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EAW ( Extreme American Wrestling )

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I will be starting a show called EAW, It will have to seperate shows with seperate rosters, The show will be called Extreme and Friday night war.
AJ Styles
BG James
Kip James
Brother Ray
Brother Dvon
Jeff Hardy
Matt Hardy
X- Pac
Justin Credible
Christain Cage
Kurt Angle
James Storm
Chris Harris
King Booker
Mr Kennedy
The sandman
Chris Masters
Rey Mysterio
Chavo Guerro
Joey Mercury
Tommy Dreamer
Cm Punk
Elijah Burke
The Miz
Shelton Benjamin
Mastillo ( young mexican )
Friday Night War Roster
Stone Cold
Bobby Lashley
Samoa Joe
Randy Ortorn
Kenny Dykstra
Ric Flair
Marcus Cor Von
Lance Cade
Trevor Murdoch
The Undertaker
Matt Striker
Big Daddy V
Chris Benoit
Charlie Haas
Essa Rios
Paul London
Brian Kendrick
Jamie Noble
Perry Saturn
Ryan " The dominator " Ferry
EAW Chairman Randy Reynolds​

Extreme Shows Staff
General Manager:
Commentakors: Don West and Cactus jack
Ring Announcer: Torrie Wilson
Backstage Interviewers: Joey Styles and Tazz

Friday Night War Staff
General Manager:
Commentakors: Jr Jim Ross and The King
Ring Announcer: Lillian Garcia
Backstage Interviewers: Todd Grisham and Michael Cole

Extreme Show Champoinships
Extreme Title
X-Division Title
24/7 Title
Extreme Tag team Titles
Womens Title
Friday Night War Champoinships
EAW Title
American Title
Middleweight Title
Tag Team Titles
FlyWeight Title

PayPerViews All Join Branded
January= Extreme Rumble
February= Cry For Mercy
March= Night at the Wrestling
April= EAW Goes Hollywood
May= Hammertime
June= Summerbash
July= D-Day
August= First Blood
September= Victory Road
November= Survival
December= New Years Doom
I will Start My first show Later on Tonight which will Be extreme, I will then do a preview show of Friday Night War on Thursday Night and then the actual show on Friday. After Friday Night War, I will not be able to continue it for 2 weeks due to a holiday but when a come back it will be back to normal
Extreme Show Week 1 New York City
Promo showing all the wwe and tna superstars that have joined the EAW. Then the Cameras shoot around the sold out arena at madison square garden. It then cuts to the announcers of the extreme show Don West and Cactus Jack.
Don West " Welcome everyone to the first edition of the show which only has extreme and cactus you no more than most about extreme wrestling.
Cactus Jack " Yes Don, i have been in my fair share of extreme matches but i dont think it will get anymore extreme than the way this show is going to be tonight.

Don West " Yes Cactus this show is certainly going to be extreme and now i shall take you to the ring announcer for the show Torrie Wilson.

Torrie Wilson " Thanks Don, Now everyone can you please stand up and give a warm reception to the chairman of the EAW! Randy Reynolds.
The cameras shoot to the stage and goldigger by Kanye West plays out of the speakers and Randy Reynolds walks out. He is a very tanned looking man with combed back blonde hair and he is wearing sunglasses. He slowly makes his way to the ring and when he enters he gets given a mic by Torrie Wilson.
Randy Reynolds " Welcome to the first ever show EAW show called Extreme, This show is going to show the world of wrestling what they have been missing. Now onto tonight, tonight we are going to see the extreme tag team titles being on the line, Also tonight we are going to see the x - divison champoinship being on the line in a 6 man elimination match but right now i am going to announce the man that will be runnin the show also known as the General Manager.

