[Early Predictions] Who will win the TNA WHC at BFG?

Who will win the World Heavyweight Championship at Bound For Glory?

  • Kurt Angle

  • Mr. Anderson

  • "Pope" D'Angelo Dinero

  • Jeff Hardy

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It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Obviously as a result of Van Dams injuries (kayfabe), the title was vacated, and a tournament series is being held to determine the new winner who will be crowned at Bound For Glory this October.

Kurt Angle, Mr. Anderson, "Pope" D'Angelo Dinero and Jeff Hardy are going to compete in the quarter finals at No Surrender to determine the match-up that'll see the winners of each QF bracket go one-on-one at BFG for the opportunity to win the TNA WHC.

That said, while this is obviously premature, who is your early vote to actually walk away with the title and why?

Please note, you are to vote on who you think will win, not who you necessarily want to win, as the two can in fact be different.
Kurt Angle is going to win the title. Remember his stipulation that he put on himself that if he loses a single match before regaining the title that he would retire. So unless he is ready to retire and we don't know it, there is no question as to who will win. I think this was a huge mistake by TNA. It makes his matches absolutely pointless to watch unless you just want to watch them for the heck of it and it makes the title hunt and this silly tournament a total waste of time. I think they really hurt themselves and their potential ppv buys with this stipulation. They should have made him the champion and THEN made another title match for the ppv. At least then people wouldn't know ahead of time who would win.
Listen TNA couldnt possibly figure out how to book a really good match between RVD and Kurt Angle. With Angle getting so close to becoming the number 1 contender they had to pull the belt off Van Dam to not make this match happen, which is a completly stupid idea. It could have been a very smart move on TNA's part to book this match at the next PPV instead they give us a crappy tournament and we all know who is gonna win. TNA once agian has dropped the ball. This is why they werent ready for Monday Nights and until the get rid of WCW from there roster they will never be able to compete agianst VKM!
people, people, people. Let us not forget that stone cold retired in dallas then took time off then returned as a wrestler then retired....so kurt can do the same. kurt has stated that next year will most likely be his final year so he could win or he could go the stonecold route...lose and retire and come back...i really dont care much. But if angle doesn't win here then I give the match to pope...yea pope. Although to be honest, I am split between pope and anderson, I just can't see anderson with the title 1st. As we know, anderson made his debut at genisis but that was because of hulkster. Elijah...or um...pope made his debut before anderson in the terror dome I think it was called. They both have great mic skills dont get me wrong but I see pope getting the title at bfg
I mean it's predictable, Angle's winning it.

But they could put a twist on it, have Kurt wrestle an amazing match with Pope.. have Pope get the upper hand late, look like he's ready to win. have Angle win dirty. Turn heel.
TNA is too predictable, but maybe I'm wrong. Maybe Kurt will retire, I can't see it happening but maybe TNA are trying to make us believe that Kurt will win it but he doesn't. But they aren't that clever, so my pick will have to be Kurt to win it, but I want Jeff to win it.
Well it really should be Hardy, he is possilby the biggest star in TNA today but for all TNA knows he could be in jail in a matter of months so that aint gonna happen. Assuming the retirement stip is still in place then Kurt will win this, there is no way he is retiring yet. What I dont get is why the fuck arent TNA saving Hardy vs Angle for BFG, arguably your biggest two stars who havent met eachother in years and hve never fueded before could be wrestling for the world title on your biggest PPV but instead you waste it on some throwaway PPV, I've seen TNA do some stupid things but this one might take the cake.
Although it's not necessarily confirmed, I'd assume that TNA has dropped the retirement stipulation in order to preserve the tournament. I say the main event of BFG is Jeff Hardy vs. either Pope/Anderson. And I think that Jeff Hardy wins BECAUSE it is Bound For F*ing Glory, and than has a small and epic feud with the loser.

Honestly, if his case is dismissed(which is why I'm assuming they're waiting 2 F*ing months to finish the tourney, so they can get an assumption on if he's going to be let off or go to trial) than I would bet money on Jeff to win. But when and if he isnt let off than I am assuming Pope or Anderson get the title BECAUSE it's Bound For F*ing Glory.

Anyways it's the one PPV that they do decent on every year. So they're pushing someone to the top. I think Angle is flipping amazing. But Jeff, Anderson and Pope could definitely be great as Champion, and bring some much needed luster/freshness to the main event scene. Jeff has already proven he can get people over. He helped make one of WWE's best in-ring performers into one of WWE's greatest assets/heel. He can make Anderson/Pope chase him for title and maybe give them a chance to show themselves off more to the TNA fans.
Well it really should be Hardy, he is possilby the biggest star in TNA today but for all TNA knows he could be in jail in a matter of months so that aint gonna happen. Assuming the retirement stip is still in place then Kurt will win this, there is no way he is retiring yet. What I dont get is why the fuck arent TNA saving Hardy vs Angle for BFG, arguably your biggest two stars who havent met eachother in years and hve never fueded before could be wrestling for the world title on your biggest PPV but instead you waste it on some throwaway PPV, I've seen TNA do some stupid things but this one might take the cake.

You do realize that Hardy is absolutely horrible and that TNA isn't WWE, right? A match like this would be an absolute barn burner in WWE, not in TNA.

