ECW chants

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Dj Martyn

Dazed and Confused
I was watching some old WWE/F moments the other day from 2000 - 2004 era, and when something "extreme" happen's, e.g hard weapon shot, huge jump out the ring etc, The crowd chant ECW and they still do today on WWE Tv, but in TNA they Chant TNA when something "Extreme" happens. Got me thinking thats all about why it is WWE fans dont chant W-W-E.

Because WWE doesn't roll off the tounge like TNA or ECW. If you saw WWE aloud, it just sounds awkward while TNA and ECW just roll off the tounge.
Don't have the faintest idea. They do chant "holy shit" sometimes but they never chant "this match rules" or any "hardcore" chants. I just guess it's a different audience. Besides, TNA has a lot more extreme stuff as they don't restrict their wrestlers as much as WWE.
Well yea i know TNA does have more chat worthy action that WWE but i just couldnt figure out why WWE never developed its own chants over the years all the chants you here in wrestling spawn from ECW or are company specific like R-o-h and T-n-A etc, all the "This is awesome" or "F#uck em up 'wrestler' F#uck em up" come from ECW.

I guess Brian is right though the main reason is WWE cant be chanted without sounding awkward
Yeah there's too many syllabols in WWE (Doub_bull_you+Doub_bull_you+E) It's has 7 of them, where TNA or ECdub, only have 3. Just saying "W" is as much as both of them have. It's also why WCW never had a chant either.
"This_is_Awe_Some", "You_Take_Ster_Roids", "Rock_key", "Hole_lee_Shit" they're all 4 or less.
The best thing WWE has are the "What?"s during someone's promo, which I can't believe and think is hilarious they people still do.
I just think that it's funny that something that stupid caught on so much. How long has it been? Plus, I remember it happening last during a Big Show promo and he even mentioned it. Who wants to hear the Big Show? They don't interupt HBK, Mr. Kennedy, or interesting people.
Monty brown was funny, i watched a video on youtube of him taking the piss of the fans when they said what, just shows that he still is TNA in his heart...
Monty brown was funny, i watched a video on youtube of him taking the piss of the fans when they said what, just shows that he still is TNA in his heart...

He took a piss on the fans? What?!? <---lol no pun intended---
Taking the piss of the fans (like imitating them) Not literally pissing on them!

That would of been great though...
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