Don West " A wonder who it will be "

Randy Reynolds " And the general manager is . . . . . . .
If you smell what the rock is cookin belts out of the speakers and he walks out ( the crowd goes wild ).
Randy reynolds " THE ROCK! "

Cactus " Don its the rock what a choice, Listen to the atmosphere"
The rock gets into the ring and climbs up to the turnbuckle, He then jumps down and gets handed a mic by Randy Reynolds, Randy Reynolds then leaves the ring. ( the crowd are cheering ROCKY ROCKY ROCKY) The Rock stands for a minute to take it all in.The Rock " Finally the Rock has come back to New York City, Now as you have heard the extreme show is now run by the most electricfying man in sports entertainment today, But this is not only ran by the Man who the Millions ( Crowd shouts Millions) And millions of fans that love the rock, This show is not only ran by the peoples champoin, This show is also ran by the people.
Mr Kennedy music hits and he walks out ( the crowd boos) " Rock i no you run this damm show but to be truthful you suck and all these jackasses dont love you anymore so shut the hell up and let me do the talking because i am Mr Kenne. . . . . .
The Rock puts his hand up " Who in the blue hell are you " Mr Kennedy " I am Mr Kenne" The Rock " It doesnt matter who you are, Now if you dont want to listen to me anymore then you can bring your candy ass down the peoples ramp, Bring your legs up the peoples stairs then enter the peoples ring and watch the rock lay the smackdown on your candy ass.
Mr Kennedy starts to walk down when Randy Reynolds comes out, He tells Mr Kennedy to go to the back
" Rock i never appointed you to fight with superstars i appointed you to manage the superstars and if you dont start behaving like a general manager a will need to bring in a replacement" ( The Crowd boos ).
The Rock " Well if you want me to behave like a general manager lets announce some matches but not for you and not for any superstar at the back, they are for the people ( The Crowd Cheers ) Now tonight the extreme tag team champoinships will be on the line with a match between the hardyz and team 3D ( The Crowd Cheers ) Also tonight we are going to start a 4 man tournament were each man fights each other in a stipulation of the peoples choice and then the two men that have won the most matches will go on to fight for the Extreme title at the extreme rumble if you smell what the rock is cookin"
Commercial Break

Don West " Welcome back to extreme and cactus what a explosive start we have had"

Cactus " Yes Don, And this is only the start we have still got about 2 hours left of this show, A mean what else is going to happen tonight" Don West " Yes i no Cactus, And next we are going to find out the x- divison champoin but we still dont no who the 6th man is in the match, Now a will hand you over to Torrie Wilson.Torrie Wilson " Next we are going to have the first ever match on the Extreme show and its going to be a 6 man elimination match for the x- division champoinship.
The first 5 men come out they are MVP, Christain Cage, Marcelo ( a new mexican superstar ), Aj Styles and Shelton Benjamin.
Torrie Wilson " Now Please Welcome the 6th man RVD Rob Van Dam" ( The Crowd Cheer ).

RVD v MVP v Christain Cage v Shelton Benjamin v Marcelo v Aj Styles
RVD runs straight into christain and hits him with a spinning heel kick, Marcelo throws MVP out of the ring and then does a dive onto him from inside the ring to the outside. Aj Styles goes out to get a chair and bring it back into the ring he tries to hit RVD but he ducks and then Dropkicks Aj styles legs and his face hits the chair. Christain Cage then comes into the ring and hits RVD with his Finishing Move. 1.........2....... Rvd just kicks out. Marcelo climbs up to the top of the rope and hits christain cage with a hurricanerana. 1.........2.......3 CHRISTAIN CAGE IS ELIMINATED. Tyson Tomko the man who was out with christain comes into the ring and starts to attack marcelo he does a powerbomb to him and then leaves. Aj styles quicky notices and gets a pin on him. 1.......2......3 MARCELO IS ELIMINATED. Outside the ring Shelton Benjamin throws Rvd into the stairs and then comes into the ring. MVP turns around to face Shelton, When Shelton Benjamin Hits him with a Super Kick. 1........2....... Mvp Kicks out. Back outside the ring rvd is just gettin up when Aj Styles hits him with a crash can. Back in the ring Shelton irish wips mvp into the ropes and then throws him over his head he goes for another pin. 1......2 Mvp kicks out again. Aj Styles is standing behind shelton with a trash can after Shelton gets up from the pin he turns around and gets hit with the trash can. 1.......2........3 SHELTON IS ELIMINATED. Rvd is Still down outside the ring. Mvp is up and is starting to gain a advantage over aj styles and keeps on hitting him with puches then he goes for an irish whip and they both go for the same move a clothesline they are both down. Rvd then comes into the ring and puts aj styles in top of mvp And then goes to the top turnbuckle. He Hits the both of them with a frog splash at the same time he then pins the both of them. RVD IS THE X- DIVISION CHAMPION


