ECW : Leaving 2008, Into 2009


I've wrestled alot of countries
Many people hate the new ECW. Some say it pisses of the old ECW. Others say the product is fine but hate the lack of hardcore that made the old ECW Special. So after Survivor Series 2008, Matt Hardy is without a feud. The Mark Henry feud has ran its course. Miz and Morrison aren't ready for main event status. Finlay and Dreamer are too old. Bourne is injured. ECW needs someone to lead them into 2009. Who will it be?


Oh, Sweet Jesus.

The Boogeyman
Evan Bourne
Tommy Dreamer
DJ Gabriel
Chavo Guerrero
Matt Hardy
Mark Henry
The Miz
John Morrison
Bam Neely
Ricky Ortiz
Jack Swagger

Teddy Long
Tony Atlas
Alicia Fox
Matt Striker
Todd Grisham
The showed opened with Mark Henry and Tony Atlas coming out. Henry said at Survivor Series he pinned Hardy and that Hardy never beat Henry for the belt. Henry said last night he proved he deserved another shot. Out comes ECW Champion Matt Hardy and he says last night Henry did beat him fair and square. Hardy says when he won this belt he promised to defend it with honour and pride. And tonight will be no different! Henry says is it on or not. Hardy says just bring it. Henry vs Hardy tonight!

DJ Gabriel came out to mixed reaction from the crowd. In the ring was Ric Converse. Gabriel dominated early hitting some "funky" armdrags and other dance related moves. The crowd hated it and actually seemed happy when the match ended. It was ended by Gabriel's impressive second rope european uppercut. After the match Gabriel danced with his valet Alicia Fox until suddenly the lights went out. And when they came back on Gabriel and Fox were laid out in the ring beside each other.

Backstage, Bam Neely was on his own until Chavo Guerruro walked in. Chavo says he can't believe Vicky and Edge are back together. Bam says that he doesn't really care anymore. Chavo asks why and Bam says that everything doesn't make sense anymore. Chavo says that Bam is just slow. Bam gets angry and pushes Chavo into the wall and walks away.

Next we saw Tommy Dreamer and Ricky Ortiz take on Jack Swagger and Chavo Guerruro. Swagger and Chavo got the upper hand using some dirty tactics. Dreamer became more angry as the match went on and seemed like he would never get a tag. Eventually he got tired of waiting and went underneath the ring and pulled out a steel chair. Dreamer then ran into the ring and hit Chavo and soon followed with Swagger. This of course broguht the DQ. Ortiz then went up to Dreamer and asked why he did that - Dreamer responed by hitting Ortiz! Dreamer laughs as the camera fades........

Backstage Miz and Morrison were talking with Teddy Long. Teddy says he likes
Morrison and Miz's idea but not sure if we can fit it in. Morrison and Miz says that Teddy should think about it. They leave with Teddy and Tiffany discussing "the idea".

Next was our Main Event with Hardy taking on Henry. Both men gave it their all and Henry seemed to have the upper hand after reversing a Hardy Moonsault. He went for his big splash but Hardy got up at the last second. Hardy hit a side effect, followed by a twist of fate and finally a Top Rope Leg Drop for the win. As Hardy held his belt up in the air he was attacked from behind by The Brian Kendrick. Kendrick hit "The Kendrick" on Hardy and laid him out in the middle of the ring. Kendrick held Hardy's belt up as the camera's fade.

WWE News and Rumors for the week
WWE Creative are very happy with the way ECW is turning out. Many think Brian Kendrick is a breath of fresh air to the product as Well as the new Tommy Dreamer angle. Many think the new talent like Swagger and Ortiz give the product a new edge and new feel. There is talk of Freddy Prinze Jr. coming in as head writer after his decent run on smackdown. There is also talk of more Extreme rules matches to get back to true ECW.

Boogeyman is expected to re-debut in the next few weeks. Finlay was not present at the tapings due to a family crisis. He is not expected back for a few weeks. Evan Bourne is medically cleared for next week so expect him back soon.
The Kendrick arrives in ECW

After last week's sneak attack from Kendrick to Hardy everyone wanted to know why Kendrick did it. So it was no surprise that when Kendrick came out with Ezekiel Jackson that everyone was on the edge of their seats. Kendrick says he has been on smackdown and raw ever since he came to the WWE and that he has never really gotten that chance to shine. Kendrick then says he noticed ECW had nothing. And he decided that was where he needed to go. He says ECW was lacking that special thing. And now that Kendrick's here ECW can become supreme and better than the rest. Out comes Teddy Long and he says that Kendrick talks a big game but can he back it up in the ring. Long books Kendrick vs Bourne tonight!

After a short promo for Wrestlemania 25 we come back to Ricky Ortiz in the ring. He's taking on DJ Gabriel in what was be a interesting match.Ortiz is pretty much improving all the time while Gabriel is young and making some rookie mistakes. Ortiz dominated the entire match before Tommy Dreamer ran down with a steel chair. He hit both men knocking them to the ground. Dreamer then grabbed a microphone and told fans "now THIS is ECW.". He then put the chair underneath Gabriel's head and stamped on it. For the second week in a row whats up with Dreamer?

Miz and Morrison are backstage talking when Teddy Long walks in. He says he agrees their idea is great and it will start next week. Teddy leaves with Miz and Morrison looking at each other smiling.

