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EC- Gail Kim vs Maryse - WWE Divas' Championship

Who will walk away from Elimination Chamber the new Divas' Champion

  • Gail Kim

  • Maryse

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Ambiguous Turd

Mid-Card Championship Winner

Gail Kim vs Maryse

The Finals of the Divas Tournament to determine who the new WWE Divas' Champion will be to take over for an injured Melina will take place at Elimination Chamber where the two finalists, Gail Kim and Maryse, will compete in one final contest.

Maryse has to be the odds on favorite. It is clear that the WWE is very high on her, as she is one of the few Divas in the company that gets considerable mic time, as of late. She is a former Divas' champion who lost it in the first place due to an injury of her own.

However, this could also be construed as the "Last Hoorah" for Gail Kim. Perhaps WWE is in the mood to finally give Kim a push after they realized they wasted her talent so long. She has never held the Divas Championship and it would be a refreshing change to see someone new hold the title.

In the weeks up to the match, we have seen Maryse taunt Kim by speaking to her in French and insulting her, with Kim evidently having not a clue as to what Maryse is saying. One has to speculate whether Kim will in the next two weeks, miraculously learn French and insult Maryse back.

Speaking of speculation, speculate who you think will win this match and while you're at it, tell me who you think SHOULD win this match, as well.
I voted Gail because that's who I want to win. I believe she's the best in-ring performer of all the women in WWE.

BUT...I think it would make more sense for Maryse to retain her title because I don't feel Gail is all that appealing in the WWE at the moment. If I wasn't already a fan of hers and didn't know what she could do I would probably be annoyed if she took the belt off Maryse, who's established, has a character, and actually gets a crowed reaction. While Gail on the other hand has been a bit of a stranger since her return. Nothing has been done with her to make anyone care about her, so it's hard to blame Gail or the fans when the middle management doesn't seem to care about bridging the gap.

Nevertheless, since I do know what Gail can do, and these two have faced each other before in a decent match, I'm looking forward to seeing it.
What is most interesting about this matchup is that Maryse isn't her typical character (at least in English). She's been nicer to the announce team and has stated her goal to do better than Smackdown which she feels is a disgrace. I have questioned whether they are trying to possibly turn her face to get some new matchups moving forward. It's either that or she reverts back and becomes a bitch again. It's certainly a new side to her and it's intriguing that she's finally not doing the same old thing for once. I just wish she was a better wrestler.

As for the match, I see her winning and going a little more to the face side and feuding with Alicia Fox and hopefully Raw's newest diva, Katie Lea. If this is truly what she says and it becomes about the wrestling, we might just see what these women can really do in the ring (though Maryse I would argue would be shown up in that area by just about every other Raw Diva). At least it's not "bitch" vs. "nice girl". Should be interesting to see how it plays out.
Maryse should win the title back at EC, but I'm seeing a different spin on this. The way Maryse is acting reminds me of the way the WWE was doing the tag titles a few years ago between Cade & Murdoch and The Hardyz. This was when Cade & Murdoch went away from their usual tactics, and acted respectful towards the Hardyz. However, at the crucial moment, they went back to being themselves, and to use a JRism "took the unfair advantage" on The Hardyz to regain the titles. As far as the French is concerned; since Gail is from Ontario, she does know(or at least should know) a smattering of French and does not want to let on that she does know what Maryse is saying.
Other than with the fine folks in the IWC, Gail Kim is not a really popular Diva. These days Gail Kim can't draw a picture. BUT, I do think the WWE is finally give credit where it is due and give Gail the Diva's Championship. The reason I think this is is because we've already seen Maryse with the title. Usually when they have championship tournaments for the ladies' titles, it always ends up being the one who either never had it or is the least qualified becoming the winner. Like when Michelle McCool won the title; she had never won a ladies title and she wasn't all that good and she beat freaking Natalya. They'd probably want a face to win the tournament too.

Gail wins it but don't expect the title to be around her waist long.
Im glad to see this match is going to take place on a ppv as it gives the finals for the vacant title a more important feel. I do have to question why the tournament took place so early though as over a month will have passed from the semi finals to the finals. Still, it gives them some time to build up some storyline between Gail and Maryse, though Gail still appears to be a mute at this point.

As for my prediction, I think that though Maryse is getting all the pre-match glory, Gail will reveal that she understands the French insults and that she didn't fall for Maryse's friendly charade. Gail will walk away with the title, though i suspect she will eventually lose it to Maryse down the road, say right around the time Melina is due to return from her injury. Personally, I think putting the title back on Maryse would really put the company in a bind as far as challengers go. Raw has Kelly Kelly, Eve, Gail and the Bellas for face divas. While Gail has been booked as a jobber for most of her current run, the others are all pretty awful in the ring and no one is gonna take them seriously as challengers. That means if Maryse wins the finals, she has no credible challengers as she would have defeated Gail.