Don West " Welcome back to extreme, We have just found out the new and first x -Division champion but now we need to go backstage were Joey has got someone to interview

Joey Styles " Thanks Don, I am Here with Christain Cage and Tyson Tomko, So Christain how do you feel about being pinned by a new mexican superstar that is unheard of marcelo?

Christain Cage " How do i feel, How do i feel, Well Joey to start of i deserved to win that match not stupid Rob Van Dam, he shoudnt even be in the extreme show, He Isnt even extreme but neither is Marcelo who ever the hell that is

" Joey Styles " Well Christain he is the man that put you out"
Christain Cage
" Well Joey who the hell are you to say that to me, dont make me kick your ass right now, But anyway a can tell all of EAW and the people that have been sayin i am not extreme they will find out i can be extreme "
Thanks Christain and now back to you Don and Cactus.
Don West " Now after the commercial we are going to have the extreme tag team title match.Commercial
Torrie Wilson " Now we are going to have the extreme tag team titles Match, please welcome Brother Ray and Brother Dvon, TEAM 3D" ( The Crowd Boos ) " And Now Welcome their opponents Jeff and Matt The Hardy Boyz ( The crowd cheers )
Team 3D v The Hardy Boyz
Matt Hardy goes to Brother Dvon and Jeff Hardy goes to Brother Ray. Jeff starts to punch Brother ray and matt throws Brother dvon into the turnbuckle and then crawls down in front of him, Jeff runs up and jumps onto matt hardys back and hits Dvon with a kick. Brother Ray comes over to jeff and hits him with a bubba bomb, he goes for the pin but matt breaks it up. Matt then goes back to Dvon and throws him out of the ring. Jeff Hardy then throws brother ray out of the ring, Then Jeff and Matt go up the turnbuckle and jumps onto brother ray and brother dvon. Jeff goes under the ring and gets a chair he goes to hit brother dvon with it but missing and hits matt he turns around and gets the 3d done to him. Brother ray then tells Dvon to get tables, Dvon gets the table and puts it into the ring, while doing that brother ray throws jeff into the ring. Both of Team 3D are in the ring Brother dvon irish whips jeff but matt pulls jeffs legs and brings him out of the ring, they start to argue a wee bit when in the ring x-pac, Justin Credible come into the ring and attack brother ray and brother dvon. X-pac picks Brother ray up and does an x-factor to him through the table. The hardyz are just about to come in the ring when Gene Snitsky and test come out from the crowd and blind side the two of them
. Test and snitsky take a mic and then go into the ring, They give the mic to X-Pac " All of use shut the hell up and listen to me, Now you may be wondering who we are, well we are the x-factor and we are going to dominate the EAW. The rocks music hits and he comes out " Now x-Pac and the rest of your followers or whoever these candyasses are in the ring next week yous are going to be in a 8 man tag team match, it will be all of yous against team 3D and the Hardyz" ( The crowd Cheers )Commercial
Don West " Welcome back here to extreme and cactus what an event it has been/

Cactus " Yes but Don Next we are going to have the first tournament match but we dont no what type of match it will be.

Torrie Wilson " Now we are going to have the 1st tournament match for the extreme title and the choices of the type of matches are a ladder match and a first blood match, Now if you want a ladder match cheer the loudest you can ( crowd screems very loud) And if you want a first blood match cheer louder than the last time ( the crowd cheers but not as loud as the last time ) So thats it the next match will be a ladder match.

