DVD Idea


Dark Match Winner
We all know that the WWE loves to make money. We also know that they love to do that with giving up as little as possible. Throughout any given year or look through any serious wrestling dvd collection and you will see two or three copies of the same match on seperate dvds. This is an excellent way to make money without releasing matched that could one day be released on a volume 2 dvd for even more money. The WWE did this during the Ladder Match dvd by not including WM X or 2000, the most famous ladder matches ever, to probably set up for a volume 2.

What I am getting at here is making a few ultimate feud dvd sets. Have some of the greatest feuds ever told in a linear style by both parties and include matches we would never see on dvd, because they get hidden under a single stars vast accomplishments. You include most of the matches between the two and maybe a couple of those pre-ppv warmup matches. Also add in those ppv hype videos detailing the feud.

This would work for so many feuds and the one that brought this up was Taker vs. HBK. They have had some classic encounters and this feud, while on and off, has gone well over a decade.

What do you think? Would you buy something like this? If so, what feud and what would you expect on the dvd?
This would work for so many feuds and the one that brought this up was Taker vs. HBK. They have had some classic encounters and this feud, while on and off, has gone well over a decade.

I would buy this, in fact I think you sold it to be saying the above. HBK/Taker is something we have wanted to see for, as you say, well over a decade. There have been lots of moments we've thought this has been obvious, yet the WWE have gone another way. I'm speaking here about encounters sch as the one at Royal Rumble, with The Undertaker and Shawn being the final contenders in the ring, and 'Taker finally being victorious. It would sell pretty well if this was marketed as one of the big points, with all the hype surrounding it at the moment.
Yeah, I don't know about you guys but my favourite part of PPV's are when they show the promo right before the match. It shows you where the rivalry has come from and gets you excited about the match to follow. I am of the opinion that this is a good idea and if they put the promos in and made it just the great rivalries i.e The Rock and Stone Cold, Vince and Austin and Taker and HBK then they would fly off the shelves. Good idea.
I personally want to see an Evolution DVD. Evolution is at the height of it's superstardom, with HHH holding the WWE Title feuding with his former protoge Orton, the company's top draw. Batista will make an impact upon his return and Flair is an all-time watchable legend who did some of his best work as a mentor to Orton & Batista. Give me a 2 disc set, with commentary and matches and I'll watch that everyday.
I think this is one of the best ideas around for a new DVDs. There are so many that they could make great DVDs with: Undertaker/Mankind, Rock/Austin, Austin/McMahon, HBK/HHH, HBK/Undertaker, E&C/The Hardys, Lita/Trish(Yes, seriously I loved their feud), HHH/Foley (They could go all the way back to the King of the Ring match when it came down to Mankind vs HHH and continue it up until the Cactus Jack/HHH HIAC match), and there are tons of others that I'm sure are obvious and I'm just overlooking, but you get the idea. I realize that I used many of the same people in different feuds (like HHH), but those are just ones off the top of my head and with HHH being in so many main even level feuds over the years, his just came to me easier, but there are a hell of a lot more that would make for an entertaining set of DVDs.
I think it's about time the WWE started listening to the fans a little more and gave a little more back. It's obvious to me that people like the idea of this and if the WWE every so often went round these forums listening to what we had to say they would be in a lot better position than what they are in just now.
I would kill for Raw and Nitro Season sets. Even Thunder and Smackdown. Then PPV sets to go along with these. So we can sit back and relive everything.
I would love to see the WWE make a "Best Stables" DVD, on it, they can put DX, Evolution, nWo, LOD, ECW Originals, New Breed, and others with some of their greatest matches on it
On the topic of feud DVDs, the one I would purchase would be...

Chris Jericho vs Shawn Michaels - The Whole Story

It would start after WrestleMania 25 with Shawn Michaels and Batista at Backlash with Jericho getting involved and then it would just basically escalate from there. The feud went on for quite a while and I think there'd be enough promos and matches for it and there could be Jericho and Shawn interviews between the matches with their opinions on the feud etc and then would culminate with Chris Jericho defeating Shawn Michaels in the Ladder Match at No Mercy. One of my faveourite feuds in the last few years. I'd buy it. Although, I could just watch all of those things on YouTube.
I think it would be great but which fueds?

