Early SuperBowl Predictions


Simple enough.

I'm going with the Pat, assuming Gronk isn't hurt/done for the season after that nasty looking hit he took in the Cleveland game. Somehow or another we're continually coming back from extreme deficits. They're outscoring opponents by a HUGE margin in the 4th quarter this season. The defense is bending, and occasionally breaking; but we're still +8 in turnover ratio on the year. To me that's what you need out of a superbowl winning team.

It seems the offense isn't clicking very well during the first half, but our defense is keeping the games close. (for the most part) The Patriots have beaten The Broncos, and I predict they will meet in the AFC Championship only for the Pats to win in the mile-high stadium.

So, who's your early pick and why?
I want to say the Seahawks will make it to the Superbowl, but I can't really say I predict them winning it. I don't feel like the Patriots will win it.

I'm going with the Broncos. I think they are better than the Patriots and as long as they play in warm weather they will be fine. They should have beat the Patriots anyways. Denver has a very good running back and good receivers more so than the Patriots.

Or if hell froze over and everything in the world turns upside down, the Lions. Their offense is good enough to win it but their defense will prevent them from doing so (well that and the 500 turnovers and penalties they get every game).
Having watched half a game and played three or so games on Madden, I'm going with the Patriots.
Seattle. Unless the Niners have the game of their life against them in the playoffs there is no team that can touch Seattle. They are unbeatable at home (which is where they will play all playoffs until the Superbowl) and honestly, as good as Denver is Seattle will eat them alive or any AFC team for that matter.

Seattle isn't only gonna win the Super Bowl very soon (next Super bowl at latest) they will be the next NFL Dynasty barring any unexpected injuries/dumb off season moves.
Apparently Rob Gronkowski has a torn ACL according to "sources". Out for season. I'm clinging to the Pats still, but Seattle sure does looks scary without Gronk cutting up the middle.
Seahawks vs. Broncos. Broncos win
I'm certain that the Seahawks will go to the Superbowl and if they play anyone but the Broncos they will win. The Broncos have to get past Peyton's post season problems along with the Patriots among others. The Broncos are still my favorites to make it and if they do then they will win no matter who they play.
Seahawks rep the NFC because dat homefield. Ravens come out of the AFC because they owe me one after damn near giving me a heart attack yesterday.
Unless they get the 2 seed, I just don't see anyone representing the NFC other than Seattle. If the Saints get the 1 seed, then I think they have a shot of going to the Superbowl.

As far as the AFC goes, my mind tells me it's going to be the Pats despite losing Gronskowski, but my heart is with the Bengals. The Broncos have little to no chance of going since we all know Peyton is a choke artist, the Chiefs can't beat teams with great QBs, the Colts will inevitably have to play outdoors if they make it past the Wild Card round so you know that aren't going to do shit, and the Ravens no longer have the veteran presence that gave them an edge last year. If the Chargers somehow manage to get in as the sixth seed, then they are the only dark horse I see in the AFC.
Philadelphia Eagles vs. AFC Pro Bowl Team
Final score
Eagles 100 – AFC 0

No seriously, I believe this is the year for Eagles. Then again, I believed that every year since 1979.
Seahawks: 28 Bengals: 38

I’ll tell you who will not be winning…..the fans!

Tailgating will not be allowed at Super Bowl
Found 1 hour ago on Larry Brown Sports:

Super Bowl XLVIII is going to have a much different feel to it than Super Bowls past. First and foremost, the game is being held at MetLife Stadium in New Jersey — outdoors and in cold weather. In the Super Bowl’s 47-year history, a game has never been held outdoors in a cold climate. But don’t worry — fans aren’t going to freeze while tailgating. That’s because tailgating won’t be allowed.

On Monday, Super Bowl CEO Al Kelly announced that there will be no grilling and lounging in parking lots for the hours leading up to the game.

“You will be allowed to have food in your car and have drink in your car,” Kelly said, per ESPNNewYork.com. “And provided you’re in the boundaries of a single parking space, you’ll be able to eat or drink right next to your car. However, you’re not going to be able to take out a lounge chair, you’re not going to be able to take out a grill, and you’re not going to be able to take up more than one parking space. And it’ll all be watched very carefully.”

In other words, feel free to stand next to your car in 20-degree weather and eat a Lunchables.

The NFL and Super Bowl organizers intend to take incredible security measures on Feb. 2, 2014. In addition to a tailgating ban, there will also be no unauthorized taxis or car services bringing fans to the game. The 80,000 ticket holders will have to arrive by way of charter bus called the Fan Express, which costs $51, by way of the NJ Transit or with the use of a parking pass, of which there are less than 13,000 available.

“Nobody’s going to be dropped off by black car,” Kelly said. “You can have a black car, a green car, a white car, a red car as long as you have parking, and the car needs to stay on the premises the entire time.”

That’s OK, fans can just park in lots away from the stadium and walk to the game, right? Wrong. Kelly said no one will be allowed to enter the stadium on foot unless they have arrived via public transportation or shuttle bus — where security will have screened them before and after — or they have an approved parking pass.

While a lot of these rules and guidelines sound insane, they’re in place for our safety. It may be untraditional, but it’s tough to argue with that.
The Eagles will ride their momentum into the Superbowl against Carolina and we will have a new Champion in the Eagles.

Really? And which of those teams will be moving to the AFC before the end of the season?

The obvious choice here is Broncos/Seahawks. I could very easily see NO or SF replacing the Seahawks as the NFC is a lot closer than the AFC. Barring a major choke job, or NE still creating great offense without Gronkowski, there's no one near the Broncos right now in the AFC.

We almost have our match ups set with 49ers vs Seahawks set in stone

The AFC is a little more interesting as of right now.

Broncos vs Chargers has yet to happen. I think the upset will occur; however, at this point I'm not so sure it's an "upset" because the Chargers already beat the Broncos once this season in dominating fashion. They've shown their game plan, and we'll see the outcome.

So. Who wins the superbowl out of the 5 remaining teams?
Pretty sure Seahawks vs Broncos/Patriots is pretty much set in stone. I'm really banking on Seattle (or 49ers) winning, because I really don't want to see Manning or Brady get another ring.

Broncos probably have the easiest matchup yet this week. Yeah it is a divisional game, but and they know each other well, but I don't think it'll even be close the Chargers are just a team that still isn't good enough in my eyes. They barely beat a bunch of backups against the Chiefs, and all they've done is prove that Andy Dalton is crap. Out of all the AFC teams fighting for the 6th seed in Week 17, they were probably the worst.

Honestly the only team out of those teams that I think could have beaten the Broncos this week are the Ravens. They match up very well against Denver, and I think they could've done it again. Miami and San Diego are one in the same, and Pittsburgh is too banged up add on the fact that they would be without Ryan Clark.

So yeah as much as I would love to see the Chargers win, it just seems very unlikely. I'll stand corrected if this game is even close.
Broncos. Seems like a special year for Manning. Finally wins a second ring, where the AFC Championship game is on the same level as the Superbowl.
Usually I got a really good idea of who's winning but this year it's more unpredictable. San Fran and Seattle could go either way. Seattle looks like a lock but since Crabtree got back in the lineup they have been moving that ball pretty damn well which is huge when your team has such a strong defense. Seattle speaks for themselves. Being so dynamic they have what it takes to control every game they play. If San Fran can stay away from making mistakes offensively then I think they will win.

If I had to pick I would go with whoever wins the Seattle/San Fran game. Manning may get records but defense gets championships. With that said if Denver's defense shows up the next 2 games then they will be damn near impossible to beat, I just don't think their defense will keep it up through the duration of the playoffs.

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