Don West " Its going to be a ladder match but now Tazz has got some one backstage with him "

Tazz " Yes Don, I am Here with CM Punk, so CM what do you think about the match with you and mr kennedy being a ladder match
. CM punk " Well tazz i beleive a will kick Mr Kennedy ass in any match and the fact that its a ladder match means a can get an easy victory to start the tournament. Tazz " Thanks For joining us Cm Punk and good luck on your match.

Don West " Next we are going to have a ladder match for the Extreme title tournament"

Torrie Wilson " Please welcome the first challenger for the Extreme Title Tournament MR Kennedy ( the crowd boos )
Mr Kennedy comes into the ring " Torrie dont you announce my name because i announce my own name because i am Mr kennedy. . . . Kennedy.Torrie " Now welcome his opponent CM Punk 9 the crowd cheers )
Match 3
Cm Punk v Mr Kennedy
Mr Kennedy and cm punk put each other into a headlock in the middle of the ring then mr kennedy hits cm punk with a kick to the stomach. He then irish whips Cm Punk into the ropes and hits him with a clothesline. Mr Kennedy leaves the ring and goes for a ladder, Cm punk follows him and hits him from behind. Cm punk then does a ddt to Mr Kennedy on the concrete floor. Cm Punk then takes the ladder and puts it into the ring he turns back to get Mr Kennedy but Mr Kennedy hits him with a low blow. Mr Kennedy goes under the ring and brings out a chair, he turns to Cm Punk and hits him on the ribs. He starts to shout to the fans ( the fans start singing kennedy sucks ) Mr kennedy picks up cm punk and throws him into the ring. he then goes to the ladder and sets it up under the Suitcase, he starts to climb up but cm punk also is climbing up. They are both at the top and cm punk hits kennedy with a right hand and then a left hand, he then does a flying ddt of the ladder to mr kennedy, they are both knocked out. Cm Punk is the 1st to get up he goes to the ladder and moves it into the turnbuckle, he turns a round and kicks Mr kennedy then tries to irish whip mr kennedy into the ladder but mr kennedy reverses it and cm punk goes into the ladder. Mr Kennedy goes out the ring and gets a bigger ladder he then brings it into the ring but cm punk does a dropkick to the ladder which hits mr kennedy on the face. Cm punk goes back to the 1st ladder they used. He sets it up and starts to climb but mr kennedy pushes the ladder and cm punk falls out the ring. Mr Kennedy then starts to climb the ladder and gets the suitcase. MR KENNEDY WINS

Torrie wilson " The winner is "
Mr Kennedy steals the mic off of torrie wilson, " Torrie, i told you that i announce my own name no one else because the Winner is Mr Kennedy . . . . . . Kennedy.Commercial
At the back the rock is talkin to Kurt angle when Mr kennedy walks past, Kurt angle and the rock start laughing. Mr kennedy " What the Hell are use laughing at, a would beat the two of use any day of the week and kurt angle if you win and meet me at the extreme rumble a will kick your ass.
Don West " Did you see that Cactus, the cheek of Mr kennedy thinking he is better than the general manager and Kurt Angle, But anyway next we are going to see the first womens match on Extreme.
Cactus " yes Don and i cant wait we are going to see melina take on Candice Michelle.
Torrie wilson" Please Welcome the 1st challenger for the womens title, Candice Michelle ( the crowd cheers ) and Now please welcome her opponent Melina ( the Crowd boos )

Match 4
Melina v Candice Michelle
Melina runs into a clothesline by Candice right at the start. Candice then pulls melinas hair to drag her up, she then clotheslines her back down. She Goes for the pin. 1.......2....... Melina kicks out. Candice Irish whips melina into the turnbuckle and then does a cartweel elbow ( chynas old move ) she then irish wips her again straight into the referee . Candice picks up melina but melina hits her in the mid section. Melina starts to kick into her. She picks her up but candice hits her with her finisher. She goes for the pin but the referee is knocked down. Joey mercury sneaks into the ring, when candice turns around joey mercury hits her with a ddt and then starts to shake the referee. Melina puts her hand over Candice, the referee starts to move.1..............2..................3 MELINA IS THE WINNER.
Torrie Wilson " And your Womens champoin Melina.