Next Bam Neely and Chavo Guerruro took on Miz and Morrison. The crowd actually cheered on Miz and Morrison while Chavo and Bam got alot of heat. Miz is really turning into a fine techincal wrestler while Morrison is getting more confident each week. Neely still has a few things to sort out but other than that nothing. Chavo along with Finlay and Hardy are the locker room leaders so he's always on top form. The finish saw Miz hit the reality check on Neely for the win. After the match Teddy long came out and annouced that next week we would have the first rounds of the ECW Tag Team Championship tournament! The crowd love this and as do Miz and Morrison as we have seen from earlier. This was their big idea!

Finally our Main Event saw The Brian Kendrick take on the returning Evan Bourne. As you can expect this was a fast paced match with both men giving it their all. Kendrick got the upper hand to due some unseen Big Zeke interference Kendrick went for "The Kendrick" many time during the match but every time Bourne had it scouted. Eventually Bourne hit a great superkicked that floored Kendrick. He went to the top rope but Zeke pushed him down! The ref calls for the DQ. Zeke and Kendrick both beat down Bourne but in comes Matt Hardy! But wait - Hardy is stopped midway down the ramp! Its Mark Henry! Henry gives Hardy the Worlds Strongest Slam on the ramp! In the ring Kendrick hits a Asai DDT. ECW ends with its two heros laid out.​


WWE News and Rumors for the week
Freddy Prinze Jr. officially took over as ECW Head Booker this Monday. This week's ECW was all his work and it came off very well. This week's ECW scored a 1.3 while last weeks scored a 1.2. TNA Impact scored very low 0.6 after clashing with RAW which was moved to thursday for one night. RAW scored a 2.9 while Smackdown finished with a 2.2.

WWE has released the ECW Tag Team Championship Tournament brackets. Next week all 4 of the matches will take place.




??? AND ???

ECW Upcoming........

ECW #3
ECW #4
ECW #5
The Chase Begins

Matt Striker : Welcome to ECW Everybody!

Todd Grisham : Yes, Welcome and tonight Matt we are on the first steps to crowning the very first ECW Tag Champions of the new ECW on Sci-Fi era!

Matt Striker : And it starts right now!

The show started off with Miz and Morrison taking on Chavo Guerruro and Bam Neely. Well that was MEANT to happen. As Chavo and Bam were coming down to the ring they began to argue. Chavo then slapped Bam and walked on. Bam was pissed. He then attacked Chavo from behind throwing him into the steel steps before throwing him into the ring and walking away. Chavo got up and began to shout at Neely. He then turned round into a kick from Miz! Miz hit the ropes and you gussed it - Reality Check followed by the pin. Miz and Morrison move on to next week.​

Grisham : Well that was quick......

Striker : Looks like Neely is going out on his own partner!

Grisham : Wise or Bad Decision?

Striker : Bit of both Todd. He's his own man now but he's got no one to back him up. But forget about that - We have another match!

Mark Henry and the old Tony Atlas came out for their match. We didn't know their foes for tonight but we found out soon enough! It turned out to Jesse and Festus! Festus started off with Henry, manhandling the former ECW Champion. Festus tagged in Jesse who couldn't keep up Festus' beatdown of Henry. Jesse got locked in a big bearhug but matched in tag in Festus after a elbow to Henry's face. Festus cleaned house. But Atlas had a plan - he snook over to the announce table and rang the ring bell! Festus stopped dead in his tracks! Henry makes Festus tag in Jesse. Henry hits the worlds strongest slam! Henry and Atlas advance.​

Striker : This night is just.....weird.

Grisham : Damn Atlas stole one!

Striker : WHAT? He didn't do anything against the rules!

Grisham : You may be right but - forget it.....

Striker : Striker wins!

Grisham : Unlike in the ring........

After a short break we come back to Jack Swagger and DJ Gabriel in the ring. Next Tommy Dreamer's music hits. Who his partner. He points to the back and out comes.......The Sandman! Sandman and Dreamer rush into the ring and the ref rings the bell. The ECW Originals both knocked down the youngsters after a couple of rights. They both get out of the ring and grab chairs! They re-enter the ring and both men hit Swagger and Ortiz! The ref calls for the DQ. The Originals go into the crowd and celebrate with the fans.​

Grisham : No.Way.

Striker : Just ....back to the show. Please.

And finally we had Kendrick and Big Zeke take on Hardy and Bourne. Kendrick pretty much stayed out of the ring the entire match trying to avoid Hardy and the antics of Bourne. Not that it mattered - Zeke kept control of Bourne after Bourne missed a big moonsault. Zeke went for a running powerslam at one point but Bourne managed to get out and push Zeke into Kendrick. Bourne tagged in Hardy who cleaned house and hit a Twist of Fate for the 3! Bourne and Hardy hugged but were suddenly attacked by both Kendrick and Zeke! Kendrick took out Hardy with a Asai DDT while Zeke brought Bourne outside and began to hit Bourne's ankle with a steel chair! The show ends with Bourne telling the rushed down medics "Its Broken".​


Next week :
DJ Gabriel and Jack Swagger vs Evan Bourne* and Matt Hardy(May not make it)
Tony Atlas and Mark Henry vs Miz and Morrison

Your show continues to improve. It's a good read. I like where you are going with Dreamer. I also like how Miz is improving and starting to shine. What up with the matches being alligned to the right? I don't like that. Everything else is good, though. Loving the speedy updates. Keep it up.

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