They may have rematches for a while but since the crowd is accustomed to Gail losing, and she would have lost the finals, no one is really gonna care. Now, if Gail wins, several things happen. One, she gets a sudden shot of credibility with the crowd. Two, Maryse can remain her rival and feud with her over the title.

Three, in between matches with Marsye, Gail has a credible contender in Katie Lea, and also in a lesser way Jillian and Alicia as well.

It seems to me this is the way to go if they want to keep any interest at all in the Divas title.
Yeah, I have to say that I'm actually really interested in this match. I really like both Gail Kim & Maryse. Gail is a better in ring performer but Maryse is a bit more charismatic. Both of them are absolutely beautiful so I'd love to watch them 'wrestle' for a while. Hopefully they'll be given more ring time at EC than the 1 to 2 moves Mickie James & Michelle McCool got at the Royal Rumble.

As far as who is going to win? Well, I think it's non-debatable that eventually this belt belongs around Maryse's waist. In the meantime I think giving it to Gail is a smarter move. Some other's have brought up the points already but in short it gives Gail some credibility with the fans. She's the most credible face right now and could feud with Alicia and Katie Lea and eventually drop the belt to Maryse shortly before Melina returns setting up that feud which most people want to see.

That or they could turn Gail Kim heel; that would be interesting. I doubt they're going to do that but with them seeming to be considering turning Maryse face they just might. That or they are planning on having Maryse take on the other heels. I kinda am digging Maryse being face; at least for a short while. Her attitude is kinda sexy but the idea of her ending up with Miz bothers me. If she's face she'll avoid him like the plague.
I would love to see Gail win this one, but I don't think it will happen. WWE has been teasing a Maryse title win ever since she returned in that Turkey costume. She attacked Melina that night, and has been the obvious #1 choice to be the next champion ever since then. It's nice to see someone new in a WWE divas title match. This is closet she's been to the title ever since she had that weird match on Raw with Mickie James. Still, I'm sure Maryse will win this because with Melina on the shelf, she's the #1 diva on Raw.

The only thing that has me puzzled is Maryse's sudden face behavior over the past couple of weeks. I wonder where WWE is going with this, and what the point of it is? If it's a swerve, then it wouldn't make much sense, and everyone would be able to see it coming. I highly doubt it will be a face turn because Maryse is meant to be a heel. Either way, I just don't understand why WWE is doing this? It all just seems very pointless to me, but I guess we will have to wait and see how all of this will unfold.
I would bet almost anything that Maryse defeats Gail Kim at the next PPV to become Diva's Champion again. Even though we can all see it coming, Maryse's sudden "niceness" will turn out to be a ploy, and she'll revert back to her normal bitchy self to capture the gold.

Gail Kim is over-rated in my opinion. I don't think she's that good in the ring and personally I don't find her all that attractive either. She generates no interest on the show, positive or negative. She doesn't even have an entrance theme (I don't think so anyway). She's going nowhere.

WWE is high on Maryse, and rightly so, she's the best overall diva on the roster at the moment. Forget any face turn, as a cocky arrogant French Canadian, she's heel all the way. Look for a win for her to regain her gold, and an extended title run against the sparse line-up of face opponents available on RAW.
I love Gail Kim but she has the personality of a dead moth in WWE. I don't think I have heard her say 2 words her entire time there. Maryse keeps on insulting her in French and she just stands there with a dumb look on her face.

WWE has been high on Maryse lately. I have to agree with them because she has become better in the ring and on the mic. I really don't feel Gail Kim will achieve anything with the win compared to Maryse. WWE needs to put as much focus on Kim as they do with Maryse because Maryse is the only Raw Diva that any one cares about.

I'm predicting Maryse to win this one. I just hope Gail Kim isn't forgotten about afterward.
You know what, had this match happened on Raw, weeks earlier, I would have had no doubt in my mind that Maryse would become the new Divas Champion. However, I've noticed how WWE has extended the time between the semi-finals and the finals of the tournament. I've noticed that Maryse hasn't exactly been acting the same 100%. She's been acting slightly "nicer", her attitude has been slightly altered. Which I think makes this Maryse/Gail Kim saga seem a bit more interesting.

When I look at it, WWE has somehow made it seem like Maryse and Gail Kim both have equal chances to win the Divas Championship. I hope this match will be given a nice amount of time. Hopefully, close to the 10 minute mark. As, these are two of the better divas on the Raw brand, and can make their matches seem atleast a little believable.