Some fueds could be a 3 disc set by themselves (Austin/McMahon, HHH/Rock, Michaels/Hart, Undertaker/Kane; especially when you consider Michaels/Hart and HHH/Rock both have Iron Man matches). WWE generally doesn't release anything more than 3 discs and face it; if your going to give these 4 anything short of 3 discs, many fans will probably feel short changed and sales could die quickly. I know Im cynical of anything WWE sells after buying the each the Rock and Austin's "ultimate collection" which didn't show their best matches. Now I go on Amazon to check other people's reviews and match listings before I even think about it.

Maybe start a series on greatest fueds. Once they are all released, sell an ultimate-fued package set for a bulk price.

PS. I would really like Undertaker/Kane and/or HHH/HBK as they had great fueds with and against each other.
This is something I've wanted to see for a long time actually. I think it's a great idea on so many levels. Number one for me though is all of the great promos that are missed. No offense to anyone but alot of the so called greatest promos of all time don't do it for me. I think that alot of times people forget that you don't need a beer truck or an "it's your life" tag to make something great. This would allow the WWE to show so much more out of these fueds. They could literally show every match, every promo, every altercation between the two superstars. This could be a huge money maker for them. The possibilities are endless. Even a short fued that is legendary could work if they incorporated other people on the DVD to discuss it like they do already. I would love to see a Hogan/HBK DVD to go over that horrible mess Hulk created with that situation. Think of the promos in there as well. The promo where HBK came out in Montreal with the fake Bret Hart return is possibly one of the best promos of all time. They could spend the whole time going over the situation that developed leading up to the match. I just think that this whole concept in general is an awesome idea. Good thread.
I would kill for Raw and Nitro Season sets. Even Thunder and Smackdown. Then PPV sets to go along with these. So we can sit back and relive everything.

That would be priceless! I've waited for something like that for so long. A lot of these are really good ideas, but I don't know if I'd buy them coz I dont really like their new format of, especially documentary-style DVDs, where they have a bit of talking then matches... I preferred the whole, actual documentary thing and then matches for extras...
They should do a "Forgotten Classics" series with matches from Monday Nitro and Raw, kinda a "Forgeotten Classics Of The Monday Night Wars" ...this could be a continuing set w/ one or two DVD's per year.

The Greatest Fueds DVD would work if they used a lot of promos and beat downs, etc. Just having matches wont be nearly as good
I'd personally like to see a tag team dvd with teams from 80's and 90's on it maybe a match for some of the teams
I personally want to see an Evolution DVD. Evolution is at the height of it's superstardom, with HHH holding the WWE Title feuding with his former protoge Orton, the company's top draw. Batista will make an impact upon his return and Flair is an all-time watchable legend who did some of his best work as a mentor to Orton & Batista. Give me a 2 disc set, with commentary and matches and I'll watch that everyday.

i completley agree. and they can have the interveiws with superstars about what happened during and the aftermath of it.
OK, I'm just going to drop in here and say this - a Michaels/Undertaker DVD? Seriously? That's three fucking matches. Well, four if you count the Royal Rumble. Five if you count the next Royal Rumble. And then what, maybe twenty segments that would normally be extras.

Christ knows what they'd interview them about - how this was probably one of the most minor feuds in their careers and they have no idea why it's being made into a DVD, I guess. World's shortest DVD.
i would defently like a full year of raw dvds i missed some episodes from the attitude era that i would like to watch and see those classics i watched when i was little i got the best of raw's 1-3 and the 15 year one but i still feel i could get more but fuck the length would be crazy there would be like 20 discs for a full year so i think thats a no no the only thing i can think of is a best of each raw episode for a full year but do you think wwe would do this for us?...no

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