and LOW BLOWS CM PUNK!!!!! Punk drops the pistol, which Steph grabs. Stephanie then proceeds to brutally pistol whip Punk, leaving him a bloody mess on the canvas.

As the Stephanie's group of ne'er-do-wells celebrate in the ring, HARDCORE HOLLY and TEST sprint out with steel chairs and clear the ring!!!!

Test - We're taking ECW back for the ECW originals, and we're challenging Lashley and Masters to an eXXXXXtreme Rulezzzz T@g tE@m m@tCh on next week's show!!!!

Hardcore Holly - BITCH!

Stephanie McMahon - You're forgetting one thing...... YOU'RE FIRRRRRREDDDDDDDDD!!!!!

Vince McMahon then walks out onto the stage.

Vince McMahon - Stephanie.... Stephie..... Stephie poos..... chilllaxxxxx.... this is, like, this is.... what was I talking about? Yeah.... this is like..... eXXXtreme Championship, like, you know, Wrestling, and stuff.......... so next week........ it's gonna be a chillout week...... let's chill.

Suddenly, a masked man runs through the crowd, slides into the ring and grabs the pistol, then fires it at the stage, nailing Vince in the chest!!!!

Joey Styles - OHHHMYYYGODDDD!!!! Vince McMahon is DEAD!!!!

Fade to black.....
What the fuck. Is this a fucking joke? If yes, ha ha ha ha NO! If not, then I'm sorry. You need to be realistic. Longer, more technical matches, with less confusing and generally poor endings. Mr McMahon getting shot, is, no offence, the worst angle I have ever heard of. Everybody screwing each other, then a guy jumps out with a pistol starts throwing "mothafuckas" around and then two fired wrestlers come out. You get it? Finally, if you just went wild, curb your fucking imagination.
What the fuck. Is this a fucking joke? If yes, ha ha ha ha NO! If not, then I'm sorry. You need to be realistic. Longer, more technical matches, with less confusing and generally poor endings. Mr McMahon getting shot, is, no offence, the worst angle I have ever heard of. Everybody screwing each other, then a guy jumps out with a pistol starts throwing "mothafuckas" around and then two fired wrestlers come out. You get it? Finally, if you just went wild, curb your fucking imagination.

i no ur probably an advanced booker (for some reason i think i saw u on ??? maybe not lol), but this place has pretty much ALL new bookers, so just respect that fact and don't be so cruel! How would that make u feel if u posted ur 1st show and every other word was fuck?!?!?!

But Vince Russo, I kinda do agree with everything that riceandco said, so good luck ;) I hope we get some people to actually stick to it!!!
OMG you people need to fkn relax. Fuck you all take wrestling way too fkn serius. Of course its a joke. This guy is obviously a REAL ECW fan and is taking shots at Vince and co. As if that is not blatantly obvious after the first segment.

Seriously VinceRusso this is the funniest fkn thing I have ever read on this forum and without a doubt the best booked show on Book This! EVER!!!!!!! OMG, hahahahahahahahahahahahaha, I was in fkn tears. It was brilliant. Seriously, if you are not a pro at this sought of comedy/satire booking stuff I recommend you become one. I would try and sell this to They have guest columns and often showcase satire pieces poking fun at all the stupidity of the wrestling biz and this is by far funnier then almost all of them. You could get paid for this shit. It was fkn insane. I was no shit on the floor, holding my abs from laughter. Fantatsic!!! I hope there is another edition - I promise to read!!!!
attilia said:
This guy is obviously a REAL ECW

Lol, never knew there was a such thing as an actual fake ECW, or a general wrestling fan.. But yeah sure..

As for the show.. Lol is all I have to say... By far the worste, but probably funniest shows I've ever seen..
Lol, never knew there was a such thing as an actual fake ECW, or a general wrestling fan.. But yeah sure..

As for the show.. Lol is all I have to say... By far the worste, but probably funniest shows I've ever seen..

A fake ECW fan is a fan of fake ECW. The current ECW is fake. It is a wannabe. A loser that looks at its predecessor with envy all the time asking itself, "why dont people like me? why is he so good? what am i not doing right? why am i treated like a cheap ****e?". It wants to be ECW and pretends to be ECW but it isn't. It is a pretender. Another word for pretender - an imposter!!! Hergo, it is a faker. It is fake!!

Understand?? Comprende??? Kapish!!!!

Thus, a fan of this imposter is a fan of a fake. They are a fan of the fake ECW. They are a fake ECW fan.

And again, VinceRusso, the funniest shit ever. It was sooo fkn stupid its ridiculous. Good work bro. Looking forward to the next edition, if there is one.
I must admit I got a laugh out of this but I have a pretty sick sense of humor, I hope the show was ment as a joke, it was pretty out there but strangely entertaing, don't know about the whole barb wire ***** thing or people being sexually assaulted or talented wrestlers waving around guns, all I can say is it was intresting to read.
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