Prediction: Maryse wins the vacant Divas Championship!
It's kind of funny how little I care about this match when just last PPV I was excited for a different Divas match on the Smackdown side. It just goes to show how much some mic time and a proper storyline can do. Sorry, but I don't consider "one girl standing around and looking stupid while another girl speaks French to her" a proper storyline.

I don't care who wins this match. I don't care how much time this match gets. Maryse is the more interesting of the two, though, so I'll go with her. Gail Kim's gimmick is to stand there and look Asian, and occasionally get knocked silly by Mickie James. I doubt they're going to randomly start pushing her now when she's basically done nothing except come out and lose.

Winner: Maryse.
I would bet almost anything that Maryse defeats Gail Kim at the next PPV to become Diva's Champion again. Even though we can all see it coming, Maryse's sudden "niceness" will turn out to be a ploy, and she'll revert back to her normal bitchy self to capture the gold.

Exactly. Acting nice is all a front and she'll go back to her self-absorbed ways to get the title. The segment where she was being fake nice to the ladies and then said, in French, that the title was hers pretty much spelled that out for us.

I hope heel Maryse wins- I like her promos as a heel and I think she'd be a relatively entertaining Diva's Champ.
I am looking for a Maryse win here, mostly because she is Canadian. Then again, a Gail Kim win would be great as well, because she is a Canadian. That being said, I hope for a tie, because they are both Canadians, and because Canadians are so nice, they can share the belt.

If that isnt the case, than I think Maryse will win. She deserves to get the title back after she was the dominant woman with it originally. WWE is negative on Kim, and it is obviously why, she botches a move a night, isnt very entertaining, cant cut the promos Maryse can, and isn't as attractive. Maryse wins here, setting up a potential match with Mickie James.
I do think Maryse will walk away with the divas championship this weekend at the Elimination Chamber PPV because she has been hyped up and for the most part, these story lines are predictable, and it seems they are going with a Maryse win. If I did have it my way though, Id LOVE to see Gail Kim walk away with it. She is a credible wrestler, and yet is dull with audience because of lack of face time or a push for that matter, and I think this match would really help her out in those departments. I think Gail has sat on the backburner for too long since returning to the WWE, so here is to hoping the WWE gives her that "push" this weekend.:worship:
Im going for Gail Kim.Gail needs this title to get back were she was,She is an Awesome Diva who has been fading off in the past months,Now she could be a top face in RAW,Because honestly as of right now RAW doesnt have a top face.Melina has been out for a while and she will be out for a while.So why not put the Divas title around Kim's waist.

Lest face it Maryse had it before,And she was kind of boring title holder.Kim at the other hand she will help some of the other Heel divas.Heck a good feud between Maryse and Kim wont be a bad idea,Maybe feud until Melina comes back as a heel.

Mercury is coming back WWE is thinking of reuniting MNM.Have JoMo and Mercury be the unified Champs and after a long feud with Gail,Melina could be the Divas Champion again.

Well, they chose to have the heatless wonder to be the one to job to Maryse for this title. Shit, they couldve had a BIT of intrigue. Actually, there is none. I dont think anyone could care less about this. Don't see why it should even take up PPV time.
Gail Kim is the female Charlie Haas. The only thing left to do with her is have her coming out every week dressed as retired divas and such. That will be the only thing that will make the crowd give a shit about her. Not saying she isn't a good wrestler and all that jazz, she just has zero connection with a live crowd.

Meanwhile Maryse is my favorite diva right now and has been for awhile now. Mark my words she will be the next big diva, and I don't mean in a Mickie James chubby kind of way. No offense Mickie, I would. She may not be as technical as say Natalya but she has improved a great deal and is the only diva I feel has a commanding presence about her. She should easily take this.
Maryse will win this match. They have teased her victory ever since she returned last semester. She was a great Divas Champion and can have another good reign. I think that her acting so polite towards Gail Kim lately will lead to some type of swerve where she was faking it and had remained a heel all along, beginning another reign as the top heel among the Raw divas. I just don't see Gail Kim winning. Maryse has been my pick to win ever since the tournament for the Divas Championship was announced, and I am still predicting that she will win because there are better options in terms of feuds and angles for Maryse than there would be for Gail Kim. The match itself probably won't be anything special, a time to grab a bottle of water and a snack from the fridge. I'm not really looking forward to it, but at least the divas got onto the PPV.

Maryse will win the Divas Championship.
I really could not care less about this match. Apparently Maryse has been acting nicer lately, which would be weird, but I wouldn't know because I was too busy staring at her tits. Gail Kim is the face version of Jillian, someone who is solid in the ring that never wins a match. Maryse becomes champ to some astounding silence.

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