I'd pick a guy who has some history with Angle ( I'm assuming it's gonna be angle versus someone at the finals ). Quite frankly, Pope and Anderson are my picks, I don't care who wins.

Pope is captivating, he's awesome in the ring, awesome on the mic, he screams Main Event and the fans are really into him. He needs that extra something to push him into the main spotlight and solidify his place as a Main Eventer. He's 32 years old or something, he's at the top of his game, no need to waste any time.

Anderson on the other hand could create this "moment" for B.F.G. Probably cheating to get the win and retire Angle after a sweet ass match of course. These two have history in TNA so it would make sense. Anderson will pretty much be the first TNA Champion with decent ring skill and awesome mic skills and charisma.

Hardy, on the other hand is a no-no. The guy just doesn't seem to give two shits about TNA. He comes out, does his stupid shit, goes to the back. Week after week. He's always been bland to me, always will be. Especially now when he isn't as agile, crazy and bizzare as he used to be. Plus he could go to jail soon and that's the last thing TNA needs - bad publicity.
You do realize that Hardy is absolutely horrible and that TNA isn't WWE, right? A match like this would be an absolute barn burner in WWE, not in TNA.

I'd pick a guy who has some history with Angle ( I'm assuming it's gonna be angle versus someone at the finals ). Quite frankly, Pope and Anderson are my picks, I don't care who wins.

Pope is captivating, he's awesome in the ring, awesome on the mic, he screams Main Event and the fans are really into him. He needs that extra something to push him into the main spotlight and solidify his place as a Main Eventer. He's 32 years old or something, he's at the top of his game, no need to waste any time.

Anderson on the other hand could create this "moment" for B.F.G. Probably cheating to get the win and retire Angle after a sweet ass match of course. These two have history in TNA so it would make sense. Anderson will pretty much be the first TNA Champion with decent ring skill and awesome mic skills and charisma.

Hardy, on the other hand is a no-no. The guy just doesn't seem to give two shits about TNA. He comes out, does his stupid shit, goes to the back. Week after week. He's always been bland to me, always will be. Especially now when he isn't as agile, crazy and bizzare as he used to be. Plus he could go to jail soon and that's the last thing TNA needs - bad publicity.

I totally agree with you Hardy dosent deserve the title based on the way he has worked since coming to TNA, he's done jack shit but when he left the WWE he was the 2nd biggest face, he is the biggest name in the company right now and is sure as fuck the biggest draw if used properly and Angle is the 2nd biggest face. I am not saying Hardy deserves to be in the match as he sure as fuck dosent but this would be the bigggest money making match TNA could put on at the moment and they are wasting it on a B PPV, not smart. By the way, why would this be a great match in the WWE but an awful match in TNA, they are the same two people just in a diffferent setting, it would/will still be a great match.
TNA is doing there tournament to crown a new TNA champion. Now I do find it funny that all four of the finalist have been in WWE, but that is not the point of this thread. The point of this thread is what you think that outcome will be. The sad part about this tournament is the Kurt Angle retirement angle that is going on along side of it. With that angle happening we can all pretty much assume that Angle will win the belt. The question is do you all think that is going to happen or do you think something else will. Personally after tonight's Impact I think that the final of the tournament will be Pope against Angle and I think, with all that has been happening, Pope will win the belt by turning heel and cheating to win it however Angle wont retire because Dixie Carter will come out and say that since Pope cheated Angle didnt lose fair and doesnt have to retire. What do you think?
Ok. Here would be what I would do if I were Dixie/Eric/Hogan;

either ;
have Angle win the title at BFG, defend against the pope, then jeff, then anderson, with anderson winning by cheating at around genesis. have angle leave tna, then go to wwe, because he was not cleanly beat.

or, have Angle win, and anderson win, bringing back their feud from earlier this year, with either winning, i would be fine with either.

i really don't think pope is ready for the world title , so have hardy vs angle vs anderson at bfg, and i cannot say which may win,
i dont know how nobody is seeing this, but this is how i'm almost definate it will go down:

every1 is so obsessed with 'ohh kurt has to win, he lose, or he will retire'.

who says that the only option for kurt is to win or lose? with the obvious build to a triple threat i see anderson finally becoming a heel and doing whatever it takes, and gets the pin on Hardy, meaning we get Anderson as champ, without Kurt retiring.
I think Angle is going to win, with Anderson maybe turning heel. I know, it's not an original prediction or anything and I'm obviously not the first person to think of it.

I would really like to hope that Hardy doesn't win. Not that I don't like him - in fact, the very end of his WWE run and his entire TNA run has made me at least able to tolerate him, not that I understand why. But anyway it would not be smart for him to have the title with that court date finally coming up.

Angle will probably win, because of the retirement thing, though I do agree with Kinsey144 that they could easily get around this.

You know what would really be a shocker (and possibly a stupid decision), would be if Angle got pinned, then came out on the next impact and basically said "fuck you" to the entire crowd, and that he wasn't going to retire because he is the best on the roster and TNA would die without him or something, and turned heel. I'm not sure if somebody else suggested this because I didn't read through most of the other replies (sorry guys), but if nothing else this would be shocking. Well it would be to me, though I'm sure there would be at least one jackass who said it was predictable.

So yeah, I have a really weird feeling that there is a tiny chance of that happening, but I would still bet on Angle getting the win and Anderson turning heel (or possibly being heel before the match happens).

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