Torrie Wilson " Now to the next match, it is for the 24/7 title, The winner of this match will need to be on guard every minute of the day And now welcome the first challenger Rhyno ( the crowd arent really bothered ) and now his opponent Raven ( The Crowd Boos )

Match 5
Rhyno v Raven
Raven leaves the ring and goes under the ring he pulls out a trash can and a few more weapons, He chucks them into the ring. Rhyno then goes out the other side and goes under the ring, He brings out to Metal poles and a baseball bat. They both go back in the ring with Raven holding a trash can and Rhyno holding a baseball bat. They aer standing staring at each other when raven throws the trash can at rhyno, Rhyno catches it but then raven hits the crash can with a Chair which he had throwing in, the crash can then hits Rhyno, Rhyno Falls and Raven just stars hitting his ribs with the crash can, Raven goes for a pin. 1..........2......... Rhyno kicks out Raven then sets up a chair between to of the turnbuckles he then goes to irish whip rhyno into it but rhyno reverses it, raven hits the turnbuckle turns around and Rhyno hits him with a trash can lid, Rhyno then sets him self up to do the gore, Raven turns around, Rhyno goes for the gore but raven moves out the road and rhyno hits the trash can which raven had put there, Rhyno then turns around and raven does a ddt to him onto the trash can lid he goes for a pin. 1........2.......3. RAVEN WINS

Torrie Wilson " And Your winner is Raven " ( The crowd cheers )


Don West " What a night it has been Cactus "
Cactus " It has been one of the best nights i have ever seen in the world of wrestling but now we are going to have the main event.Torrie Wilson " Now we are going to have the second match of the Extreme title tournament, The choices of the stipulation of the match are Street Fight or Special guest referee, So whatever one you want you need to cheer for and now cheer the loudest you can if you want a street fight ( The crowd go wild ) and if you want a Special guest Referee match ( The Crowd go wild ) Well it is a close one but a would say street fight won and now can you stand up for the first challenger of the match accompanied by Sharmell, king Booker! And now his opponent the olympic gold medalist kurt Angle! ( The Crowd Cheer )

Match 5
Kurt Angle v King Booker
Start: Kurt Angle and King Booker tie up in the middle of the ring and go for the battle of strength, Kurt angle wins it and King booker then moves away, They go to link up again but King Booker catches Kurt Angle with a punch to the face. King booker starts to gain an advantage and then he throws Angle out of the ring. He tells sharmel to get him a chair she does it and he hits kurt angle with it, Kurt Angle is burst open. king Booker throws Kurt into the ring and goes for a pin. 1......2.. and Angle kicks out, King Booker goes for a clothesline but misses and Angle hits him with an olympic slam 1.......2....... King Booker just kicks out. Kurt Angle then goes out the ring and picks up the chair he got hit with, He takes it into the ring and just as he is about to hit King Booker with it Sharmel Takes it away from him, Kurt Angle turns around he trips Sharmel up and gets her into an ankle lock with King Booker still being down then out of know were Mr Kennedy comes into the ring and hits Kurt Angle with the ring bell, the ref cant do anything about it as its a street fight, Mr Kennedy then Puts King booker on top of Kurt Angle. 1........2........3 KING BOOKER WINS

Don West " I dont believe it he cheated to win this match kurt angle was just about to hit King Booker with a chair and then Sharmel came in the ring took it away from him and then Mr Kennedy comes out and hits Angle with the ring bell

Cactus " Yes ano Don, I cant beleive that just happened, A mean why did Mr Kennedy help King booker

To end the show Mr Kennedy and King Booker are in the ring shaking hands

That was actually really good. I enjoyed reading that! The only thing that I would say is a negitive is that your matches aren't very long. But even if you don't make them longer, I will still read this. I'm looking forward to your next post.
Good show m8. Once you post your nxt show i will definatley read it.
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